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[NickolasJames8] Three Authors, One Purpose

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Only fitting my niece, nephew and daughter who I raised as a semi single gay dad all call me on Mother's Day.. lol Pax.


I would like to announce the World Premier of The First Author Invitational, a collaboration featuring two of the greatest net authors around, Graeme and Yaalc, and myself. This is our tribute to one of the most overlooked factions of the Gay Fiction genre, in my opinion, the single mother.
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The three are completely different yet all three are amazing!


A Special Chemistry by Yaalc

A very unusual love story. You efficiently described the feelings of the Trevor and Marc at each step. But what I greatly appreciated was the conversation of Trevor with his mum. You made me realize that what we hear and see isn

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That is very different from you. :D


It is nice like they have said to see things thru the eyes of a young boy. I hope that this continues and shows him as he grows and tries to figure things out. B)


Bret :wub:

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A Special Chemistry by Yaalc

A very unusual love story. You efficiently described the feelings of the Trevor and Marc at each step. But what I greatly appreciated was the conversation of Trevor with his mum. You made me realize that what we hear and see isn

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Ok, so I find that my panties are all tied in a bunch over this collaborative literary romp.


Frankly, I see your single purpose not as honouring the plight of single moms, but rather as an opportunity to denigrate those men who have acted selfishly and irresponsibly by deserting their families. I am not saying that such men need not be admonished for their behaviour, but to do so on Father's Day belittles all the good fathers in this world, let alone the many organizations and individual men whose sole purpose is to reach out to fatherless boys. That sadens me deeply.


I think you're wrong, Nick, in saying single moms are an overlooked faction within the gay fiction genre. I could cite several excellent stories where the protagonist lives only with his mom. I believe single fathers are even more overlooked. A gay couple with adopted an child is even more of a rarity.


As to content, I only found Graeme's story to be well done. In Father's Day, we observe a very responsible mom who recognizes that her son's feelings of anger and abandonment toward his father no longer serve him. She takes the time to make him aware of the men in his life who have in fact helped shape him and who will continue to be a part of his life as he reaches for manhood.



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Frankly, I see your single purpose not as honouring the plight of single moms, but rather as an opportunity to denigrate those men who have acted selfishly and irresponsibly by deserting their families. I am not saying that such men need not be admonished for their behaviour, but to do so on Father's Day belittles all the good fathers in this world, let alone the many organizations and individual men whose sole purpose is to reach out to fatherless boys. That sadens me deeply.

I believe that the date that these stories was released was coincidental. It happened to be when everything was ready and it wasn't planned.


I disagree that this has belittled all the good fathers in this world. While it may be painful to admit that there are irresponsible sperm donors out there, denying it is wrong. I personally know of one "father" who was just waiting for the birth of his third child before he walked out the door to move in with his new girlfriend. When his wife found out, she kicked him out instead. His kids adored him, but he was too self-centered.


In the three stories, two were acknowledged as single parent families because the father walked out. In the third story, the reason is not mentioned. Even in Nick's story, the reason for the father not coming back is not described. It could be because he was callous, but it could be that something had happened that was outside of his control.


I think you're wrong, Nick, in saying single moms are an overlooked faction within the gay fiction genre. I could cite several excellent stories where the protagonist lives only with his mom. I believe single fathers are even more overlooked. A gay couple with adopted an child is even more of a rarity.

There are examples of all of these (Ryan Keith's Kayden series, for example) -- but I think the point that Nick was raising was that most of the stories with single mums don't place a lot of emphasis on the mother and her role. Some do (Dom Luka's Desert Droppings is a good example), but many don't. I will admit that I found it a challenge to work out what to write -- because I had to put myself into the mindset of a child with only a single parent, and then come up with a story idea.

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Ok, so I find that my panties are all tied in a bunch over this collaborative literary romp.


Frankly, I see your single purpose not as honouring the plight of single moms, but rather as an opportunity to denigrate those men who have acted selfishly and irresponsibly by deserting their families. I am not saying that such men need not be admonished for their behaviour, but to do so on Father's Day belittles all the good fathers in this world, let alone the many organizations and individual men whose sole purpose is to reach out to fatherless boys. That sadens me deeply.

As Graeme mentioned in his reply, the fact that his was released on Father's day was a coincidence, but I fail to see yout point of how a tribute to single moms belittles anyone. I mean, I grew up with a single dad until I was ten, and I wouldn't trade him for the world. There are a lot of moms, though, who are raising sons on their own, and I do think they're the most overlooked group of people in gay fiction.

The truth is, this was supposed to be released a week ago but there was a delay. I didn't want to put it off any longer, so I launched it today.


I think you're wrong, Nick, in saying single moms are an overlooked faction within the gay fiction genre. I could cite several excellent stories where the protagonist lives only with his mom. I believe single fathers are even more overlooked. A gay couple with adopted an child is even more of a rarity.

How many stories can you point to where a single mom is pointed out as the hero? i can name a few, like Maggie from Someday Out Of the Blue and Rory's mom from Dessert Dropping, but usually, they're either villians or minute characters. I wanted to try something different, so I focused on them.


As to content, I only found Graeme's story to be well done. In Father's Day, we observe a very responsible mom who recognizes that her son's feelings of anger and abandonment toward his father no longer serve him. She takes the time to make him aware of the men in his life who have in fact helped shape him and who will continue to be a part of his life as he reaches for manhood.




I agree that Graeme's story was great, but I think you're doing a great dis-service to Yaalc. He worked hard on the story he wrote, and personally, I think it turned out great. It's true, sci-fi or fantasy, or whatever you want to call it, isn't for everyone, but I know a great story when I see one and his was a great story. I'll give him props all day. :worship::worship::worship:

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The three are completely different yet all three are amazing!


A Special Chemistry by Yaalc

A very unusual love story. You efficiently described the feelings of the Trevor and Marc at each step. But what I greatly appreciated was the conversation of Trevor with his mum. You made me realize that what we hear and see isn

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Hey Nick I really appreciate your kind words.


On the other hand I respect Conner's opinion.


My story was never intended to appeal to everyone. And that in my opinion is a good thing. It show's the differences. I won't say what stories I havent like but there are some that are very popular. To each his own.


I do realize it seems awful coincedental to be posted today but that was never anyone's intent. We had a few delays, etc.


Besides it's only the Yanks that have fathers day today


Oh and Conner if you read this I am currently working on a story about a gay couple who have a son thrust upon them. I'll get it ging as soon as I finish the other story I've been so lazy to finish on DW.


Thanks for all the good comments from everyone else. :hug:

Edited by yaalc
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I respect Conners opinion too. I can see how the release date of the collabo and its theme might give the impression that we were tearing down dads, but that's not what we're doing. It's a fact of life that there are a lot of single moms, and in my opinion, they have it rough. It's just too easy for some (not all) men to make babies and them leave them holding the bag. Also, if you look at each story, the mom in question was raising a son.

There's a song that says, I finally understand that for a woman it aint easy trying to raise a man.


For me, that sums up the whole point of this project. I want to give credit where it's due, and in my opinion, single moms deserve a lot of props not just from the men they raise, but from those of us who've benefited from the job they did raising those men.

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Wow! This is not an easy topic to approach unless you've had experience of it, which, thankfully I haven't.


From three strong writers come three totally different takes, which was only to be expected. I read them in order.

Yaalc's 'A Special Chemistry' first. I liked it, then I hated it and was about to stop reading. I'm so glad I didn't. What a peachy twist to an excellent story. SciFi is one of my favourite genres, and this was top notch. And, I've discovered another good writer too.


Graeme's 'Father's Day' came next. I've started reading all Graeme's fiction with an Australian accent :) Another goody. Then I never expected anything less.


Finally Nick's 'A Shining Light'. What can I say? Not only do I still regularly lose my keys, but at the age of ten I was caught by my parents in an old dress, wearing high heels with make up on. I still have the photo somewhere.


This collaboration was a terrific treat. Thanks all!



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Darn, coming in late again. So all the clever things were said already... Yaalc's tale got me the most riveted because of the suspense/ sci-fi element. Same as Camy on this one, I almost stopped reading after the accident but I was intrigued by the 20-year flash forward and it made me want to go on.


Graeme's story made quite nicely the point that role models can be other male figures. Good choice of life snippets to show this.


Nick has a knack for telling stories from a child's point of view. Both the insecurity and the carelessness are well-conveyed. The portrait of the mother is tender and realistic. Having read a few chapters of WTDBMY casts a peculiar light on this feat.


As for the big debate that took place, it's very interesting since I read the reactions after reading the stories and though I always watch arguments without much pleasure, it offers a most interesting exchange. Maybe stating the purpose gives away the fun, and in terms of FM (fiction marketing), such a statement should be avoided.


Overall, a nice collaboration. Repeat the experiment whenever you feel like it, guys.

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Darn, coming in late again. So all the clever things were said already... Yaalc's tale got me the most riveted because of the suspense/ sci-fi element. Same as Camy on this one, I almost stopped reading after the accident but I was intrigued by the 20-year flash forward and it made me want to go on.


Graeme's story made quite nicely the point that role models can be other male figures. Good choice of life snippets to show this.


Nick has a knack for telling stories from a child's point of view. Both the insecurity and the carelessness are well-conveyed. The portrait of the mother is tender and realistic. Having read a few chapters of WTDBMY casts a peculiar light on this feat.


As for the big debate that took place, it's very interesting since I read the reactions after reading the stories and though I always watch arguments without much pleasure, it offers a most interesting exchange. Maybe stating the purpose gives away the fun, and in terms of FM (fiction marketing), such a statement should be avoided.


Overall, a nice collaboration. Repeat the experiment whenever you feel like it, guys.


Thanks Bondwriter..... :) There's always room for another collaborator for the next project :fire: :fire: :fire:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I'm late...


Three very different pieces, which I liked very much!


The different "Messages" in each story made them each poigniant in a different way.


Well done, everyone! :worship:

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Sorry I'm late...


Three very different pieces, which I liked very much!


The different "Messages" in each story made them each poigniant in a different way.


Well done, everyone! :worship:



Wow, thanks CJ....dang, for that compliment, I think I'll take the Goat Recipe Cook Book out of my signature. :)

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