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2007 Summer Movies


What Was the best/worse summer movie?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. What was the Best/Worse summer movie this year?

    • Spider-Man 3
    • Shrek the Third
    • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
    • Ocean's Thirteen
    • Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer
    • Evan Almighty
    • Live Free or Die Hard
    • Ratatouille
    • Transformers
    • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    • The Simpsons Movie
    • The Bourne Ultimatum
    • Rush Hour 3
    • I don't like movies with numbers
  2. 2. What sucked/disappointed this summer?

    • Spider-Man 3
    • Shrek the Third
    • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
    • Ocean's Thirteen
    • Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer
    • Evan Almighty
    • Live Free or Die Hard
    • Ratatouille
    • Transformers
    • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    • The Simpsons Movie
    • The Bourne Ultimatum
    • Rush Hour 3
    • Nothing stank bad enough to single it out
  3. 3. As a rule:

    • I watch a lot of summer movies
    • I watch the few that catch my eye, wait for the rest on video
    • I hate spending 7-10 bucks for a ticket to nasty, sticky theatre
    • It was summer?
    • I would rather rent, watch at my leisure
    • Hollywood sucks balls- gimme Indie
  4. 4. Do you take a date to a summer movie?

    • Sure if you're like 13- duh!
    • No problemo unless its just plain inappropriate
    • If/when I get a date, I hide them from public view so it will take longer to steal them.
    • What's a date?
    • Now I'm depressed you bastard.
  5. 5. On vacation:

    • I may catch a movie
    • I would rather do something else
    • I may catch a movie if: its good / I'm a fan
    • I may catch a movie if others in the party want to.

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The 2007 Summer Movie Season


Well- summer is almost over and so is the summer movie season.


What movies did you see? What was good? What was bad?


What new actors and actresses impressed?



Spider-Man 3

Shrek the Third

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Ocean's Thirteen

Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer

Evan Almighty

Live Free or Die Hard



Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The Simpsons Movie

The Bourne Ultimatum

Rush Hour 3



What do you think?

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Nice poll James :worship: .

I would like to add a few other questions to your poll :

How many times did you go to see a movie in a cinema (no home cinema !) in the last 12 months ?



Once a quarter

Once a month


I don't remember


Can you edit it or shall I post my own poll ?


BTW, when I was at the university, I went to see a movie (most unknown "art"-movies) twice a week !

Later, as business, part of my job was to "hunt" movies and projects and to imagine how much money we could make with them. I had sometimes to "check" up to 15 movies one after the other ! It wasn't no more fun :angry: .

Today, what I prefer is to go to a "Festival" for instance Cannes or Locarno. You can follow the development of the film industry in the "emergent" countries and "support" the fight against the overwhelming power of Hollywood :P . All the nice theatres in my town where I liked to go are gone now :( .

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what I prefer is to go to a "Festival" for instance Cannes or Locarno


Ahh! You went to Cannes! Wow, that's so cool. It's one of my mad dreams!



As for the answer to your question, I go to cine about one a quarter! Only once during holidays.


Take care,


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If you notice, there wasn't many movies on there geared for the Women of the world.. lol. I don't really remember a good "chick flick" this year either. I haven't watched one at all. I think the closest thing that came to it was, "Knocked Up," and I haven't watched that movie yet.



So, I mostly watched the animated stories, but the Comic Book junk just needs to die out, I'm sorry.. lol. None of them really excite me about the movies. The good thing about the Harry Potter series, the new team that have working on it finally did the books a bit of justice. I have caught up with the movie series in my reading.. and I can finally say "good job." :)




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Shia LaBeouf made a real statement in 2007 with strong performances in major roles in Disturbia and Transformers. In '08 he will appear as Indiannia Jone's son and in '09 he will reprise his role as Sam Witwicky in Transformers 2.


Bob: I can't figure out how to add that question. It looks like I've got the # of questions maxed out.

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The only movie I saw this summer was Ocean's Thirteen. I went mainly because I'm a big Brad Pitt fan. This movie totally sucked. Pitt's participation in the movie was like a "cameo appearance". The lines he got were just so inept. As usual, the plot was so complicated, I didn't understand what was going on half the time. :thumbdown:


For best movie, I voted for Fantastic Four. I haven't seen it. I saw the first one though, and Chris Evans was just yummy. Do I need a better reason? :D


I don't go to theatres often. In my view, movies are for entertainment. It's not an art form (making them is, but not watching them; the same goes for wine tasting, sorry dudes, not an art form but keep trying :P ). So watching movies in the comfort of my own home really works.


Great poll, James! :2thumbs: I particularly liked some of the choices you offered like, "Now I'm depressed, you bastard!"




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I've seen none of the movies listed; I rarely watch TV or movies, and I think the last movie I saw in a theater was "Titanic". I do occasionally rent movies, but the local video store has a poor selection; only "family" recent stuff, nothing with an "R" rating, etc. They are also a real PITA if you forget to rewind, and charge you a buck extra AND you get snarled at by the old lady who runs it.

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Bob: I can't figure out how to add that question. It looks like I've got the # of questions maxed out.

Hey James, thanks for your prompt answer :worship:

I will perhaps start later my own poll. It just interested me to see if the same happened in the States like it was in Europe, the closing of a lot of theaters and the crowd forgetting that cinema is the Seventh Art :P .

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I haven't seen any movies over the last few months, but that's normal for me.


James -- I had to laugh with your 7-10 bucks for a movie comment. I'll tell you now -- don't bother coming to Australia to see a movie :P


One thing that was very annoying was the marketing of some of the movies. The fast food chains were using toys to advertise certain movies, but those movies had M ratings and so kids weren't allowed to see them (eg. Spiderman 3). Happily, our boys aren't used to going to the cinema so they didn't hassle us to take them.

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I'm a huge Indie film fan. Mainstream movies seem to be missing something, and they're also, for the most part, safe. So I do like to watch a few independent films now and then. As long as they aren't... too out of left field.. lol.




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I've seen none of the movies listed; I rarely watch TV or movies, and I think the last movie I saw in a theater was "Titanic". I do occasionally rent movies, but the local video store has a poor selection; only "family" recent stuff, nothing with an "R" rating, etc. They are also a real PITA if you forget to rewind, and charge you a buck extra AND you get snarled at by the old lady who runs it.


Rewind??? :blink: Well, I guess living in the 90's isn't really too far behind. :P


I agree, snarly old ladies can get real mean. Scary mean.



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Because the first item in the poll was a little confusing ("Best/Worse"), here are my choices:


Best movie: Bourne Ultimatum (best of the series)

(But I haven't seen Hairspray or Superbad yet, friends say both are A+)


Worst movie (oh, so many to chose from): Evan Almighty (I thought it might be the worst movie of the century until friends told me about Daddy Day Camp which I won't see)


Most Disappointing movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (OMG, that was so bad and it should have been so good!)


I don't "take a date" to summer movies, but I almost always go with my BF Doug


Colin B)

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I just have to say Transformers rocked!!!

Transformers did rock!


Incidentally I did take a date to that movie. He didn't like it; I did. *shrug*


I think the absolute best summer movie was by far Spiderman 3! It completely ruled! I really think the movies in that particular franchise are getting progressively better with this last one really blowing the other two out of the water.




If you notice, there wasn't many movies on there geared for the Women of the world.. lol. I don't really remember a good "chick flick" this year either.

Krista, go watch Evening, NOW! It was great, IMO!! :worship:


As a "chick flick" fan myself, I do agree with you overall though: there really wasn't a breakaway hit this year (although like I said Evening rocked even if it wasn't a hot commodity). The most recent really popular chick flick was probably Notes on a Scandal.


Of course I do feel it necessary to point out that the poll is targeting "summer movies". Summer Movies are almost by definition going to be big brand sequels are flashy first installments of an epic/action movie...or more disgustingly the sort of drivel err "work" comedians like Will Ferrel put out :nuke:


The only Will Ferrel movie I've ever found enjoyable was Stranger Than Fiction, and it's undoubtedly no coincidence that it was nearer drama than comedy. I also found Bewitched "watchable", but again that was only because 1) It had Nicole Kidman in it! 2) The TV series is an old favourite of mine. And anyway he still annoyed me in that movie. I will say I actually thought he was good in Stranger Than Fiction though. I had hopes that he'd pull a "Jim Carry" and become a pretty decent actor by steering toward more serious work...doesn't look like he's going to any time soon though.


Oh in the recent chick flick movie realm, I did enjoy Because I Said So well enough. It wasn't awesome, but it wasn't a disappointment.



Most Disappointing movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (OMG, that was so bad and it should have been so good!)

I'd agree with that. I really didn't dislike it, but yeah it really wasn't that good. They just had too many balls in the air.


I also saw and enjoyed the most recent installment of Harry Potter. It wasn't much better than the last one (which IMO was probably the weakest link so far), and I've enjoyed all of them (even the one I just sorta dissed :P ), but I don't think it was as stand out good as Spidey 3 or Transformers.




Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Transformers did rock!


Incidentally I did take a date to that movie. He didn't like it; I did. *shrug*


I think the absolute best summer movie was by far Spiderman 3! It completely ruled! I really think the movies in that particular franchise are getting progressively better with this last one really blowing the other two out of the water.

Krista, go watch Evening, NOW! It was great, IMO!! :worship:


I'll have to agree with that, Spiderman 3 was awesome. What was even better was that when I went to see it there were only two other people in the cinema other then me and my brother :lol:

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I'll have to agree with that, Spiderman 3 was awesome. What was even better was that when I went to see it there were only two other people in the cinema other then me and my brother :lol:


I think the absolute best summer movie was by far Spiderman 3! It completely ruled! I really think the movies in that particular franchise are getting progressively better with this last one really blowing the other two out of the water.


I totally Disagree! When i went and saw Spiderman 3, I was sorely disappointed, it totally sucked.


I really really liked Disturbia, and The Borne Ultimatum, those were my two favorites of the year. I have yet to se Transformers, but I am sure that I will enjoy it when I get around to it.


Great poll!


Kurt :D

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Rewind??? :blink: Well, I guess living in the 90's isn't really too far behind. :P


I agree, snarly old ladies can get real mean. Scary mean.




She doesn't stock DVD's, calls 'em "Newfangled, complicated crap". I do have a DVD player though, got it last year. I just haven't much use for it. LoL


Bear in mind that her "movie store" in an alcove the size of a walk-in closet off a small general store that she owns. I'm pretty sure that she has under 200 titles, total, and most of 'em Disney type stuff. She won't carry anything above a PG rating anyway. She gets away with it becuase she's the only rental place for an hour's drive in every direction. They've got a blockbuster video store in another town, but that's well over an hour's drive each way for me, so I rarely use it. They do have DVD's though. In fact, I think they went all DVD this year.

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The best movie of the Summer was Super Bad, infact it may be the best comedy in 10 years.



B) ..........I vote for The Borne Ultimatum as best, Spidy 3 2nd.......and because I like Harry Potter movies 3rd (Notice how everyone like grew up like overnight, except Harry?)

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I totally Disagree! When i went and saw Spiderman 3, I was sorely disappointed, it totally sucked.

Kurt :D


Do you even read the comics??? That film was the closest out of all 3 to the comics, and Tobey Maguire even managed a half decent job in this one

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She doesn't stock DVD's, calls 'em "Newfangled, complicated crap". I do have a DVD player though, got it last year. I just haven't much use for it. LoL


Bear in mind that her "movie store" in an alcove the size of a walk-in closet off a small general store that she owns. I'm pretty sure that she has under 200 titles, total, and most of 'em Disney type stuff. She won't carry anything above a PG rating anyway. She gets away with it becuase she's the only rental place for an hour's drive in every direction. They've got a blockbuster video store in another town, but that's well over an hour's drive each way for me, so I rarely use it. They do have DVD's though. In fact, I think they went all DVD this year.


You're in the perfect situation for Netflix.

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The best movie of the Summer was Super Bad, infact it may be the best comedy in 10 years.



A lot of people like Super Bad so far but it came out too late to be considered a "summer" movie. More like a back-to-school-in-the-heat-of-bleeting-August movie.

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She doesn't stock DVD's, calls 'em "Newfangled, complicated crap". I do have a DVD player though, got it last year. I just haven't much use for it. LoL


Bear in mind that her "movie store" in an alcove the size of a walk-in closet off a small general store that she owns. I'm pretty sure that she has under 200 titles, total, and most of 'em Disney type stuff. She won't carry anything above a PG rating anyway. She gets away with it becuase she's the only rental place for an hour's drive in every direction. They've got a blockbuster video store in another town, but that's well over an hour's drive each way for me, so I rarely use it. They do have DVD's though. In fact, I think they went all DVD this year.






Start a video store. If that's the extent of your competetion, you can kick that ass with your eyes shut.

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