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Happy Birthday, Rose Strailo


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May you get all that you desire in life and more.

May the Almighty shower you with all His blessings and make your wishes come true.

May you keep on smiling for ever.

May you celebrate a long life.




Happy Birthday, honey!


BeaStKid :devil:

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Thank you, guys. To me, it's still a day early, but I don't care. I still thank you all. :hug: all around. :wub:

Darn that BK. It was already tomorrow there while it was still today here. So now all of us here will have to wish you a happy birthday again tomorrow when it will be yesterday where BK lives. I think. I dunno. CJ has me all confused.

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Thank you again you guys. *giggles* To me, it's still March 25th, and my birthday is March 26. I don't mind, really I don't.

So, don't worry about it. I ended up getting my cake two days early to. Good stuff to.


Rose happy birthday in advance, take a day off writing you deserve it, just enjoy it and do it in the kitchen near the chopping block ;)



I plan on doing what I enjoy best. And that's reading, writing a bit and ripping my cousins a new one for being jerks on my birthday. Ah, the fun of it all.

Again, thank you every one. :hug::wub:

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*reads posts* *snickers softly*

Thanks you guys. It means a lot to me that you are saying this. I can't say that enough.

Anyways, I know what Jason meant, even if it does seem to have a double meaning. *innocent look* I've opened my presents and I'll be chewing my cousins a new one tomorrow sometime.

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Happy Birthday Rose!


May the insanity continue for many years to come :P

(because sanity is over-rated)


That is so true. Sanity is over rated.

Thanks dear. :hug:


Did they give you a crappy gift? Or did they forget to give you a gift?


Naw. They're jerks and they've been mean to me over the past few months. I get to rip them a new one about that.

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Naw. They're jerks and they've been mean to me over the past few months. I get to rip them a new one about that.

Happy ripping. Let me know if you need any help. That's what friends are for! :)

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Happy ripping. Let me know if you need any help. That's what friends are for! :)



I will. It's the only time of year that I can get away with it. And they won't be able to touch me when their birthdays come up since I'm nice to them.

Anyways, I'm off to enjoy my cake and watch movies for now. *bounces off*

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It's now officially your birthday,, I'm not late nor early!! :P


Happy B-DAY Rose,, I hope that you're having a fantastic day! that everything that you could possibly wish to have, that you'll get it,,, :P


happy b-day,, and do something for you !!

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