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Let the Music Play, Chapter 43


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B) ........Alas, just when I was going to give the goat the benefit of the doubt about his title his following has dictated his rightful place. His Shadowyness will have to wait and compete, although I doubt he can top the wily goats efforts.


BTW, by all means post the recipe, never know when it could come in handy!!

Roast Cabrito Recipe


Place one kid goat with hams and shoulders on bottom of roasting rack top with the ribs and backstrap or tenderloin. Make a basting sauce of the following:


* 1 stick of butter, we prefer unsalted butter for the sweet taste

* 2 cloves of fresh garlic, minced

* 1 Teaspoon Salt Juice of one lime

* 1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce

* 1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce

1 Tablespoon Celery Salt

* 1/2 Teaspoon each, Rosemary, Basil, Savory and Oregano

* 1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper


Melt butter in microwave and add the garlic, salt and lime juice. Heat thoroughly in microwave. Add the rest of the ingredients. Pour over cabrito and roast for about 3-4 hours covered with foil, basting often with the sauce in the roasting pan. After 4 hours, uncover and baste thoroughly and cook in oven an additional 45 minutes to 1 hour. This will cause the meat to crust over. Baste with the sauce as often as you can. This will keep the meat from drying out. Carve and serve with fresh pico de gallo and sliced avocado.


Source: http://www.t4ranch.com/recipes.html


Note: The tequila is best when consumed by the cook after roasting is completed.

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Yesterday at work my boss brought in a jamaican dish. It was Roast Goat flavored with curry powder and many different kinds of spices. I am saving some for lunch on monday. it was pretty good.

Edited by rbenn5
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Yesterday at work my boss brought in a jamaican dish. It was Roast Goat flavored with curry powder and many different kinds of spices. I am saving some for lunch on monday. it was pretty good.

I'm thinking GA could have a best-seller on its hands if we collaborated on a cookbook featuring goat meat. Myr would never have to worry about funding GA ever again! hungry.gif

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I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait anymore for the four paragraphs. So last night I hacked into CJ's computer (BTW, on a side note, I have never in my life seen so many files of pictures of goats.......and none of them wearing any clothes :lmao: ). So here is the first four paragraphs:



Seeing that his words had their desired effect, and hoping that his final sacrifice would not be in vain, Eric stood tall, chest puffed and shoulders back, brave and unafraid as he closed his eyes to await his end.


Brandon, knowing that he only had about one second left, made one final glance over to Chase who had a pleading look on his face for Brandon not to sacrifice his brother for his own.


Suddenly, before even Brandon's eyes could show any reaction, the ghost of Gunter materialized behind Dimitri. Instantly the apparition seized the muscle between Dimitri's shoulder and neck and applied the correct amount of pressure to the right nerve to deliver a perfect Vulcan nerve grip. Dimitri, not having any time to react, was instantly rendered unconscious, dropping the blade pressed against Chase's neck and the service revolver pointed at Brandon to the floor.


With a struggled "oomph", Dimitri would never wake to find he had fallen on his own dropped blade. Piercing him just below the middle of the rib cage, and at the angle, it immediately stopped his heart. Other than a damp wet spot on the front of his pants, no other fluid had the chance to escape his body.


Knowing that he was still protecting his employers, his friends, his boys, Gunther winked to a startled Brandon and vaporized before anyone else could see what he did.



BTW, please don't think I ended it where I did in order to get the maximum tense ending. I didn't. I can't say more without giving spoilers, but think on this; had I ended it anywhere once Dimitri arrived at the house, it would have been a tense ending, right? :)

LOL, this sounds to me like we're in for a BIGGER cliffhanger after reading those 4 paragraphs!! :blink:


OK, now is the time to tell you: I added a few typos. Mwah! Ha! Ha! It seemed it was the least I could do to mimic the behavior of the unsavory characters of a terrorist kind you relish in bringing to life. They (the typos, of course) are carefully hidden, and I'll tell you where they are ONLY if you deliver the remaining chapters with Instinct unharmed (go for the dream stuff for 43, Dimitri could have chewed on some hallucinogenic plants as he was in his lair...)



Oh, BTW, with the Echidna's blessing, and in order to change the current level of tension many of you found in the last chapter ending, I will post the first four paragraphs of Ch 44 Sunday evening, in this thread. And no, no trickery on my part, they really do

cover the remainder of the scene in the house.

*looks at his watch*


Ahm, so just where are these paragraphs?!?


(Surely 9:30 am is considered evening? :boy: )


I'm thinking GA could have a best-seller on its hands if we collaborated on a cookbook featuring goat meat. Myr would never have to worry about funding GA ever again! hungry.gif

Yes, if it gets really popular and mainstream goat meat may become known as a staple in the gay diet.

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Yes, if it gets really popular and mainstream goat meat may become known as a staple in the gay diet.

Aw Kev. We're gonna have to come up with a recipe that you can enjoy without violating your dietary preferences. I wonder if the Goat Flower is edible? They look remarkably like goat testicles. I suppose two of them topping a salad would be an acceptable alternative to actual goat meat.

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LOL, this sounds to me like we're in for a BIGGER cliffhanger after reading those 4 paragraphs!! :blink:


Huh? But Kevin, I almost never use cliffhangers! 0:)


*looks at his watch*Ahm, so just where are these paragraphs?!?


(Surely 9:30 am is considered evening? :boy: )


Ya know, i saw this post, and forgot all about the "evening" part and went off to post it So. we have Kevin to thank for the posting of those four paragraphs... :devil:


Yes, if it gets really popular and mainstream goat meat may become known as a staple in the gay diet.


Oh no, now even the vegetarians want to put me on the menu!! Time to go hide... :ph34r:

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Wow, so many things running through my head. Most of which would be inappropriate to post here. Lets just say that I almost yelled out the F bomb. Didn't stop me from chanting it over and over again in my head with the name CJ attached.


And of course I had to take the goat bate and read the first bit of 44.


I reserve all further judgment for CJ till the end of this story! Master of Evil

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Wow, so many things running through my head. Most of which would be inappropriate to post here. Lets just say that I almost yelled out the F bomb. Didn't stop me from chanting it over and over again in my head with the name CJ attached.


And of course I had to take the goat bate and read the first bit of 44.


I reserve all further judgment for CJ till the end of this story! Master of Evil


Ack! :ph34r:


BTW, I can't be the Master of Evil.. that's Shadowgod's title. :)


The title of the next chapter is "El Vohzd". Dimitri calls The Scar "Vohzd" as an honorific; it's Russian for "Boss" but it was also what Stalin was often called by his inner circle. "El" is Spanish for "the". So, in "El Vohzd" we have a Spanish-Russian mix for "The Boss".


CJ :)

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That reminds me of a definition for Boss that I heard a long time ago. BOSS stands for double Son of B*tch, spelled backwards.

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That reminds me of a definition for Boss that I heard a long time ago. BOSS stands for double Son of B*tch, spelled backwards.

Would that make it: Father Of a Bitch? Or would it be the other way around? As in: Son of a future SOB? confused.gif

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