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[DomLuka] I hate myself

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After having read In the Fish Bowl a while back, I promised myself never to start another unfinished Dom story. Or rather never to start one that was looking like it wouldn't be updated soon.


And seeing as I so adamantly warned myself not to do that again, I wasn't at all surprised when I began reading With Trust. After all, it had been the one story of Dom's I'd really ever told myself not to read. I'd just read TOU again, along with TOSM, and I was just dying for more Dom.


I did it. I read the story I'd warned myself not to read. And now I'm going through a massive Domxiety Attack because of it. I hate myself for reading it. I was the little kid with his hand in the cookie jar, except in my cookie jar was a mouse trap of sadness. :(


So yeah, basically I just feel stupid for having done that. The story was pretty good. Actually, it was really good. That's probably why it hurt when I saw the little advertisement at the bottom of the last chapter, and I realized it was all over. Why Dom? Why?!


For now I think I'm just going to pound my head into the wall. Feel free to join me if you'd like.


Cheers to Stupidity!


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:lol: You are sooo funny! And no, I'm not mocking you.


It does suck when you do something you were opposed to, or you let your guard down, so to speak. With Trust, as well as the rest of Dom's stories, are truly amazing. Now while you were reading it, didn't you enjoy it hardcore? Sure, it sucks massively that there are no more updates and you're left hanging without the concluding plot, but it was a fun ride while it lasted? That's like everything in life... eating your favorite meal only to finish it too soon and you have none left. Just enjoy the moment. No regrets!


That's my little pep talk for you.


I feel your pain. :wub: But you'll get over it soon....read some other stories on this website. There are a bunch of amazing authors. I love them all.

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At least I get to finish my favorite meals. Nobody pulls it out from underneath me, they'd know better than that. I'd gnaw their arm off in a barbaric rage.


But yeah, it was a great ride while it lasted. It's just a shame that it was over before it ended. For now I guess I'll start rereading other stories that I've probably read too many times. Maybe I'll look at some other authors works too. Stories are like sex positions; you have to try new ones out every once in a while. Sometimes the new ones are good, really good, but every now and then you've just got to go back to the old favorites.


I'll always keep coming back to Dom's...

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You make a very good point; you do get to finish your meals. If someone tried to take the remaining food away from me, they'd better be prepared for a hardcore ass-kicking.


I love your sex/stories analogy. It's true, discovering new ones are amazing and fun, but no matter what, you're always loyal to the best and most satisfying...


Anyway, read some old favs, try some new authors, and then when the sting isn't so bad, maybe you can come back to Dom. I mean, since you know how the story goes, maybe it won't feel so bad when there are no more chapters...then again, you might be setting yourself up for more torture.

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After having read In the Fish Bowl a while back, I promised myself never to start another unfinished Dom story. Or rather never to start one that was looking like it wouldn't be updated soon.


And seeing as I so adamantly warned myself not to do that again, I wasn't at all surprised when I began reading With Trust. After all, it had been the one story of Dom's I'd really ever told myself not to read. I'd just read TOU again, along with TOSM, and I was just dying for more Dom.


I did it. I read the story I'd warned myself not to read. And now I'm going through a massive Domxiety Attack because of it. I hate myself for reading it. I was the little kid with his hand in the cookie jar, except in my cookie jar was a mouse trap of sadness. :(


So yeah, basically I just feel stupid for having done that. The story was pretty good. Actually, it was really good. That's probably why it hurt when I saw the little advertisement at the bottom of the last chapter, and I realized it was all over. Why Dom? Why?!


For now I think I'm just going to pound my head into the wall. Feel free to join me if you'd like.


Cheers to Stupidity!




B) ..................How funny, I did the same thing in reverse!! I followed 'With Trust' and swore I would not read ITFB until it was completed. :( ...But when I was out of a PC for a couple of weeks, (I needed a fix) I got bored and I read ITFB twice :blink:

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Okay, start suggesting something for me to read guys, I'm dying here.


Nifty is driving me crazy, and I don't want to look at it for another minute. That site contains thousands of stories; I thought I would find something. When I finally found a story with some tact, and it took hours by-the-way, I think I died a little on the inside. I regret reading that first chapter.


The good news is that through all of this I've developed a deeper appreciation for my 12 year-old brother. His ability to control the English language appears better than many of the authors I saw on Nifty. I think I'll tell him that the next time I call him. He'll smile at that, and maybe he'll consider writing more often.


If you wouldn't mind, please suggest a story or two for me to read. I fear if I peruse Nifty any longer I'll end up tearing the pretty, new LCD screen right off my laptop.

Edited by stotto
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Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I think there's enough material to tide me over for a month. Maybe a week if I go at it like I have been. I'll be done with all of Ronyx's stories by tomorrow night it seems. Thanks bunches for the suggestions!

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