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[DomLuka] Never Was-part I

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I've been pondering the title (Never Was) and I'm wondering if it refers to Taylor's relationship with James, the BF he just poisoned with the milk,


or *gasp* could it be telegraphing that the relationship between Taylor & Luke will be short-lived? Just a quick fling? :wacko:

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Funny how getting Taylor's voice has made me re-evaluate the whole thing. Like, in TOU, I never really thought he was all that serious about his crush on Quinn. Maybe because Quinn was such a pain in the ass for most of the story, it was hard enough figuring that Saint Jude liked him let alone both those guys. Or maybe because we saw Taylor through Quinn's eyes in TOU, and Quinn never liked Taylor all that much even though he learned to be friends with him later on. But I always saw his flirting as more something he did because he knew how much it annoyed Quinn, rather than any real unrequited crush or anything like that.


But now we have Taylor's point of view, and it seems he was actually quite smitten with Quinn and was actually quite hurt and rejected when Quinn wasn't into him. It's made me re-interpret a whole lot of their interaction in TOU, and see it in a whole new light!


Moreover, I guess I never saw Taylor as all that sensitive before. But it seems like he's really a romantic at heart. I mean, he was one of my favourite characters because he just seemed so brazen and brought great comic relief to every scene he was in. But I never saw him as the heart-on-sleeve type before. Just goes to show how dismissive we can be of some characters or maybe even of some real people when we don't know what's truly going on inside their minds.

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Funny how getting Taylor's voice has made me re-evaluate the whole thing. Like, in TOU, I never really thought he was all that serious about his crush on Quinn. Maybe because Quinn was such a pain in the ass for most of the story, it was hard enough figuring that Saint Jude liked him let alone both those guys. Or maybe because we saw Taylor through Quinn's eyes in TOU, and Quinn never liked Taylor all that much even though he learned to be friends with him later on. But I always saw his flirting as more something he did because he knew how much it annoyed Quinn, rather than any real unrequited crush or anything like that.


But now we have Taylor's point of view, and it seems he was actually quite smitten with Quinn and was actually quite hurt and rejected when Quinn wasn't into him. It's made me re-interpret a whole lot of their interaction in TOU, and see it in a whole new light!


Moreover, I guess I never saw Taylor as all that sensitive before. But it seems like he's really a romantic at heart. I mean, he was one of my favourite characters because he just seemed so brazen and brought great comic relief to every scene he was in. But I never saw him as the heart-on-sleeve type before. Just goes to show how dismissive we can be of some characters or maybe even of some real people when we don't know what's truly going on inside their minds.


Ok, now I need to read this story. I love getting view points from other characters. It provides a whole different take on the story and reminds you that first person stories show you only one, biased interpretation events.

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I saw the curly, blond hair and the dog and I thought, maybe, but I kind of rolled my eyes at myself. Like 'yeah, right, there's no way it's him.' And then *gasp* LUKE. I'm all sorts of giddy.

That's how I felt :wub: . I remember when I first finished reading it, I tried finding a few people online to see if they read it the same way. I kept thinking, 'it can't be DD Luke'.

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