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Gay Movies?


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Hey everyone, I just wondered if anyone had seen any good gay themed movies lately. Last night I watched Beautiful Thing, it was an excellent coming out/ love story. I actually think it was the first gay movie I've watched. Anyone have any more recommendations?

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I liked Latter Days. There was another one but I can't recall the name of it...


Yes, Sommerstrom German for "Summer Storm") was good as well and can be found on YouTube it is in German so be sure to find it with English subtitles.

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It really depending if you really want to see deep into the gay culture ie like QueerAsFolks

or something lightly sprinkled

or something in the middle


For some reason, foreign gay films show a bit more skin than american ones


New ones that might be interesting


Last-Day-Nicole-Garcia 2005

Just a Question of Love (2000)


I saw this one


Nici and Dani (spelling)


My issue with Gay Movies - I haven't seen one that really hits me like the stories we read off the internet

hehe my dream job would be to turn these stories into movies or tv shows but have proceeds to help the cause of Gay awareness

but the reality is the public eye


not sure if the Gay Channel ever took off

the bad thing is the commericalization of gay as another commodity to make money off is not helping the cause

Edited by hh5
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If you like eye candy and such, look up the movie: "Phoenix." The acting isn't all that grand, but the story-line is cute. And all the actors are hot. I also had the 'displeasure' of watching Boy Culture as well.. and I'm sorry, but I didn't like that movie at all.. lol. Latter Days, Borstal Boy, and the German movie, can't remember the title are all good. My favorites though are, Shelter and Latter Days.


Some that I want to see are,


C.R.A.Z.Y? Is that the title? And, Edge of Seventeen.


That's my gay movie experience... well other than the Brokeback experiment.. haha.

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I loved Shelter, and Latter Days was amazing. "Soldier's Girl" is a good one, but I cried for quite awhile after that one. "But, I'm A Cheerleader" is a funny one. Complete opposite of Soldier's Girl. And I haven't seen it but a friend of mine has reccomended 'The most unfabulous life of some person or other.' Torch Song Trilogy is another good one. "Camp" is kind of a gay themed musical (note that I kind of hate this movie, but you might like it, everyone's different). Have fun. And just to let you know, I actually saw most of these movies on Youtube for the first time. I went out and bought them and I haven't checked back, but it might be worth checking out. I had to buy most of these on the internet or order them in stores.

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The only one Ive ever watched was "All Over the Guy" it was really good. It even had "Kate" from NCIS, Sasha Alexander.


I had satilite for a short period of time and this came on one of the channels and I recorded it. That was over 2 years ago and I still have the tape AND I still watch it.


"Then we went where no two guys should go without a prescription" LOL I love that quote!




Ive been wanting to read, and watch, Latter Days but havent been able to do either.

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I don't know any "gay-themed movies"....well, I don't know any worth reccommending. I've only seen one, and I thought I may as well take a little time to condemn it, just in case someone almost watched it by accident.



"I pronounce you Chuck and Larry"


Basically, a film with Adam Sandler in it. Enough said, really. Please don't watch it. You masy never recover (I certainly haven't).



Martin 0:)

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"I pronounce you Chuck and Larry"


Basically, a film with Adam Sandler in it. Enough said, really. Please don't watch it. You masy never recover (I certainly haven't).


I watched it recently. It was pretty bad.


Adam Sandler has been in a couple of good films. This wasn't one of them.

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