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I'm quite unsure that this discussion of rat meat is of any value to the readers. I, for one, would like to move on.


I have no doubt that rats have been served up as food for centuries. I have no doubt that rats continue to be a source of sustenance for many humans. Eating rats has got hunger all beat to hell.


So, unless we're all prepared to start exchanging rat recipies. let us please discuss more interesting aspects of this story.


Mark, I know and understand that you are a strong supporter of free speech. If someone wants to talk about eating rat meat, you will not prevent them from doing so. I'm begging you, enough of rats. It has no conclusion that hasn't already been presented.


All I can say at this point is, "Rats!" :P


LOL! Well, I'm right with you. And I'm working on getting the next chapter posted soon.


I'm quite unsure that this discussion of rat meat is of any value to the readers.


well, historical circumstances of any historical fiction are usually worth discussion in opinion of those who read historical fiction because it is historical.

From your comment, I gather your interest likely is not in the historical element of these.



So, unless we're all prepared to start exchanging rat recipies.


do you have rat recipes ?

I should have guessed.


I do not have rat recipes. In my best recollection, I have never eaten any ratmeat.

if you have eaten such, could you please tell about that experience. I think it is morbidly curiosity-intriguing.





I ave heard that some people have rats as pets.

does anybody here ?


(when I heard, a decade and more ago, about pet rats, I remember I though it was morbid...)


Of course I eat rat! It tastes like chicken.


Here you go. Note: Rats with big cocks are typically tastier.


Rat Kabob


Shave the rat.

Spice with whatever you can get your hands on.

Impale the shaved spiced rat on a spike or other suitable device. (We're not roasting marshmellows here, folks!)

Hold the rat over an open flame or other suitable heat source. Note: ensure the spike or device does not conduct heat. Note 2: Flamethrowers tend to increase crispiness.

Rotate until thoroughly burnt.

Pass the rat to an unsuspecting friend, uhhh, acquaintance.

Repeat as desired or until all your friends are dead.


I'm quite unsure that this discussion of rat meat is of any value to the readers. I, for one, would like to move on.


I have no doubt that rats have been served up as food for centuries. I have no doubt that rats continue to be a source of sustenance for many humans. Eating rats has got hunger all beat to hell.


So, unless we're all prepared to start exchanging rat recipies. let us please discuss more interesting aspects of this story.


Mark, I know and understand that you are a strong supporter of free speech. If someone wants to talk about eating rat meat, you will not prevent them from doing so. I'm begging you, enough of rats. It has no conclusion that hasn't already been presented.


All I can say at this point is, "Rats!" tongue.gif


thumbsupsmileyanim.gif Couldn't have said it better myself.



seems again to me that Georgie is wrestling with the ages-old dilemma of males generally being somewhat polygamous...


which leads to this sort of troubled conscience about 'fidelity'


I officially declare chapter 7 as rat free! :music:


The Neptune "party" was hilarious. :great: Granger is truly wise beyond his years. He instinctively knows and accepts that crew morale is instrumental to his own success. Not just that, though, he enjoys the fun himself.


Good to see Sir Evelyn resurface. Granger is going to have to get himself a "dance card". :lol: How he managed to pull off (out?) the Fitzwilliam bed scene without shattering the young man's confidence is beyond me. Such care for his junior officers. :wub: Certainly Calvert was most impressed.


So Granger will soon find himself in the unenviable position of being a one ship blockade. More adventure on the high seas. :2thumbs:


Superb chapter, Mark! :worship::worship:


I officially declare chapter 7 as rat free!


thank you for that proclamation.

It is usually quite funny to see people to give sweeping proclamations based on their convinced beliefs.


However, I fear that belief is somewhat delusional.


As I gather, they continued their voyage by their ship. And they met the ship of commodore Sir Evelyn.

Have you ascertained that there were no rats in either of those two ships?


I would think that such ships being totally free of rats, would be very implausible.



seems again to me that Georgie is wrestling with the ages-old dilemma of males generally being somewhat polygamous...


which leads to this sort of troubled conscience about 'fidelity'


in other words, George is a slut... what surprised me, how much slutty he in fact is...


in other words, George is a slut... what surprised me, how much slutty he in fact is...


it is not nice to call guys sluts.... it is nicer to refer to the polygamous nature....


I think the polygamy thing is something in instincts of males - so much is mentioned along history about that men have an ingrained 'need' to sire children to several. And this transfers also to gay sex of men.

Personally, I have not encountered any gay males whom I know to be instinctively monogamous. Of course, some have been monogamous at the deliberation level - so are not straying.

And, personally I have encountered a lot of gay males who were polygamous both at instincts and at their deliberation.


I would not be surprised if a gay male would turn out to be very 'slutty'. such certainly exist.

Posted (edited)

in other words, George is a slut... what surprised me, how much slutty he in fact is...

I don't consider that fair. You have to remember that Sir Evelyn outranks him and that they've been known to have trysts in the past. There's also a strong bond between the. Also, I'm sure he would have sex with Travers again if they crossed paths again. Just because he is polyamorous does not make him a slut. He stopped Fitzwilliam. It is unlikely that a true slut would have stopped, choosing instead to give into their lust. He'd also sniff out others on the ship to consort with. Even though it was technically illegal, I doubt many would refuse because 1) he's the captain and 2) they're at sea and judging by the fact that a woman hasn't been spotted on the ship during the showers, no women are available. You do the math on that one. :P

Edited by Tiger

I don't consider that fair. You have to remember that Sir Evelyn outranks him and that they've been known to have trysts in the past. There's also a strong bond between the. Also, I'm sure he would have sex with Travers again if they crossed paths again. Just because he is polyamorous does not make him a slut. He stopped Fitzwilliam. It is unlikely that a true slut would have stopped, choosing instead to give into their lust. He'd also sniff out others on the ship to consort with. Even though it was technically illegal, I doubt many would refuse because 1) he's the captain and 2) they're at sea and judging by the fact that a woman hasn't been spotted on the ship during the showers, no women are available. You do the math on that one. :P


You're equating it to the prison phenomenon: love the one you're with? I can see that.


Men who have multiple partners are studs. Women who have multiple partners are sluts. That's the way it's always been....at least in the eyes of men. :P How could it be otherwise? 0:)


This is the only double standard permitted in our society. B)


The inevitable conclusion of course is that all gay men are studs. :D


It's just something we have to live with. :P

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Chapter 8 failed to impress me much....fellows...well discusts me...i think it's perverted for that big of an age difference to enjoy one another, but i wouldn't condem it entirly. (assume fellows is 50+ while Granger is 18ish....i wouldn't even know though as details like his age are left to the wind).


Calvert and Granger are totaly awesome, but i miss travers, when o when will he be back! No Music for a while either?? where's the singing...i wana see a sailor who has a soprano Voice and Shocks the Crew! :P


Anyway... i am off to bed! it was a wonderfull read be4 sleep :P



the polygamy thing really can grate..... Georgie seems to get grief from such....


Mark M: earlier Bridgemont storien have given some indication that knight Evelyn Fellowes would be something around 35 yo at this time.... but, I am guessing even that would be old to you.


toast the King.... or


I can't believe neither of you took notice of the evil cliffhanger. Whose hand was wrapped around Granger's cock? It couldn't have been Sir Evelyn. Perhaps... could it be that Calvert finally came to his senses? Perhaps Humphreys is in need of some extra attention or perhaps Jeffers is in need of a release. 0:)


I can't believe neither of you took notice of the evil cliffhanger. Whose hand was wrapped around Granger's cock? It couldn't have been Sir Evelyn. Perhaps... could it be that Calvert finally came to his senses? Perhaps Humphreys is in need of some extra attention or perhaps Jeffers is in need of a release. 0:)


That can't be overlooked! :D But I'd be very disappointed if it is Calvert who has to grovel in the end, I think George deserves a lesson on his sluttiness because he uses double standards. When he f**ks whoever he wants, thats his duty (or whatever thin excuse he finds) but when for example Travers f**ks someone then he's in tears and hurt and f**ks whatever moves. I'd rather see it was Jeffers' or Fitzwilliam's hand than Calvert's. I think it's not just to Calvert that Granger only shows his ass and everything is forgiven. On the other hand he's in the power position and if it had to be him to grovel (when he would eventually find out that he misses Calvert or that the guilt is on his side) I think he'd rather use his power - and he'd be very mean, did you note that anger remark? He knew how Calvert loves him and what sort of relationship he wants/desires. If Granger told Calvert he loved him only to get his dick, he deserves some fasting. (It's hard to imagine Granger fast from dicks! :D) He shouldn't have told him about love (in Calvert's style) if he didn't want to obey it. Well, in this one I'm on the Calvert's side. :-)


What great comments and feedback. It's interesting to write Granger's character, especially after a stint with CAP's Stefan. One guy is a teenager, still figuring things out, bumping into lots of walls and f**king up like all of us (who have already been there) did. Stef is seasoned, he is who he is. You wouldn't see him in this kind of situation. And despite Granger's inbred stoicism, he is an expressive person and truly seems to have a hard time repressing his emotions, even when he does understand them.


Granger is an interesting character indeed. It seems that he wants to be able to have his cake and eat it too. Ultimately, he will need to decide if his trysts are worth losing Calvert. He has a hard time saying no, or so it seems. Also, one has to wonder what Sir Evelyn's reaction would be if Granger decided to no longer sleep with him. Also, it seems that Calvert has a much different reaction than Travers did.


Granger is an interesting character indeed. It seems that he wants to be able to have his cake and eat it too. Ultimately, he will need to decide if his trysts are worth losing Calvert. He has a hard time saying no, or so it seems. Also, one has to wonder what Sir Evelyn's reaction would be if Granger decided to no longer sleep with him. Also, it seems that Calvert has a much different reaction than Travers did.


He is 18, he thinks with his dick. Didn't you? I did. Shit, I still do. :D


He is 18, he thinks with his dick. Didn't you? I did. Shit, I still do. :D

I still do as well, and I do a lot of thinking as well. :P


Suffice it to say that whoever's hand is on Granger's dick, he shall be permitted to proceed. Anchor away, matey. :2thumbs:


Fitzwilliam is a possibility, I must admit. However, I am going to rule him out because his reaction would not have been to grab his captain's erection but to jump up on Granger's bed and sit himself down on that thing with all haste. :music:


Jeffers wouldn't presume to enter his captain's cabin uninvited. So it's not he.


Humphreys adores the ground Granger walks on and, again, he would not presume, especially since Granger gave him the word a few chapters back.


Ta Da!!! It's Calvert! Yes, Granger's shower ploy on the deck worked to perfection. :wub: Calvert's not a happy camper, but he is a lustful camper. Is he really prepared to pout all the way to India and back? I think not. Calvert now understands he can't win this "exchange" - not that Granger is looking to win. He understands that Calvert was hurt by a cheating lover. But, practically speaking, dumping Sir Evelyn is not going to happen.


Yes, it's a mess. Thinking about it all too much will only drive you to distraction. Granger still has lots to sort out for himself as well. Meanwhile he has a job to do and needs to get on with it.


As you can plainly see, my analysis is irrefutable. :P0:)

Posted (edited)

Fitzwilliam is a possibility, I must admit. However, I am going to rule him out because his reaction would not have been to grab his captain's erection but to jump up on Granger's bed and sit himself down on that thing with all haste.


well, the boy is practically a natural-born bottom, so this is a no-brainer.....


the analysis, however, should continue as: the possibility is that it's FitzWilliam, who just helps to make the rooster yet harder, as a prelude of soon sitting on it...


As you can plainly see, my analysis is irrefutable.


somehow, I am having a nagging feeling that Mark is going to surprise us again..... so, let's see how irrefutable that conclusion really was.


btw, I do not regard this a real cliffhanger. sub-consciously, or so and whatever. Perhaps because I felt that there is not going to anything nasty, nothing which makes Georgie any worse - so, no cliffie, really.

Which leads to an explicit idea that a real cliffhanger needs to have an element of real and threatening danger. Even if it turns then to come to a victory for 'our protagonist'.

Edited by Enric

Just throwing it out there but what if it's wrinkler all of a sudden? the poor boy has no sexual release that we know of...so maybe???


But Calvert is the Most likly one to do it, if it's fellows....who yes at 35....and 18...still a little wierd...but then i think of the "Sir" making a person Fat and Old rather then a Respectfull term to use anymore. Either way i find the situation rather useless cuz fellows is not Grangers Soul Mate, nor do i think Travers or Calvert are either anymore, i'm begining to think Granger is still looking for that one person who will solve all his sexual needs......


Like Greg for Stephan in CAP.


But i won't like this man needs a big dick, to be slightly versetile, and one hell of a smart man. and amazingly hot. None of this Scrawny stuff....should be similar to travers....Little Fat, Bulging Muscle.....If any of you have seen Craig Honer from Legend of the Seeker That would be perfect!


Picture of him here, Take at own Risk...though it's from a google.ca Search :P and i used it :Phttp://yansored.typepad.fr/.a/6a00e008dcef0a8834010535cbba3e970b-800wi

Anyway i bet Wrinkler now :P



.... if it's Fellowes....who yes at 35....and 18...still a little wierd...but then i think of the "Sir" making a person Fat and Old rather then a Respectfull term to use anymore. ....


well, you seem to -as your potential- disappreciate those who are 35 or older.... such happens.


On the other hand, I know of 18-year-olds who have been quite happy to catch a guy around 40-yo, and had seemingly great sex and good relationship.... so, it's individual...


You seem to like Respected men, right? Sirs, if they are neither old nor fat...


Personally, I have always liked guys who are under 22. For years, I had a habit of checking how are the arses, what happens in and over 22..... My impression has been that around 22, the effect of gravity gets to arses of men. Of course, that's approximate number of years. but still, in large samples, it seems to hold pretty well: at around 22 yo, guys' arses start to be too heavy and they get (slowly) a new form, a 'larger' form, and start to also drop....

There have been for now, only a few exceptions to that observation.... only rare ones who have preserved a nice, slim backside at ages more advanced than 22.

And I have realized that really, really, I do not appreciate backsides which have a dropping feature.... :)

so, Mark M, what do you think is going to happen when you are over 22 :)

Any hope your arse would be preserved as slim and solid... ? or, how is that evolving now?


By the way, in medieval custom, quite a lot of noble guys got knighted when around twenty. Some remnants of that continued also at the age of the Hanoverians - such as, eldest sons of all baronets getting knighted in their 21st birthday at latest..... So, that 'Sir' does not necessarily mean Old nor Fat.

And would it not be nice to have a 20-yo chivalric young knight....


Mark, if you focus on being a bottom, then you'd have a useful advantage, because of not having eyes in your backhead... Your toleration for 35-yo guys (top guys) will improve, probably provided they are good lovers...

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