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Good stories at GA?


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I was surfing through random authors and reading stories out of blues, and ended up reading none of them - I skimmed through half of it, and coming to realize that the story isn't 'my thing' or isn't the way I want a good quality story to be, I had to end it up there, and find another story, until then, when I leave even that and go for another. As I said, I ended up reading none of it.


So, just a piece of advise needed from experienced readers and writers of GA, here: Can you link some good stories here? By 'good', I do not necessarily mean having excessive gay romance, or too much complicated and mind-boggling plots. By good, I mean a good writing - a writing where there are character development, plot development, deeper meanings, symbolism to ponder over, etc etc. I can read any genres as long as it involves a good writing, that is both artistic, and also , entertaining. Have read Kevin's (A friendly face) stories, and liked his philosophical approaches.



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There are lots of good stories on GA in efiction. The problem is what is good to me is not necessarily good to you.


You can check out some of the story threads in the various author forums for a "preview" if you want, or the story cafe, or you can use the various search methods in the archive or efiction to narrow down your selections. Or you can keep doing what you have been doing, which is what most people do -- read a little and if you don't like it -- move on. Yeah it seems like it's a time waster, but sometimes you find some true gems.


Good luck hunting.

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I'd recommend DomLuka though as one of the authors here.

and I've just started reading Mark Arbours Bridgemount series and really liking it. I'm not sure exactly whether you could call it artistic writing, but think it's good quality, he has his own style - and it has numerous themes running through it.

also give Libby Drew a whirl.

(I warn you though that not all the stories of theirs are finished, and some are updating a lot faster than others)

Edited by Smarties
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Here are a few good stories to get your feet wet:


Dom- The Log Way, Desert Dropping


Lil Buddha- Some Day Out of the Blue


Kit- Tappings


Comicality- My Only Escape, Billy Chase


VLista- Shane, Tyler


That's just a start- there are many more.

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There was a story on the Best of Nifty (and the Net) list that had been there since the beginning but with few reviews.


Island Summer is beautifully written and really evokes a sense of time and place.


Highly recommended, as are the ones listed in James Savik's post.

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Don't listen to Chase, it's unfounded arrogance...anything I write, however :P




Seriously though...


With the benefit of youth I'd advise almost anything by Comicality, DomLuka and possibly CJ...depending on who you are



Edited by Nikolai
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Hi Warrior,


Are you interested in reading these stories because you want to improve on your own writing skill or? Are you hoping to look for an innovative writing style?


Some of the stories here aren't to my liking as well, but that doesn't mean that others won't like them. For instance, a play that I submitted for the Spring Anthology is not really anyone's cup of tea. It really depends on what you are looking for, in terms of the mode of writing, the plot progression, the themes or whatnot. What genre are you interested in? LGBT fiction is broad, so you need to be specific :). There are LGBT sci-fi, romance, mystery etc. The joy of reading isn't about finishing a story, but remembering what you've read.


Here's my recommendation: check out David McLeod's works. :)

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Wish I had a finished long story for nomination, but I have the ADHD equivalence in story writing; I like developing a lot of different story.


Expect Exodus next part as a Christmas present to my readers.

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...There are LGBT sci-fi, romance, mystery etc.


Also add fan fiction, thrillers, historical novels, etc. Find your area of interest and dig into GA. There are over 50 terrific authors represented on this site (I restrain myself from shamelessly promoting my Jack Scribe stories). Fellow Hosted Author, Don Hanratty, has one of gay literature's classics - Working It Out - represented on his story page. And Topher Lydon's Carter series is a masterpiece.


By all means, check out The Best of Nifty link. I've read David Buffet's Alpha Male twice. And all of Michael Arram's stories are must read material. Another respository of talented authors is at www.awesomedude.com and home of the talented Graeme. Check out Heart of the Tree and Fall Creek Lessons.


Over at CRYboy - Tim Mead, Drew Hunt, Brew Maxwell, Draginacht and Sara Bell are just a few stars from this fantastic collection of authors.


I could go on and on...but you get the point. Research and enjoy!


P.S. I just noticed that this, appropriately, is my one thousandth posting

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How does one find a specific story title on Nifty without sifting through a gazillion other ones? They need a search link for stories there like we have here. It's so doggone confusing sometimes... :angry: I've opted to google-ing the titles, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

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There are two tools that are excellent for getting around Nifty:


Stories by prolific net authors is a great help getting around and grouping stories by author.


The Best of Nifty is a bunch of the best stories from Nifty reviewed by readers and authors with links directly to the stories.


There are several very special net authors that I would direct you too.


Driver may be the very best. I love his stuff and highly recommend it.


Freethinker is... amazing. He's one of the best I've ever seen.


EleCivil is quirky, witty and delightful. *hugs EleCivil*


Dewey's Brian & Pete Saga is a classic of the genre. Start it on a long weekend because you won't be getting much done.


The Eggman's A New Life & Life Goes On are also classics of the genre. (Just between us, I wish I were Preston)


Graeme's New Brother is a masterpiece but don't overlook his short stories. He knows how to make every word count.


The Scrolls of Icaria is as good or better a fantasy epic than you could find at your local bookstore.


Drake's Tales are a tour de force.




There is great stuff out there to be found.

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I am aware of both tools you mentioned James. I like the way "Best of Nifty" is displayed. What I was referring to was the way to finding a title when you don't know who the writer is. Plus, sometimes I read of a person having a great story on Nifty and when I go to the "Prolific Authors" section I kill myself searching and still can't find them. Perhaps they are using a different name on Nifty? Who knows. Thanks for all the titles and sites you posted, I am also aware of most of them and really like them. BTW, I really like your work.

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One difficulty with Nifty is that sometimes older stories may not appear in a search unless you pick the right era. For example, college stories are divided into current ones as well as those "Prior to 2004" and those "Prior to 2000." I've not tested it, but Prolific Authors' listings may not include these older stories.

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When all else fails, you can open the text file from nifty of the whole directory (last option under misc) and do a search of that for the file name (ctrl-F usually starts your browsers search). Helpful when someone tells you about a story, but doesn't know if it was college, beginnings, relationships, etc...

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I am aware of both tools you mentioned James. I like the way "Best of Nifty" is displayed. What I was referring to was the way to finding a title when you don't know who the writer is. Plus, sometimes I read of a person having a great story on Nifty and when I go to the "Prolific Authors" section I kill myself searching and still can't find them. Perhaps they are using a different name on Nifty? Who knows. Thanks for all the titles and sites you posted, I am also aware of most of them and really like them. BTW, I really like your work.


One of the mirrors for nifty has a search function that may help a little, also not everyone is a "prolific" author :):


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Did a search on Island Summer as suggested by rec but it came out as "not found" on most of the chapters which don't look to be from Nifty plus also did a search on the writer and it didn't come up nor his link is working either. But at least I now know the link is a MUST so I'm saving it... Thanks a mil.

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Did a search on Island Summer as suggested by rec but it came out as "not found" on most of the chapters which don't look to be from Nifty plus also did a search on the writer and it didn't come up nor his link is working either. But at least I now know the link is a MUST so I'm saving it... Thanks a mil.



HERE you go


PS - I just read the story a couple weeks ago via the link from Best of Nifty - and thought about the story again 3 days ago as it becomes obvious the story is set on Mallorca - the island the Boyzone singer recently passed away on.

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