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Whats your favorite movie this year?


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Haven't seen many movies this year and most of the ones I have seen have been with my son. The DVD I watched that really spoke to me and really affected me was Dead Man with Jonny Depp. I don't know if it counts as a movie but it is the best film I have seen for a very long time and I can heartily recomment it to anyone. Don't watch it if you are feeling depressed though. :)

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Since I work at a movie theatre I tend to see a good amount of movies lol. I get to go for free! :D


Top 3 movies this year, in no particular order;


1. Avatar

2. District 9

3. Fantastic Mr. Fox


Honourable Mentions, again, in no particular order;


1. Up

2. ZombieLand

3. Ninja Assassin (strictly for its grossly over the top action. Has a similar appeal that Crank does, which is like my favourite movie evar lol.)

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1. "Watchmen" (one of the greatest movies of all time, I might add...)


2. "The Boat That Rocked", (aka "Pirate Radio")


3. "Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel" (Ha! I love this movie!)


4. "Land of the Lost" (Just good old-fashioned hilariousness from Will Ferrell and that hilarious guy who ends up with them! This one's always good for a laugh!)


5. "Paranormal Activity" (The original ending, not the theatrical one. It wasn't a spectacular movie, but I have to give credit where credit is due, and this movie was one of only a select few scary movies that have ever actually scared me.)


"Zombieland" deserves honorable mention also, I suppose. It was a riot! :lol: Unfortunately I have yet to see "Avatar" or "Where The Wild Things Are", and I REALLY want to!

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It was long year pertaining to movies. So I cant say Transformers or anything earlier than that because the movies later in the year made me forget all about the earlier movies. But the best ones I saw all year were Precious, Monique did amazing in that movie. Avatar, WOW just WOW! Paranormal Activity, I mean horror movies dont sweep the country and leave you disturbed like this one did. Ninja Assasin, Action sequences were non stop and Rain is just sexy as hell. New Moon, as an avid twilight fan, they made up for the first one and had the world go gaga over Taylor Lautner's sexiness. (Damn Taylor Swift hogging him up)

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Aw Sam.

I'll get you out in a date and watch (500) Days of Summer with me.


Terrific movie and also makes my honorable mention list (along with Up in the Air).


At the top is A Single Man. Along with Brokeback Mountain, the most significant gay-themed movies to ever be released. It's still in limited release. But with Colin Firth bound to be nominated for an Oscar, it'll be moving into more theaters. I saw it for the second time.


Others include:


The Hurt Locker (saw it twice)

Avatar (will see it again, but on an IMAX screen)

An Education



For those who are interested in how the award season is shaping up, this link is absolutely the best on feeling the pulse:



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