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Audiences experience 'Avatar' blues


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Audiences experience 'Avatar' blues



Avatar has been known to make some viewers depressed: The Avatar Blues.





Heh, people are strange. What I wanna know is.... WHERE THE HELL IS THAT THEATRE IN THE PICTURE!?! The guy on the right is like digging in a damn pizza. There isn't pizza at any of the theatres I have been in. And I been to many in 8 different states. A whole pizza in a movie in a theatre would be nice for some movies.

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Heh, people are strange. What I wanna know is.... WHERE THE HELL IS THAT THEATRE IN THE PICTURE!?! The guy on the right is like digging in a damn pizza. There isn't pizza at any of the theatres I have been in. And I been to many in 8 different states. A whole pizza in a movie in a theatre would be nice for some movies.


you don't need pizza

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I've yet to see the movie, I've seen several previews and trailers and it does look wonderful; but come on folks....its a movie; its FICTION. I understand being depressed when comparing Earth to Pandora as the place does seem to rock but you know what, instead of getting all depressed and mopy DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Earth will never be like Pandora but we can do stuff to preserve the Earth and reverse the damage we've caused.


Plant some trees or flowers or a garden, donate to an ecological cause, recycle. I know what'll be said, what I've said seems like small potatos but small steps can add up if their acted upon on the broad spectrum.


Perhaps I'm being insensitive, and if so I'm sorry about it; these are just my thoughts.


Best Wishes,


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Heh, people are strange. What I wanna know is.... WHERE THE HELL IS THAT THEATRE IN THE PICTURE!?! The guy on the right is like digging in a damn pizza. There isn't pizza at any of the theatres I have been in. And I been to many in 8 different states. A whole pizza in a movie in a theatre would be nice for some movies.



Sucks to be you, we have pizza in our theaters! And I think anyone claiming such crock as "Avatar blues" needs to have their heads examined anyways!

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My initial reaction was to laugh, but i guess it says a lot about how people are increasingly unhappy with real life, a great ammount of people already hide behind computers ect to access real life scenarios and often this replace stheir real life experiences.


The article talked about them experiencing another world and i guess after seeing that new shiney world this world would look crappy. In the avatar the humans can only really experience the world by living through their avatars and i think we ar eincreasingly moving towards that kind of world.


Surrogates was also an interesting movie in which they could have surrogate they controlled from the saftey of their homes, the surrogate can do pretty much anything without the human being affected and they can look how they like if they have the money.


old men can be young men, a man can be a women ect, they get to live their fantasies, only in real life they are shut away from actul humn contact.


It makes me wonder if that is the way we ar emoving towards, if eventually we will prefer to sit at home and go on some kind of life simulator rather than live real life, becaus ethe fantasy is better than reality.


I think most people who say it has them depressed ar eserious, they are probably already on the edge of depression and they want to live in some fantasy rather than deal with the reality.


I much rather prefer to deal with reality and live in the world we have, fantasy is nice and it should be fun, but there is no perfection, even if hlf these guys could go to pandora they would soon realise perfection does not exist anywhere.


sorry if that went slightly off topic there but my mind just went off in that drection lol

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..... Suicidal thoughts? That's ridiculous. Plus, that movie was so HAPPY-making.

Me and my best friend aren't the only ones who use "happy-making"?! That's kind of amazing. that just made my day.


But seriously, the movie is amazing. It is seriously one of the best films I've ever seen. I'm crossing my fingers that tonight this movie and it's "blues" will be taking home some gold. I will be seriously disappointed if Avatar does not win Golden Globe for Best Picture-Drama. I mean, I know that the Oscar nod for Best Picture is in the bag [especially with the field open to 10 best picture nods this year], but I'm hoping that a win at the Golden Globes will propel Avatar to a win at the Oscars. And it's not just because it'll be the second time ever I've actually seen a film win Best Picture before the awards.


But I agree, FishWings, the notion of coming out of that movie with suicidal thoughts is ridiculous. Avatar is one of the most happy-making movies I've seen in a while.



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