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Wade Danfield for the Hero of the Year!

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I decided to nominate Wade as the Best Hero in 2009 and I thought I'd ask somebody here to back me up with their nominations so that Wade made it into the final five. Even if the whole Bloodlines are about Matt, for me it was surprisingly Wade who ended up as the best character. Come on! "Cramer doesn't snore!" line should be engraved in gold letters!

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I decided to nominate Wade as the Best Hero in 2009 and I thought I'd ask somebody here to back me up with their nominations so that Wade made it into the final five. Even if the whole Bloodlines are about Matt, for me it was surprisingly Wade who ended up as the best character. Come on! "Cramer doesn't snore!" line should be engraved in gold letters! laugh.gif


So as I said, I just wanted to gather some additional support.





BTW for the Best villain I met in 2009 - and with all respect to Brian - Neil from Be Rad and Man in Motion is definitely the man! biggrin.gif




I'm backing you up. And hey, look at Wade, he's smiling:




He definitely approves.

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i second you nomiation! Wade definatly a Hero. look at what he had to deal with and for my brian doesn't take the cake. Whist does. Brian just outed a guy, which i think in the end worked out for the better because matt has his whole family together now. it may have worked out differently if brian hadent told them.....but yeah never know...probably not likly.


:o Whist is just the annoying ex boyfriend...who should die. a brutal horrible death. where is alex when we need him :D :D

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I'd suggest that you actually nominate Wade either in the proper forum or by PM. Only those stories/characters with the most nominations will make the final voting ballot.



Go here:

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Wade Danfield has nicely fulfilled my requests.


On 26 October 2009 I desired him to get together with Matt



On 2 November 2009 I thought it actually might be him to become Matt's boyfriend



On 7 November 2009, I declared him as hero.


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that's just downright psychic of you Enric! I will definately be listing Wade as hero when I get my nominations together.


Paya you're funny ( "Cramer doesn't snore!" ) I had forgotten that. Oh well guess I will just have to re-read Bloodlines entirely to remember all the great moments. Such a chore! (NOT!)

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