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Top 5 Man Movies!

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Meh... it's those when testosteron is dripping of the screen? ;) I don't know if my choice would fit this category entirely... I didn't want to repeat much Matt's choice but there's more than the "macho" model of a man ;) the main heroes bellow are MANly as well :D


1) Godfather




2) Star Wars




3) Commando




4) Devil's Advocate




5) The Specialist - there are much better pics available online... but not postable at GA ;)


Edited by paya
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1. Pulp Fiction. I have yet to meet a woman who has any use for this movie, and it's at the top of all my lists, best guy movie included.


2. The Godfather. Marlon Brando. Nuff said.


3. Die Hard. Yippie kai yay, motherf--ker.


4. Fight Club. Most viewers don't register the rich layers of subtext, but it's an adrenaline rush anyway, and a brain-warper at the same time. Also, written by a gay guy. So there.


5. Braveheart. Mel Gibson kicks ass and creates mayhem for family and country.

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1. Total Recall- Oh yeah! Arnold Schwarzenegger goes to Mars. Is it real? Is it a dream? Oh yeah, sci-fi with plenty of action and gore. What's not to love about a mutant with three tits? :lol:




2. Star Wars- I love the whole sextilogy! It's freaking awesome!




3. Kill Bill Volume 1- Oh hell yeah! Uma Thurman kicks ass with a samurai sword. It's an orgasm of blood. What's not to love about it?




4. Scarface- No list is complete without this one. "Say hello to my little friend!"




5. Full Metal Jacket- This is my military movie for the list. R. Lee Ermey was kick ass in the film. There's plenty of action, gore, and dark humor. I love it!



Edited by Tiger
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1. Pulp Fiction. I have yet to meet a woman who has any use for this movie, and it's at the top of all my lists, best guy movie included.


2. The Godfather. Marlon Brando. Nuff said.


3. Die Hard. Yippie kai yay, motherf--ker.


4. Fight Club. Most viewers don't register the rich layers of subtext, but it's an adrenaline rush anyway, and a brain-warper at the same time. Also, written by a gay guy. So there.


5. Braveheart. Mel Gibson kicks ass and creates mayhem for family and country.


I'm with you on the first three. No Gladiator/Spartacus type movies?

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Star Wars Trilogy

Lord of the Rings

Terminator, Terminator II



Saving Private Ryan


A Few Good Men


Fight Club

Die Hard




Full Metal Jacket

The Sands of Iwo Jima

Dirty Harry


A Bridge Too Far

The Longest Day


Lethal Weapon

Road House

Night of the Living Dead

Young Guns



Enemy at the Gates

Red Dawn


Batman (1989, there are no others)


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Right now my "Mainly movies" are:


Avatar at number 1


Regin of Fire




Alexander (cuz he's gay and a ruler in history) :)


Pathfinder/ Chonicals of Riddick

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For their varying degrees of bad-assery:


Fight Club

Boondock Saints


Kill Bill



Runner Ups:



Sin City


Unrelated recommendation:


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1. Pulp Fiction. I have yet to meet a woman who has any use for this movie, and it's at the top of all my lists, best guy movie included.



maybe you're not meeting enough women. I love that movie, even if I can't make myself watch the part when John has to shove the needle full of adrenaline into Uma's heart. I love the relationship between Bruce Willis and Ving Rhames, John and Sam..., and Harvey Keitel with both of them.



Man movies. (aka, the movies all my men friends pull off my shelves and watch over and over and over?)



Lord of the Rings (personally, the Two Towers is my favorite).

Star Wars I-VI.

Fight Club

Kill Bill


maybe i'm just a blood thirsty wench.




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brokeback mountain definately tops it




3. die hard


4. the godfather


5. scarface




With all due respect, I don't think Brokeback Mountain qualifies as a guy movie. I mean, I love the movie. But it doesn't have the kind of elements that typically characterize a guy movie as a guy movie. It's a love story. And almost by definition, love stories can't be guy movies. :boy:

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hmm I wont a top five but I'll pick five I like lol


Gladiator (Russel Crowe)


Fight Club (just to watch dudes bash eachother)


First Die hard (need I say more?)


Anaconda Hunt for the Blood Orchid (I dunno if this counts or not but it keeps coming to mind, sorry if it don't lol)


Reign of Fire (no explination sorry lol)

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In no particular order:





Fight Club



And for sheer eye-candy, Marc Singer in the original Beast Master.

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