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Skipping to the juicy bits!

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OK - alongside the thread that explores the style of writing you prefer to be exposed to, what about the story? And, if you read a gay orientated tale, do you expect there to be steamy bits? In fact, are you frustrated if there are not??


For those that write, give us some pointers as to what you want to read. Of course, you can rightly say it depends on the story, and not all of them need to depend on smooching. But still, what is it that you like to read? Do you prefer stories to be excellently well written, but either Victorianly or a least reasonably conservative. Or, in the end, do you want them either in bed or on the kitchen table, whatever is most convenient!



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I like well-written stories. The mere implication of something physical between two characters is sufficient to hold may attention.


The plot and wordsmithing are more important. In short, the most important "character" in a story is the author. :P

Edited by MikeL
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I like well-written stories. The mere implication of something physical between two characters is sufficient to hold may attention.The plot and wordsmithing are more important. In short, the most important "character" in a story is the author. :P

I'm with MikeL.


I tend to skip over paragraphs of nitty-gritty, down and dirty, fully detailed sex scenes. And, if such scenes seem to be the focus or occur in every chapter, I usually drop the story from my reading list.

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I'm in agreement with MikeL and Tomas. A story doesn't have to have explicit sex in it to get my attention. A good story line to hold my attention is good. A hint that something took place can add a bit of spice to the story.

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My two favorite authors are Mark Arbour and Dom Luka. Dom tends to be a bit more subtle, but there is nothing subtle about Mark, at least in the Bridgemont series. I think the lusty passion of the characters in Mark's stories add to the story, not subtract from it.


I think it depends on the skill of the author to make the steamy parts integral and not gratuitous.

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My two favorite authors are Mark Arbour and Dom Luka. Dom tends to be a bit more subtle, but there is nothing subtle about Mark, at least in the Bridgemont series. I think the lusty passion of the characters in Mark's stories add to the story, not subtract from it.


I think it depends on the skill of the author to make the steamy parts integral and not gratuitous.

I definatly agree with this statement.


They say that ....those that do, do it; those that don't, write about it


is that what they say? XD


To be honest most of the time i skip the dirty parts...

Edited by wacko9001
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You wont find those scenes in any of my works . I may hint to it but never fully describe it. I feel my lack of skill to write those scenes would take away from my work.


Those storys that do contain them...If the characters are in love I will read it, but if not I tend to skip it.

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No I'm not disappointed if there are no steamy bits, I prefer a well-written story with emotional depth and strong characters. Sex is great sure (if it's well-written), but it is not my focal point. If I do happen to be reading I might only skim through to find the steamy bits if I'm irritated or bored with the writing or story. But likely if its a poor story anyway, to my view, sex will also be.


Stories have to be excellently written or it's hard for me to follow them or keep interest. In some ways I really hate that, and it's a really bad habit after doing professional editing and reviewing. I tend to look critically at a work, when sometimes the writer's idea is really good, it just needs some fine-tuning.


Sex scenes or sexual content? I never want to read something "forced" or writing which suggests its just about leading up to a sexual climax. That's awkward. I don't care for graphic language, silly slangs and the need to record every drop of this or that which comes out LOL but I am far from conservatively minded. It just has to be done well. Most times though, I don't think a story needs several pages of sex scenes even in a novel. After the writer introduces the characters and how they do things, sexual activity can be cleverly worked in throughout (if desired) but heavy details only then take away from the whole.

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I'm in agreement with MikeL and Tomas. A story doesn't have to have explicit sex in it to get my attention. A good story line to hold my attention is good. A hint that something took place can add a bit of spice to the story.


I'm with MikeL, Tomas, and TalonRider (the list just keeps going). Whenever I see several chapters of pure mindless sex, I sometimes tend to skip it especially if its in a story that I haven't really invested myself into yet. This is weird but maybe I've worn out my desire to read that kind of text. If it came from certain authors though or favorite stories, I'm unlikely to skip it.


I definitely like romantic elements in a story. I think I'm a romantic at heart. Kisses, hugs, unspoken gestures of love are enough to keep me going. Sometimes though something more is needed for the plot and that's fine too :D.


They say that ....those that do, do it; those that don't, write about it


Damn... Sounds like we're all repressed writers... Haha.

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They say that ....those that do, do it; those that don't, write about it

Nephylim, angel!

As soon as I read Riley's question your name came to mind, and I don't believe that that even needs an explanation. You ARE that good!

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So, what most are saying here is that we should be taking the sex out of the stories, as you feel it usually spoils them?

I think most are saying is that they don't appreciate gratuitous sex in a story. Sex that is part of the story, however, is a different thing. A sex scene that advances the story in some way (plot or character development) is quite different to a sex scene that's in a story for no apparent reason other than to have a sex scene.


This is a topic that crops up from time to time. There are a number of readers who prefer stories without explicit sex. There are a number of readers who prefer stories with limited sex. And there are a number of readers who prefer stories with lots of sex. Sometimes a person can belong to more than one of the above groupings, as it could depend on their mood at the time.


There is no right or wrong answer. It's all personal taste -- both in the reader and in the author.


As an author, you write for a target audience. That could be just yourself, or it could be people who like to read stories about aliens from the planet Zog having sex with aliens from the planet Aard, but there's always an audience in mind. A story will never satisfy everyone, and an author shouldn't try. That's just a recipe for disappointment and disillusionment.


If you like writing sex scenes, and the people you're writing for like reading sex scenes, then write sex scenes, and don't get put off by some people who don't like reading sex scenes. :)


For the record, I don't write sex scenes myself, but that's for personal reasons. I will read sex scenes, but I don't go looking for them. If they're in a story I'm enjoying, then that's okay. :D

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I think most are saying is that they don't appreciate gratuitous sex in a story. Sex that is part of the story, however, is a different thing. A sex scene that advances the story in some way (plot or character development) is quite different to a sex scene that's in a story for no apparent reason other than to have a sex scene.This is a topic that crops up from time to time. There are a number of readers who prefer stories without explicit sex. There are a number of readers who prefer stories with limited sex. And there are a number of readers who prefer stories with lots of sex. Sometimes a person can belong to more than one of the above groupings, as it could depend on their mood at the time.There is no right or wrong answer. It's all personal taste -- both in the reader and in the author.As an author, you write for a target audience. That could be just yourself, or it could be people who like to read stories about aliens from the planet Zog having sex with aliens from the planet Aard, but there's always an audience in mind. A story will never satisfy everyone, and an author shouldn't try. That's just a recipe for disappointment and disillusionment.If you like writing sex scenes, and the people you're writing for like reading sex scenes, then write sex scenes, and don't get put off by some people who don't like reading sex scenes. :)For the record, I don't write sex scenes myself, but that's for personal reasons. I will read sex scenes, but I don't go looking for them. If they're in a story I'm enjoying, then that's okay. :D



I'm not anti-sex scenes if they are necessary to advance the story and are done... well let's just say tastefully and do not become the focus of the story or of a chapter or multiple chapters. I am anti gratuitous sex. If I want porn I can always go to Nifty. LOL


It really does boil down to each his own.

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So, what most are saying here is that we should be taking the sex out of the stories, as you feel it usually spoils them?



Nooooooooooooooooooo :P


Nephylim, angel!

As soon as I read Riley's question your name came to mind, and I don't believe that that even needs an explanation. You ARE that good!



I can't imagine why you would link my name with sex scenes 0:) And if I'm good at writing sex scenes what does that mean for my private life :(

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So, what most are saying here is that we should be taking the sex out of the stories, as you feel it usually spoils them?

As long as the sex is part of the story, there's nothing wrong with it. To throw in sex just for the sake of sex, that's different.

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As long as the sex is part of the story, there's nothing wrong with it. To throw in sex just for the sake of sex, that's different.


Ben is confused...

So how is sex not part of a story if it's included in a chapter? Is there sex that's OK and sex that's not? And if so, how is that decided?

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Sex that is there on the page is not always part of the story. Sometimes it's just there for the sake of it being there. That's called gratuitous sex and that's what most people don't seem to like. If the sex is an integral part of the story, developing from situations and storylines that have been or are going to be established, if it means something and adds to the story then it's 'part of the story'.


As for sex that'sokay and sex that's not okay... it's like real life. If someone can do good sex they can do good sex and if they can't they can't. How it's decided is by the participants who either get something from it or not. It's very subjective.You like what you like and don't what you don't


If you're not sure then write it and see how it goes down :)



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I'm guessing Riley wishes he hadn't asked this question. :P


An author's best bet is to include a sex scene, if he is capable of writing a good one, where it is needed to further the plot, but only to that extent. If a lesser amount of graphic description will suffice, use a lesser amount. Sometimes less is more.


An author should never include sex scenes that go on paragraph after paragraph, page after page, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

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I write in sexual content into some of my stories but I'm sort of discreet. I don't need a play by play when I read a sex scene and I don't feel the need to give one. I also don't like sex in every chapter but well done scenes certainly add a bit of spice to some stories. Depending on the words used a few sentences insinuating the contact can be just as intriguing and vivid as someone who feels the need to describe each touch and sound and... well you get the picture. Basically if the relationship and situation calls for sex I write that, if it calls for intimacy I write that. There are so many different ways to shade things. Simply saying yes sex or no sex doesn't really encompass the entire situation.

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