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A chapter was due today, but I've been unable to do much for a couple of days... Long story short, my 'doc confirmed, I have pneumonia. The chills and fevers are no fun at all. I've been sleeping most of the time.


Hopefully, I'll get the chapter online by Wednesday (assuming my 'doc doesn't toss me in hospital). Sorry for the delay.



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Oh I hope you feel better and take your anti-biotics ... like how can you get it? ... you were on Trevor's boat??


you sure its not goat fever?


Get well soon CJ. Try a little chicken soup to get rid of the chills and feel better.


...and here i was ready to blame the new software for not being able to get my Trevor "fix"!


Sorry to hear that you're under weather-get well soon! :-)

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Get well soon, Bubba Goat!

Here is some advice from a veterinarian:


I would say pneumonia, except for the lack of fever. The drool is something I have seen with kids that have pneumonia. So I would keep treating with antibiotics, although you might want to get some naxcel. I would also call a vet to get some banamine. The cud-chewing is really good. I am wondering about coccidiosis. I would keep up with the treatment you are doing, unless you can get naxcel or excenel instead of tylan and I would also get some dimethox and start giving that orally for coccidia.


Do not mix milk and electrolytes. Take her off the milk for now and just give electrolytes. The b-12 does stimulate appetite. Get her some willow branches and leaves, or blackberry, salal, fir, whatever roughage you have and see if she will eat that. I hope that you can save her. Make sure she has lots to drink. Give the electrolytes warm or hot and keep a bucket of water available. Indoors is good.

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A chapter was due today, but I've been unable to do much for a couple of days... Long story short, my 'doc confirmed, I have pneumonia. The chills and fevers are no fun at all. I've been sleeping most of the time.


Hopefully, I'll get the chapter online by Wednesday (assuming my 'doc doesn't toss me in hospital). Sorry for the delay.




Well, I've had that before and I know exactly what you are going through. Just stay in bed, DO NOT MOVE AROUND TOO MUCH, and wait it out. I'm sure your doc has told you much the same. I picked up mine from a guy from work! He came to work with Pneumonia and spread it around. We'd rather have you feeling better than exerting yourself too soon. :mellow:


Get well soon... The story can wait until your get better!!!

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  • Site Administrator

Get well soon Goat Buddy :) We will be around when you release the next cliffhanger chapter of Circumnavigation :hug:


Get well soon Goat Buddy :) We will be around when you release the next cliffhanger chapter of Circumnavigation :hug:


B)..........I'd rather have a well goat then a new chapter with Trevor. Take care of yourself and get well!!


A chapter was due today, but I've been unable to do much for a couple of days... Long story short, my 'doc confirmed, I have pneumonia. The chills and fevers are no fun at all. I've been sleeping most of the time.


Hopefully, I'll get the chapter online by Wednesday (assuming my 'doc doesn't toss me in hospital). Sorry for the delay.




I hope you get to feeling better soon.

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Hope you're feeling better.


Bill C


A chapter was due today, but I've been unable to do much for a couple of days... Long story short, my 'doc confirmed, I have pneumonia. The chills and fevers are no fun at all. I've been sleeping most of the time.


Hopefully, I'll get the chapter online by Wednesday (assuming my 'doc doesn't toss me in hospital). Sorry for the delay.




Wow, thanks Everyone!


I'm still not too well, but I'm sure I'm better than I was yesterday, which is a good thing indeed. :)


One of the fun things about this is that it inflamed chest wall (or something) at about the level of the diaphragm, and that makes any sudden tensing of those muscles very painful. Unfortunately for me, coughing fits that description, and I've been coughing a LOT. It's not as bad as it was yesterday, when I blacked out a couple of times. Clydee, did you have that part too? Not fun, any of it... I was offered painkillers but warned that they could slow my recovery. I'm now on aspirin... plus a little brandy.


U;m still sleeping a lot, and I'm fairly thick-headed, but today has been the best day in days. The chills and fevers reamian, but are a LOT less intense. So too is the chest congestion. So, I think I'm on the mend. :)


BTW, I absolutlky, positively, do not recommend pneumonia as a recreational activity. :music: it sucks. And not in a good way. :thumbdown:


I must say to just take one day at a time. My honest opinion is I think you have what is called caned hot dogs. LOL My roommate had that a few years back and was kept in the hospital and it was in early fall so we know weather has nothing to do with. Hope you feel better soon , don't worry we will be here for you . Don't worry about the stories just get better we will wait for future chapters . Jim


Oh dear pneumonia, don't be suprised if it takes a few weeks or months to get over it fully. it helps if you don't lie flat in bed, sit up to stop the fluid gathering in your lungs. But your doctor should have told you that. Drink plenty of warm fluids like lemon and honey it will help with the cough as cough mixtures don't help in this case. well actually drink plenty of fluids as this loosens the mucus.


If you can get up an move about as this breaks up infection blocking the tubes


it takes 48 hours for the antibiotic to get into your blood stream and start fighting the infection, if you feel worse or you are no better after taking the antibiotic after 5 days go back to your doctor


I really hope you start feeling better soon


Wow, thanks Everyone!


I'm still not too well, but I'm sure I'm better than I was yesterday, which is a good thing indeed. :)


One of the fun things about this is that it inflamed chest wall (or something) at about the level of the diaphragm, and that makes any sudden tensing of those muscles very painful. Unfortunately for me, coughing fits that description, and I've been coughing a LOT. It's not as bad as it was yesterday, when I blacked out a couple of times. Clydee, did you have that part too? Not fun, any of it... I was offered painkillers but warned that they could slow my recovery. I'm now on aspirin... plus a little brandy.


U;m still sleeping a lot, and I'm fairly thick-headed, but today has been the best day in days. The chills and fevers reamian, but are a LOT less intense. So too is the chest congestion. So, I think I'm on the mend. :)


BTW, I absolutlky, positively, do not recommend pneumonia as a recreational activity. :music: it sucks. And not in a good way. :thumbdown:


Oh yeah, the coughing is the best part!!! Brandy is good... :devil:


Nothing calms a sick soul like whiskey and liquor cough remedies.. lol.


Sorry to hear that you have Pneumonia, it is something that just seems to take some time to come back from... so be careful and do as the doctor says. :) We can only roast healthy goats over the fire pit come Spring....


Roasted tough old goat? Nay, a slow cooked red curry goat is what's needed to overcome that tough sinewy old mountain goat.





you still don't want a sick old goat(ha) to roast, you need healthy one to make any meal, unless of course you are vegatarian.


Still under the weather? If you're in the USA you prob. under snow, but then if you're in Australia, you could be floating away in flood waters. Seriously, take care of yourself and listen to the doc.

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