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Would you ever move out of your country?

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I studied abroad and lived in Spain for about 7 really incredible months. I'd go back, if the situation called for it, and I can even get special dispensation for fast citizenship :P



Ahh where did you study?! It's an amazing place, the whole country is. So many different and climates and cultures - I love it. We visit every summer because I've still got family over there.

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Ahh where did you study?! It's an amazing place, the whole country is. So many different and climates and cultures - I love it. We visit every summer because I've still got family over there.


I lived in Valencia, but also took a month and a half to travel to Madrid, Barcelona, Cuenca ( where my way-back ancestors are from) and all the major cities in the South.

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But you were still technically born in America cause I'm pretty sure American military bases are considered American soil even if they are out of the country.


f**k I'd love to be born in Germany...I'm part german. Hells man those german dudes are totally rockin everything. BMW/Mercdes Ben/Shcnitnzel is the shizzlllleee. Plus they have a totally rad orchestra that kicks the shit out of ALL the other orchestras/

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Yes, I most definitely would its a HUGE world out there and I wanna see it all. My father lives in Vancouver and from what everyones told me its the perfect city for me and I'm honestly considering moving there for personal reason involving the mother and also I wanna get away from maryland.


But i'd also love to move to London or Sydney, Australia



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Yes, they are. Wasn't John McCain born in the Panama Canal Zone, when it was "owned" by the U.S.?


It depends on the contract. If it's in the country where the US could impose their demands as in Germany, Italy or Japan after WWII, it might be the case it's American soil. But it's usually leased under specified rules - you usually generate some income for the host country or deliver some equipment or something - whatever the two countries agree on. Because - if you claim it's American soil, then it is under American jurisdiction - which would effectively be a breach of state's sovereignty. Usually the forces deployed there have to obey US military law unless it's some civil breach which would be judged by the legal system of the host country.

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I've been living in another country (= US) for 7 1/2 years now. Language is not a criterion for me because I learn languages really quickly... but it's more a question of feeling comfortable with the culture. I guess I could feel comfortable enough in a lot of countries as long as I had Mr. Daisy with me :2hands:


Anyway, I'm not planning on going back home, but going back to Europe in general is a possibility, though most likely I'll stay here.

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I've never even managed to visit anywhere outside of the USA. However I have been looking lately at posts for teachers. Finding a position here isn't easy. The economy is down and jobs are scarce. If I was to go anywhere would be different and I would be on my own. I am not sure I would want to give up my citizenship but I guess that all comes down to if I found the right person. Right now I am free so anywhere I hang my hat is home.

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I've been living in the south pacific for nearly a year, with just over a year to go... And though I've enjoyed my time here, I look forward to when I can head back to California ;)


Living abroad can help one appreciate other cultures, while also reigniting ones sense of passion for their homeland. There is so much to be learned and explored ;)

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I studied abroad twice in college and lived in Nicaragua for two years. I'm biding my time in the U.S. a bit to save up some money, then I'm off again for a few years. That's the plan anyway.

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  • 2 months later...

I want to move out of the USA, but I have no idea where to go. It seems like everyplace has pros and cons, and I haven't really stopped to seriously consider the details (I should probably do that...).


I have considered the UK, Spain, and Australia, but it's difficult to really decide. The whole pros/cons thing again, and I honestly don't know what I would want in a new country. Reading everyone's comments makes me realize... I should think this through more thoroughly lol :)

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I think I'd enjoy living for short periods outside of my country - say one or two years on assignment. But it would probably take me about that long to lose my midwest hick accent! ;) In the long run though, I'd always want to come back to the states.

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I know this is an old post but I'm late to the party :P


I would only leave the country if Robert left. If he went back to Ireland we would follow him- heck if he moved to Siberia, we would follow him there too.


Anywhere in the world, as long as its the 3 of us, it's home!:D

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I'd love to live in a "colder" country, like maybe somewhere closer to the poles. I lived in New Zealand for 5 years and I might head back there once I finish high school. I'm thinking about moving to Canada, maybe, for university and for the future, too. Posted Image

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well i moved to mexico from the states (chicago) about 9 years ago. It felt odd at first but i got over that quickly. once i could get by in spanish it was a snap, - and where i am there are lots of english speaking people.


i can have a much better quality of life here on much less money which basically allowed me to retire at 40 rather than like 70.


Where i am near puerto vallarta is one of the most expensive places in mexico, but even considering that there is Great health care here for almost nothing, food is 20% cheaper, gas is 20% cheaper, lodging is 70% cheaper and there are virtually no property taxes and you can get someone to help out cleaning or gardening or whatever for about $25 a day.


all conveniences are here even obmoxious ones like 3 walmarts, costco and 2 walmarts within 10 miles. just like back home. We even hve about 20 gay bars and a new gay community center. only things missing are chicago hotdogs, taco bell and good thai food.

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Would I move out of the USA?....absolutly! Where I live is right-wing and bigoted. If I had the money, I would be packed and out of here in a month, but where would I go? Don't know. Canada? I would have loved to live in Asia, but those dreams had to die. Canada is the closest, the nearest boarder to run for...

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