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Would you ever move out of your country?

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I believe in intuition. I have known for ages that this might not be my scenery for the rest of my life. This is not based on a fact that I'd hate my life here nor to a fact that I love some other specific country.


I'm going on a expedition in near future, to figure out if it is going to be something I really want, if so where and when. Things might not be any better elswhere. Just different. I just grave for a change. It's like a leap of faith.


I'm planning to start my own yogastudio and in Finland there really is not enough clientell for the kind I'm planning.


How many of you peeps have done the big change? And why? Was it worth it?

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I believe in intuition. I have known for ages that this might not be my scenery for the rest of my life. This is not based on a fact that I'd hate my life here nor to a fact that I love some other specific country.


I'm going on a expedition in near future, to figure out if it is going to be something I really want, if so where and when. Things might not be any better elswhere. Just different. I just grave for a change. It's like a leap of faith.


I'm planning to start my own yogastudio and in Finland there really is not enough clientell for the kind I'm planning.


How many of you peeps have done the big change? And why? Was it worth it?


Hells yeah. I'd love to do some post-grad studies in Europe. They appreciate music way better there. It would depend on my husband but music jobs in the USA and Europe pay way more than Canada. I'd never move to South America or Asia though. I like being surrounded by white people. I like white western culture...


As a Canadian citizen it's pretty easy to travel, except I don't have the funds. I'm poorrrrr

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I studied and lived abroad for 5 years.

Granted it was in a neighbouring country, so it allowed for regular trips back home several times a year.


It was a very positive and enjoyable experience, mostly. We are lucky in Europe because we don't need extra paperwork to be able to work and live in another EU country. However, I'll have to admit that it proved very difficult financially. This was before Internet was very common, so getting a precise idea of costs of living and transport, in particular, was impossible. Early optimism quickly vanished. Getting this information is a lot easier today.


I say, a good preparation will go a long way in helping you settle in another country.

Good luck with it, it's a small adventure in itself. :)

Edited by Bleu
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I was in Paraguay two years ago for two weeks, and even though I don't speak their language, I loved it there. It was very different for the chaotic life I left behind - albeit for a little while. I sure would love to travel again, hopefully the US for my studies. But then, there's very little funding...


I was in Paraguay two years ago for two weeks, and even though I don't speak their language, I loved it there. It was very different for the chaotic life I left behind - albeit for a little while. I sure would love to travel again, hopefully the US for my studies. But then, there's very little funding...


I was in Paraguay two years ago for two weeks, and even though I don't speak their language, I loved it there. It was very different for the chaotic life I left behind - albeit for a little while. I sure would love to travel again, hopefully the US for my studies. But then, there's very little funding...

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I would love to move somewhere cold... but I think I would get sick of it after awhile :P


funny that id love to move somewhere hot but I dont think id get sick of that quite so quickly hehe.


Wanna swap??? :P

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Yeah I'm leaving the US as soon as I'm no longer encumbered here by family obligations. I've started the process of emigrating to Ireland and also to Australia.


I have a feeling it's going to be a lot worse here before it gets better. Plus, the more distance I can get between me and "its friday" the better.

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No, I would never move out of the United States. I was born an American, and I will die one. I love this country too much to abandon it. Hell, I wouldn't even want to live outside the Northeast (with the exception of California).

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Yup sure. My gameplan is to either move out west within canada or overseas to somewhere in Europe (Sweden, switzerland perhaps.) I'd consider moving to austrailia or maybe japan, but thats about it. Def not going south of the border xD

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Tet... I was born in Germany in an American military base, so shut up :P


Anyway, when I graduate with a post-graduate degree, I planned to go west in the United States (possibly the Mid-West or whatever). If not, I have my eye on Canada... Edmonton for their deaf school up there.

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Sure, I would move out of the US. In fact, I have plans to move to Scotland when I retire. And my partner's family is from Italy, but he lived in Mexico City while going to college. He is not convinced that the US is so much better than anyplace else. We wants the eastern coast of Italy, but I have more family in Scotland than he has in Italy, so I decided, I win...

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I just moved to Canada with the family about 5 years ago and I like it a lot over here. Life might have been easier if I stayed in the Philippines because I had everything mapped out already over there, but deviating from the plan was fun; it made me learn more about myself. It's also more diverse here, which is awesome.

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I've lived in multiple countries and gotta say variety is the spice of life. I hope nobody understands this as me saying the United States isn't a quality place to reside but in my own opinion, there's really nothing mindblowingly special about living here even though I do call it home and have placed my own share of loyalty. I see myself going international after completing as much education as I can. The world is small enough as it is, why limit it even more?

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I would love to move somewhere cold... but I think I would get sick of it after awhile :P


Washington is not cold? Huh?


Are you KIDDING? I live in Mississippi.


Where would I go? Detroit?


Last I heard houses were cheap there though you know?


No, I would never move out of the United States. I was born an American, and I will die one. I love this country too much to abandon it. Hell, I wouldn't even want to live outside the Northeast (with the exception of California).


Spoken like a true american, wish canadiens had more pasions for their country ar har ar

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Ok real answer now..


I would love to leave my quite boring town *city* in Australia,


I would love to move to England summer time I would still be frozen though :P ,

I dunno how I feel about America, too many people in the big citys that are gay friendly, and the smaller places seem filled with hatered



but I think unless I find a partner/ awesome job somewhere overseas, I will always eventually come back to Australia

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My parents moved us from Spain when I was 5 to the U.S.A. and I love it here, but I honestly miss ¡España!


I'm considering moving back once I'm graduated college.


I studied abroad and lived in Spain for about 7 really incredible months. I'd go back, if the situation called for it, and I can even get special dispensation for fast citizenship :P

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Tet... I was born in Germany in an American military base, so shut up :P


Anyway, when I graduate with a post-graduate degree, I planned to go west in the United States (possibly the Mid-West or whatever). If not, I have my eye on Canada... Edmonton for their deaf school up there.


But you were still technically born in America cause I'm pretty sure American military bases are considered American soil even if they are out of the country.

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If I could speak the language well and I could get a job reasonably well I would have no problem moving away from England. I'd want to visit UK regularly to see parents but for new experiences I wouldnt mind moving.

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Hells yeah. I'd love to do some post-grad studies in Europe. They appreciate music way better there. It would depend on my husband but music jobs in the USA and Europe pay way more than Canada. I'd never move to South America or Asia though. I like being surrounded by white people. I like white western culture...


As a Canadian citizen it's pretty easy to travel, except I don't have the funds. I'm poorrrrr


I'm not quite sure why someone negged you for this. I'm assuming its because you said you like being in white western culture as opposed to others. Whoever negged you was probably dumb enough to think you're racist, which is kinda funny cause you obviously aren't. :P Most people feel more comfortable around people who look and act like them, and if you live amongst your "own kind", chances are you are going to have much more in common then if you lived amongst "different people".

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But you were still technically born in America cause I'm pretty sure American military bases are considered American soil even if they are out of the country.



Yes, they are. Wasn't John McCain born in the Panama Canal Zone, when it was "owned" by the U.S.?

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