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Third Annual Team Recognition Month

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  • Site Moderator

The Writers Support Team is pleased to announce once again that April is Team Recognition Month.


Authors, this is your opportunity to publicly recognize and thank your team for the work they do for you. It is also a time to recognize the teams who work behind the scenes here at Gay Authors.


To begin the celebration, I'm going to begin with the Writers Support Team by recognizing the rebuilt team.


Talonrider: Admin, WST Lead

Cia: Admin, WST Deputy Lead

Lugh: Tech Support, Keystone Project

sat8997: Editing Lead




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I'd like to thank the following members of my team

for their kind contributions to my stories:

| Dargon | Jamie de Valen | Librent | TalonRider |

Thanks guys for helping to make every word shine.


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How cool - sure I'll go there :)


I want to thank Anyta Sunday for being the bestus [no editing Frosty] Beta there is.

Frosty for Editing

Jian Sierra for his help and suggestions.


Thanks gals and guy for helping with the way too long Second Shot and the current and future stories.


I would also like to thank Cia for - well everything and Lugh for supporting me when I was ready to cash in and go home.






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The Writers Support Team is pleased to announce once again that April is Team Recognition Month.


Authors, this is your opportunity to publicly recognize and thank your team for the work they do for you. It is also a time to recognize the teams who work behind the scenes here at Gay Authors.


To begin the celebration, I'm going to begin with the Writers Support Team by recognizing the rebuilt team.


Talonrider: Admin, WST Lead

Cia: Admin, WST Deputy Lead

Lugh: Tech Support, Keystone Project

sat8997: Editing Lead





:worship: Thank you guys!! :D :D

How cool - sure I'll go there :)


I want to thank Anyta Sunday for being the bestus [no editing Frosty] Beta there is.

Frosty for Editing

Jian Sierra for his help and suggestions.


Thanks gals and guy for helping with the way too long Second Shot and the current and future stories.


I would also like to thank Cia for - well everything and Lugh for supporting me when I was ready to cash in and go home.







:*) u're very very welcome Q-Man!



Also, I'd thank Aggie ;) for 'Poking AND nagging' (his words, not mine) me into writing.

and, Cailen, for polishing it up!! :2thumbs:

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Thank you guys!

:worship: :worship: :worship:You make my part of the deal so much easier.



I forgot to mention my dreamteam (sorry babes :*)) : Zolia Lily, Frostina and of course Anya and Kingdom by the Sea too!

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Nephy - Part Time Editor/Beta Reader

Tiger - Editor

Cia - Editor/Beta Reader. For keeping me on track.

Sharon - Editor

Prince Duchess - Beta Reader

Lugh - For always giving me advice

Myr - For keeping me on track as well as Cia.

Comicality - For helping me when I was down about writing



If i forgot anyone i'm sorry, just eat me and i'll add you to it :P

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The stories that go out under my name are a team effort.


Working on other people's stories is all too often a hard and thankless task. The author gets the credit, but what of the team? I'm a big fan of Team Appreciation Month, but I think there should be twelve of them in a year. :)


The only fair way to do this is alphabetically;





Red A,



Thanks you, for working with me to bring these stories to life. They are very much our stories, not merely mine alone. You guys are the best. :2thumbs:


Thank you also, to Myr and everyone who works so hard at GA to create this place and keep it running.

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The stories that go out under my name are a team effort.


Working on other people's stories is all too often a hard and thankless task. The author gets the credit, but what of the team? I'm a big fan of Team Appreciation Month, but I think there should be twelve of them in a year. :)


The only fair way to do this is alphabetically;





Red A,



Thanks you, for working with me to bring these stories to life. They are very much our stories, not merely mine alone. You guys are the best. :2thumbs:


Thank you also, to Myr and everyone who works so hard at GA to create this place and keep it running.


It's always fun working with you, CJ. Your stories are always interesting and every one is unique in some way.


I want to thank you, too, for the work you did formatting my anthology entry. That was really neat.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Site Administrator

Well I need to get in here on this one. I don't mention my peoples often. Renee- for helping me bounce story ideas, helping me out if I'm stuck, listening to me whine about how hard I'm finding writing and giving me the kick in the butt I need, encouragment... all that on top of the wonderful editing. Thank you, Thank you! I can't forget about those who helped me in the beginning, because without them I would never have kept with writing. Lugh, Nephy, Paya- You're the best!


This might seem a bit off, but I also want to thank my writers. Those who let me help them somewhere in their creative process. Writing is great but reading and talking about stories, editing, that has always been such a thrill for me. Renee, Lugh, Nephy, John, Myr, Tiger, Linxe and all those who let me be part of their occasional or invisible team or send them pm's pointing out things without killing me... Thanks!!!

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Hey... that's not fair... you thanked me before i thanked you :)


Who would I like to thank... well....


Cia is an awesome beta and editor... also a fantastic friend.

Frosty has a semi automatic comma gun and scatter shoots all my works with commas. Given that I write ridiculously long sentences that is NOT a bad thing :)

Rush is a wonderful Beta when she's around and when she's not I'm :(

NightOwl and RIley Jerico played a small bet extremely important part of getting Enigma II off the ground.


For technical support I doubt I would have brought my stories over to GAStories at all if it hadn't been for the technical advice and support of Cia and Lugh. And yes, Lugh did tell me to read the FAQ but then he helped me anyway - you two are just the greatest.


There are too many people who have supported me and helped me and encouraged me to even begin to mention. You probably know who you are but I think a generic thank you to everyone who has ever read, commented. pm'd me, encouraged me or posted on my forums... should do quite well.




I would thank MYR because quite simply we wouldn't be here if not for him.

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I would like to thank my team as well (and a few others).


TalonRider- For being a great editor and friend and providing me with the opportunity to work on Writer Support Team.

Cia- She is a great beta reader and a great friend as well. She also allows me to vent.

Nephy- She is the one who is very good at making sure that my writing isn't repetitive and that it is evil enough.

Renee- She picks up whatever the others have left behind, and she's good at listening to people's troubles.

Myr- He really keeps this site going even when people bitch at him too much. He's also a good friend.

Lugh- He hasn't been active on my team, but I still bounce ideas off of him from time to time.

My readers- You're all great and loyal even when I don't post very often. Without readers, there would be no reason for the site.

Fellow authors- You keep me entertained!

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Thank you Cia and Tiger for the mention. I really appreciate it and you both help me out in ways you can't even imagine. So now I guess it's my turn!


First and foremost, I want to send a great big thank you to all of those that keep this site running!


To Cia~ Well, what can I say. You have been a wonderful friend to me since that first PM I sent you. You've been a wonderful beta/editor, never afraid to be critical of areas in a story that you think needs work (and usually I agree with you!) You've been there really since I started posting on GA. Talking through story ideas with me which is a wonderful help! Without your help, I don't think any of my newer stories would be what they are! If I posted everything that I was thankful to you for, well, this post would be even longer than it's going to be! So I'll simply say, thank you for everything you do not only with stories, but as a trusted friend.


To Nephy~ I may not have been talking and visiting with you as long as I have Cia, but I value your friendship and the help you provide me with my stories. You have been there to discuss story lines with me and helped to improve my work. Plus you have been there for me when I just need to vent!


To Lugh~ Thank you so much for all of the work you put in to get my hosted page set up. It turned out wonderful and I'm so glad I was able to work with you on it. Since then, you have become a valued friend and I look forward to talking to you and working with you. Bouncing story ideas off each other has been great! And of course for when you tell me "well go write it!"


To Tiger~ I want to thank you for being such a wonderful friend. You thank me for being there to listen, but you do the same for me.


To Frosty~ Thank you so much for being a great friend, willing to be there to talk out things that are going on and willing to listen to new story ideas and give me your take on it!


To KingdombytheSea~ Thank you for all your work on NMH. I promise, I am still working on it, it's just taking a lot longer than I'd hoped!


There are so many other people I want to thank that it would take me forever. To all my friends, readers, reviewers, happy point givers, and those who participate in my forum. Thank you to all of you! I count myself lucky to be among so many friends on GA and I look forward to long lasting friendships!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Awwww--I SO did not see this! How awesome.


Okay, well, I know it's late, LOL, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm very happy with and THANKFUL for Awesome Andy, and (darn it, I can't find any cool J word (jackpot?)) Superduper John. :P



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Well I think my member title says it all as I didn't know we had this Posted Image


Anywhoo, I'd like to thank Anyta because she's the bestest critter there is IMO (and she's a superb editor to boot), Andy for making me 'hate' the phrase 'show us how they feel!', Maria for lending an open ear to all my musings regarding my stories and Bleu for believing in my skills :)

Edited by jian_sierra
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