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The Day is Here! (or Who is a Total Geek?)

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So who else is going to see Harry Potter tonight at 12:01AM in 3D IMAX?


I mean this is IT! The end of an era. I have 13 years invested in this series. It is almost like saying goodbye to friends you know you'll never see again.

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I decided not to see the midnight showing this time. I hate having to wait two hours for the movie in order to get a seat, and I always get stuck next to someone who's quiet waiting, then won't shut up during the entire movie, and sobs when something bad happens. I'm going to see a matinee instead. BUT IM SO EXCITED!

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I haven't decided yet. I love midnight showings and Harry Potter but the last one I went to was for The Hangover 2 and it took almost an hour for the line snaking it's way around the whole theater to even start moving so I can't imagine how bad it'll be for Harry Potter. Not sure if I wanna deal with that today.

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Saw the first Harry Potter movie on HBO or Showtime or one of the movie channels, I forget which one. And I was somewhat underwhelmed. So I made no effort to see any of the other ones.


I checked online to see what the ticket prices were for this newest one. 11 freakin' dollars at some theaters! Forget that; you would have to pay ME to wait in line for hours to watch this drivel.

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Why didn't you read deathly hallows? It was the last one. Didn't you want to know how it would end?


I think I'm just one of those people that needs to read everything at once. I've done that with a few stories. By the time the last book came out I had read all the others a few times, but there was such a gap in release time that when the seventh came out I didn't feel like rereading the whole series and then the seventh one. I just felt neutral about it. But I will go see the movie.

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I've never quite understood 'Potter mania' to be honest. I've seen the movies, they're ok.The plot is interesting enough. Maybe I just can't take Daniel Radcliff seriously as Harry Potter..

I probably will watch the final one at some point but I'm not overly excited about it.

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is that a heavenly choir I hear singing...






it's OVER


This! Or is that the deathly halleluiahs :D


Unfortunately, though, it just means we will have to start the process over with another character. Ah, well, variety is the spice of hype, I suppose :D

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Everything you ever wanted (or needed) to know about Harry Potter! (the video contains spoilers for the first 7 movies)




Harry Potter, murderer, age 11. <-- probably my favorite line. Plus, I love how they highlight things from the movie by going "We have no idea!" They do this so well. :lmao:

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I think I'm just one of those people that needs to read everything at once. I've done that with a few stories. By the time the last book came out I had read all the others a few times, but there was such a gap in release time that when the seventh came out I didn't feel like rereading the whole series and then the seventh one. I just felt neutral about it. But I will go see the movie.


That is why I only started reading the books when the seventh one came out. Then I read one book a day.

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Everything you ever wanted (or needed) to know about Harry Potter! (the video contains spoilers for the first 7 movies)




Harry Potter, murderer, age 11. <-- probably my favorite line. Plus, I love how they highlight things from the movie by going "We have no idea!" They do this so well. :lmao:


Those guys are so mean to poor Dumbledore. I love Dumbledore!

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The books are better, but I freely admit that the CGI's drew me into the world of enchantment first as a kid :P


Hmm, I was around 13-14, when the first movie came out. I didn't know that other guys were along for the ride of Harry Potter series as well. In any case, I am hoping to make it to a matinee tomorrow, so don't spoil it for me.


As for Daniel radcliffe, he was nice as his character developed and learned about the magical world. However, I wonder what he will do after the series is over. He could put on a few showings of Equus for his fans :P .

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