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Steve Jobs, RIP


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So what would you rather do: Change the world and live a life like Jobs, then die at 56. Or live the life of a drone until the ripe old age of 100?


There are different interpretations for what entails as a "drone" but generally speaking, I'd much rather die at 50 as somebody then live to 100 as nobody

Edited by Yang Bang
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Amen to this. But believe me ... being an iconoclast or an original thinker, or a visionary thinker is no bloody cakewalk. Even the great SJ got kicked out of his own company by wombles who then nearly destroyed it.


I believe he was quite a difficult guy to work for or with. Well, good on him. At least he had good ideas and swept the numpties aside and demanded excellence, rather than the collegiate, team oriented claptrap we get today. Good interpersonal skills and team player are just euphemisms for lily livered, spineless, yes men.


At least God can get an ipad now!

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So what would you rather do: Change the world and live a life like Jobs, then die at 56. Or live the life of a drone until the ripe old age of 100?

Oh yes please. That means just 12 more years. Fabulous.

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Amen. Steve Jobs will be missed, for all eternity. The world will never have another man as brilliant and efficient as him.


I am fully prepared to sob myself to sleep for the 3rd day in a row. I've lost a hero and an icon.


R.I.P Steve Jobs. You will be missed.

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So what would you rather do: Change the world and live a life like Jobs, then die at 56. Or live the life of a drone until the ripe old age of 100?


hmmmm there's a problem with this as one approaches the magic 56..... at 21, I can imagine saying yes - conquer the world and go out in a blaze of glory, but at my age, it would be the worlds fastest "conquer". but a drone until 100.... well I suppose I have not been a drone to date, but then I have not been Steve Jobs either.


so can I choose "motivated drone with splashes of cleverness" and then shuffle of this mortal coil ~75????? Please ......


That said Steve Jobs was a one in a million, may he rest in peace satisfied that while he may not have achieved all he wanted, he did the rest of us mighty good.

Edited by Canuk
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“Life’s Best Invention”

The CEO of Apple computer, Steve Jobs, died this past week of cancer at 56 years of age. After he learned of his cancer he spoke at the 2005 Stanford Commencement ceremony. He told his young audience; “Death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it, and that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. Its life’s change agent, it clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you- but someday, not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away.”

Jobs was echoing the words of Solomon who said, “Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come” (Ec. 12:1). The “evil days” Solomon explained were the days of old age and death when “the dust will return to the earth as it was and the spirit unto God who gave it” (Ec. 12: 7).

Death is truly life’s best invention. For a time, when we are young, we think we will live forever. A few moments later we are wearing hearing aids and walking with a cane. So enjoy every moment, chase your dreams, and serve God. Life’s best invention is not far away.

-Dennis Doughty
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