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What about an East Coast Meet Up?


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Okay seen that the European group is getting together (Again the lucky gang) and that the West Coast is planning a meet. Well what about the East Coast of the US? There are a group of us here too. Any one interested in getting together and where on the Coast would everyone like to go?



So Everyone who reads this knows the facts.


There was a vote. DC is the home of the East Coast meet this year, 2012. IT will be the weekend of June 16th and 17th. Thank you for all who voted. Feel free to read all the comments and if you plan to attend please let us know as well. We would love to have as many as possible show up.

Edited by comicfan
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DC so I can bring the wee little one?


I suggested something like this once but was told to wait until the west coast folks had theirs so as to not overload folks. But I'd say DC is good, there are lots of folks in the B'more, DC, No Va area and it's sorta central too. :D


Not that I'm biased or nothing. 0:)

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Yes, there are several of us on the east coast. I have seen some possible dates that a couple of the west coasters may be in on the east coast. I don't remember the exact dates at the moment, so don't ask. Depending upon the date, I may make it.


The Bahama's sound great as long is Lugh is paying.

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LOL. Well I would think the Bahamas are out. I was discussing east coast of the US. Doubt many of us can simply afford to drop it all and run to another country. I'm all for a summer get together though. After all the snow from last year, and what they are expecting this year, it would be something to look forward to. So far a suggestion for DC. Anyone else care to put forth a city or local?


Posted Image East Coast is like, where I am and stuff. I'd like to meet some weirdos please.


And Lacey who you calling a weirdo? I'm not weird, I'm nuts. :lol:

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Last time an east coast get together was discussed, the choice were NYC, Philly, and DC. No one could agree on where to met up. I'm in the Philly area myself.

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Well depending on how many interested parties we get the east coast is fairly large, maybe a north and south thing? I'm from the Island, I drive. Been to DC many times but been told my country white boy self should stay out of Philly. lol. But well lets see what if anything we can get going. Heck if we do a north and south at different parts of the seasons I might be able to make both. (Oh travel plans and a reason for time off. Did I just let everyone know that. :lol: )

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Sorry, every trip to DC I've had people who know the area take me around. DC works for me but I know we do have some further North, like Intune in CT and Cailen in MA, and even up to Maine. If we have two that would work as well. Besides I know we also have a few GAers from up near the Canadian border so will just have to wait to see about the weigh in from them. But I can't see why DC wouldn't work.

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It depends on when it is. If its anywhere from September to April, I vote Philly or DC. I'm 15 minutes from Center City Philadelphia and about 2 hours from DC. Any other time, I vote Boston, which is still a good 2 hour drive for me.

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Sounds like DC is a hit. I can go for that. I know I was the one to open this can of worms and I am not backing out, however does someone from down there want to see what rhe group can do on a budget. It pays to have options. Like I said, I love DC every time I have been but can't honestly say I know it. So I can lend a hand but no one knows DC like some from the area.


Meanwhile for those who see DC as too far to get to does the North East GA group need a different gathering or will this work?


SECOND QUESTION - possible dates anyone?

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Sounds like DC is a hit. I can go for that. I know I was the one to open this can of worms and I am not backing out, however does someone from down there want to see what rhe group can do on a budget. It pays to have options. Like I said, I love DC every time I have been but can't honestly say I know it. So I can lend a hand but no one knows DC like some from the area.


Meanwhile for those who see DC as too far to get to does the North East GA group need a different gathering or will this work?


SECOND QUESTION - possible dates anyone?




IF DC is chosen, I'm certainly up for helping plan it. If we agree on DC and a date, I'll scout around for hotels and stuff. As for places to eat I can pretty much give you a list from low to high and in between.


Second - I think it is a HUGE mistake to suggest and try to plan/arrange two separate 'East Coast' Events. When they do the European Meet up, they pick a place and people either come or don't. Folks who can't make it to one are always free to try to arrange an informal one, but the idea is to plan and promote one so the maximum number of folks will come. So I think that we either plan ONE or just let folks do it informally. I'm not near as keen on traveling - assuming it's not in DC - to a meet up that is one of two or more regional meet ups, I'm more inclined to contact the local folks and try to meet up informally.


Just my two cents.



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Okay seems like DC is getting the votes and no thinking warmer weather. I for one don't feel like freezing my tush off. Besides if the snow does what it did last year I am not going to be able to head south any time soon. Between work and weather I'll be buried. lol.

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IF DC is chosen, I'm certainly up for helping plan it. If we agree on DC and a date, I'll scout around for hotels and stuff. As for places to eat I can pretty much give you a list from low to high and in between.


hotels? .....couch? :P

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hotels? .....couch? Posted Image




haha, I'd have to see what the state of lil' Q is before I commit. I'm not sure we're up for non-family house guests just yet, but we might by the time this is planned. [Though I suspect a certain someone and her son have first dibs on staying here if they come.]


One thing to consider, I live out by the university of Maryland and the metro is a 10 minute walk from campus. There are fairly cheap places here that are near - I won't say a lot of amenities, but still some. My point is that the you can be in down town DC in 20 minutes on the metro and the cost would be a lot less. And the Metro run til 2 am on weekends so it's not as if folks couldn't do the club scene if the wanted. Just things to consider.

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