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What about an East Coast Meet Up?


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Aww guys! That's a HORRIBLE date! I promised my friends a road trip up to New York for New York Pride event! ):


That's interesting you bring that up, I know there was a few that are in NYC or going to be in that area during that time. Myself included if you wanted to make it a lil mini event that wouldnt be an issue, im sure.

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That's interesting you bring that up, I know there was a few that are in NYC or going to be in that area during that time. Myself included if you wanted to make it a lil mini event that wouldnt be an issue, im sure.


Um, heck yeah! Haha, if I can make both, it'll be even amazinger. Maybe I can convince Mama Rush to travel me to DC from Charlotte and convince my job to let me off for both events! I still have to get the NYC dates down though.
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I've booked a room for Saturday to Sunday at the State Plaza, not sure where that is, but it's close to transportation (Yes, I am taking the Amtrak down to DC using the Northeast Regional line, which should be interesting as I have not taken extended train trips in the US).


The combined price was also right under $300, so it seemed good compared to some stuff I found online.


Yes, I'm a tourist Posted Image


I did the same, but I'll be arriving a day or so earlier.

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Cool, we can get some coffee in the morning if you want.


Anyone else at our hotel or in need of a room. I can ask for an extra bed.


I did the same, but I'll be arriving a day or so earlier.


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@ W_L since I'd be coming from Lowell MA i'd say we might just be roomies. I'll have to check with my work before i can confirm anything.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys, can we get into a private chat together for everyone who is coming? Like a group conversation between us.


I think we should exchange email and cell # prior to getting together just so we can contact each other for events. We can keep it simple and loose, maybe one or two things we can do as a group and other stuff based on our interests (I want to visit the library of Congress for instance, but I know most of you guys will get extremely bored by it or want to visit the Presidential monuments, which I have seen several times already.)


Does that sound like an idea?


Q, probably would best know the area for restaurants and entertainment, so if you can give us a run down on choices and interests for a group like ours. (If this fails, we can walk around the capital in peaceful protest like the several hundred lobbyists and demonstrators do daily. :P )

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Sounds like a good idea to me :)


So far I've looked into a couple of art things- there's a art of video games exhibit I'd like to see at the Smithsonian American Art Museum if anyone else wants to go (it's free!) I'll probably be going to the National Portrait Gallery too. I got my amtrak tickets, I'm gonna be getting in on Friday around 2 and leaving noon Sunday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've always wondered about these meet-up things.


Do you guys all know each other or can anyone go without feeling left out or an "odd one out" or something?

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I went to the last one in DC and, other than interacting in the various forums, I didn't know anyone. It was nice to put names and faces together and everyone was chatty so the conversation never slowed.


It was brought to my attention yesterday that I have family obligations that weekend, so I don't think I'm going to be able to attend like I had planned. My daughters are trying to figure out how we can do both, so we'll see. Posted Image

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Okay world of potential East Coaster Meeter uppers. I need everyone who is coming or thinking of coming to PM me so we can get a head count and that sort of stuff.


I'm taking off Friday June 15 so I can be around and me and 'lil Q can be an unofficial welcoming party for those who come early.


So please PM - then I'll send you my email and cell number so we can get in touch when y'all are here in wonderfully humid Washington DC. Pack accordingly - which for those of you exhibitionists means, don't bring any clothes, you'll be more comfortable nekked - or as nekked as you can be without getting arrested. :P


I'd love to visit DC and meet some of you, but the dates don't work for me at all.


Phoenix, if you ever feel like coming this way, let me know and we'll see if we can't have an impromptu meeting up of any and all who are here and available.



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Sounds like a good idea to me Posted Image


So far I've looked into a couple of art things- there's a art of video games exhibit I'd like to see at the Smithsonian American Art Museum if anyone else wants to go (it's free!) I'll probably be going to the National Portrait Gallery too. I got my amtrak tickets, I'm gonna be getting in on Friday around 2 and leaving noon Sunday.



I'll be arriving a few hours prior. But if you want someone to visit the galleries with you, I'm game. Where you staying?

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Alright I feel like hell and will be posting parts of this in a few spots so people know. I hate going anywhere without being all set. Considering I was the one who set up the DC get together let me simply put this as simply as I can. I won't be there


Three things made sure that doesn't happen. First Strike was my car. I had set over a thousand dollars aside for this trip. I figured no way was I going to be caught flat for it. However, my car in the last month alone stripped me of over $1100 in repairs. However, with my paycheck I would still be able to squeak by and make it down, just wouldn't be able to do all I had hoped to do.


Strike two. My 73 year old father took a fall this week and still isn't up and functional completely. Considering the reason I gave up my life in Connecticut was to be here and help him, it isn't exactly a great idea to leave him here when he is hobbling around. Luckily he didn't break anything but his whole left side is all black and blue, swollen and the doctor has told him not to climb ladders to cut things. He is to wait till I get home and I'll do it. Add the guilt of Father's Day on Sunday and I'm not winning any awards here


Strike three is Me. When I took him to be examined the doctor that my father goes to is the family doctor. Evidently I was more upset than I realized. He took one look at me when I went in with my father, knowing I have high blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat stopped to take my blood pressure. Whatever he seen or heard had him order up one of those heart monitor things where you get wired for sound. He didn't have it in his office Wednesday so I was his last appointment on Thursday night. I didn't exactly sleep well last night. I can say those patch things itch, I want a shower and five pm can not get here soon enough.


So the DC East Coast set up that I started, I can't make it to. I feel like a huge heel but there it is. Sorry gang but this time I have to put other things before it.

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