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Bullying... The Bus Monitor?


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I'm not sure if it only seems like it's viral to me because it happened at a school district in my area, but has anyone else seen this video?


A group of middle school students started verbally harrassing their bus monitor, Karen, for no apparent reason, and had the nerve to record it on their phone - which I guess turned out to be a good choice for Karen. The kid who recorded it posted it on Facebook, calling it, "Making the Bus Monitor Cry." Someone else took it from Facebook and posted it on YouTube so that people would actually see it and something would be done. The school district and the police are now investigating, and with all the news it's getting, I doubt they'll let it go.


The students repeated over and over again just how "fat" she was, asked her to tell them where she lives so they could steal her stuff, and threatened to vandalize her property. They also told her that she was so awful that her kids should just kill themselves, not knowing or caring that her son actually did commit suicide ten years ago.


The video is ten minutes long. I couldn't even watch half of it, I was so disgusted and enraged. If anyone wants to see for themselves, this is the video link:


But there is a bright side. Because one student posted the video, people know, and people are ticked off. Facebook and the local news outlets have been exploding with it today, and one person set up a fundraiser to raise $5,000 to send Karen on a nice vacation. That fundraiser is now pushing $100,000 ($98,000 as I write this), and it only started less that 24 hours ago. The fundraiser page is here: http://www.indiegogo.com/loveforkarenhklein?c=home


I'm wondering if maybe there really is some good in humanity after all, seeing how people are responding to this.

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Posted Image ........... I saw it, bullying knows no boundaries, if I was a parent of one those kids I would have paddled his ass so that sitting down would be a reminder of his transgression, not to mention being disrespectful to the elderly. But I raised my kids better and know that they would have never done what these kids did. Why is there such disrespect out there today, for others and even now the elderly?
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I hope their parents teach them some manners, cuz those kids need a good ass whoopin'. What's goin' on up there in Wegman country? I hope none of Danny's grandkids were involved. Must be since they couldn't bully the other kids, they had to find a new target.

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Its just showing that these students are very territorial. They just don't want an adult in their world. So they take it out on someone.

They understand little of the world ...


The question - how long has this been going on? If its been very long why hasn't she reported this to the school who hired her?

But now its on youtube ... ppl know more of the truth that someone higher up didn't want to hear about or believe.


But its nice that many respects how hard her job is ... but we must also pay respects to the many of other bus drivers and monitors who also have it bad.


Perhaps this video will be a campaign that goes on across the USA ... we can hope there be changes to the students attitude ... about bullying

Its going to take time ... but for the next gen ... things should be a little better than what past gen experienced.

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There are now dozens (maybe hundreds by now) of YouTube videos responding to what happened to Karen, the woman being bullied by a bunch of middle school kids in this video. Many of them have links that have the names and addresses of the five kids who apparently are the key bullies, the name and email address of the principal of the middle school, and lots more. What's interesting is that these YouTube video responses are posted by kids who blast the kids who are bullying the woman. They also ask why none of the other kids on the bus came to her defense, why the bus driver didn't do anything. It will be interesting to see whether the school district does anything to these bullies, and if any of the bullies' parents make their kid publicly apologize to this woman.


BTW, these kids attend the Greece Middle School in Greece, New York.


Colin Posted Image

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Not many kids do come to the defense of another human being ... not everyone is built with that conviction

I remember being mug at the bus stop when i was in 7th grade ... no one came to my rescue ...


perhaps the parents prefer their kids to not draw attention or trouble ... threatening bullies also becomes a deterrent

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Okay sorry, but adults, especially ones who are supposed to be supervising kids have to be a bit more hard nosed than this. Like a 13 year old could make me cry. The first one who said a thing to me about "you're fat", my response would be, "I might be fat, but I'm not spending next week in detention like you."

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i think its is a sad day for our country when kids are allowed to get away with things such as this. When parents are no longer allowed to punish their kids is when this all started. kids today do not respect adults like they use to do. The reason for this is because they know that nothing will or can be done to them. If my child ever did this, i would be in prison because I would whip them until they couldn't sit down. i am not a supporter of beating a child, but in this case a good old fashioned ass whipping is what is needed and it should be done publicly.

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The thing that I've encountered as a teacher in public middle and high schools is that even when you hand the parent concrete evidence of a transgression (for example: printed evidence from the web of plagiarism, or a bag of the weed taken from their locker), the parent will look you straight in the face and say, "My kid didn't/wouldn't do this. I raised them better." Someone else is always to blame, and it's usually the person who dared tell you that your kid's not perfect, because how dare you?


I doubt that these kids will be punished in any meaningful way. Instead, the school district will make a plan to do something stupidly expensive and over the top and it won't go anywhere except to the news where they'll say they're "working on it."


As for the others on the bus? They're the ones we need to work with from a young age to make them understand that their response shouldn't be "it's not my problem" or "I can't do anything." All the time in the news and in media (TV, movies, books, etc), we see the perspective of the bystander who later wishes they'd done something. It's not the bullies we have to find and eradicate young, it's the bystanders that we have to empower, because that's a strength of character that will never go away and is sadly lacking in society today.

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Two things. One, those kids should be ashamed of themselves. Their parents have some work cut out for them, because obviously they've failed somewhere and need to rectify those kid's attitude in a major way. No one should have to be bullied in a school situation. That's why there is a bus monitor at all! However, the bus monitor also failed. If they were so disrespectful of her authority, it is obvious she didn't exert it. What else had been going on that bus before? What did other kids suffer if the hooligans were willing to do that to the authoritative adult who obviously is not authoritative at all. As I understand it, the monitor is to keep children in line because the bus driver is too busy driving to do so. Possibly that is different in that school district than my children's, however she allowed the behavior to continue and escalate. While I agree it is ridiculous they said those things, she's part of the problem that allowed those kids to act out in that fashion.

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This is absolutely sickening.


In my opinion, this is just another problem caused by the erosion of discipline in schools. If this had happened when my parents were in school, there would have been a very long line outside the headmaster's office for him to get some exercise with his caning hand.


I used to think the kids were awful when I was in school. While many were unruly, there were very few who were disrespectful to this extent. About the worst that ever happened to a teacher when I was in school was the occasional liberty being taken with the supply teacher. Even those few kids who were disrespectful to the teachers and other adults suffered for it when they got home.

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"BBC Panorama goes back to school to examine government plans to send in the troops to Britain's troubled classrooms. Can they help restore discipline, leadership and respect? It is an idea born in the USA, where around 15 thousand ex-military personnel have become teachers and done their bit in some of America's toughest inner-city schools."


This approach seems to have worked to improve discipline and behaviour in schools. It makes sense - ex-military guys often have an impressive "natural" authority from the work they've done and the training they've had, and kids sense this and respond to it. After all, these guys are probably among the most respected in society, especially by kids.


But what's your experience? Have you been to a school where ex-military guys were employed to improve discipline? How did it work?


Once overall discipline and behaviour in a school has been improved then school bus problems should be less likely especially if CCTV cameras are installed on every school bus. You may hate the idea but the reality is this is a cheap crime prevention solution. In the UK, CCTV is everywhere - in the streets, on buses and trains. Surprisingly there has been little resistance because people see the benefits: reduced crime and antisocial behaviour where they are installed PLUS convictions where CCTV footage has enabled many criminals to be identified and prosecuted.


You can watch the whole BBC programme here (3 parts)



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I think this is a case of parents just not caring, and thinking their kids are good little angels, despite evidence to the contrary, but not bothering to actually raise them as good little angels. Karen claims they were never this bad before, so she didn't bother reporting it. She also says she did not feel threatened, so the extent to which legal action can be taken is limited because the students were all minors. She is also hearing impaired so she didn't hear everything they were saying at the time, until she watched the video. She does not want the kids to face criminal charges, only to be grounded and to apologize.

From this article: http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20120620/NEWS01/306200023/Greece-bus-monitor-bullying-video?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Home


The Greece school district is having a press conference at 1pm today. They have already said that the students will be disciplined, but to what extent, who knows. Hopefully they are forced to make a public apology.

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its now at $236,545 what will happen after 30 days left??


what if this goes to a couple million dollars?


Fund for bullied New York grandmother tops $185,000 ... and rising


The post connected to the fund says that Klein "doesn't earn nearly enough" to deal with the children bullying her. "Let's give her something she will never forget, a vacation of a lifetime!"


A statement from the Greece Central School District, where Athena Middle School is located, said Greece Police have become involved in an investigation of the incident, interviewing "all of those involved."


"We do not tolerate harassment of staff or students," the statement said.


Klein, whose Facebook page says she has been widowed for about 17 years, appeared on ABC's "Good Morning America" and NBC's "Today" on Thursday morning, and was scheduled to appear with Anderson Cooper on CNN and on Fox News' "Fox & Friends" later Thursday.



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First of all, I had to stop the video because I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. Here's an elderly woman working when she should be out enjoying her golden years being taunted by kids and having it filmed. Seeing this I want to find this woman, bake her a gazillion cookies and pies and just hug her and tell her that not all kids are sickening like these monstrous brats were.


My job, I deal with trauma and crisis management in children but I can tell you, this affects everyone no matter how young, old, gay, straight, transgendered, geek, jock, male, female or hell, just about anything and everything under the sun. I can't tell you how many times I've had to counsel a kid who was in crisis that tried to take their own life because of the constant bullying that they experienced.


Sadly this video is only the tip of a huge iceberg of issues that affect our senior citizens and we should do something to help show them the respect they've earned and deserved. In fact, I'm going to make it a point the next time I see my neighbor to have her over for coffee and do something nice for her!

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Disgusting. I read about this yesterday and I don't think I've ever wanted to punch a kid in the face more in my life. I refuse to even watch the video. I know what it's like to be surrounded by mean little shits trying to make themselves feel cool. It's bad enough when kids do it to other kids but to a poor old widow? It's sick. This is why parents need to, you know, PARENT their children instead of just expecting the schools to do it for them. I'd NEVER have considered doing something like this when I was in middle school. My mom would have killed me.

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Trash like to talk trash.


I don't think any of those kids realize how "un-cool" it is already to ride the school bus. Talk about irony.

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Okay sorry, but adults, especially ones who are supposed to be supervising kids have to be a bit more hard nosed than this. Like a 13 year old could make me cry. The first one who said a thing to me about "you're fat", my response would be, "I might be fat, but I'm not spending next week in detention like you."


What they did was wrong. But an adult should have never let a bunch of pimple-faced middle school shits get to her this much.


Two things. One, those kids should be ashamed of themselves. Their parents have some work cut out for them, because obviously they've failed somewhere and need to rectify those kid's attitude in a major way. No one should have to be bullied in a school situation. That's why there is a bus monitor at all! However, the bus monitor also failed. If they were so disrespectful of her authority, it is obvious she didn't exert it. What else had been going on that bus before? What did other kids suffer if the hooligans were willing to do that to the authoritative adult who obviously is not authoritative at all. As I understand it, the monitor is to keep children in line because the bus driver is too busy driving to do so. Possibly that is different in that school district than my children's, however she allowed the behavior to continue and escalate. While I agree it is ridiculous they said those things, she's part of the problem that allowed those kids to act out in that fashion.


Wow, what I take out of this is that the victim is to blame Posted Image Correct me if I'm wrong in drawing this from your posts.


Maybe read a bit more. How about the fact one kid told her that all of her family should commit suicide since they have to live with her...this after one of her sons she did lose to suicide.


This sickened me, and made me feel for Mrs. Klein in a way that brought back emotions from my own experience of bullying. To say she should have fought back is a little naive IMHO. We are young and not afraid to assert ourselves. However, don't you feel a little bit uncomfortable when you see a group of young male teenagers in a group mentality? I do.


I'm sure each of these kids are pretty good one on one, I'm not willing to throw out the baby with the bathwater here but I'm definitely for holding them accountable for their actions.


BTW, it is over $300,000.00 now with the intent that she should be able to retire and not have to experience this BS again from kids who parents who will most likely defend the poor choices of their precious children.

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Wow, what I take out of this is that the victim is to blame Posted Image Correct me if I'm wrong in drawing this from your posts.


Maybe read a bit more. How about the fact one kid told her that all of her family should commit suicide since they have to live with her...this after one of her sons she did lose to suicide.


This sickened me, and made me feel for Mrs. Klein in a way that brought back emotions from my own experience of bullying. To say she should have fought back is a little naive IMHO. We are young and not afraid to assert ourselves. However, don't you feel a little bit uncomfortable when you see a group of young male teenagers in a group mentality? I do.


I'm sure each of these kids are pretty good one on one, I'm not willing to throw out the baby with the bathwater here but I'm definitely for holding them accountable for their actions.


BTW, it is over $300,000.00 now with the intent that she should be able to retire and not have to experience this BS again from kids who parents who will most likely defend the poor choices of their precious children.


Sorry, I disagree. These kids are hardly teenagers. They are a bunch of snot-nosed tweenie-boppers who she is supposed to be keeping in line. She is an older women who should not be bothered by what a 12 year old says and, quite frankly, should be putting them in their place. Their behavior is despicable, but it puzzles me how an adult could let a bunch of middle-schoolers so completely emotionally ruin her.


That being said, hopefully now she can just retire so she doesn't have to put up with this shit. And the kids' names are already public information and I hope they get all the public shame they deserve.

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Very upsetting. My brother is 14 and if he ever acted like these morons, no one would have to put a foot up his ass, I would have done it already. There is no excuse for that.

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Private Tim is right. This woman doesn't have the gonads to deal with delinquents... err I mean jr high aged fuk-wits.


This is how you do it right:




fuk-wit: ...you're fat



proper response: Well you're a fuk-tard and I can lose weight so what's your point numb-nutz?



problem solved.

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I could never do that woman's job or frankly be a teacher in a middle school. I'm afraid I'd be up on charges for assaulting a juvenile, the first time a little sh*t mouthed off at me.

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I could never do that woman's job or frankly be a teacher in a middle school. I'm afraid I'd be up on charges for assaulting a juvenile, the first time a little sh*t mouthed off at me.


You really gotta admire the ones who can even stand them all day. And its a miracle when they can actually successfully teach them something, lol.

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Private Tim is right. This woman doesn't have the gonads to deal with delinquents... err I mean jr high aged fuk-wits.


This is how you do it right:




fuk-wit: ...you're fat



proper response: Well you're a fuk-tard and I can lose weight so what's your point numb-nutz?



problem solved.


Sorry but the woman was what 68-73 years of age and had never had to engage in this type of bullying banter before. It was the last day of school, had it happened before the last day, she should have stopped the bus demanded the Students ID and put him/and others on detention. But she is an elderly lady not used to this type of treatment.

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