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Bullying... The Bus Monitor?


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You really gotta admire the ones who can even stand them all day. And its a miracle when they can actually successfully teach them something, lol.


It takes a thick skin... and a cattle prod.

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Yeah i saw that when I was watching the view this morning....i was not very happy :o


I am reminded of my sophmore year in high school when the freshman class came in, they were proud of the fact they caused one of their teachers in Middle school to have a mental breakdown. So really this type of thing has been going on at least 15 years or more.


However My grandmother if you tried that to her.... *shudders* Those teeny boppers would know what grandmother could really do when angered @_@


I agree though she shouldn't be having to do that...

School buses have always been chaotic, and when i was a kid they didn't have buss monitors just the buss drivers... and they knew how to put the fear of god into you one way or another...


I knew one who threatened to beat the kids bloody if they tried anything... Posted Image

Kids who are rotten on the buss get kicked off the buss....and have to have their parents take them to and from school...

happened to us kids with the last buss driver I ever had :I

Edited by Celethiel
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Wow, what I take out of this is that the victim is to blame Posted Image Correct me if I'm wrong in drawing this from your posts.


An adult supervisor of 7th graders has no excuse for being "bullied" by them. She is the one in charge. She is the one with the full power of the system behind her. If she can not control them and doesn't know how to deal with 7th graders than she is doing the wrong thing. That is the cold, hard truth. How could she protect any of the other kids on the bus if she couldn't control these kids?

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Sometimes people just have a way of getting to others with or without intention, directly or indirectly. It's easy to tell someone to toughen up but the reality of it is that everyone's got an Achilles' and an elderly lady will likely not have as much to grip on compared to a 40 year old 6 ft 2 man. Nobody is denying that everyone can benefit from being tough in this world and being able to stand up for themselves but it takes work, and we're all strong...until we're not. Ya know? So have some understanding for a person who was hurt, I doubt she wanted to be. You've all been there, and you'll be there again. Not a single one of you live a trouble-free life, and one man's trouble can very well be another man's joke.

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I have to say I'm 100% with Private Tim on this stance. I expect EVERY adult that steps up to do a job at my kid's school to be able to adequately perform that job. I'd create a shit storm the likes you have never seen if kids had acted like that to my children because the person who said they could protect them, that they WOULD protect them, failed so miserably. If those pre-teens believe that they could get away with acting like that to the very person that is supposed to stop them from hurting other people, then she is no deterrent and I would hazard a guess that the incident is not the first one that has happened.


Also, Steve, I hate to say it but bullying is not new. The language might have changed, the aggressors might have changed, as well as the response by people, but this is not a behavior that just cropped up in the current generation. I would dare say that if I asked that any person, of any age, has not felt bullied and harassed by someone else that no one would be able to say no truthfully.


Bus monitors here have the power to pull the bus over, have the children made to move from their seats, or be faced with being removed from the bus completely RIGHT THEN. If that's the case there, she had options, she didn't use them. Did she deserve to be a victim? No. Did she deserve to have to deal with what those kids said? No. Did she put herself in that situation to stop actions like that by being a bus monitor in the first place? Yes. Did she do her job? As the video proved, no. She couldn't even protect herself.


She wasn't walking down an alley at the wrong place at the wrong time. She took a job where she was responsible to keep kids from acting in an unsafe manner and to prevent issue from occuring such as bullying. The first comment made should have elicited a reprimand and a warning, at least, and she didn't even do that. Yes, she was the one hurt and it shouldn't have happened, but it did because she COULDN'T do her job.


I really do hope that account allows her to retire and live life without the craptastic attitude many kids get away with today, not only for her sake, but because maybe then the school will get someone in who can actually do the job to prevent that situation from ever happening to ANYONE else.

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Honestly, not many of you would have the wits about you to really know how to handle a situation like that without either putting yourself behind bars, losing your job and/or having the tables turned and making a fool out of yourself on Youtube.


Oh, I woulda smacked those kids so hard they'd be scraping brains off the bus windows for days......gimme a break.

Edited by Y_B
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Firstly, bus monitors are there to Monitor the children, seeing if they are violating safety precautions and also the driver's driving habits. They have no authority over the children on the bus.


That is not true of all school systems though. Clearly, I pointed out that perhaps it is different where she works but here, that is exactly their job. Just last week I was out in the driveway waiting for my 5 year old to get off the bus. The bus monitor was in the front row behind the driver and I heard her say goodbye to my son. When I walked forward to meet him, I witnessed her reprimand another child for being rude and made him move from his seat to one right behind hers.


If the elderly woman in the video was not there to protect the kids, then sure, she did what she could logically which was nothing. But here, her job would be to put an end to that and that is exactly what I would expect. There are a lot of nuances to the situation that I'm sure the public isn't aware of. I react as I would to the situation occuring here. It just makes me exceptionally glad that my school district is the way it is.

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That is not true of all school systems though. Clearly, I pointed out that perhaps it is different where she works but here, that is exactly their job. Just last week I was out in the driveway waiting for my 5 year old to get off the bus. The bus monitor was in the front row behind the driver and I heard her say goodbye to my son. When I walked forward to meet him, I witnessed her reprimand another child for being rude and made him move from his seat to one right behind hers.


If the elderly woman in the video was not there to protect the kids, then sure, she did what she could logically which was nothing. But here, her job would be to put an end to that and that is exactly what I would expect.


What you expect isn't necessarily what is good for the situation. She obviously was being bullied by a group of teenage boys - it would be easy for her to feel completely overwhelmed. I believe if she reacted any differently, it would have made the situation worse for her, it is difficult to be brave when people are in a crowd mentality. It is obvious she wasn't trained or given orders to be the authoritarian everyone seems to have 'expected' out of her or she probably would have been a bit more of one.

Edited by Krista
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Knowing how many parents behave, I'll second Krista on this. The reason not only this bus monitor but also school teachers are reluctant to give these brats a piece of their fists is because of the parents. If they yelled at the brats, guess what, the parents will complain to principal and these people will lose their jobs, because of these brats and brats' parents.


If you guys haven't read, there was a six-year bully story going on. The parents complained the teacher acted. Though I don't completely agree with the teachers' reprimanding method (she consulted other teachers, and the other teachers told her to let the victims of this bully to take a strike at the bully, so she encouraged 24 students to hit the bully back), but if you read the comments on the story, mix feelings are there, and some are sided with the parent of the bully, and think the bully is a victim.... Bullies are not built in one day. It's both in their nurture and nature. If no action is taken, tragedy will arise. The most correct authority to handle this is parents. Unfortunately most parents today think their children's upbringing is the teacher's job, but if the teacher takes any action, they threat to get them fired.


Last words: If parents don't want to do parenting, use a condom.

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I believe it is human nature to stand up for others before yourself. Let's be honest, if she took any of the suggestions that have been put out there, we would be watching a video with the calls to have her prosecuted for harassing the poor innocent children.

Word. I saw a news story about a school teacher who was filmed berating a student, and people were calling to have that person fired. Yes, I'm sure that 5-year old did absolutely nothing wrong. Right.



The bus monitor's hands were tied. You can't do anything but just roll your eyes and not say anything.

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It must be fun for the parents of those special snowflakes to realize that they are raising the kids that other parents will be telling their kids to avoid.


Responsibility? I think it's about 75% parental and 25% dumb children.

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Responsibility? I think it's about 75% parental and 25% dumb children.


I think I mostly agree but I think back a little and wonder...


I was a total maniac as a little kid. The kind that causes parents to rush in and lose their shit on me because I had been a jerkwad to someone's child. I don't like to believe 75% of this was on my family. We're all close and my uncles, aunts and cousins all spent time with each other and I was the only child who behaved like that. God, the stories they could tell you today, some bits I personally remember. I grew out of it eventually and believe it or not, I'm actually a nice guy in real life lolzzz seriously I turned out ok and that I do thank my parents for.


But yeah...shitty kids usually have shitty parents.

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lol, check out the rich kids in like Bel Air HS ... teachers and everyone else is treated like hired help.


Unfortunately most parents today think their children's upbringing is the teacher's job, but if the teacher takes any action, they threat to get them fired.


Last words: If parents don't want to do parenting, use a condom.


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Is this after he "why? why? why?" you to death.


Some strict parents are unfit parents ... some might have too many kids in their house holds ... or too little ... and the kid wants some attention.

They could even restrict the social life of the kid so much that they wouldn't know hot to act in public.


Some parents need to be audited to check if they're fit parents ... it would cut the abuse and perhaps it cut the bullies too.

Kids act out because they seen this behavior ,,, either in real life or on TV ...


want to give these kids punishment sent them to take ball room dancing lol (movie "Take the lead")

really they just need to experience activities that is considered normal behavior

its a case by case basis ... but these days schools just bury themselves in bureaucracy


Is Greece ... one of the schools that hasn't promoted the anti-bullying campaign? Yet?

An apology from them is not enough ... they have to experience proper behavior ...



Some kids will just be dumb no matter what...I think. Hopefully I won't get myself one of "me" when I have a son because I wouldn't know how to handle 6 year old YB....I would whoop so much ass there would be ass served up for dinner every night til he went to college.


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I was a total maniac as a little kid. The kind that causes parents to rush in and lose their shit on me because I had been a jerkwad to someone's child.


You were what? A jerkwad...? OMGsh. I don't believe you.


Seriously (wait..., I was serious), I was like the most talkative person in the entire kindergarten and then I grew up to be this quiet Asian type.... Nurture has a lot to do with it. (not necessarily the parents though).


But.., but..., I wasn't a jerkwad....


Some parents need to be audited to check if they're fit parents ... it would cut the abuse and perhaps it cut the bullies too.

Kids act out because they seen this behavior ,,, either in real life or on TV ...


Hmm..., parenting skill audited.... I wonder how that works. What's the audit formula for that? And what's the audit risk?


Seriously though (wait..., I was just kidding Posted Image), I see a generation of Clockwork Orange if bully problem isn't addressed and acknowledged. I think most of the people are still in denial stage....

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From the Greece School District Board:


Updated District Response to YouTube Video

The Greece Cenral School District has been touched by the outpouring of support for Karen and we share the country’s outrage over the behavior displayed on the videos. We are deeply sorry that Karen was subjected to that kind of treatment.


Based on our internal investigation, and the interviews conducted by members of the Greece Police Department, we have identified four Athena Middle School students as participants in the incident. Certainly the behavior of the students on the video is a clear violation of our district’s Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated. Disciplinary action to the fullest extent appropriate under New York Education Law will be taken against all involved. However, as we stated yesterday, it is not appropriate for the district to discuss the specific disciplinary consequences that will result for any individual student.


I need to stress that we have a specific process that we must follow before imposing discipline on students. Discipline for public school students in New York State is handled under specific procedures set forth in the New York Education law. In the event that a district is seeking a suspension of more than five days, the district must prove the student’s violation of its Code of Conduct in a due process hearing before a hearing officer. If the student is found guilty, the hearing officer makes a recommendation for an appropriate period of suspension to the superintendent of schools. Each case is determined based upon the actions engaged in by the student as well as consideration of a student’s prior disciplinary record.


As is shown by this unfortunate incident, bullying is not a new issue to those who work in schools. The Greece Central School District has a strong bullying prevention model that includes a district response team, training programs for staff and students including the Olweus Bullying Program, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and a Bullying Reporting Process. In March, we also hired a special counselor to train all staff in bullying prevention models. In fact, she is holding a previously scheduled training for administrators as we speak.


The behaviors displayed on this video are not representative of all Greece Central students and this is certainly not what we would like our students to be known for. We have worked very hard to educate students on the damaging impact of bullying and will continue to do so.


We have received thousands of phone calls and emails from people across the country wanting to convey their thoughts. People are outraged by what has happened and they feel the students should be punished. While we agree that discipline is warranted, we cannot condone the kind of vigilante justice some people are calling for. This is just another form of bullying and cannot be tolerated.


We all need to take a step back and look at how we treat each other. It is our job as educators and parents to teach children and lead by example. We encourage parents to use this as a springboard to begin a dialogue with their children about bullying, respect and consequences. As a school community, we will continue to take the lead in bullying education and we encourage all students and employees subjected to bullying and harassment to report it as soon as it occurs and to take a stand if they are witness to bullying in their lives.


I agree 100% with the final paragraph

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Firstly, bus monitors are there to Monitor the children, seeing if they are violating safety precautions and also the driver's driving habits. They have no authority over the children on the bus. They are there to keep the smaller children out of trouble or may not know when to get off the bus, or special needs that doesn't require a special needs alternative transportation. She isn't paid to be an authoritative figure, that is left to the Driver and the School's administration, she is low woman on the ladder as far as that is concerned. So those of you that say she needed to become that authoritative figure have it wrong - she had no authority to begin with.


Secondly, there is a group mentality going on, all of them may have not even been friends, but wanted to fit in or try to form a connection. It wouldn't have mattered if she did say anything, as you saw - she tried and they laughed and completely overlooked it. They had no respect for an adult.


Bus Monitors aren't specifically trained, they are placed there because there is a need for bus monitors. It would take training to deal with that sort of harassment and I feel she did all she could do. The stance you're taking is that she should have stood up for herself. She is also an old woman probably too old and overlooked for most jobs. Pretty much what got her the job is that no one else wanted it or that she seemed to have the patience of a saint. So I don't get why we are here talking about her as a weak human being. She is stepping out of her comfort zone and working a job that she probably doesn't want, but has to have. It is easy for all of us to sit here and say that she was weak, but we don't know what sort of life she lived before this.


The teens were cruel, there was nothing she could have done... and if she did, she would have been the one who got into trouble or lost a job she probably needed. None of us can say we could have handled it, so to say she should have handled it BETTER is a bit narcissistic and shows that our judgments can be just as cold as the teenagers on the bus.

You nailed it, Krista. As a bus monitor she has no authority over the kids on the bus. She was there to assist smaller kids. If she'd threatened any of the f*tards who were harassing her they would have gone home and cried about the "mean lady" on the bus and she would have been subject to dismissal. And these f*tards knew that and knew that they could verbally harass her all they wanted.


Lots of kids in middle school are little shits. I know, it wasn't that long ago when I was a middle school kid. I would never have joined in on something like what is on the video, but I wouldn't have come to her rescue either. The unwritten "no snitching" rule is sacrosanct in middle school.


The kid who took the video posted it on his Facebook page. Someone else saw it, picked it up, and posted it on YouTube to try to get some noise going about the abuse that she received. He has a big enough following that other kids picked it up and posted it on YouTube and other video sites and it went viral.


Colin B)

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My middle school days were in the long ago days of 1998 to 2001, and yeah- I got shudders watching that and remembering just how incredibly evil most people are at that age, myself included.


By around 11th grade most kids grow out of that kind of stuff, but in 7th/8th grade? It really is kill or be killed.

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Well, since this is local for me as well, you can imagine that lots of people around here are talking about it.

I can a few things with certainty... if I behaved liked that when I was that age, my father would have spanked my ass so hard, I'd still be feeling it.

If I did that now, as an adult, my father would still kick my ass.

If I did that as an 80 yr old man, my father would rise from the grave and kick my ass.

I know this with certainty. but then, my father laid down some clear guidelines on how I should behave. If I stayed within those guidelines (which was easy to do. they weren't strict), then life was great. if I placed even a toe over the line he made life miserable.


Either one of my grandmothers at this ladies age would have turned into a banshee at seeing that sort of behavoir, let alone had it directed at them. My father's mother was well known for her lightning fast hand. I strongly suspect that she would have used it on the parents at the school board hearing over the fact she yelled at their precious darlings.


congratulations! The Nanny State that has been taking over parenting hasn't done a very good job of it. See video exhibit A.

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I feel for her. The kids shouldn't treat adults like it - its basic respect that they were not taught at a young age.


It's the parents fault for not teaching them to respect their elders. It's often very common that kids that misbehave, it leads back to their parents behaviour throughout their childhood. But thats a topic that I won't go into...


Good that they've raised funds so she can retire and not have to put with those whiney brats again.

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Yaaa, I would agree but the kids where trying to crack this woman's defense


Her best defense all these years is being hard of hearing ... it allows her to ignore them ... perhaps in someway its god's gift to her

but then a gift can go both ways but she has her family to love her ...


The anti-bullying need to be extended every where ... where ever kids are ... and those kids need cognitive or some other behavioral adjustment


lol, perhaps we need to put in bus monitors that are hard of hearing or who are very authoritative that the students

would want to walk home instead, The later would not be good because there are legal and fine line areas of abuse that an adult can cross


hey two or three of the students wrote apologies ... they sent them to Anderson cooper ...

she's n her family going to disneyland via southwest offering

Klein states she hasn't received them nor would she accept the apologies ..

she specified ... they should be ban from busing for a year and from sports for a year


the viralness is off the scale ... its really shock therapy to all of us ... but she gets to have at least 500,000 to smile about going to bank and be away from any more abuse ... the statement from the board of ed is just to defend themselves from LEGAL lawsuits


the question is how much authority the school will have on buses ... the question is when will the schools require the buses to have cameras to video all bus activity ... hopefully there will be changes ... hopefully this change would sweep the nation ...


making an environment that deters bullying ... would be paradise ...


however, we're not sure if some school would treat this new law or requirement like the doggy pooper scooper law

its there when someone that videos or photos an infraction ... but there is never a policemen to catch the infraction


if buses have video filming ... then some dept needs to audit the films ... those that violate the rights of others ..

imagine that their date of graduation would be contingent upon fulfilling some form of community service


has any one seen "take the lead?" with Antonio Bandaras?

"The real story of a dance teacher who believed in the talent of a group of problem kids."


Pierre Dulaine (born 1944) is a well-known ballroom dancer and dance instructor. He invented the Dulaine method of teaching dance. He also developed Dancing Classrooms, a social development program for 5th grade children that uses ballroom dancing as a vehicle to change the lives of the children and their families.


"Nowadays, I don't say that the world is uncivil, but I believe we don't have enough civility in life and this is what this program teaches. If we can instill civility into children at the age of 10 or 11 - early enough in life - we can nurture it and have it grow with them. It will only make them better human beings." – Pierre Dulaine on ballroom dancing in schools.


Notably, his early works with children was fictionalised in the film Take the Lead, starring Antonio Banderas as Pierre Dulaine.

Its one of many illustration of handling "Students At Risk" ... we should have many such programs


This movie is really about a private citizen who vested time and patience to bring civility to the Youth at Risk.

The movie end stating that in 2006, 1200 schools across the nation is teaching this method


Those students need to be enrolled in such of a program.


I bet these four students need to be mark down as such and treated as such

Perhaps in this classification they need to attend such classes that should be provided by the school\state plus community service


Hopefully there is hope for change rather than to add to the prison population


So far the Board of Ed has not specified the punishment nor



What you expect isn't necessarily what is good for the situation. She obviously was being bullied by a group of teenage boys - it would be easy for her to feel completely overwhelmed. I believe if she reacted any differently, it would have made the situation worse for her, it is difficult to be brave when people are in a crowd mentality. It is obvious she wasn't trained or given orders to be the authoritarian everyone seems to have 'expected' out of her or she probably would have been a bit more of one.


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How would your mom react?


How would my Mom, the 30 year veteran professional educator, reacted? She'd have had the bus driver pull over the bus the while she disciplined the kids involved, moved them, and reported them to the school, done whatever she needed. Even my 82 year old grandmother, who spent 43 years as a professional educator, would have had no problem dealing with a freakin' 7th grader.


As to what were Karen's duty and authority, here is her job description from the Greece Central School District website.


Duties to Include the Following:

  • Accompanies bus driver and students on scheduled route;
  • Supervises the boarding and unloading of student passengers at each stop, at transfer points, and at school sites;
  • Assists physically handicapped students to and from the bus;
  • Maintains order on buses;
  • Enforces district policy governing student behavior while bus is in operation;
  • Assists driver when backing up bus;
  • Reports orally and in writing instances of continuing disruptive student behavior;
  • Requests driver to summon emergency aid by two-way radio or operates two-way radio;
  • Reports trouble at bus stops to driver, terminal, bus garage, or transportation office;
  • Assists students with special needs;
  • Attends scheduled job training classes and workshops and parent/school/driver meetings;
  • Ensures students are seated before bus is in motion;
  • Other duties and responsibilities as assigned.

So yes, she had the authority and duty to stop what was happening.

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