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Man of Steel (complaints)


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Gosh, its been advertise for years to come out, but becomes a bit of disappointment


1st, Superman looking like a wrestler

2nd, Russell Crowe looks like he rekindling his role in Gladiator

3rd, Kevin Costner in his Field of Dreams farmers clothes

4th, General Zod ... gosh we already saw him in Superman2 ... we got a remake

5th, his costume is the same material as the new spiderman





Other complaints?




I read articles from supposed Superman fans who complain about really dumb minor things for the next superman movie and its getting really annoying. Here are all the complaints that I've heard over the last couple months
1. They changed Superman's costume
1st of all All the people complaining about superman's costume must have not been reading comics for the last year. 2nd of all do all these people really think that this movie is going to appeal to a wide audience if supes is flying around in a baby blue outfit with a red speedo over it People need to realize that its not 1980 anymore and its not like they radically changed his suit, its not like he is wearing all black His costume still looks like a superman costume just modernized for this generation
2. There is no Kryptonite
People need to realize that Kryptonite isnt crucial to make a good superman story where superman is actually in danger. when Actually some of the best Superman stories are the ones that didnt revolve the entire plot around it anyway( All-star Superman, Superman: Braniac, Superman:For Tommorow etc.). And also, why would there need to be Kryptonite when the villian is GENERAL ZOD for Christs sake!
3. An Englishmen playing Superman
This is the last and by far the most annoying complaint that I've heard recentlY. People really need to get over this because this is a really dumb reason to dislike Man of Steel and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying it.
So, how do you, my fellow viners feel about all the complaints?
I don't think anyone really cares about the second or third points, but the suit just looks genuinely awful because it looks like a cross between Thor and Aquaman. The texture makes it look like shit and the colors are just too dark. It just doesn't look good period, regardless of who the hero is. Maybe it will look better in action, but I seriously doubt it.
Personally, these are the reasons why I'm really disappointed so far:
Jonathan Kent suggesting Clark should have let some kids die? WTF. This one line alone is enough to make me already kind of hate it.
What is with this shit about them being engineered? That's just moronic.
How does Zod have this huge army, complete with ships and robots? Could you take a bigger departure from the comics? This is just ridiculous.
Lois doesn't feel a connection to Metropolis? She is a staple of Metropolis in every meaning of the word. She's as iconic to Metropolis as Superman is.
Yet another "I'm an alien, blah blah blah" storyline? What makes Superman a hero is his human side. It's his values in Smallville that make him want to use his powers for good and save the world. Making him an outcast is a waste of a brilliant storyline. He didn't even know he was an alien until he was a teenager. He doesn't feel like one, he feels like a human, he just happens to not be one. Don't shit on that.
All that said, I'll be first in line for the midnight showing. But they've really made everything look like shit so far. I really, really, REALLY hope to be surprised.


Edited by hh5
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An all natural looking superman with a scruff, a beard, unshaved man-hair... All looks fine to me. That's what a real man of steel should look like. Haha.


Oh come on. I'm only going to watch this because of Henry Cavill. Ever since I watched his naked arse in The Tudors, you don't get decent PG-13 dreams from that. You get the lustful let's-go-make-some-babies-push-push-kind-of-scenario.


I have no issues with regards to this remake. I think I'll be having more issues if the storyline doesn't fit the bill with all the hype.


The one complain that I have though. Every female interviewer that crosses his way seems like they want to shag him.  :/


Superman should heat vision those wenches to toast.

Edited by Henry_Henry2012
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I think it's more about Hollywood always typecasting the villain as English - having the archetypal hero played by an English guy is just gonna confuse the American audience busy multitasking with shoveling the popcorn, balancing the Mega-Gulp coke and trying to figure out what the heck's going on with that limey in the tight-fitting costume ... :lol:

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I think it's more about Hollywood always typecasting the villain as English - having the archetypal hero played by an English guy is just gonna confuse the American audience busy multitasking with shoveling the popcorn, balancing the Mega-Gulp coke and trying to figure out what the heck's going on with that limey in the tight-fitting costume ... :lol:

Hey what about james bond movies :P

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Alright as the American who better to comment.


1) Americans are use to seeing the English in the roles of American Superheroes. Does anyone remember the new Spiderman or say Professor X from the X-men movies? So for me that is a non issue.


2) Superman may be from Krypton but he grew up as an all American farm boy from the mid-west. Those ideals are what began and molded him. However, (yeah I caught that 80s reference and have to use it) the 80s comic Superman did some departure from what had come before. There the writers took him on a world tour before he was introduced to the world allowing him to see how different cultures approached things. Knowing he could easily be a god if he wanted it was that farm boy upbringing that kept him in check. At heart he is Clark Kent not Kal-el.


3) This is supposed to be the first of the intro stories as DC prepares to copy Marvel's idea and finally give the public a Justice League movie. So we are about to get a new version of Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern within the next few years. Let us hope for the most part they don't copy the new versions that DC released, but take the images most people are use to and modernize them. (Truthfully as long as you keep the colors, cape, and shield for Superman he has had a number of alterations over the years.)


4) I haven't heard of Johnathan Kent pushing for Clark to let someone die, although even in the comic he has reminded Clark that while he might be Superman, he isn't God and can't save everyone. So without seeing the clip I can't comment.

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here u go



4) I haven't heard of Johnathan Kent pushing for Clark to let someone die, although even in the comic he has reminded Clark that while he might be Superman, he isn't God and can't save everyone. So without seeing the clip I can't comment.

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How about Matt Bomer as Superman?



He's too short for the role. He's only 5'11. And I think for a an actor to play the role of superman, he needs to have a unique voice that commands attention on the screen. That booming voice that you'd know he is the superman even if your eyes are close.


With Brandon Routh, not so much. With Christopher Reeve, his voice was so distinct to hear especially when he was Clark Kent that up until now to this very second, I could hear Christopher Reeve say "Lois".


But with Matt Bomer, I don't think he has that kind of voice to appeal to everyone as someone to be remembered. 


With Henry Cavill, as much as I'd like to vouch for him when I saw him at The Immortals, I'd still want to see if he could be stamped on my earlobes as the superman even if my eyes are shut close.

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Brandon did fine ... much better than Reeve silly superman comedy (ep 2,3)

Bomer is 6ft but as u say short for the part but camera tricks can be used

Yeah he lacks a deeper voice


We forgot to consider Dean Cain, we accepted him n he's six ft


Cavill appears to look like a wrestler more than a Superman ... lol, he can do the hulk if he really bulks up.







hey Tom Welling he's still young enough with that baby face


Generally people like the coat hanger type shape body but not terribly husky

unless yer doing superman in his later years like raging bull


I guess the reason they pick Cavill is because they picked Russell Crowe similar build

Some people who are true DC\Superman Enthusiast will notice the ensemble is highly inaccurate

lol, its a detriment to have cosner because his other movies were not well received as other block buster actors


I hate when Reboots become to be a remake of past movies ... it lacks originality to further the super hero story


lol, the baby is ugly ... looks like a Romans warrior's baby born in battle field conditions

the one in Reeve movie was better ... but they used a girl baby then a toddler boy lol


I guess Krypton having a Coup d'état is a great way to introduce General Zod (creative interpretive liberties taken)


Happy birthday, Superman! A look back at 75 powerful years






He's too short for the role. He's only 5'11. And I think for a an actor to play the role of superman, he needs to have a unique voice that commands attention on the screen. That booming voice that you'd know he is the superman even if your eyes are close.


With Brandon Routh, not so much. With Christopher Reeve, his voice was so distinct to hear especially when he was Clark Kent that up until now to this very second, I could hear Christopher Reeve say "Lois".


But with Matt Bomer, I don't think he has that kind of voice to appeal to everyone as someone to be remembered.


With Henry Cavill, as much as I'd like to vouch for him when I saw him at The Immortals, I'd still want to see if he could be stamped on my earlobes as the superman even if my eyes are shut close.

Edited by hh5
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   Tom Welling isn't that good of an actor.


   Henvy Cavill, from all accounts, is and that's half the battle. I mean, last time around they picked a guy who was 6'4" and looked like the All-American superhero, and look how well that panned out.

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The whole concept of superman and cinematography of the films are a bit too cheesy. It doesn't peak interest the same way Ironman does these days or Dark Knight did. At least not to me. 


The 2 upcoming sci fi movies my friends and I are definitely gonna go watch are Iron Man 3 and the new Star Trek. 

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I'll pass on this Superman, I am sorry, but unless they do a radical departure and put him under with lots of pink Kyptonite :P I am not interested.

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Another complaint ... wholesome values will be lost from the younger crowd due to the PG-13 rating




When Superman: The Movie was released, Richard Donner promised us we’d believe a man could fly. We did, but it wasn’t the wire-work alone.


Superman is precisely what we should be teaching our children. Superman inspires us to our best. I haven’t seen Man of Steel, haven’t read the script, and I’ve assiduously avoided spoilers. I genuinely don’t know if this “reality” will be present or not. I want it to be brilliant. I want it to be glorious. I want it to be inspiring. I am keeping the faith.
But that PG-13 on Man of Steel is making me nervous. I don’t know what it means. I don’t know if it’s a warning that there’s another k-shiv coming for the kidneys, or if it’s just the cost-of-doing-business, or even if it’s an MPAA-bias against all superhero violence. I don’t know if this is a genuine caution to parents, or a marketing decision aimed at a demographic too-cool for Superman's brand of hope and idealism, yet embracing of Batman’s self-loathing rough justice, to assure them their ticket will be money well-spent. I don't know if that PG-13 is there out of sincerity or cynicism or politics.
I just know that if you make a Superman movie you can’t take kids to, you’ve done something wrong.



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  • 1 month later...

lol, I thought adam west was fatman ... Batman


Superman Henry Cavill reveals: "I was fat … I was Fat Cavill."

Still, he managed to land his first role in a filmed adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo. Cavill, then 17, got whipped into shape. "I lost one and a half stone" — 21 pounds — "and I wasn't Fat Cavill anymore."
He put weight back on to play the Man of Steel, telling Details that since the movie wrapped, he has lost nearly all the bulk he put on: "I'm not eating 5,000 calories a day anymore."



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  • 2 weeks later...

budget 225 m 

less     160 m - Sears, McD, etc

              65 m 


so does the film just have to make 65m to break even since other companies just wanted to put their advertising name in the movie?


"Man of Steel" critics' reviews: Film wallows in sorrow more than soars


Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times: "Given the 'Dark Knight' trilogy's Nolan and Goyer's involvement, it's no surprise that 'Man of Steel' is conceptualized in the Batman mold, a dark end of the street extravaganza where, theoretically at least, epic vision would be joined with dramatic heft. It hasn't worked out quite that way.

Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times: "There's very little humor or joy in this Superman story, and not enough character development for us really to care once the big-budget pyrotechnics are under way."



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Saw it tonight...not bad...3 out of 4 stars


The new guy's not bad in the role but Amy Adams was a total mis-cast imo...story was decent but story telling was choppy, noticeable segments that did not make any sense, poor character development, too MANY damn characters, lots of fillers. I couldn't decide if this was a superhero movie, an alien invasion movie, or end of the world Independence Day style movie....all 3 in 1? I'm tired of these genres....but anyways It's a movie you gotta see just so you can get in on the loop for the remake, but this movie ain't made of steel. If Henry Cavill wasn't so damn hot, I wouldn't have liked it as much....

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Critic's reviews are bashing the Man of Steel Film. They're still probably stuck with the 1978 Superman film, starring Christopher Reeve. And yet people are saying differently with regards to the film.

Goodness gracious, it's 2013, everyone has to grow up. Even the Superman in this film franchise grew up. He no longer was the bumbling idiot who fixed his glasses and delivered one-liners, which said: 

"You know smoking is bad for you" or "You know, drinking while driving can kill you" 

. . .like he was the poster-boy for government campaign ads, while he winks at everyone like he's under stressed for the long haul of his career, as he secretly takes Vicodin every hour.

Overall, I like the fact that the Superman of today got to internalise every conflict he had as a man who's supposed to be a man of steel. I like the fact that despite his overwhelming powers, the movie fixated itself on his humanity. I like the fact that there were tender moments of exposition that delved on his growing fears for himself and his future. And I like the fact that the cast was perfect. I like the fact that Amy Adams stole every scene she was in. I like the fact that the boring first 20 minutes capitulated the origin story of Superman, that we, as the audience, understood every instance of the "How", "Why", "When" did superman became an alien brought to another planet far feeble than his physiognomy (or body composition).

And lastly, I like the fact that this was the perfect superman film of Today. I still consider Christopher Reeve the best superman to have played the role up to this day; however, this was a film version that is the answer to the age old question of:

"Are we alone in this world? And if yes, then what happens now?"

This is the not the Superman whom you want to be when you grow up. Christopher Reeve already donned that role. I wanted to be the Superman, which Christopher Reeve played, when I grow up, because he was cool, very cool and amazing.


But this is the Superman who you want to drink with in a pub, while you discuss your adult problems, not realising that he's a millionaire (or in Superman's case, an alien life form indestructible to any man) and understand that both of you have the same problems in life. This is the Superman whom you want to listen to AFTER he saves the day.

Because in this time and age, the world doesn't need to glorify an alien with god-like powers and hail him as a statue of immortality, power, and success. The world needs a film the resonates why a God-like being can live amongst us, and have the problems of the world like every normal citizen. 

The film wasn't named "Superman". The film, after all, was named a "Man of Steel", which very much sums up the song of Five For Fighting entitled 'Superman'. Because the Superman of Today is only


"a man in a funny red sheet, looking for special things inside of him."

I could only hope for the next film because I THINK it will only get better in time.


Lastly, I can finally say my Ultimate One Liner to Henry Cavill, "Aww Baby are you hurt? Tired of all the world saving you've been doing? Come to PAPA. I may not be JOR-EL, but I sure can be your LOVEEHR."


Then BAM! Gay Superman is born.

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