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The latest installment in the CAP Series, Flux, has officially been launched.  You'll find the prologue and the first chapter here


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Mark, I haven't yet finished 911 yet, which I am eager to do before starting flux. (Double cornea transplants, hard to read) however, thank you for another amazing CAP storyline and for you and your teams hard work!

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Posted (edited)

wooohoo! I was afraid I'd have to wait a few weeks or even months!

YAY! reading now!

Thank you! <3



Edited by Sammy Blue
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Question: Can Flux stand alone without having read the previous stories in the CAP saga? Or should I wait until I manage to find time to read all 13 previous books? (That may take me a while :) )


If all 13 aren't in the schedule Mann - try starting at Poor Man's Son. That will give you enough background to follow. While I love Mark's work, you sort of have to at least have read 911 to pick up where the family is at the beginning of Flux, but going back to Poor Man's Son will fill you in on most of the pertinent details to really understand. 

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The prologue was pretty awesome, and interesting way to start the story. I look forward to seeing this all play out.

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Question: Can Flux stand alone without having read the previous stories in the CAP saga? Or should I wait until I manage to find time to read all 13 previous books? (That may take me a while :) )

I first started reading CAP at Bloodlines. I think that's an easy way to ease into this soap opera :)

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If all 13 aren't in the schedule Mann - try starting at Poor Man's Son. That will give you enough background to follow. While I love Mark's work, you sort of have to at least have read 911 to pick up where the family is at the beginning of Flux, but going back to Poor Man's Son will fill you in on most of the pertinent details to really understand. 



Question: Can Flux stand alone without having read the previous stories in the CAP saga? Or should I wait until I manage to find time to read all 13 previous books? (That may take me a while :) )


I think you could start with 9-11 and be good.


Thanks! I want to read all of them, but if I start at the beginning it will take forever to get to the current storyline. This gives me a place to begin and I can pick up the previous stories in the future. :D

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Mann, once you start reading you will eventually go back and start at the beginning.  Take a few days off from work and let yourself be treated to the best writing on the 'net. :rolleyes:

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Posted (edited)

From the reviews:


Alas it seems things are in a state of flux for most of the cast of the ongoing saga.

More please ! 


snapback.png Reply from Mark Arbour (author)

And now you know why the book is title with that term. I got some kickback on that from my team, that it was too raw, but that's the feel I was going for.


I think the post 9-11 era was a state of flux for many.  As chapter 1 starts, we are about 9 months after the incident and many of us were just starting to finally be able to sort some things out.  But it was a process and not one that resolved either smoothly or with a sense of rightness.   To see that reflected in the CAP saga is Mark doing what he does best, giving his stories some historical realism.   I for one am eagerly awaiting some more.  


Using Brad and Matt as narrators was inspired, but I think as most of them are in a state of flux, we may see more narrators as the story continues.   I am especially looking forward to the next chapter as I expect Matt and Will to have a conversation that may set the tone of their ongoing relationship for a while.

Edited by Daddydavek
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Sorry the name just isn't grabbing me. I can't get the flux capacitor out of my mind.




That was one of the concerns floated about with my team when I told them the name.  I think it kind of helps with the theme.  :P


Remind me if I ever write more than the one shot short prompt responses I do to hire DDK as my pr man!

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Posted (edited)


From everything I have read in the story and from Mark's comments, somehow I expect that Wade will in fact have another child with Tiffany and make her his de facto hostess.


    Wade will have another kid with Tiffany, sure, but I can't see her becoming Wade's de-facto hostess for dinner parties and the like. She's trying to get JJ to reach the Olympics in 4 years. If he's successful, she'll probably take on other kids. That's a pretty massive time commitment from about August to March/April. Tiffany doesn't strike me as someone content to let Wade run the show while she acts as charming arm candy. I mean, her reasons for moving to Boston with Wade weren't entirely altruistic- on the East Coast, JJ's only real competition would be Johnny Weir. He's therefore got a much better chance at getting to Nationals than he would on the West Coast or in the Mid-West.



I do feel the reconciliation was too swift. It's very un-Marklike to have this happen so quickly.


     It's not really swift- Will has been pissed off at Matt for 6 months. We can assume he got over most of the anger and was willing to accept a sincere apology. We gotta remember that these characters do live lives "off-book", so to speak. They're not the same people with the same issues that they were in November 2001, now that it's May/June 2002.

Edited by methodwriter85
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    Wade will have another kid with Tiffany, sure, but I can't see her becoming Wade's de-facto hostess for dinner parties and the like.


He will?  Really?  Are you writing that chapter, because I sure as hell didn't.  :o

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He will?  Really?  Are you writing that chapter, because I sure as hell didn't.  :o


    Well, he and Tiffany seem pretty much in agreement that they want to have another kid together. Since he's 22 and she's 26 and fertility issues are almost non-existent in CAP (Matt's parents notwithstanding) it seems inevitable that Riley will get a sibling.

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He will?  Really?  Are you writing that chapter, because I sure as hell didn't.  :o

Wow, I never realized just how far ahead Mark has written this story.   :P

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And Mr. Arbour, do you ever just take a nap as Brad, or you just sit down and write? (Not that I am complaining :huh: )

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And Mr. Arbour, do you ever just take a nap as Brad, or you just sit down and write? (Not that I am complaining :huh: )


I nap rarely.  :,(

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I don't think any of them have much to worry about with Tony, at least for right now. He's probably feeling very guilty, and happy just to go back to St. Louis and avoid all the inhabitants of Escorial and their issues.


   I don't think Tony is an actively malicious person. I think he's very selfish but at the same time, tries to talk a good game about being a good guy without actually being one, but I don't think he's in evil territory. Tony just strikes me as a guy who never really had to bother developing a personality because his looks alone attracted people, and he became a very "surface" person. Tony's issues about his father didn't make him a deeper person- it just kind of explains why he's not a very genuine person. He's good at telling people what they want to hear, but he can't follow through on it because it requires him to actually consider the feelings of other people.


    Anyway, as for this chapter, I really liked Matt taking Wade on Memory Lane. That was sweet and I loved all the callbacks to Be Rad.


    Oh, and I forgot to do what I normally do when we start new story...update the ages!


So as of this point in the story...


JP- About to turn 66 (Frank's gotta be around the same age- I think Isidore is 63)

Stefan- Closing in on 57

Ace- 40

Brad- 39

Jack- 38 or 39

Claire- 37

Cody- About 32

Tiffany- 26

Matt- 22

Wade- 22

MaryEllen- About 21

Darius- 20

Gathan- 20

Beau- 19 or so

Ella- 18, 19 in August

Zach- About to turn 17

JJ- 16

Marie- 16

Will- 15

John- Almost 15

Courtney- 6

Maddy- 21 months

Riley- 21 months

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    Anyway, as for this chapter, I really liked Matt taking Wade on Memory Lane. That was sweet and I loved all the callbacks to Be Rad.


    Oh, and I forgot to do what I normally do when we start new story...update the ages!


So as of this point in the story...


JP- About to turn 66 (Frank's gotta be around the same age- I think Isidore is 63)

Stefan- Closing in on 57

Ace- 40

Brad- 39

Jack- 38 or 39

Claire- 37

Cody- About 32

Tiffany- 26

Matt- 22

Wade- 22

MaryEllen- About 21

Darius- 20

Gathan- 20

Beau- 19 or so

Ella- 18, 19 in August

Zach- About to turn 17

JJ- 16

Marie- 16

Will- 15

John- Almost 15

Courtney- 6

Maddy- 21 months

Riley- 21 months


I too really liked that Matt brought up their good times together and made Wade really think about them.


Also big thanks for giving us the update on the ages of the characters.   The babies will be walking and talking simple baby words by now.


Mhhh... I'm really looking forward to see where this Ben is going to lead us.


Cody said he wants to have a part in Maddy's life, still we never saw him with her... hoping for some scenes...


I don't know why but Ben gives me the feelings that Max gave me back when we met him for the first time. Only i think he will end being a good friend like Cody.



Sorry if i still ask about things that are from the past, but we're is ended the guy who was going out with Cody. they young guy, the one which Brad said was as good as Cody at the seduction game???  

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