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I would guess that she toned it down a little to not ruffle Wade's feelings. No sense making him feel guilty after the fact. Plus, this is Elizabeth. If she can make it look like he did all this on his own, she'd go for it out of sheer habit, and getting Wade to put the final pressure on Hammer to go to Africa might be a way for that to happen.

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I would guess that she toned it down a little to not ruffle Wade's feelings. No sense making him feel guilty after the fact. Plus, this is Elizabeth. If she can make it look like he did all this on his own, she'd go for it out of sheer habit, and getting Wade to put the final pressure on Hammer to go to Africa might be a way for that to happen.


Why am I getting images of the Emperor and Aniken Skywalker?

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Remember that Wade finally figured out that his mother is a transactional person.  She asked to borrow the family estate for one of her social get togethers and in return he asked her to do him a favor and take care of his problem.  


I doubt it gives her much of an edge however, as Wade controls Riley....at least for a couple of more years!

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   Riley won't be 18 until 2018. If CAP continues at its current year lag, we won't see 2018 CAP until it's 2030 in our world.


    Well, he could always pull a Will when he's 14, but I can't see a Danfield kid doing that and risking embarrassing the family. He couldn't really silently do that because Wade is so high-profile and the tabloids absolutely love U.S. political family dirt. I do think Wade, Matt, and Tiffany will be much healthier when it comes to parenting their kids than Brad, Robbie, and Jeanine were.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Cia has just posted a blog 100 Million Words on GA


I just wanted to point out that Mark's total word count is (currently) 5,488,759 words. Which means that Mark's CAP and Bridgemont series - plus some anthology stuff - is responsible for 5.4% of the cumulative output of this site. That's some achievement.

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I just love how Mark is setting all of this up. I still say it's too good to be true. Probably after Marc's first formal dinner at Escorial, they will all go outside, sit by a fire, smoke a few joints and sing.


"Someone's crying, Lord, Kum ba yah!
O Lord, Kum ba yah"


Waiting for a lot of shoes to start dropping. :evil:

Edited by davewri
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Sunday dinner Predictions:


1) Nana is not amused with the bad manners of Marc so she schedules training lessons with the guy.


2) At least one napkin tossed onto the table.


3) Everyone has at least three glasses of wine.


4) Either Will or Brad/Marc will be asked to leave the dining room.


5) Zach/Will skips dessert for some unknown reason.


Thanksgiving Dinner Predictions:

1) Wade/Matt has a fight over sex and the term HateF*** is used in a tasteful manner.

2) 2 napkins are tossed onto the table

3) 1 chair has been knocked over.

4) We skip the wine and just go straight to Vodka drinks for everyone except Marc. He has scotch because he's not as sophisticated.

5) Half the room is asked to leave while the other half leaves because they are pissed.

6) ACE is being judgmental yet again.

7) The Staff at Escorial just says FU to everyone and takes the food for themselves as they are tired of wasting all this food All...The... Time!


And NO, nothing here is anything that I personally experienced.

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With the East Coast/ West Coast time difference we can actually have two Thanksgiving dinner events.  My bet is on Goodwell and the main attraction will be JJ.   :jerry:

The second round at Escorial will have to be a really explosive revelation about Marc to top the diva's response to Mary Ellen.

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Well of course Zach's "counselor" is a religious zealot. Zach himself is supposed to be a zealot so the "parents" got someone he's supposed to relate to. Nothing sinister about it.

Haha--good point mmike. The best laid plans often bite you in the ass...

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