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Seeon - Completion - A Beta for the last three chapters

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Lately it seems if I have an unfinished story, everyone is finding it and demanding I finish it. Case in point is Seeon.


Basically I left it with three chapters to finish and never went back. Guess what, people keep finding it and begging for the end. I seem to be working on just finishing them off.


What I need is a beta who can go through, find the mistakes, tell me where I need more or less and help get this story done. Like I said I only have three chapters left. The first of the three is written. Each of the chapters will be between 8 to 10 pages. i would like it if you are familiar with the story so you can help to make sure I don't go off track.There are seven chapters in the original.


Sample of Chapter 8


                The loud banging on the door woke Mika immediately. He couldn’t slip out of bed immediately, because Seeon was presently nuzzled into his side, holding him tightly in his sleep. A smile broke across his face until the loud knocking at the door forced him to rise.

                “Seeon, wake up.” Gently Mika moved the long dark hair from Seeon’s face. He leaned in and kissed the cheek and then spoke a little louder. “Seeon, we have company.”

                Seeon opened his eyes and was immediately captured by Mika’s deep green eyes.

                “I need to get out of bed Seeon. Would you mind letting me go?”

                Seeon blushed and let go of his husband.

                Mika stood and picked up one of the robes from the floor. He turned and found Seeon still in bed with just a sheet over his body. The banging on the door got louder.

                “Put on a robe, Seeon. I am not going to have my husband exposed to everyone just to make some fool priest happy.”

                Seeon could hear the anger in Mika’s voice and moved quickly to cover himself. He found the robe and slipped it on. He realized in a panic that the room wasn’t clean and he wasn’t dressed to entertain guests as his husband strode over to the door.


So basically that is what you are dealing with. If you don't mind kicking my butt to make sure you get the next two chapters then great. I just need to finish this so the readers get an ending to this story they deserve. Thanks.


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If you're still looking I would love to beta read for you. :) I have read the story several times and really want to see it finished. 

Edited by Cazpedroso
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