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Given that mayhem is going to come over the White Wolf Pack in the next chapters, the 3000 is the least I could do ...

Seee I told you it was about to happen! That JAR was about to be evil/mean to the boys in fur!

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You have all had plenty of time to mull over Endings 2 so here is some thoughts over it.

Just what the hell is the Lord? Both the 'fake' and the 'real' Lord seemed to have a Wolf Form. Why does a Vampire Lord and his 'bodyguard' have a wolf form? No other vampires have shown that they can have such a form. The only thought that still sits with me is that he is a previous White Wolf that went evil and the 'fake' was one of his wolves. But if that is the case where are the rest of his IC wolves, have they all died over thousands of years, did some not turn with him?

Colt really did prove his ability for quick thinking with this second fight while they all were already tired from a hard fight with the 'fake' Lord. I had honestly wondered why the time manipulating ability hadn't been utilized with the first fight. Thinking over why the time manipulation wasn't planned on being used could be due to Colt not having figured out 'how' to trigger and control it. All the training he did while in captivity was depicted as having been him working on shifting and not altering the flow of time around him.

It is to bad that in their efforts to take down the Lord that Isaac and CE got knocked out of the fight just as it began and to have such mortal wounds resulting from it could have been devestating. That they were the only two hurt so badly was also really lucky given how tired they all were and how not all of them were able to hit their initial intended marks. It is interesting that the only wolves to have been able to reach the Lord's neck with the initial jump were Colt and Prime, neither Sam the strongest nor Brian the swiftest were able to make it. There wolves were either not strong enough or not fast enough coupled with some size limitations as well to be able to reach it while Prime the wolf who was both Fast and Strong was able to.

Now what was the slight danger that Isaac was still able to sense as the Lord was dying? Could it be connected to MaryAnn and/or Jeffery/Alistair? It is pretty much garanteed that there is another fight somewhere in the future involving MaryAnn as Bradley had dreams that point towards her back before he had any incling of the pack.

To think that the abilities of the White Wolf enabled it to give of itself to heal the others isn't something that is totally unheard of. There have been cases of at least modern stories where one has been able to give portions of their own life to rekindle or keep kindled the life of others. I only ever know of it being utilized directly life to life and once a life force was used up the giver lost theirs but here it isn't Colt himself who dies but the Wolf form of the White Wolf. Just what does this mean going forward though?

All of them were so connected by it but only if they were bonded. A potential didn't have a close enough chance to get in on it. I really wonder just how much of it all Gavin was able to really get in on? How much of the connected discussion, etc... Was there a degree he wasn't able to get or was he not able to hear them at all and was simply reacting based on previous training. Poor guy so close and yet still so far.

I really wonder about the state of the 'Underworld' for this entire fight. The caverns/paths did have some vampires in them but nowhere near what one would have expected. The previous times we have seen an oriface opened the cavern was absolutely teaming with vampires waiting to get pulled out with the presense of a queen there. Could it have had something to do with the time of the month? All the other times it was opened was done at a specific time of the month. Or could it have been they had been forced/ordered to be elsewhere in the underworld's vast network, after all there are a total of 9 orifaces in the world is it all connected or are they somehow indipendent of one another...

The initial medical scene after the fight makes me thinking of that Prompt Lone in the nursing home but is this a seperate scene from the one just two paragraphs later? It is hard to tell but it feels like this is a time jump to Months after the battle with the Lord and then a subsequent jump back Months to just after the battle.

I wonder did Brian buzz his own hair or did a Marine break out their trimmer and do it for him like he was a fresh Boot?!?! Colt is so worried about himself being treated weak and as the girl that it didn't even come to his mind that he had to have been caried out of the caves past all the other shifters.

So much is about to change now that the Energy of the White Wolf is gone... Poor guys barely back together and now it all changes again. There is still so much coming and things to deal with like the Cancer affecting the wolf populations, Colt not being pack and then being with them again, MaryAnn and Jeffery, Rory's Cabal, any traitors in the WW Pack.


Oh and 6666 words in the chapter what a real Mark of the Beast that is.

Edited by PkCrichton
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I speculated in my review that evil can't die, but simply be transferred. Question is where? And to whom? To kill the evil would mean a complete shift in the power balance and from various prompts we know this isn't the case. 


I didn't think the Lord was either wolf or vampire, but something else completely. His physical appearance could have been chosen to instill fear in those who saw him. Does it have to be his actual form? If vampire queens can teleport and play mind games like shadowing, the Lord should have at least a few more nifty abilities. 


The 6666 words had me chuckling too. I mean what else is to be expected? 

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As we're getting closer to the "Help, I'm a vampire, part 2. This time things get real..." I thought this could set the mood. Who's singing? Any wolf...




I guess you're in for a big surprise.

Since Colt mentioned Channing....





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Well since the chapter has been up for days... And we have a little time before we learn just what happens why not talk it over some.


We now know for sure that Colt is the 'old man' in the Hospital in Prompt Lone which takes place immediately after Endings 3 and before Endings 4.


Who do you think the fake 'doctor' is?


What do you think was the precious liquid he had in the carton for Colt to drink?


Is he trying to Kill Colt, Save Colt or Release Colt with said precious liquid?

Edited by PkCrichton
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Well, I thought it was some wolf acting on behalf of the vampires,who gave Colt blood to break out his inner vampire. That would explain why he had to leave the pack (can't have an active vampire now, can we?) and living as a young man again but alone. 


Now with JAR saying I'm in for a surprise, I guess it could be Jeffrey giving Colt a vamp suppressant, to keep his vamp side down. Since he's lost the WW, it would leave him without powers/potential powers. He would be betraying his heritage, since the Lord 2 would want to harness the power of Colt's vampire side and this wouldn't be possible now.


In conclusion, I'm confused. Nothing new there... ;)  

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Some key points of interest from Prompt Lone for you.


  • The 'doctor' is male
  • He is holding a precious liquid in a carton
  • Others say he is a new handsome doctor, cute british accent
  • He has heightened hearing and smell
  • He looks a bit gay
  • The two women in the elevator were really his type
  • He looked like a young doctor in training
  • Colt says 'Hu' upon seeing him  - Hunter is the only one with Hu in their first name but he is dead
  • The ‘doctor’ smiled with devilish satisfaction. “Drink it all, and you shall find your redemption” 
  • Even if he was disguised he didn’t want to be recognized in case Colt had a last moment of clarity before the liquid’s effect kicked in fully.
  • Outside he gratefully took in the fresh midnight air, cleansing his lungs from the traces of death he was just too familiar with.
  • He had just betrayed his heritage, ending the suffering of the ‘old’ man prematurely
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