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What Scares You?


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Now, I realize that I asked this question a few weeks ago over on the Shack board, but I was stuck in 'crisis' mode at the time and couldn't really keep up with it as much as I wanted to. So, I'm giving this another shot tonight, and hopefully we can get enough answers to use for an article in the newest Halloween issue of 'Imagine Magazine' (https://imagine-magazine.org/releases/)! If you have a moment and want to add your two cents to the next issue, be sure to answer in the replies below! If you guys already left an answer the first time around, no need to answer again! I read them all, so I'm holding on to those! Cool? All posts must be in by this coming Friday! And this month's issue will be released on Oct. 30th!


Thanks in advance! And I'll seezya soon!


Be sure to check your closets for monsters before you go to bed tonight! There are MONSTERS in there! GAY monsters! Hehehe! :P

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I am not frightened by mythical monsters from antiquity. The supernatural- meh. Magic and myth scare children. 


What scares grown ups is the possible. 




This fellow- he could really be out there. We just don't know.


Evolution could take many different paths. Every new planet we explore, every new race we encounter is a whole new ecology. Historically, some rather grim real life horror stories have occurred when different ecologies have collided. Think about colonial America and the accidental introduction of smallpox and measles and the effect they had on the Native American population.


The introduction of invasive species into a biosphere which has no native predators to keep them under control: rabbits introduced to Australia is one example. Nutrias in the American South is another.




We also don't know what horrors can grow in a lab or fall from outer space to cause havoc like a horrific plague like The Stand, The Strain or The Andromeda Strain.


Last, but certainly not least, humans do some of the most horrifying things I can think of. Insane cults, repressive governments, genocidal leaders and wars- the reality of the last hundred and something years since WWI is as horrifying and nauseating than any fiction I have ever seen.




Just remember- this prick was elected. Make people afraid enough and they'll fall for anything.


That's enough horror for one post.

Edited by jamessavik
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A perfect organism: unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality. A survivor!


Donald Trump? :o


I am not frightened by mythical monsters from antiquity. The supernatural- meh. Magic and myth scare children. 


What scares grown ups the possible. 




This fellow- he could really be out there. We just don't know.


Evolution could take many different paths. Every new planet we explore, every new race we encounter is a whole new ecology. Historically, some rather grim real life horror stories have occurred when different ecologies have collided. Think about colonial America and the accidental introduction of smallpox and measles and the effect they had on the Native American population.


The introduction of invasive species into a biosphere which has no native predators to keep them under control: rabbits introduced to Australia is one example. Nutrias in the American South is another.




We also don't know what horrors can grow in a lab or fall from outer space to cause havoc like a horrific plague like The Stand or The Strain.


Last, but certainly not least, humans do some of the most horrifying things I can think of. Insane cults, repressive governments, genocidal leaders and wars- the reality of the last hundred and something years since WWI is as horrifying and nauseating than any fiction I have ever seen.




Just remember- this prick was elected. Make people afraid enough and they'll fall for anything.


That's enough horror for one post.

Edited by MrM
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:0 You don't have to be intelligent to tell about what you fear about. And you don't have to bring the Nazi issue as an example or haven't had to go for alien fiction. Its so simple. You can answer just like that.


For example, take me. Even the little insects like cockroaches and one type of grasshoppers and mostly the spiders scares the shit out of me. Crazy monkeys, silent street dogs, wickedly smiling men, and so on and so on. You just name it, I'll find a situation happened in my life as an example, instead of alien abductions and birdman. :P A man is a man scared of a lot issues in a lot situations. :boy:


Just give a little thought, and you'll find a lot of things, a lot of situations to be, and lot of explanations to do will get to you. All the best. :thumbup:

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Wasps and hornets. Awful little critters. when I was 7 years old a wasp landed on my leg and climbed up my shorts. Thank everything you care to thank that it didn't sting me somewhere sensitive. I still haven't figured out what their role in the food chain is, other than to be a pestilence.


If ever there becomes a way to wipe every last one of them off the face of the earth, I'll give serious consideration to doing it. They actually make me happy I have spiders in my room/house.

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Wasps and hornets. Awful little critters. when I was 7 years old a wasp landed on my leg and climbed up my shorts. Thank everything you care to thank that it didn't sting me somewhere sensitive. I still haven't figured out what their role in the food chain is, other than to be a pestilence.


If ever there becomes a way to wipe every last one of them off the face of the earth, I'll give serious consideration to doing it. They actually make me happy I have spiders in my room/house.



They are the apex predator in the insect world and they kill spiders (which I prefer to wasps until spiders grow wings).



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Wasps and hornets. Awful little critters. when I was 7 years old a wasp landed on my leg and climbed up my shorts. Thank everything you care to thank that it didn't sting me somewhere sensitive. I still haven't figured out what their role in the food chain is, other than to be a pestilence.


If ever there becomes a way to wipe every last one of them off the face of the earth, I'll give serious consideration to doing it. They actually make me happy I have spiders in my room/house.

Bees are necessary to pollinate certain plants and give us yummy honey, but I am also very terrified of the stingy little bastards.  If I see a bee or anything with a stinger on its ass, I run the other way.  And I don't run.   :unsure:  

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Bees are necessary to pollinate certain plants and give us yummy honey, but I am also very terrified of the stingy little bastards.  If I see a bee or anything with a stinger on its ass, I run the other way.  And I don't run.   :unsure:  


Bees are perfectly fine. I can differentiate between bees and their much more evil cousins. I've even been known to *not* kill bees when I encounter them, simply because I know they're not the evil little hatemongers that wasps happen to be.


In short, bees=good, wasps=fire. Especially since some wasps build their hives/nests underground, so you might be inadvertently stepping on a hive. God, thinking about the little monsters makes me shudder.


They are the apex predator in the insect world and they kill spiders (which I prefer to wasps until spiders grow wings).




Ah, so they're even worse than I thought, in that they kill the arachnids I actually like and keep around for the sole purpose of killing them. Thankfully, there aren't any spiders up in my neck of the woods that are particularly dangerous, so I'm content to let them live as well. Perhaps escorting them off the premises might be better, if all they're doing is becoming wasp food.

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The fat fuzzy bumble bees are tolerable...but anything else is cause to run screaming and flailing my limbs. I suppose I call all stingy things 'bees' so lump them in unfairly.  I stepped on a stingy thing when I was a kid and got stung on my foot.  Probably what produced my fear of the little bastards.  

Bees are perfectly fine. I can differentiate between bees and their much more evil cousins. I've even been known to *not* kill bees when I encounter them, simply because I know they're not the evil little hatemongers that wasps happen to be.


In short, bees=good, wasps=fire. Especially since some wasps build their hives/nests underground, so you might be inadvertently stepping on a hive. God, thinking about the little monsters makes me shudder.




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...The biggest fear I have is death, I think. Not just my own but of the people around me that I care about. It's weird, because I'm the biggest horror movie fan in the world but that's a total separation from the reality of the situation. I remember being pretty young and was basically just starting to understand the actual concept of death and what it was, and (without going into much detail) there was a situation with my father where I actually thought that I was dead. I freaked out. No more toys, no more friends, no more Mom...all gone in an instant, forever. And to this day I fear that I won't live to a ripe old age. Or that I'll never be able to accomplish everything that I wanted to accomplish, or that there are people that I never get to say goodbye to. The idea that the people I love most could just suddenly not be there anymore...it's always been something that worried me.


The second thing is total exposure. I'm guessing that it's a feeling that's steeped in fear, but it mostly just really gets under my skin and bothers me intensely. I've never been a 'full disclosure' kind of guy. Some people are, and God bless them for being able to do that. But I'm a private person. There are things that I keep to myself. There are conversations that were only intended for one or two people exclusively. I have secrets. Nothing shocking or explosive. I mean, it's not like I've got bodies hidden in my basement or anything. I just feel that cold information without context is a bad thing. Cold facts can explain themselves. Words can be misquoted, ideas can be misrepresented, personalities can be misjudged. There are things that I can talk to you guys about that I don't want to share with my mother. Family stuff that I can talk to my mom about that I don't want to share with my boss at work. Work related issues that I don't want to share with friends I went to high school with years ago. Which is why Facebook doesn't really appeal to me that much, because there isn't much that I can talk about that I want EVERYONE in my life to know outside of sharing a cat video or some music. So I guess I have a fear of not being able to be to maintain a sense of discretion or privacy when I need to. People try to force their way into your life sometimes. You can be Googled, you can be tracked, your emails can be read, your chat logs can be recorded, your silly Youtube videos that you made when you were 12 will still be around when you're 60. Your computer knows every site that you visit, where you're came from to get there and where you go when you leave. I was looking at PORN once, and underneath the video was a comment box with a personal Facebook profile attached! (What the...? Who shares their porn habits with everybody on Facebook???) Anyway, I grew up hiding stuff at home, hiding my sexuality, hiding my attractions when I got older and my desires err...didn't, and plus I think it's just a matter of class to not spit out every thought in your head at the feet of everybody around you. I'd rather people come to me directly and ask so I can either give them the proper context for the info given, or simply say 'that's private' and leave it at that. People swapping my private details and gossip or seeking me out without my permission is something that grates on me pretty quickly.


Anyway, those two things are the biggest for me. Oh, and insects! All insects! I'm not really afraid of animals so much. Not even snakes or lizards or wild dogs or any of the scary ones. But spiders and roaches and mosquitoes and stuff? No way! Souless creatures, insects! SOULESS! Hehehe!

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Okay. Talking of serious issues, instead of the insects, and the people in the name of insects, I am scared of death too. Its not like I am scared of death, but I am so scared to die alone. I have always feared being alone without any companion to live with. Yeah, parent and family will be there, but the aspect of a soul-mate is different from other relationships. I am the who told "Love is Everywhere", but without a partner the circle will never get complete.


You may have seen this before, but I'd be glad if you read it again and understand how some poor soul felt about dieing alone...



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Human depravity is my biggest fear, and it is not even the Hitler's of the world. It is that all these depraved, horrid souls run around preaching their version of hate to innocent children, perpetuating the problem.

Edited by Kitt
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Thanks soooo much for taking a few spare moments to contribute to the magazine! I'll have to modify a few answers (Only because you guys had a back and forth conversation and I'm not sure if I can include the pictures in the article...but I'll be working things out soon!)


Thank you so much for helping out! You guys made all of the effort worthwhile! :) 

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