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Sighhh....come on, Marvel....

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  • 4 weeks later...


Rumors? Maybe not! 😮 

According to insiders, the rumors may actually be TRUE! And grown up cutie, Will Poulter, may have actually been cast as 'Adam Warlock' for the MCU! 😮 

Which...I mean...that would be friggin' AWESOME!!! I wish they could have included him in "Infinity War" somewhere, but they did tease his coming in "GOTG2", so it looks like he's actually coming to join the party! Woo hoo!

z1njdBj.jpg?10 0yXWqOg5.jpg?1


I'd LOVE to see that!


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41 minutes ago, Comicality said:


Rumors? Maybe not! 😮 

According to insiders, the rumors may actually be TRUE! And grown up cutie, Will Poulter, may have actually been cast as 'Adam Warlock' for the MCU! 😮 

Which...I mean...that would be friggin' AWESOME!!! I wish they could have included him in "Infinity War" somewhere, but they did tease his coming in "GOTG2", so it looks like he's actually coming to join the party! Woo hoo!

z1njdBj.jpg?10 0yXWqOg5.jpg?1


I'd LOVE to see that!


Oh, he’ll be perfect! It’s the eyebrows is why 😝

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5 hours ago, Comicality said:

Now, if we can just get him in a pair of tights! :P

As ‘Him’ that has to be a far gone conclusion! 😁

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Sighhh...I'm trying, you know? :/ 

And I LOVE comic books! I LOVE vampires! And I even love Morbius himself as a character! I just...ugh! Sony? Not so much.

The trailer looks interesting, but...dammit, Sony. Can you just...go away? Please? They are SOOOO thirsty for attention, trying to leech off of the MCU's Spider-Man success and steal some of their billion dollar spotlight that it's actually getting kind of embarrassing at this point. Just go away. The original Spider-Man movies were great, and then you tried again and...meh. Then you got two Venom movies out of the deal. Again...meh. The MCU is obviously better at this than you are. Just leave it alone. Go find something ELSE to do, already. You know?

Sony reminds me of having your bratty little brother who's like 6 years old, constantly trying to get a turn on the Playstation while you're playing video games with your friends. Like, "When is it gonna be MY turn! Ok MY turn, MY turn! Mom...they won't let me play! Mom says you guys have to share!" Fuck off! You don't know HOW to play! You suck at this! And you're wasting our time and breaking up our fun by constantly sticking your filthy little hands into everything! GO...AWAY!!!

Let Marvel do what you couldn't do! Relax, and collect a free paycheck! I wish Marvel had never sold them the rights to the character in the first place.

Anyway...we'll see. I'll give it a chance. But to say that I had high expectations would be a lie at this point. Go build your OWN legacy franchise somewhere instead of sucking the life out of somebody else's. Geez!

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6 hours ago, Comicality said:


Sighhh...I'm trying, you know? :/ 

And I LOVE comic books! I LOVE vampires! And I even love Morbius himself as a character! I just...ugh! Sony? Not so much.

The trailer looks interesting, but...dammit, Sony. Can you just...go away? Please? They are SOOOO thirsty for attention, trying to leech off of the MCU's Spider-Man success and steal some of their billion dollar spotlight that it's actually getting kind of embarrassing at this point. Just go away. The original Spider-Man movies were great, and then you tried again and...meh. Then you got two Venom movies out of the deal. Again...meh. The MCU is obviously better at this than you are. Just leave it alone. Go find something ELSE to do, already. You know?

Sony reminds me of having your bratty little brother who's like 6 years old, constantly trying to get a turn on the Playstation while you're playing video games with your friends. Like, "When is it gonna be MY turn! Ok MY turn, MY turn! Mom...they won't let me play! Mom says you guys have to share!" Fuck off! You don't know HOW to play! You suck at this! And you're wasting our time and breaking up our fun by constantly sticking your filthy little hands into everything! GO...AWAY!!!

Let Marvel do what you couldn't do! Relax, and collect a free paycheck! I wish Marvel had never sold them the rights to the character in the first place.

Anyway...we'll see. I'll give it a chance. But to say that I had high expectations would be a lie at this point. Go build your OWN legacy franchise somewhere instead of sucking the life out of somebody else's. Geez!

Spiderverse = $$$$ 
Disney should buy Sony Films one day. That would be the only way to stop the wrangling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be near impossible for them to mess this up! And trust me...they've been TRYING! Hehehe, but just let the MCU do what they do best! Please? Because if they can pull THIS off??? It'll be a game changer for movies in general! I'm keeping my fingers AND my toes crossed! Woo hoo! :P

Hehehe, @2:08...how is he supposed to fight Electro, Sandman, AND the Lizard, all at the same time??? JESUS!!! 😮

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7 hours ago, Comicality said:

It would be near impossible for them to mess this up! And trust me...they've been TRYING! Hehehe, but just let the MCU do what they do best! Please? Because if they can pull THIS off??? It'll be a game changer for movies in general! I'm keeping my fingers AND my toes crossed! Woo hoo! :P

Hehehe, @2:08...how is he supposed to fight Electro, Sandman, AND the Lizard, all at the same time??? JESUS!!! 😮

I think that’s where the two other Spider-Men come in . . . 😉

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  • 2 weeks later...


The "Hawkeye" series is AMAZING so far!!! That means Marvel is 4 for 4 with the streaming shows so far! :D 

It's also a lot funnier than I thought it would be! There are moments that are like...laugh out loud funny. Jeremy Renner's facial expressions alone are hilarious. Like, "I was a covert, international spy. I fought Thanos for Chrissake! WTF is this?" LOL!

Love the Christmas vibes, love how it ties into Avengers and Endgame, Hailee Steinfeld is awesome as Kate Bishop...it's just a damn good time! Can't wait for episode three!

I can recognize three Marvel villains so far (No spoilers), but that's the comic book geek in me. And there may be a fourth...which is a 'rumor' for now! But if HE shows up...I'm going to friggin' LOSE IT! There could be nothing cooler than that! We'll see...

I don't know how Marvel keeps doing it. I'm just happy to benefit from the rewards! :P

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  • 3 weeks later...


YEP! They did it! 😮 

I was wondering if they would...or even if they COULD...but Marvel did it! And just like I expected...I absolutely lost my shit and freaked the fuck out!!! Gaaahhhhhhhh!!!

That seals it! The Marvel TV shows are 5 for 5 in terms of being just plain AMAZING! And all 5 are amazing for different reasons! I am thoroughly impressed!

All caught up now! And there is sooooo much going on right now! I need, like, ten more episodes of "Hawkeye"! How are they even pulling this off?

::Post orgasmic chills::

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3 minutes ago, Comicality said:


YEP! They did it! 😮 

I was wondering if they would...or even if they COULD...but Marvel did it! And just like I expected...I absolutely lost my shit and freaked the fuck out!!! Gaaahhhhhhhh!!!

That seals it! The Marvel TV shows are 5 for 5 in terms of being just plain AMAZING! And all 5 are amazing for different reasons! I am thoroughly impressed!

All caught up now! And there is sooooo much going on right now! I need, like, ten more episodes of "Hawkeye"! How are they even pulling this off?

::Post orgasmic chills::

So, you need a cigarette?

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  • 2 weeks later...


OMG!!! That makes SO much sense!!!! 😮 

Of course, they're saying that it's still just a 'rumor' for right now...but it looks like Marvel just cast "The Walking Dead's" Norman Reedus as the new Ghost Rider!!! Gaaahhhhhhh! That's perfect!

I'd definitely be down for that movie! Right away! Good eye, Marvel! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok...so I finally got a chance to watch the "Eternals" movie from Marvel...and I am actually blown away!!! WTF???

You know, sooooo many people were completely dogging this movie before it was even released. With all of the harsh critics and the bullshit comments and the Rotten Tomatoes score chasers and the Box Office watchers during a literal pandemic...I thought that this movie might just be 'ok' at best. And it ended up being one of my top ten Marvel movies of all time! Easily! Not top five...because they have done some amazing things over the last ten to twelve years...but top ten, for sure!

The story, and the themes involved, and the characters...I wish this was a whole Disney+ series so I could learn more about them all, spanning centuries. And the action? No spoilers...but that last battle scene on the beach...WHY couldn't DC pull that off??? THAT was the kind of Justice League throwdown that I've always wanted to see on the big screen as a kid! Like...JESUS! YES!!! *SO* much yes!!! LOL!

Yeah, people have gotten so jaded and petty with their movie reviews these days! Maybe because the story takes center stage this time instead of the action? I don't know. But check it out! It's sort of connected to the other Marvel movies, but you can easily watch it without having seen any of the others. Just...I'm actually frustrated now, just knowing that people were deliberately trying to trash this movie for other people before they even got a chance to see it. Mostly because everybody in it wasn't straight and white and blond and male, and that means it must be 'woke'. (PLEASE stop teaching super old, out of touch, politicians words like 'woke'. They don't know what it means, and just abuse it and weaponize in some strange attempt to sound cool. Stop it.)

Anyway, there is a lot of story to absorb, but it's an interesting story full of inner conflict and purpose and betrayal...I'm seriously impressed! Imagine "Game Of Thrones", "Dune", and "Watchmen", all rolled into one...but in the MCU! Bravo, you guys! You surprised me again! :)

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Hehehe...you taught me everything I know about writing stories and weaving them together as a kid, Marvel Comics...about drama and conflict and betrayal and action and pain! But, dammit...I'm going to get on that level for my own readers one day! I'm hot on your tail! LOL! You'll see, one day! I'm working on it! :P 

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Basically, it's Marvel's super violent, bi-polar, schizophrenic, version of Batman! He might take you to jail...or...he might just beat you to DEATH with his bare fists! You never know with him. Hehehe! Either way, some people are definitely gonna get fucked up on this show! YES!!! So much yes! Hehehe! And Oscar Isaacs is perfect casting too! Bring it on! Can't wait!

PS- HI, Ethan Hawke! Where did you come from? ((Huggles))

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On 1/14/2022 at 9:59 AM, Comicality said:

Ok...so I finally got a chance to watch the "Eternals" movie from Marvel...and I am actually blown away!!! WTF???

You know, sooooo many people were completely dogging this movie before it was even released. With all of the harsh critics and the bullshit comments and the Rotten Tomatoes score chasers and the Box Office watchers during a literal pandemic...I thought that this movie might just be 'ok' at best. And it ended up being one of my top ten Marvel movies of all time! Easily! Not top five...because they have done some amazing things over the last ten to twelve years...but top ten, for sure!

The story, and the themes involved, and the characters...I wish this was a whole Disney+ series so I could learn more about them all, spanning centuries. And the action? No spoilers...but that last battle scene on the beach...WHY couldn't DC pull that off??? THAT was the kind of Justice League throwdown that I've always wanted to see on the big screen as a kid! Like...JESUS! YES!!! *SO* much yes!!! LOL!

Yeah, people have gotten so jaded and petty with their movie reviews these days! Maybe because the story takes center stage this time instead of the action? I don't know. But check it out! It's sort of connected to the other Marvel movies, but you can easily watch it without having seen any of the others. Just...I'm actually frustrated now, just knowing that people were deliberately trying to trash this movie for other people before they even got a chance to see it. Mostly because everybody in it wasn't straight and white and blond and male, and that means it must be 'woke'. (PLEASE stop teaching super old, out of touch, politicians words like 'woke'. They don't know what it means, and just abuse it and weaponize in some strange attempt to sound cool. Stop it.)

Anyway, there is a lot of story to absorb, but it's an interesting story full of inner conflict and purpose and betrayal...I'm seriously impressed! Imagine "Game Of Thrones", "Dune", and "Watchmen", all rolled into one...but in the MCU! Bravo, you guys! You surprised me again! :)

I’m wondering if folks just didn’t ‘get’ Eternals. They’re a pretty deep cut into the Marvel Universe. I haven’t seen the film yet so I don’t know if they made this very important connection with the Eternals yet, but the Eternals of Titan had one very famous (or rather infamous) member: Thanos! Thanos was an Eternal! They affect a lot of what goes on in the Marvel Universe including the possibility that they may have helped engineer Mutants.

I’ll really enjoy watching this today as soon as my roommate GTFO of the condo! :D 

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24 minutes ago, Comicality said:

Basically, it's Marvel's super violent, bi-polar, schizophrenic, version of Batman! He might take you to jail...or...he might just beat you to DEATH with his bare fists! You never know with him. Hehehe! Either way, some people are definitely gonna get fucked up on this show! YES!!! So much yes! Hehehe! And Oscar Isaacs is perfect casting too! Bring it on! Can't wait!

PS- HI, Ethan Hawke! Where did you come from? ((Huggles))

Moon Knight was one of my favorite comics! It was gritty like the Punisher, but had enough supernatural elements to be more ‘superheroish’. Too bad they put Ethan Hawke in this one. I’d have preferred him to be the one to play the MCU’s Reed Richards for The Fantastic Four! He’d have been a perfect Reed…

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This was my Dreamcast for the MCU Fantastic Four. This would have been epic with Ethan Hawke as Mr. Fantastic, he has the gravitas of the ‘guy everyone goes to with a problem Dr. Strange can’t fix’ vibe! I threw Michael Chicklis back in as The Thing because his portrayal was dead on in the Fox movie. He was the best thing in that. The other two, the Storms, they look the parts true to the comic. Clare Bowen is actually a very good actress and has that nice, but no nonsense strength of Sue Storm. Kenton Duty, I think would make a good ‘new’ actor introduction. He’s severely adorable too!

I know Liev already played a Marvel villain as Sabretooth in the Wolverine film, but I think he was miscast. He is capable of playing a heavy much in the same way Benedict Cumberbatch and Michael Fassbender. Liev Schreiber has Master Supervillain written all over him! He IS Doctor Doom, even if he can’t fake a ‘Latverian’ accent.

Charles Dance as the voice of Galactus would make for an even greater villainous presence than Josh Brolin was as Thanos! I mean…it’s Tywin Lanister as the most powerful being in the universe! Nuff said, Tiger!

Alex Pettyfer…OMG, Silver Surfer or Jonathan Majors to diversify the cast - also OMG, Silver Surfer. :P



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