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Oops! I just remembered, Jonathan Majors is already playing Kang. Someone in casting has the same ideas I get! :P


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On 1/15/2022 at 12:25 PM, MrM said:

Oops! I just remembered, Jonathan Majors is already playing Kang. Someone in casting has the same ideas I get! :P



And his Kang The Conqueror is AWESOME!!!! XD 

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3 hours ago, Comicality said:

It took a LOT of waiting, but it was sooooo worth it! Hehehe! I wanna see more though! I wanna see him completely lose his shit! XD

I SO can’t wait!

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  • 4 weeks later...



Ummmm...ok, I don't think this can be fixed! 😮 

Between Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, Loki, and Wandavision...this may be beyond repair!!!

Which is pretty damn dark! What have you all DONE????

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  • 4 weeks later...


Only 2 weeks away!!! Am I ready??? I never thought I'd live to see a live action Moon Knight! Squeeeee! So excited!!! :P

I still wish it was R-Rated, but I'll take what I can get! 


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Ms. Marvel is coming! Yay!

I don't know much about her character, as she came along after I stopped reading comic books, but I know that she's a pretty big deal! And a huge fan of the Avengers (Captain Marvel, specifically), and it'll be cool to see her have her own show in a couple of months! She's also Muslim, and this looks like it has a cartoony coming of age vibe to it! So I'm in! It's been a long long time since Marvel has disappointed me on anything. Hehehe!

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@Comicality Last night, I watched a movie on Netflix called The Adam Project. The hero (Ryan Reynolds) has to travel back in time. He teams up with his 12-year-old self (Walker Scobell) and his deceased father (Mark Ruffalo) to stop a madwoman from plotting world domination. It's not exactly a Marvel movie, but it was definitely made in a similar style. I mean, the snarcasm was like Deadpool vs baby Deadpool!  :P


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11 minutes ago, Page Scrawler said:

@Comicality Last night, I watched a movie on Netflix called The Adam Project. The hero (Ryan Reynolds) has to travel back in time. He teams up with his 12-year-old self (Walker Scobell) and his deceased father (Mark Ruffalo) to stop a madwoman from plotting world domination. It's not exactly a Marvel movie, but it was definitely made in a similar style. I mean, the snarcasm was like Deadpool vs baby Deadpool!  :P


Hehehe! I definitely saw it on day one! LOVE this movie! Now go check out Imagine Magazine! Walker's in it! ::Giggles::

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  • 3 weeks later...


That was just ONE episode??? 😮

Just finished watching the premiere...and...

::Tears Of Utter Joy::

They got the character JUST right!!! OMIGOD!!! I am shocked! Seriously! I should have known when they upped the show to an R-Rating just before its release!

One episode, and I'm already giggling with wicked delight! More death! Feed me! Hehehe!

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WOW!!! Awesome cosplay, kid!!! :D 

Nailed it! Hahaha!!!

Really though...in the comics, Moon Knight has brutally MURDERED a LOT of people! Like...a LOT! With his bare fists. Blood and broken bones and lost teeth. Hehehe, so...yeah. But the costume is excellent!

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  • 3 weeks later...


"Asgardians Of The Galaxy...Back Again!" :P

They made this trailer look...really lighthearted! LOL! Because the female Thor story is DARK! Like...like DARK! Like death and crying and cancer and just...dark! But...ok! I trust you, Marvel!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Dangit!!! :( 

I was absolutely SURE that Marvel's "Moon Knight" was going to finally be the ONE mini-series that wasn't gonna get me all choked up and teary eyed...but episode #5 hit me pretty hard. I think it just touched on some deeply personal triggers for me, and it left me feeling weird after it was finished. So kudos to Marvel for pulling this series off. Hitting those deep emotions....AGAIN! Wow.

And can we just give Oscar Isaac, like...ALL of the awards for his acting performance in this series?!?!? He is seriously KILLING this role! Jesus!


If you haven't seen it yet, definitely check out "Moon Knight"! It's not connected to the other stories or movies like the others are. So you can watch it as a separate thing.

Yeah....this episode triggered me in a major way. Probably the most since "Wandavision". ::Sniffles::

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1 hour ago, Comicality said:


Dangit!!! :( 

I was absolutely SURE that Marvel's "Moon Knight" was going to finally be the ONE mini-series that wasn't gonna get me all choked up and teary eyed...but episode #5 hit me pretty hard. I think it just touched on some deeply personal triggers for me, and it left me feeling weird after it was finished. So kudos to Marvel for pulling this series off. Hitting those deep emotions....AGAIN! Wow.

And can we just give Oscar Isaac, like...ALL of the awards for his acting performance in this series?!?!? He is seriously KILLING this role! Jesus!


If you haven't seen it yet, definitely check out "Moon Knight"! It's not connected to the other stories or movies like the others are. So you can watch it as a separate thing.

Yeah....this episode triggered me in a major way. Probably the most since "Wandavision". ::Sniffles::

Yes. This last episode hit me viscerally also. Frankly, I was a bit exhausted after watching it, like my mind and emotions had just been put into a blender!

I agree whole heartedly with the Oscar Issac assessment! You and I are on the same page there, Comsie. I was actually going ‘wow’ at his amazing performance multiple times through this episode! He’s handling Marvel’s most complex superhero as beautifully, in his own way, as Robert Downey Jr. handled Iron Man!

The only thing I’m hoping for in this is that we get more Moon Knight scenes that are just him, straight up, thrashing bad guys! That’s the part of this series that I find a bit lacking. I love the backstory, the exploration of a character with this many problems, the exploration of Egyptian Myth in a way I’ve never seen before, but…ultimately, I wanna see Moon Knight kick butt like he does in the comics.

I’ve been re-reading some of the old issues from the mid-Eighties and all of the pathos and intrigue are there like in the show, but there’s also a lot of Moon Knight just showing Batman up for being ‘Vengeance’ personified. Moon Knight just, completely, annihilates his opponents. That’s his special charm! 

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Yeah...I was watching this episode, and I had to take a break. Because I was literally crying and couldn't stop.

You know...there have been a lot of people who have read "My Only Escape", and they've told me that I really had to live through it to portray it the way that I did. And that's what I felt with this episode. Because I really do remember. From when I was just a kid. You know, what it's like to just force yourself to feel like everything in our life is ok. :( To block certain things out and hide and maneuver and run from it all and try to be normal on top of it. Seeing it played out on screen like that, with Oscar Isaac's *phenomenal* performance...the denial and the anger and the pain and the self torture...I couldn't make it through the whole episode without losing it. Ugh! The tears just wouldn't stop. Oh God, I'm tearing up just writing this.

But yeah...that's what life feels like when you live through it. Every minute of every day. Whoever made this show...he or she definitely understands that situation on a personal level. This level of authenticity wouldn't be possible without living through it, you know?

That pain never goes away. Believe me. That episode hurt. A lot. But it was SO well done! So, applause for that one!

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That little music cue when the ‘break’ happened really got to me…

You’re right, you have to write what you know. Someone knew and we know too, Comsie.


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GAH!!!! Holy shit!!! 😮

That...was EPIC!!! YES!!! The season finale of "Moon Knight" was EVERYTHING that I wanted and needed it to be! just...the action is INTENSE! They did not drop the ball at all on this one! And seeing all of the personalities working together...wow! Oscar Isaac needs like ten awards for this show! His acting is phenomenal! I, honestly, kept forgetting that he was just one person playing different roles. It's crazy!

A+++ series! I am blown away! XD

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5 hours ago, Comicality said:


GAH!!!! Holy shit!!! 😮

That...was EPIC!!! YES!!! The season finale of "Moon Knight" was EVERYTHING that I wanted and needed it to be! just...the action is INTENSE! They did not drop the ball at all on this one! And seeing all of the personalities working together...wow! Oscar Isaac needs like ten awards for this show! His acting is phenomenal! I, honestly, kept forgetting that he was just one person playing different roles. It's crazy!

A+++ series! I am blown away! XD

Oh boy!

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OMFG!!! What the hell did I watch?!?!?! 😮 

Okaaaaayyyy...so we went out to see "Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness"...TWICE in a row, actually...and (NO spoilers! Because, there would be a LOT for me to spoil! Believe me!) that was some of the craziest shit that I've ever seen from a PG-13 Marvel movie! Jesus! A lot of it was like a friggin' HORROR flick! I love it!!!

You NEED to go see this movie before anybody spoils it for you! WOW! Also...you should REALLY watch the "Wandavision" series for better context if you haven't seen it yet! It's important! Besides, could little Tommy and Billy get any more adorable? Hehehe! They just make me smile! Awwww!

AWESOME time! And thanks for the donation for the movie tickets! Best birthday gift ever! Hehehe! GREAT movie! I thought "Avengers Endgame" was as far as they could go! And then "Spider-Man No Way Home" was AMAZING! So that's it, right? NOPE!!! "Doctor Strange" just guaranteed another ten years worth of new movies and characters all at once! I am thoroughly impressed! :P

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7 hours ago, Comicality said:


OMFG!!! What the hell did I watch?!?!?! 😮 

Okaaaaayyyy...so we went out to see "Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness"...TWICE in a row, actually...and (NO spoilers! Because, there would be a LOT for me to spoil! Believe me!) that was some of the craziest shit that I've ever seen from a PG-13 Marvel movie! Jesus! A lot of it was like a friggin' HORROR flick! I love it!!!

You NEED to go see this movie before anybody spoils it for you! WOW! Also...you should REALLY watch the "Wandavision" series for better context if you haven't seen it yet! It's important! Besides, could little Tommy and Billy get any more adorable? Hehehe! They just make me smile! Awwww!

AWESOME time! And thanks for the donation for the movie tickets! Best birthday gift ever! Hehehe! GREAT movie! I thought "Avengers Endgame" was as far as they could go! And then "Spider-Man No Way Home" was AMAZING! So that's it, right? NOPE!!! "Doctor Strange" just guaranteed another ten years worth of new movies and characters all at once! I am thoroughly impressed! :P

Sounds like they pulled off a true Dr. Strange comic book caper after all! The poor Doc is always getting himself down rabbit holes with cosmic significance.

I have my tickets for this afternoon. We’ll trade notes! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Ms. Marvel" won't even START for another two weeks, and they're already setting me up for more? I know they're still working on the SFX, but it's getting there!

Well played, Marvel. But I'll be catching up to you eventually! Just you watch! I can write a bunch of super cool stuff all at once TOO, ya know? LOL!

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Dangit! What the...it's only been an HOUR!!! 😮 

Hehehe, sign me up for this one too!

Wait...which 'Lintz' brother is that? The older one? Or the younger one from "The Walking Dead" with the staff? Did he grow up that fast?

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