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Luckily I'm in college, so a backpack is accepted, because I feel insecure going anywhere for any length of time without my laptop. I don't know why, or what help it'd really be in an emergency. I keep my swiss army knife in my pocket which has pretty much everything else I need (screwdriver, scissors, knife, flashlight, pen, and even a jumpdrive). I couldn't live without it. In my backpack I do keep things like hand sanatizer, liquid bandaid, water, assorted snacks, and sometimes even school supplies.


4 Root Beer Barrels


You mean the candy? I love those.

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Maybe I'm just not organized to handle more...I lose everything


Precisely the reason I bought myself a messenger bag (or faggotbook as I affectionately call it).


I used to either shove everything in my pockets or carry it all in a plastic bag around with me when I needed something. Now I just thorw everything into the bag. You get some flack for having a man bag, but honestly I find it super convenient to have certain every day nescessities around you at all times, like my cologne or an extra stick of deodorant (When you work 2 jobs and hop from one to the other, things like that come in super handy).


It also in some ways make me more travel organized. Bag full of crap = too heavy to be comfortable. Ergo I'm forced every so often to completely clean it out which gives me the opportunity to go through what I do need and what I can get rid of (I'm a notorious collector of recipets and flyers and other crap). That way the pockets are empty, the wallet is clean, and I'm not constantly fishing through my pockets or wallet and dropping stuff.


Anyway I've ranted long enough. :-)

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I am in the backpack camp.






-4-way screwdriver

-Gerber multi-tool [don't leave home without it]


-research journal

-check book

-nail kit

-cell phone




-pencil case

-index cards

-cd case

-cd player


what you can't see

-digital camera

-swiss army knife


-digital voice recorder



Depending on what I'm doing, this load out may vary considerably. Sometimes books, notebooks or a laptop.


Guys- str8, gay or flexible: carrying something like this is simply too much of a advantage to give up out of insecurity. Get over your antiquated gender role neurosis and get out there and get yourself the coolest backpack you can find. I suggest SwissGear which are very well made and run about $40.

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For me, it's situational: If I'm just heading for town or running errands or visiting freinds, all I need are my wallet, keys, and wristwatch.


My "cosmetics" supply consists of a small comb that I keep either in my pocket or in the glovebox. I also usually keep a bottle of cologne in the glovebox.


I always have a change of clothes, plus of course a well-stocked emergency kit in my vehicle at all times (needed, when you spend a lot of time in the backcountry, miles from pavement).


If I'm wilderness hiking, especially overnight, then I do pack out a fairly heavy load, but the contents depend on the length of the hike, terrain, and anticipated weather.

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...all I need are my wallet, keys, and wristwatch.


My "cosmetics" supply consists of a small comb that I keep either in my pocket or in the glovebox. I also usually keep a bottle of cologne in the glovebox.


Interesting no one included a pack of Trojans (reminds me to turn on the football game) or Magnums (wishful thinking). :P


I'm fascinated that our esteemed author of Druid carries two fragrances with him. And James is so organized - my god, a photo shoot for a forum? I'm impressed.


Put me in the CJ camp. Add loose change if I'm going to the store, plus sunglasses...a must in the desert.


Jack B)

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I dont use any purse type product or a backpack to hold my things. I actually dont think i have used my backpack at all this school year. Anyway, if it doesnt fit in my pocket, its not worth having (for me anyway).


(dont ask me how i know this but..) Originally, purses were designed and used by men. They were used, like you have all said, to carry around essential items that might be needed on a daily basis. I think they were created in europe, but im too lazy to look it up. Dying of the hair was also invented my men, makeup also was created by men to puff up their wigs and make themselves look nice. Colonials used to dye their wigs vibrant colors: blue, yellow, orange..... i guess it showed wealth or power.








Ian (how the hell do i know all this!?)

Edited by The Reaper
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Fortunately my counterculture tendencies allow me to carry around a backpack in which I stow everything I need. After all, how does one leave without...




Backup lighter


Body spray


Little thingy of toothpaste

Deodorant (just in case I get stuck somewhere overnight)


Cards (ID, phone card, etc.)

The almighty screwdriver!!! HOW do you NOT have to have one of those?!

All my random paraphrenalia...

Laptop (on occasion)

CD case

MP3 player (no, I didn't replace CD's, just added to them)

Black nail polish

A handful of pens and pencils

Sharpies of assorted colors!!!

Old midnight blue manic panic hair dye... why is this still in here...

The book I'm currently reading

Safety pins!!! (These can be a lifesaver... laugh if you want, but this once I ripped my pants, and w/o safety pins my entire right ass cheek would've been visible... not to mention these are quite versatile for piercings. :D )


Pocket pack of kleenex

Then there's the hidden pocket, whose contents are not to be disclosed to the unworthy, muah ha ha!

Every now and then a schoolbook or binder when I need it.

Most of the time a change of clothes or at least a spare shirt (jeans can be worn twice without incident)


My backpack is important... and it's falling apart, and I need a new one, hehe. :D It's necessary considering my lifestyle... I go to school, and wherever I end up after I get out, I MIGHT not make it back home that night depending on the situation and what I want to do, so yeah. Gotta be prepared. And plus, don't diss the screwdriver! It's probably the most versatile tool there is!

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Okay so, as a bonafide purse carrier... I have a tiny one containing my wallet and a tiny makeup bag that holds a small tube of lotion, my contact lens case with and extra pair in it, eye drops, yes tampons... fact of life, and a bottle of Motrin. I have the kids immunization records and bandaids and maybe toothpicks, and I have a pack of gum always, and 3 types of lip gloss.. I know, I am a chick... deal. And then I always have my sunglasses and a brush in the car.


Now Rich... bonafide non-purse carrier has a whole layout for his pockets... He carries his wallet in his back pocket, one of those long ones thatholds your checkbook too, and then he has his keys and his spare change, and always this coin he got at his Grandpa's funeral, a leatherman tool, and his cell phone, and his watch on his wrist.


Here is the part where I take credit for buying him a real wallet, not some velcro one... and a real watch, not one of those rubber ones...


My mom was one of those women that had every-f**king-thing you could imagine in her purse and probably never needed... and as a result I carry the tiniest purse possible.




PS. I also only have one purse... none of this changing purses and yes my wallet matches my purse... this is Southern California right? :D

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How do men manage without purses?

I've been asking this same question since I was a small child! It's just frickin practical!


Despite always thinking it was a good idea it's only recently (the last month in fact) that I finally broke down and got one of those trendy, metro (well I guess in my case it is just "gay") bags for guys. Probably because like Matt pointed out while you're still in college (or before) you can get by with just carrying a backpack. Now that I'm not in school I just got desperate!


LOL since everyone else is listing their contents here's my unique list of "must haves":


-Hand lotion

-SPF 30/moiturizing lotion


-Concealer (no wisecracks! :angry: I hardly ever use it but it's good to have for "emergencies")

-A hairbrush

-A Comb

-A mirror

-Hand Sanitizer


-Gloves with a matching

-Wool beanie hat thing (well it is winter and I hate to be cold, at least I don't carry the scarf around too :P )

-3 bottles of water (major must have)

-My keys*

-My cell phone*

-Pens and

-A little pad of paper

-The latest issue of Reader's Digest

-Random Mail

-My checkbook*

And since Jack brought it up :*)




*denotes items that are only in the bag when I'm actually carrying the bag which isn't always. For example if I'm literally just running to the store or something.


Having read this though I think I might add:


-A toothbrush


-Fingernail trimmers

-A deck of cards

-Body Spray and/or Cologne

-A pocket pack of kleenex


4 Root Beer Barrels
You mean the candy?

Maybe it's just a really big bag :boy:

Safety pins!!! (These can be a lifesaver... laugh if you want, but this once I ripped my pants, and w/o safety pins my entire right ass cheek would've been visible... )

This happened to me once! The ripping my pants and having my butt hanging out part that is. :P Unfortunately I did not have the safety pins. :unsure: *sigh* I guess that's what I get for always wearing tight pants and moving around rambunctiously. :*)

And plus, don't diss the screwdriver! It's probably the most versatile tool there is!

LOL, I must say I'm surprised at the sheer volume of posters in this thread that carry around the screwdriver! LOL It wouldn't have even occurred to me and now I'm thinking I might need one in there too :blink:


Have an awesome, accessory-filled day everyone :boy:


Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Luc -- you have done a good think with this topic :2thumbs:


It has been a real hoot to this 69 year old gay person!! :blink:


I'm not sure if it's an age thing or living high up in the Rocky Mountains thing ----- but----- when I leave my house --- which is left UNLOCKED -- my security system armed -- I do have a good dog for that -- my wallet and checkbook are already in the car because that's where I keep them - always! If my sweats have pockets I may have some change -- just in case I want a newspaper. I rarely carry folding money because I am a impulse buyer - I have twice bought a new house AND a new car in the same week - and of course, my always at hand, debit card!! Now that is REALLY something I SHOULD leave at home!!!


But ---- I really do think the back packs can look sharp and even sexy on some people. I really should look around and see what I could put in one of those things. I'm not to sure if I would look sexy but, on the other hand, I do like the sweats and commando is my middle name :rolleyes::P


Thanks Luc

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See and this is why guys should have kids!


for the first 5 years of DC's life... when i had him with me his diaper/toy bag doubled as my "man bag". now we just share a backpack. and the stuff in it? heh.. well other than meds...

  • first aid kit (including tweezers, scissors, needle, safety pins)
  • current reading material for both of us
  • hand lotion, hand sanitizer, condoms, lube, sunscreen, blistex, carmex, deoderant, razor
  • tea bags, splenda packets
  • my pda, cell phone, his gameboy, portable chargers, extra batteries
  • trail mix and assorted candies
  • multitool (the one with the bit attachments)
  • assorted pens, pencils, paper, notebooks
  • sudoko book(s)
  • duct tape

hum yep I think that about covers it, my watch hangs from my beltloop, my cards are in my back pocket, my cash is in my front pocket, and the keys could end up anywhere!

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Interesting no one included a pack of Trojans (reminds me to turn on the football game) or Magnums (wishful thinking). :P


I'm fascinated that our esteemed author of Druid carries two fragrances with him. And James is so organized - my god, a photo shoot for a forum? I'm impressed.


Put me in the CJ camp. Add loose change if I'm going to the store, plus sunglasses...a must in the desert.


Jack B)


LOL why would that surprise you? (the fragrances I mean) If you're wondering... they are the 'imposter' versions and animal safe :P Besides... I'm not made of money you know lol (esteemed... heheh you crack me up)


By the way... I do occasionally eat meat. We weren't born with incisors for no reason. Though... honestly... I try to stick to the SOY substitute. However... I do have my weakneses. Today... it was the Whopper with cheese. ALL HAIL BURGER KING!


By the way... for those that asked ;) Yes... the root bear barrels are the candy sort. I LOVE THEM! and.. they're Russel Stovers! Ooooo... soon I think there will be only three. Yes... I'm almost CERTAIN of it! They are there specifically for those days when I have had a meal riddled with garlic. They work better than starlight mints, and I prefer the taste hehe.


Well... I'm glad I'm not the only one toating around a great big pile of crap! Yes... the MP3 player and assorted CD's join my 'man purse' on occasion as well. I have to have my tunes! It's come in handy a few other times too.


What does crack me up... is the straight guys at work come to me when they have a hang nail or snag in their finger nails. WTF?

Everyone wants to borrow the freaking nail file. I suppose it's easier for a guy to ask a guy than it is to ask a woman. I don't get it, but whatever.


The multihead screw driver... well... I'm a computer geek. I can't tell you how many times I've needed a screw driver to rip apart a tower and replace components and what not.


It seems to me... the 'man purse' is making a come back. YAY I'll be in style again soon .... lol ... NOT!


(Lugh... I have to ask... What exactly do you do with that Duct Tape :)


I need to get me some safety pins though... I hadn't thought of that and they have saved my butt a couple of times... Yep... that must be done!

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lemme see... duct tape... for hems that come out just before interviews... for fixing hoses in the engine long enough to get to the shop... for miscellaneous things... like fishing up the keys that dropped through the water drain grate... and just because sometimes only duct tape will do.... remember silence is golden; ducttape is silver.

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Hrmm... i guess i sorta carry around my backpack. Though only on weekdays...


As far as that goes... It contains my MP3 player, headphones, digital camera, bag of halls Vitamin C drops, old mail ( I should clear this out..., USB cable for my mp3 player, Laptop (always... i don't know where this sometimes bit comes in.) Sunglasses


as far as the wallet keys cell phone chapstick and cash. I keep thos in my pockets, along with what ever assorted scrapes of paper I happen to aquire that day.


I yes Viv it is a real wallet, leather and everything!



No nauga's were harmed in the making of this post...



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I have my school bag, and a tiny tiny purse that I originally only bought cause it was cute (I AM a girl, after all). I hardly ever use the purse, except for vacations, while my school bag has everything I need (which is, decidedly, not much). I tend to keep around the bare minimum, which is: My wallet with all my cards and money, my cell phone, my mp3 player, chapstick, sometimes eyeliner, deodorant. When I still lived in NC I also kept around toothbrush and toothpaste and a change of underclothes because impromptu sleep overs were quite common (they're not anymore..damn stiff Canadians).

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My mother used to try to convince me that I was totally abnormal for not wanting to carry around a bathroom's worth of items. Judging from the above list, she was correct.


I used to be sewn to my backpack like a Siamese twin, till the family member I live with got obsessed with taking Teaching Company tapes out of the library. Now he borrows my backpack all the time.


So I resort to a college bookbag, and to heck with the fact that it clashes with my oh-so-masculine denim vest. Minimum I carry: Magnifier (I'm partially sighted), money and ID and credit cards and library cards strewn all over the bag because I haven't gotten myself a new wallet, notebook and pens, kleenex. And if I'm not carrying a book or newspaper too, it's a sign I'm seriously ill.


Given the number of coins I have floating around, and trouble I have fishing them out of my pocket, I've thought of carrying a change purse, but I don't want to screw up people's minds that much. I'll wait for our society to get a little less gender-rigid.


Comb goes in the back pocket of my jeans and keys go on my belt. Left. At least I manage to fit the expected image that way.


Dusk (feeling left out because I don't carry a screwdriver)

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Dusk (feeling left out because I don't carry a screwdriver)


I don't carry one either. But I do carry a notary seal. Do I get points for that?? It's in a Liz Claiborne bag if that helps.



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