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What are you procrastination about today?


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I have a fatal flaw: I constantly torture myself by putting off till tomorrow what I SHOULD be doing today! Occasionally I read about a group called the Procrastinators of America (I think it is). I would be the perfect candidate for that group, but I keep putting off joining.


Happy Saturday, now all things can wait until Monday!


Edited by MarkESQ
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I am procrastinating on a speech I have to write about literacy. I have to present the speech this Wednesday and I only just started writing it... So, at the moment, I'm going to read some stories. That's totally connected to literacy, right?


Procrastination always needs some kind of justification. :)

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  • Site Administrator

I was going to write something profound in this thread, but I think I'll do that tomorrow... or maybe the day after.

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I am procrastinating about writing. Since opening my Word document I have:

  • channel surfed
  • gotten something to eat
  • played with one of my cats
  • looked up the Stanley Cup Playoff stats
  • checked my email 4 or 5 times
  • browsed through the threads in the Lounge looking for something to reply to (found a birthday thread, a 'legal thing' thread and THIS thread :P )

Considering I opened the document at 11 pm, it is technically "tomorrow" now, so I have successfully "put off until tomorrow what I should have done today." :2thumbs:

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Hey procrastinators !

I like the word :2thumbs:

Each evening, I make a list of what I have to do the next morning :

1. the things I like to do and which are urgent,

2. the things I like to do and which are not urgent,

3. the rest (I like the double meaning of this word ^_^ ) .

This list is a way to stay in a good mood and to sleep well.

The next morning, I forget the list. Look at my signature: I'm a born procrastinator (Oh, how I like this word ! :lol: )

Edited by old bob
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  • cleaning house
  • preparing next weeks lessons
  • grocery shopping
  • cleaning up the yard
  • some household repairs
  • cleaning out the car
  • writing
  • meal planning
  • getting a life...

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-rejoining the living normal world


-going to cash a check so that I'll have some cash till I get a job


-going and getting my license


-filling out the FAFSA


-sending in my USM application


-washing clothes


-going clothes shopping


-everything in general, until I find something I actually want to do

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Hey procrastinators !

I like the word :2thumbs:

Each evening, I make a list of what I have to do the next morning :

1. the things I like to do and which are urgent,

2. the things I like to do and which are not urgent,

3. the rest (I like the double meaning of this word ^_^ ) .

This list is a way to stay in a good mood and to sleep well.

This is so true! This is among the advice that sleep specialists often give their patients!

The next morning, I forget the list. Look at my signature: I'm a born procrastinator (Oh, how I like this word ! :lol: )

Hmmm, my French is exceedingly poor and rusty, but I'll have a crack at it :P


Il faut faire vite ce qui ne presse pas pour pouvoir faire lentement ce qui presse = It is necessary to quickly do something that isn't pressing so that that which is pressing may be done slowly.


-going clothes shopping

OHhh, I'll take care of this one for ya, Jamie! :boy:




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This is so true! This is among the advice that sleep specialists often give their patients!


Hey Kevin,

I didnt know I was a sleep specialist :great:

But you are a good translator !

BTW, my signature is nor so easy to apply :huh:

Unfortunataly I have 3 phone lines, 1 fax line + internet. Sometimes angry people call and claim about passed delays :pissed:

Take care and have a good day (as you say B) )

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This is so true! This is among the advice that sleep specialists often give their patients!





That method doesn't work for me, I tried that a few times... and couldn't sleep because I was constantly forgetting to put something on it and it would nag at me until I remembered what it was. After I figure that out I would try to sleep but still feel the need to think of 'other' things to add to the list.

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That method doesn't work for me, I tried that a few times... and couldn't sleep because I was constantly forgetting to put something on it and it would nag at me until I remembered what it was. After I figure that out I would try to sleep but still feel the need to think of 'other' things to add to the list.

Hey Bardeara,

It was the same for me, at the beginning a few years ago. Keep trying !

I put the list on PC (excel), check the old list to creat the new one, and save each list. During the day, when a point comes to my mind, I put it on the list. Its became an habit, before I close my PC, I do it almost automatically, save it and forget it, so I can sleep quietly.

First thing to do in the morning, open my PC and print the list. They are open lines, so I can complete it by hand during the day and write it in teh evening. Its important to save each list, because a lot of points remain from one list to the other. As usual, there are about 15 tasks to do on each list, and I can only "knock off" a part of it each day. But the list is very useful, it gives me a way to overlook my goals and to see my progress.

Try it again and tell us the results.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im procrastinating about going outside and putting some new soil in my herb garden. Sam and Scott are off fishing and I took advantage of the quiet to SLEEP. So now I am sitting here feeling extremely lazy but not wanting them to come home and find me in the same exact place I was when they left at 5 am. So...I suppose I should at least go outside and stir up the dirt, make it look like I did something...

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lol i would have a hug elist of stuff that i am avoiding having to do but i am putting off writing that list :P



Edited by Mark_l
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I have my AP Calculus AB/BC exam tomorrow morning. I'm procrastinating about going to bed early so I'll be "refreshed and ready" for the exam, as my mom keeps telling me. I know she'll bug me starting in about 45 minutes (10:00 p.m.) to go to bed. I know I'll ignore her until she yells at me. Or has my dad yell at me. Whatever.


Colin :boy:

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Today I am procrastating about everything. It's almost 11:30 and I haven't gotten in the shower yet. I have to get my haircut, go tanning, hit the gym and meet friends at 6:00 PM.


I better get moving, in an hour or so. :wacko:


I certainly hope you mean going out in the sun whey you say go tanning, you're in SoCal! Growing up in Southern California I always thought people that went to a tanning salon were wasting their money. You can get a tan for the lowly sum of the cost of a bottle of sunscreen. :P (of course all of the "blemishes" I have on my arms could quite possibly be skin cancer since I didn't always remember that sunscreen)


I'm procrastinating about 2 major things:

1. Working out - none of my shorts or belts fit anymore and the last 2 pairs of pants I bought had to be one size larger in the waist. :angry:

2. Learning French - I've lived in Quebec, the heart of French Canada, for 3 years now and have learned very little to communicate. Who needs to speak at the stores when all you have to do is look at the register to see your total! B)

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  • Site Administrator

I'm always putting things off. *cough* writing *cough*

But, it does take me a couple hours every day to deal with all the various emails and updates and stuff I do...

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  • 1 month later...

Well...i'm procrastinating on a lot of things right now....I've to water the plants, write the next chapter of my story, clean my room, complete my holiday assignments; the list can go on and on and on...LOL..

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I'm not cooking - I'm not even going to order the pizza I'll make Jared do it.. lol. I don't know what he wants in a Pizza.

I'm not doing the dirty dishes - even if we have a dishwasher.

I'm not cleaning out the pool - the leaves and bugs can stay another day. :P

I'm not doing the laundry - and I've put that off all week so far.

I'm not writing - I have no desire to write right now. :)



I think that's about it. My "to-do" list has been significantly shortened so really I have no excuse when it comes to doing everything other than being lazy.


BUT - I have a good tan. :2thumbs:




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