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Oooh! Leo :)

Your new boyfriend had me talking french going "Ce'st Beau Ce'st Beau Yum!!!"


Uhmm what does that mean? lol ^_^ . :blink:


Yay hes coming down tomorow woot, lol. Ill upload some new pics.. ^_^

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Hey guys umm im not computer savvy enuff to know how to POST pics of myself, but i uploaded a bunch to the gallery thing? :D . JUST uploaded a few new pics of me and my new bf! Comments make me happy lols ^_^ . Sec gonna try link u there... https://www.gayauthors.org/forums/index.php...si&img=1025 (these r one swith my bf)

https://www.gayauthors.org/forums/index.php...m&album=124 (just normal ones :D )


P.s first pic is of my bf not me obviously :) .

It's very cruel to show us the lower half of you (the photo of you in boardies).


Erm... un torso d

Edited by Jack Frost
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Nope jack you don't put me to shame at all :) , Your like my tutor lol.. Next we can learn body parts :)

And your hair isn't bad at all i like your hair,


Yep mines a bitch to keep straight i actually started using straightening gel and pray that it doesnt turn me straight

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I don't understand the point in straightening your hair... as long as you don't have pubes on your head, it's fine!

blasphemy! hair was made to be straightened. my hair is too short at the moment to straighten, but it really does make hair look that much better. i didn't get it until i realized so many of my friends straighten their hair and i saw the befores and the afters. you'd become a believer.

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I don't understand the point in straightening your hair... as long as you don't have pubes on your head, it's fine!

I agree with rich, that's blasphemy! The point is that we want straight hair :thumbup: , regardless how curly it is naturally.
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