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[DomLuka] Let's talk about sex

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Comments were posted in Dom's blog about the amount of Sex in his stories. Not including Service, what do you think about the amount of sex in TLW, DD, and TOU? Too Much? Too Little? Or just right?


Personally, I think the amount of sex is just right :2thumbs: . It's not over done and when there is a sex scene, it's quite erotic (at least to me). What really does it for me are all the little things that the characters do too each other to show affection (touching foreheads, resting hands on butts, etc). For example, in the latest chapter of TLW, the scene where Owen and Aiden are in bed after a long afternoon of talking with Leo & Ben, the interaction between Owen and Aiden is sooooo sweet.


It's hard to put in words, but the limited amount of sex in Dom's stories contributes to the perpetual state of foreplay that Dom keeps us readers in. No wonder we get all frustrated and bitchy waiting for the next chapter(s).


Vic the Domaholic

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No wonder we get all frustrated and bitchy waiting for the next chapter(s).
I presume by "we" you mean all the Dom fans ;) Sure, I read Dom's stuff, but I don't get "all frustrated and bitchy waiting for the next chapter(s)". I guess I'm not a big a fan as most people who posts here.
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No wonder we get all frustrated and bitchy waiting for the next chapter(s).
I presume by "we" you mean all the Dom fans ;) Sure, I read Dom's stuff, but I don't get "all frustrated and bitchy waiting for the next chapter(s)". I guess I'm not a big a fan as most people who posts here.


Or perhaps you're just not as horny as Vic?



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Well, Ann, apparently the guys around here (except for Vic) are too shy to discuss the "s" word in public :D , so it's up to us women to get this thread moving.






Most of the guys here are probably too inexperienced with S.E.X. for them to talk about it because they don't have anything to draw upon. Now if we were talking about masturbation, I'm sure we'd be hearing from the experts on that (Trebs, Novelty, MarkArbour, Benji, etc). :P





Edited by naper_vic
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Well, Ann, apparently the guys around here (except for Vic) are too shy to discuss the "s" word in public :D , so it's up to us women to get this thread moving.






Most of the guys here are probably too inexperienced with S.E.X. for them to talk about it because they don't have anything to draw upon. Now if we were talking about masturbation, I'm sure we'd be hearing from the experts on that (Trebs, Novelty, MarkArbour, Benji, etc). :P






Just exactly what kind of sex would you like to talk about? :D


I think it's interesting that the women in the group, along with some of the seemingly more effeminate men, appear to focus on the cuddling, kissing snuggling, etc. Then of course there are the raw f**k scenes.


Which do you like best?

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Now if we were talking about masturbation, I'm sure we'd be hearing from the experts on that (Trebs, Novelty, MarkArbour, Benji, etc)

Come on Vic, that's obviously just a ploy to get us to tell you about our own sex lives!


Benji (WS 18),


It seemed to work :P


Vic (WS 11)

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Benji (WS 18),


Well Benji seems to have a higher score than I do, once again proving that Benji is not me, lol, my own score is only 12.


It seemed to work tongue.gif

Well, I don't mind sharing the fact that I'm having regular '4' with my bf, lol, everyone likes to brag when they're having good sex.



Edited by BoyNeedsTherapy
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I'm still trying to figure out what 'shmoopy' means.


But I think Dom gets the sex right. Not just quantity, but quality as well.




PS - And will you pah-leeze stop calling that boy 'Benji'. It's obviously irritating him and now you're irritating me. :lol:

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I'm still trying to figure out what 'shmoopy' means.


But I think Dom gets the sex right. Not just quantity, but quality as well.




PS - And will you pah-leeze stop calling that boy 'Benji'. It's obviously irritating him and now you're irritating me.

Edited by lurker
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I'm still trying to figure out what 'shmoopy' means.


But I think Dom gets the sex right. Not just quantity, but quality as well.




PS - And will you pah-leeze stop calling that boy 'Benji'. It's obviously irritating him and now you're irritating me.

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Yeah - I agree. Great post, Lurker, thanks for explaining. And I can see why you didn't explain, in detail, in your blog comment.


It just seems, I don't know, that the term 'shmoopy' is so anti-climactic after your explaination. There should be a more scientific name. Maybe something with a Latin flair. Gives it more punch.



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Yeah - I agree. Great post, Lurker, thanks for explaining. And I can see why you didn't explain, in detail, in your blog comment.


It just seems, I don't know, that the term 'shmoopy' is so anti-climactic after your explaination. There should be a more scientific name. Maybe something with a Latin flair. Gives it more punch.




I like words with onomonopoetic flair. I want the protagonist to "thrust, hiss, grab, and grunt." So I like the term "shmoopy." In fact, I think we need a campaign to increase its use...

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i love the way dom writes sex. its hot even if it can get mushy. (i like mushy) :D i did like it a little more in those first ten chapters when we were waiting for owen and aiden to get together but i still like to see it now. if he is using it to 'fill' then i can not tell.



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I love 'shmoopy' . :wub: Thanks for that, Lurker.


Shmoopiness is an absolutely essential stage if there is going to be a long term relationship. Unfortunately, shmoopiness doesn't last very long, at least not in its full blown state. :P This thing called 'life' happens. One of the challenges of a long term relationship is to keep the shmoopiness alive in some form. Like giving your s/o a footbath, while holding a rose in your teeth, while naked. That is so shmoopy! But it helps immeasurably in getting through the week.


Shmoopy doen't have to be 'romantic' per se. It's all relative to the shmoopers. Raw sex can be shmoopy, too. It's whatever makes you say, "That man rocks my world and there's no other place I want to be but here."


Dom's just a big shmooper. I love him for it.




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Yeah - I agree. Great post, Lurker, thanks for explaining. And I can see why you didn't explain, in detail, in your blog comment.


It just seems, I don't know, that the term 'shmoopy' is so anti-climactic after your explaination. There should be a more scientific name. Maybe something with a Latin flair. Gives it more punch.




Sharon, I took 4 yrs of Latin in high school....shmoppy...hmm...et tu Shmoppy?(and if I am spelling it wrong its late, and I am bleery eyed)


or how about Eros...love and erotic comes from that.....shmoppy is erotic puer eros puer shomppy ...


doesn't sound as good as schmoopy..but I go with Eros:)


maybe something in French or Italian? Spanish?


but its a great explanation....they should name a teddy bear "Schmoppy" or "Hang on Schmoopy" instead of "Hang on Sloopy" and when I was a boy I thought they were singing "Snoopy"


now I am really dating myself.......let's see how many remember some of those oldies...LOL



Edited by Rocketcnj
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I'm thinking I need to clarify my preceding post. For the folks who don't know Latin, "puer" is the Latin word for "boy".


So Aiden and Owen are our "schmoopy boys". *sigh*  :wub:


JC, I agree totally. Schmoopy can definitely be hot -- sweet and hot.




Kitty..thanks..duh, I forgot to say that puer means boy.but you got it for me:)


and I loved that song....we can add the Cher song or modify it "The Schoop Schoop " song of its in his kiss (and its soooo true) but we can call it the "Schoompy Schmoopy" Song and our Boys sure can kiss:)


as Matt the Moderator would say "Yummy" and to that we can addd "Schmoopy"



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