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Beta Readers

  1. Altimexis
    • Classic Author
    • 2 Stories

    Altimexis' stories typically deal with high school, coming out and falling in love. "Naptown Tales" is a series of stories centered in a conservative Midwestern American city. "Love in a Chair" is the first in a series dealing with gay youth with disabilities. "A Fish Out of Water" deals with two Jewish boys, one Hasidic, and their forbidden love. And there are more stories in the works.
  2. CarlHoliday
    • Signature Author
    • 2 Stories

    CarlHoliday's stories fall primarily into two classes: sci-fi stories of a distant future where humanity is still plagued with violent warfare and religious bigotry; and, modern stories about characters facing and overcoming significant psychological challenges. Adversity, physical or mental, is a common theme through most of the stories. There is also a endearing quality to a lot of the stories as you see young gay men grow through the troubles they endure. Characters die here.
  3. Arran
    • Author
    • 2 Stories

    Most of my writing has been technical in nature. Now I’m trying to find my niche in recreational writing. Favorite genres are sci-fi, adventure and human interest. Favorite authors are Douglas Preston, Catherine Ryan Hyde and GA’s Dom Luka. Currently have four stories on this site.
  4. Gabriel Morgan
    • Classic Author
    • 2 Stories

    I write down-to-earth romances with a healthy dose of sex. No high drama, no bright lights-big city - just an exploration of the friendships and relationships that make life worth living. If you're in the mood for a story that will give you a chuckle, maybe make you cry, and leave you with a warm heart, try one of mine.
  5. Daddydavek
    • Author
    • 2 Stories

    Dean Warner Intrigues was my first attempt at writing fiction.

    My second story is set in a far distant future, very different than most imagined. Men substantially outnumber women due to genetic tinkering and a blight that decimated human populations with long lasting residual effects.

    My latest story is a short story called "Best Friends". I hope you enjoy it.

    I'm continuing to work on some follow-up stories but am having some real obstacles. I don't want them to be just more of the same. However, I am enjoying catching up on some of my Amazon e-book purchases over the past couple of years and still read a lot on GA.
  6. Bleu
    • Author
    • 2 Stories

    I wrote some poetry a few years ago. Writing a little piece of fiction at the moment.
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