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Indiana Summer - 20. Boys will be Boys

Disclaimer: This story includes sexual and romantic situations between consenting individuals. Allusions to illicit or illegal activity, sexual or otherwise, may be used for enhancement of the story line and not as promotion thereof. Remember AIDS, HIV and other STDs are a very real threat; please always practice safe sex.

I can prove copyright on this story so please do not copy or remove this story for personal use without my permission.


Indiana Summer 20: Boys will be boys.

“You’re starting to leave streaks on your jeans.” The teasing lilt to David’s voice stopped me in a mid-swipe and I looked at the legs of my jeans, feeling more embarrassed than I already was.

“Don’t joke about that,” I growled at him, “I don’t want to go in there looking like I’ve pissed myself….that’ll probably come later.” My growl turned into a grouse and David chuckled.

“Babe if you are really that nervous we can call Walker and Chris and just call it off,” He said, resting his hands on my shoulders, his thumbs stroking up and down my neck.

“I don’t want to call it off, I want to feel less freaked out,” I whispered, pressing our foreheads together.

“There ain’t nothing to be freaked out about babe. We don’t have to do anything that you’re not ready for. If you want all we have to do is go in, sit down and listen to some music,” David replied, unintentionally making me feel guilty.

David had been looking forward to us having an actual date since Walker first told him about this place. If I didn’t stop freaking out and get a grip then the whole trip was a waste.

“That’s not what I want. I want this to be as real a date as it can be. Just like you, I’m just little scared, I guess. I’ve never done anything like this before,” I told him, feeling my cheeks heat up at the admission.

“I kind of figured this was your first date with another guy, Billy.” David smiled but I just shook my head.

“If you want to be technical it is my first official date…period,” As the words left my mouth David’s smile fell a little.

“You mean you've never been on a date before?” He asked quietly, I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes. Instead I just pulled away and shoved my hands in my pockets.

“Yeah…I mean, this is the first time with someone I have…you know…feelings for. It’s always been friends or group things…and only a few of those.” I didn't think that I could feel anymore embarrassed but the look on David's face made me feel worst.

"Babe," David said quietly as he cupped my cheek, "I wish you had told me. I would have come up with something better than this." David sighed almost inaudible.

"What could be better than getting to spend time with you, time when we can actually be together?" I asked, my earlier embarrassment forgotten.

"Nothing at all, Billy boy...it's just that first dates should be special. A nice dinner and maybe a movie. Hanging out in a Club...it just don't seem right."

I couldn't help the small smile as David finished. I liked moments like this where David let his sweetness and sincerity out.

Not caring who might see, I grabbed David by his belt loops and pulled him close.

"That's sweet babe, and it sounds great. But given how odd our relationship has been I think this works perfectly," I whispered against his lips but David shook his head.

"All the more reason that for the first time we go out in public it should be special," He said, dipping his hands into my back pockets.

"We'll make tonight special then. You can show me how a normal, non-closeted gay guy has fun. We can forget the world for a while." I smiled before pressing a kiss to his jaw.

"Yeah, I can do that." David sighed, before bringing our lips together.

The kiss went deep fast and I was about to say to hell with the club and throw David in the bed of the truck and hightail it to the most secluded place I could find.

"If you guys want to do that then you're gonna have to go somewhere else. This place doesn't have a back room." Walkers amused baritone suddenly came out of the silence.

Surprised, we pulled apart; David keeping one of his hands firmly planted in my back pocket as he moved beside me.

“I’m sure that we can wait till we get home. After the begging we went through to be allowed to go out, after all.” David said, a smile plastered on his face.

“You guys had to beg?” Chris' voice was filled with surprise.

“Begging might not be the best word, bargaining maybe. We had our day off switched to today. Dad thinks we're at the movies. Which is why we have to be home by ten.” They nodded once they understood what we had to do to be able to join them at the club. They knew how tight a leash my dad always had on me.

“Well, that only gives you an hour and a half, given traveling time, so let’s go.” Walker smiled and wrapped an arm around Chris’s waist leading the way.

My nerves frayed a bit more as we walked through the alley to the large, angry looking guy sitting on a stool next to a nondescript door.

“ID’s” He said gruffly. Forewarned by Chris, both David and I pulled our licenses out of our pockets for his inspection.

“Hands.” He grunted once he was sure that we were under twenty one. He pressed the eight ball shaped stamp onto the backs our hands before jerking his head toward the door.

“Go in, take a left down the stairs. Attempt to go in the bar and you’ll be booted out and banned.” The big man said in a low growl, as he put his stamper away.

Chris smiled at me and David as he opened the door with a bit of a flourish and motioned for the two of us to go ahead.

The din of rock music and voices from down the hall started to lessen as David guided me down the set of stairs just inside the door.

I don’t exactly know what I was expecting but whatever it was the reality made me feel a lot better. The “bar”, if you could call it that, was a single large room, painted black and splashed with bright neon paint.

Aside from stools at the bar itself there were clusters of tables and even a few couches scattered around perimeter, leaving the center open for what was obviously a dance floor.

The music, currently a pop song I had heard but didn’t know, was being supplied by a set up similar to Chris’s in the corner and being manned by a guy only a few years older than us.

“That’s Reggie. The guy has everything and loves request so don’t hesitate to ask.” Chris supplied, sounding a bit envious.

“Jealous much?” David asked, having picked up on it as well.

“A bit, his set up is way higher end than mine. Mine is, other than my laptop, is all hand me downs from my old man.” Chris replied, casting a longing look in Reggie’s corner.

Walker smiled and wrapped his arms around Chris.

“Don’t worry baby…later on I’ll make you forget all about Reggie’s equipment.” Walker hadn’t bothered to keep his voice down and out of habit I looked around to see if anyone had heard but no one seemed to be paying attention.

Chris smiled before turning and pulling Walker down for a quick kiss, which made my face and neck heat up in a blush.

While the two of them were occupied David pulled me over to the bar, which was manned by short blonde woman with a sweet smile.

"What can I get you boys?" She asked with a wink.

"What do you recommend from the mocktail menu?" David smiled as he spoke.

"I make a mean Shirley Temple." She replied, a wide friendly smile on her face.

"I'll take it....but leave off the umbrella." David said before looking to me.

"Oh...um...just a Coke for me." Something about my order made her smile a little wider but I ignored it.

“Loosen up a bit, babe.” David stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I’m working on it, just way out of my element.” After taking a look around the club, I leaned my head back against his shoulder.

“Think of it as a barn dance, only with strangers instead of people you’ve grown up with.” David said against my ear.

“That could actually help.” I replied, turning around as the bartender brought our drinks.

“How much do we owe?” David asked, pulling away from me.

“Tell you what, you keep Walker and Chris from screwing where everyone can see them and it’s on the house.” She smiled and nodded to the pair across the room.

“You know Walker and Chris?” I asked as I followed her gaze, sure enough the two of them were out on the dance floor moving a bit too close to be called dancing.

“Yeah Chris bartends here every now and then, and Walker has been here more than a few times. I’m Melinda by the way.” She smiled, offering her hand to us.

“I’m pretty sure we can do that.” David replied after introductions had been made.

Grabbing our drinks we headed out on the dance floor, approaching Walker and Chris.

“Come on you’re putting on a show that the barkeep ain’t wanting to see.” David admonished as he took Walker by the arm, leaving me to wrangle Chris.

“Melinda is a kill joy. We weren’t even doing anything... this time.” Chris whined a bit as be drug the two to a table.

“This time?” I asked, wondering what exactly he was implying.

Both Walker and Chris blushed, which I had never seen Walker do, and I didn’t think we’d get an answer. David though, wasn’t having it and started poking Walker in the arm.

“I will do this all night, I will follow you to the bathroom if I need to, until you tell us.” David said seriously, or at least as serious as he could be between sips at his pink tinted orange drink.

Walker rolled his eyes and batted David’s hand away, but David just went back to poking him.

“I can break that finger you know.” Walker growled menacingly.

“I got nine more.” David shrugged with a smirk.

Walker growled again and went to either swat or grab David’s finger but before he could Chris grabbed his other arm and pulled him away from David.

“We were here a few weeks ago…we got hot and dancing and might have violated the club dress code….we sort of stripped off our shirts and were dancing bare chested.” Chris rushed out, blushing a deep red that would make beets proud.

“That…is a hot fucking visual.” David’s quiet remark made the three of us turn to him.

“Do not look at me like,” David defended, looking directly at me, “I saw that half a second expression where you were thinking the same thing.” I looked at him in disbelief; he really knew me too well.

“You both have dirty minds.” Chris said with an exasperated shake of the head.

“This coming from one half of the couple that got freaky in the mud pit.” I surprised myself by muttering into my Coke.

Both Chris and Walker looked like a couple of deer caught in the headlights and David choked on his drink.

“Seriously?” David asked between coughs.

“No idea, but look at their faces.” I nodded at the pair between us. Both of whom wore matching guilty looks.

“Time for a drink.” Walker announced before grabbing Chris and hauling him to the bar.

“Billy, that was epic.” David broke out laughing, moving to the stool next to mine.

* * *

Walker and Chris got over Billy’s comments pretty fast. In no time flat they were back at the table, each sporting a virgin mix drink, laughing and talking.

“So what do you think? I know it’s not much but it’s busier on the weekends.” Chris nearly shouted. The D.J, Reggie, suddenly seemed to think that he had to blast the music out at top volume.

“Honestly, I think I was expecting something more... I dunno, fancy I guess,” Billy replied over the pounding bass, “But this is a lot better.”

“What about you city boy?” Walker asked, without any of the condescension William had when he called me that.

“I agree with Billy, I’ve been to places like this back home but they weren’t like this. This place is easy, it’s chill. I doubt it even looses too much of the laid back feel when it’s hopping. The other places I’ve been to are all flashing lights, bumping and grinding, and a pounding beat. Here you can actually hear the lyrics….if dude wasn’t butchering the music.” I said with a nod over to Reggie’s corner.

Before any of us could say anything else Melinda came up to our table, looking pissed.

“If this is about our drinks, we’ve kept them from nailing each other in public.” Billy surprised us by piping up.

“And here I thought you were an angel boy,” She smile at Billy before turning to Chris, “I’m here for you though, go find out what the hell is wrong with Reg, He’s got my bottles vibrating off the damn shelf. I know he’s excited about his new toys but damn, there’s a limit.” Melinda finished before heading back to her bar.

“I’m on it,” Chris replied as he hopped off his stool, “Be right back guys.” He said before hurrying off.

“He’s hauling over there awful fast.” Billy joked playfully.

“He thinks Reggie will let him mess with the equipment,” Walker shook his head as he spoke, “You should see him in music shops, like a kid in a candy store.”

“Reggie does seem to have a decent setup.” I turned and looked more critically at Reggie’s stuff. Other than the laptop I didn’t know what the small pile of electronics did but his speakers were taller and more impressive looking than Chris’s had been.

“Yeah, but he doesn’t handle it as well as Chris does. At least I don’t think so.” Billy remarked with a nod at Chris.

“You’ve got a good ear Billy, which is why I want to ask you a favor,” Walker said and went on when Billy nodded, “I was wondering if you’d mind playing with us on the next barn dance. We want to do Devil Went Down to Georgia but Kev can’t get Johnny’s fiddle part right.”

Billy looked dumbstruck for a moment before shaking himself out of it.

“You seriously want me to play with you guys?” Billy asked then paled when Walker nodded with a smile, “Man…I don’t know. I’ve never done anything like that before. I don’t even know if I can play that part. It’s not exactly simple.”

“For what it’s worth, which probably ain’t much since I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I think you could do it, babe.” I said, resting a hand on the back of his neck in comfort.

Billy reached up and rested a hand over mine before turning back to Walker.

“Can I have a bit to think about it? See if I can even play it?” Billy asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, you got a little while to decide. Just try not to stress out about it.” Walker smiled at Billy then sighed in relief as the music suddenly dropped to a much more bearable level.

“Looks like you got it fixed, babe.” Walker smiled at Chris as he approached the table, looking a little disgruntled.

“Yeah, the dumb ass bought equipment he wasn’t even sure how to use. He’s lucky he didn’t blow the speakers; or someone’s ear drums for that matter.” Chris replied with a slight sneer.

“Well I’m glad you gave him a tip on how to use his equipment more effectively.” Walker rumbled, leaning close to Chris’s ear.

Chris smiled; shaking his head and muttering something I didn’t catch but Walker seemed to have; if his smirk was anything to go by.

Without another word Walker stood up and grabbed Chris’s hand, leading him out on the dance floor as a slow song came on.

“Dance with me?” I asked, letting my hand rest over Billy’s.

Billy looked out to the dance floor and I followed his gaze, it wasn’t packed and no one seemed to mind Walker and Chris being the only two men dancing together.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Billy smiled as he turned his hand over, linking his fingers with mine.

I smiled so wide I probably looked like a moron but Billy didn’t seem to mind. He just followed my lead as I slid off the stool and pulled him with me.

It was awkward for a moment, trying to figure out whose hands were going where, in the end though Billy decided to play the ‘girl’ and settled his hands on the back of my neck. I let mine rest on his waist....maybe a little lower than necessary.

Given everything we’ve done to this point just dancing with each other shouldn’t have felt as intimate as it did, but it was. Maybe it was because we weren’t sneaking around or copping a feel out in the woods but actually out around other people, just being ourselves without any cover up. Whatever the reason it was an intense feeling.

The song faded into something with another slow rhythm and I couldn’t resist the urge to pull Billy closer as the lights dimmed and the atmosphere took on a more intimate feel. Billy stiffened for a fraction of a second as my hands slid to rest on the small of his back but relaxed when I pressed our foreheads together.

“I love you.” I whispered to him.

“I love you too.” Billy said, as he rubbed the tips of our noses together.

I pressed a soft kiss to Billy’s lips before resting my head on his shoulder, nuzzling against his neck and inhaling the mix of Old Spice, sweat, and Billy.

“I can see us doing this more,” Billy whispered, his breath tickling my neck, “Sneaking out here to the club every now and then or taking a turn around our room at night. I might even be able to get used to your kind of music if I can’t get you hooked on Haggard and Jones.”

I closed my eyes and hummed against Billy’s neck, it was such a nice vision. The two of us holding tight and swaying to some quiet music, the lights low and maybe even wearing fewer clothing than we were.

A very good dream.

After that I somehow lost track of the music and didn’t realize the song had ended until Walker’s heavy hand landed on my shoulder and gently pried us apart.

"You're dancing without music." Walker smiled as he motioned to the room around us. The only sound was the other dancers threatening an anxious looking Reg.

"What happened?" I asked, straightening up without completely losing my hold from around Billy’s waist.

"No clue. There was a pop, some static and then nothing. Chris muttered something about dumb asses and blown fuses." Walker replied; jerking his thumb over his shoulder to Reg's booth where an annoyed looking Chris was messing with the back of Reg's pile of electronics.

“Is this guy always like this?” Billy’s question was quiet and curious.

“Believe or not Reg is usually really good, I dunno what his problem is tonight.” Walker replied as he nodded to a half circle booth that had opened up in the corner.

The three of us grabbed our drinks, Walker grabbing Chris’s, before we settled ourselves on the soft faux leather bench. David seemed very reluctant to let me go, keeping an arm wrapped around my waist.

“Thinking I might run off?” I asked as I rested a hand over his.

“Nah, I just like the feel of you pressed against me.” David said before sipping his drink.

“No shit, I don’t think anyone who watched you two dance would have ever gotten that impression.” Walker joked with heavy sarcasm.

“Well at least we weren't screwing each other on the dance floor. We'll save that for you and Chris.” David replied casually.

“We get a little over excited one or twice and we never hear the end of it.” Walker grumbled into his cup.

"Once or twice....dude what else did you do; get freaky on one of the tables?" David asked eagerly, his eyes opening wide and a huge smile on his face

Walker shifted in his seat and looked away.

"Seriously?" I fixed Walker with a glare. His lack of response was answer enough.

"Seriously what?" Chris asked, flopping down into the booth next to Walker.

"You two and the table." Chris's eyes bugged out as I spoke.

“You told them?” Chris hissed at Walker; who still wouldn’t look at the pair of us.

“Of course I didn’t!” Walker replied, sounding a little offended.

“He didn’t need to tell us, that guilty ass look of his was more than enough.” I told him, watching as Walker buried his face in his hands.

“Dude, details!” David goaded the pair.

“There’s nothing to give details about. We were just kissing…enthusiastically,” Chris replied, making Walker’s head snap up so fast I swear I heard a crack, “Don’t look at me like that, he’d just keep bugging until he got what he wanted.” Chris told him.

“And you did this all on a table top?” I asked the pair.

“That was my fault,” Walker replied, “I sorta picked Chris up and sat him down on one of the tables.” Walker smiled over at Chris as he spoke.

“You two...are fucking awesome. Is there anything else we should know?” David asked the pair and Walker turned to him, looking suddenly mischievous.

“Yeah…there are a few more things you might like to know…but anything else is gonna require a little…reciprocity if you get my drift.” Walker’s smile and a wink left little to the imagination.

“Yeah I get it, you want details on the two of us.” I replied, giving Walker a bit of a glare.

“Only if you wanna, Billy. Walker's just trying to get back at David for being nosy.” Chris answered, looking a little apologetic.

“Yeah well, I guess I’ll drop it then,” David said, pulling me tighter against him. “What goes on between me and Billy boy is between the two of us. Sorry I pushed.” David apologized sincerely.

“Don’t worry about, just learn when to shut up.” Walker replied seriously.

“I’ll see what I can do…that’s always been a bit of an issue for me. I’ll have to work on that if I’m gonna be sticking around. If not you two or Old man Templeton might end up killing me.” David smiled as a he spoke and it was Chris and Walkers turn to looked shocked.

“You’re staying here?” Walker asked in confusion.

David looked over to me with a raised eyebrow.

“I thought you said you told them.”

“No, I said I was going to tell them. Besides you still have to get your dad’s approval to make it official anyway.” I replied and David nodded.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop and rewind and tell us what the hell is going on.” Chris interrupted.

Felling a little guilty that I hadn’t told them what was going I went into the story about David’s talk with my dad and Dad’s agreement to let David stay.

“I just have to get my dad to agree now. I’ve been texting with my uncle and he’s gonna help us out with him.” David said finishing his drink.

“How'd you think that's gonna go?” Walker asked with some badly disguised worry.

“I think it’ll take a lot to convince him to go along with the idea but I do think he’ll agree. It’s like I said before, I’m doing really good out here. I’ve got a couple of good friends, and Sam. Then of course there’s this hot piece of farm boy here.” Hidden by the table, David tucked his finger just under the waist band of my jeans as he spoke.

“Yeah, but will that work for or against you? The hot farm boy I mean, I know you’re out at home but what will your dad say to you staying here for Billy?” Chris asked as he nodded at me.

“Well, we’ve decided that for the time being we’re not gonna mention me…at least not like that.” I replied, blushing a bit at Chris calling me hot…even if he was just repeating David’s words.

“Yeah, it seemed the best idea given that it’s kind of impossible for Billy to come out while he lives at home.” David said, rubbing his thumb over my stomach.

“Yeah, or at least telling Dad is out of the question. Mom…I’m finally accepting that David is right about how she’d react. I’m just not ready to tell her yet.” I said quietly and Chris and Walker nodded in agreement.

“It’s a big decision, even if you know it’ll turn out alright. Taking that first step is huge, and pretty damn terrifying.” Chris said absently, only to have Walker elbow him.

“You’re not helping, Chris.” Walker chastised.

Chris turned to me, looking a little worried, and nodded.

“I guess not. I was just trying to keep things real.” Chris apologized.

“Don’t worry about it, Chris, you’re not saying anything that I haven’t already thought about. Regardless of how well she takes me coming out it will still cause some sort of change or shift in our relationship. I’m just not ready to face that yet.” I told them quietly and David pressed a kiss to my temple.

“Try not to think about it too much. That’s how I got through telling me folks. Once I got it in my head to finally do it I just…well, I just did it. I didn’t plan a time or a place I just waited till they were both together and told them before I could chicken out.” Walker said with a smile.

“That’s how I told my parents, too. I didn’t think about it. I did it right after I got up and was too groggy to over think it.” David chuckled happily.

“What about you, Chris, how did you do it?” I asked, wondering what his experience had been like.

“I didn’t come out really, not like in the traditional sense, at least. I just went to my dad and asked him how to ask out another guy. He looked at me for a minute before shrugging and telling me it wasn’t much different from asking out a girl. Told me to make sure he wouldn’t kick my ass for asking, though. His advice has served me well.” Chris replied with a thoughtful look.

“How would your dad know what it’s like to ask out a guy?” Walker asked curiously.

“Not sure, I think he might have swung both ways at one time. He’s got a lot of pictures of him with this guy he said he went to school with. Just the two of them you know? He never talks about it and I don’t ask anymore.” Chris replied with a shrug.

“Well as interesting and great as tonight has been, including hearing about Chris’s possibly bisexual father, I guess me a Billy better get going.” David announced as he glanced down at his watch.

I looked at the clock I had seen above the bar and realized he was right, it was getting on to nine thirty.

“Yeah I guess we should, we might have to speed in places as it is.” I agreed and managed to remove myself from David’s grip and scoot out of the booth.

“It was great tonight, guys. Thanks for inviting us. If we can I think we’d both like to do this again.” David said sliding out next to me.

“Sounds like a plan, hopefully one night when we can hang out some more. Maybe actually catch a movie, too.” Chris replied with a smile.

“That would be great. I haven’t seen a movie in the theater in forever.” I smiled, thinking back to the times me and Seth would go.

“You guys sticking around?” David asked and pulled out his wallet when they nodded. “Cool, will you give this to Melinda before you leave?” He said as he tossed a few bills on the table.

“You don’t have to do that, we’ll cover it.” Walker replied and tried to give David back his money.

“Well in that case give it to her as payment for any acts of lewdness you guys happen to get into.” David smiled as Walker glared at him and pocketed the bills.

“We’ll see you guys later.” Chris said, pulling Walker down next to him.

“Later, guys.” I said, pulling David away from the two of them before Walker could make good on the promise behind that glare.

“You know he’s probably gonna pocket that cash after all the grief you’ve given them tonight.” I told him once we were back in the truck and on our way home.

“Nah, he’s too honest for that, probably. And I was only playing with them. If I’m gonna be sticking around they’ll have to get used to me winding them up a bit.” David laughed.

“I’m still having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that Dad said yes. I never thought that he would.” I replied quietly, fearful that voicing any sort of doubt would somehow reverse Dad’s decision.

“Honestly, I am too. Maybe we’re just over thinking it. I mean we’ve done some really killer work together, not just the construction but on the regular chores, too. He’s probably just thinking about it practically. With me there he gets another worker for nothing but room and board. Not to mention I’m sure Dad will want to send some money out for my upkeep.” David’s explanation made sense but it also brought to mind something that had been worrying me.

“About that…do you really think he’s gonna be okay with you moving across the country?” I asked him as we stopped at a light.

“He sent me out here, didn’t he?” David asked rhetorically.

“Yeah, for a few months. As punishment.” I replied and saw David shrug out of the corner of my eye.

“And look what it’s done for me. I’m doing work I enjoy, I’ve got friends that are straight arrows…well…at least in the moral sense. Not to mention I’ve got you, too.” David pulled my hand off the wheel and linked our hands together as he spoke.

"Yeah, but I doubt that I'll be too much of a point in the win column. We can't even tell your dad about us." I said and David squeezed my hand.

"Sure we can if that’s what it takes. My dad won't say anything to your folks. He'll just tell me to watch my ass and come to him if I need to. That’s what he did when I came out." David replied thoughtfully.

"I thought you said he was super sweet and supportive?" I asked, making David laugh.

"He was. He hugged me and told me that he loved me no matter what and I'd always be his boy. He told me the watch your ass part after all the touchy feely was done. I think he might have been worried that I was gonna make a big production about coming out." David’s tone was reminiscent and I couldn’t help but smile.

"Did you?" I asked as we turned from blacktop to the gravel road that would take us home.

"God no. I was a little terrified at the idea to be honest. At least at first. I've only really told a few people. After that it just kind of became known. I didn't advertise it, I just didn’t try and hide it either." David smiled.

I had to free my hand from David's as we pulled in next to Dad's rusted old beater so I could put the truck in park.

"Looks like your folks are in bed." David said, looking up at the dark house.

"Doubtful. Dad's probably sitting in the dark with the TV on. That’s what he does anytime I've ever been out after dark." I told him headed to the house.

True to my expectations we were greeted with the flickering light and dull roar of the evening news animating the dark entryway as we walked in. David grinned and went ahead of me, heading for the stairs as I locked the door.

After making sure the door was secured, even though Dad would triple check it anyway, I went after David. I was hoping to get in a little kiss and cuddle before we went to bed.

Moving into the back of the living room I was surprised to find David at the foot of the stairs, talking to Mom.

“Oh there you are, I hope that you had a good night at the movies.” Mom turned to me as I came in.

“Yeah, it was great. Nice to get out. You and Dad should try it sometime.” I told her with a smile. It was very true, I couldn’t remember the last time the two of them had been out together.

“That is a nice idea, honey. I might have to see if I can talk your father into it,” Mom’s smile waned slightly as she looked to where Dad was sitting in the living room, staring at the TV, “But you two should get ready and get to bed. I believe that your father is sending the pair of you down to the storage barn tomorrow.” She smiled at the two of us again and gave us each a kiss on the cheek before ushering us upstairs.

“Storage barn?” David asked once we were back in our room.

“It’s up the road, bit bigger than the one we have here. That’s where all the harvest equipment along with god knows what other random bits and pieces from over the years are stored.” I replied, kicking off my boots and socks.

“I’m just now hearing about this why?” David asked in curiosity, pulling off his shirt.

“No reason really,” I shrugged, “I hardly ever go up there, Dad checks on it every other day in case of break-ins and handles getting all the harvest equipment down here.” I pulled off my own shirt as I spoke.

David smirked and moved up to me, resting his hands on my bare waist as he did so.

“Well if we’re going up tomorrow there must be something that needs fixing.” David pondered idly. I would have agreed with him but I was too distracted by the gentle massage of David’s fingertips against my skin.

“Yeah, Yeah, right.” I wasn’t sure if I was agreeing with what David said or encouraging him as he moved his hands to my lower back and his finger slid under my waist band.

"You know,” David murmured between kisses against my neck, “This is awfully risky...I should probably stop."

"Yeah...Yeah...don't." I whispered, pulling David flush against me.

"I hadn't planned on it. Get these off and lay down." David tugged on the waist band of my jeans and boxers before pulling away and leaving the room.

Not caring where he was going or what he was doing I practically tore off the remainder of my clothes.

David slipped back into the room just as I was laying back on his bed. He stopped in his tracks as he took in the sight of me on his bed. I swear I felt the way his eyes roved over me like an actual touch against my skin and my whole body blush under the scrutiny.

"I thought it was hot when your cheeks blushed....but babe, it's got nothing on you like this." David all but groaned as he moved next to the bed. He tossed something on to the night stand between the beds but I didn't bother to see what it was; I was too busy focusing on his fingertips as they moved up my thigh and over my stomach.

David continued stroking over my stomach and chest, seemingly transfixed, but I couldn’t take the teasing anymore.

Sitting up on the edge of the bed I tore open David’s jeans, freeing his hard cock to point to the ceiling.

“You’re eager.” David moaned as I wrapped my hand around his cock.

“And you’re a tease.” I mouthed against the base of his cock as I nuzzled into the dark, curly hairs there.

“I...I didn’t mean...” David’s sentence died as I ran my tongue the length of his cock.

The flavor of pre-come and salty skin made my head spin and I couldn’t help but lap at the slit as the clear fluid flowed freely. David groaned and threaded his fingers into my hair, urging me forward.

I opened my mouth and took him as deep as I could. I knew I wasn’t as skilled as David but the quiet groans he tried to muffle by biting his lip and the way his legs began to shake was reassuring enough.

After only a moment or two David used his grip on my hair to force me away. Looking up at him as he stood heaving over me I couldn’t help the shiver at how dark his eyes had become as they fixed onto mine.

Slowly, David guided me to lay back on the bed on my side before laying down face to face next to me. Tangling our legs together, David pulled me closer, trapping our cocks between our torsos.

“I've been thinking about this since we danced.” David whispered against my lips.

Before I could ask him what he meant he pressed his lips to mine and began to move, gripping me tight and grinding his hard cock against mine. The slick we were leaking made the glide perfect, the friction just strong enough to tug my foreskin up and down, adding perfectly to the wet slide of David’s cock against mine.

Breaking our kiss David buried his face in my neck, licking and nipping along my collar bone and down my shoulder. Gripping David tight I copied his movements and was reward with a gasp against my neck.

Moving with David pressed our slick cocks tighter together, the increased sensation spurred us on, quickening our movements as we pushed towards completion. David moved the hand resting on my side down to squeeze my ass, the tip of one of his long fingers grazed against the tight pucker hidden there.

The feeling of David’s sweat slicked digit sliding over my entrance sent tiny jolts of lightning through me. Despite knowing I was gay I had never experimented with myself like that before. Focusing on what David’s hand was doing I lost my rhythm but he pulled us closer together to make up for my slack.

I couldn’t hold out much longer and the suddenness of David just barely pressing his finger inside of me pushed me over the edge. Biting into his shoulder to muffle the moan that ripped through me I came hard between us. David followed me only a moment after, rutting frantically against me. Like me, he had to muffle a cry but bit his lip instead of me.

Spent, we collapsed into each other. Tucked under David’s chin I nuzzled against his sweaty chest as he ran a hand over my back and through my hair.

Ignoring the cooling mess between us I moved up and pressed our lips together before resting my forehead against his.

“Damn, David, that was hot. I've never done that before.” I told and he smiled; looking a bit relieved.

"So you enjoyed it then?" He asked as he slid a hand down over my ass then back up to my back.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were feeling a little insecure." The little joke cost me a quick pinch to my ass cheek. The girlish yelp I let out had David biting his bottom lip to stifle his laughter.

"You ass." I growled at him, knocking our foreheads together.

"Your ass, I think, was the topic we were on." David grinned, smoothing his hand over the still stinging flesh.

"It was but, you're still an ass. And yeah, I liked it. I’d like to do it again.” I whispered, ignoring the heat I felt creeping up my neck.

"I think that might be possible, babe," David smiled before reaching over to the table, "but first, we should cleanup and get some sleep since we don’t know what's up tomorrow." David ran the wet, and now cold, wash cloth over my stomach and chest.

"Always thinking ahead aren't you?" I couldn't help the frisson of warmth that ran through me at the gesture.

David smiled and hummed as he finished his work before turning the cloth on himself and making quick work of cleaning up. I couldn't help but lock my eyes on David's lean, tight body as he got up to toss the soiled rag into his hamper.

"You keep looking at me like that and we might never get to sleep." David's teasing voice broke through my thoughts. I was saved from feeling too embarrassed by the timely arrival of my discarded boxer briefs landing on my chest.

"Suddenly turned into a prude on me?" I asked, looking up to see David already pulling on his own underwear.

"Hardly. I just figured if we were to be walked in on the same bed I could claim to have had a nightmare or something." David grabbed the pillow off his bed and tossed it on to mine before going to flip off the light.

I didn't think a few layers of fabric would protect us too much if one of my folks walked in on us, especially my dad, but I pulled'em on anyway.

"There we go. Now hold on to me like you’re comforting me after a nightmare.” David smiled as he lay down next to me.

I rearranged the pillows a bit before I lay down and pulled David to me. I wrapped my arms around him and moved him so that we were laying on our sides with David’s head pressed against my chest.

“Mmm, this is perfect. I feel very comforted.” David murmured against my chest, wrapping his arms around me and sliding one of his legs between mine.

I just smiled and nuzzled against the top of David’s head. I knew that if Dad walked in on us we would both be screwed, and nowhere near a good way, and even with Mom, the ‘nightmare’ excuse wasn’t likely to fly. I couldn’t bring myself to care, though. Holding onto David like this was worth it.


“This place is a fucking disaster area. Why the hell have we been working down at the house when it’s this joint that needs the work?” I couldn’t help the annoyed growl that slipped out as Billy and I surveyed the storage barn.

The place was well and truly a fucking heap of trash. From what I could tell the frame of the barn seemed to still be in good condition but there were more holes of varying sizes than I could count. Some sections had even been covered over by plywood or other bits of scrap wood.

“Honestly, I have no idea. I can’t tell you the last time I was up here but the place didn’t look this bad then. We’ve had some bad weather the last few years but…damn.” Billy answered as he looked over the pile of broken and rotted wood that appeared to have once been a large work bench.

I shook my head and moved further into the barn, pulling out the small note pad and pen from my back pocket as I went.

“I don’t know how much help we’re going to be. I mean, the framing all looks solid but with all these holes and boarded up sections any repairs we make inside will just rot and breakdown faster.” I told him as I noted every issue that I came across.

“I know it. Just be thankful that all we have to do today is survey and make a list of everything that needs repaired.” Billy replied, his voice mixing with the scratch of his own pen and paper.

“We could just save ourselves the trouble and write down ‘Everything’.” Billy laughed behind me and it was a small comfort to know that I made him laugh.

My good mood at waking up with Billy still wrapped around me, and a nice, big morning wood rubbing against my own, had lasted me all through breakfast, morning chores, and the short drive up to the storage barn. It was upon seeing the should-have-been-condemned-five-years-ago structure that it started to dissolve.

“I know you’re annoyed, but try not to let it get to you,” Billy’s arm wrapped around my waist as he spoke, pulling me out of my thoughts, “I don’t know why Dad had us jacking around with minor repairs up at the house when we should have been working here. Maybe he was testing you out to see how well you worked.”

“Yeah, maybe. But you know what would help me improve my mood?” I asked and the smirk on Billy’s face told me he knew where I was heading.

“What would that be?” He asked, feigning curiosity.

“If we could get back to the ‘jacking around’ we had going on this morning.” I wrapped my arms around Billy’s waist and pulled him close.

Billy was quickly learning to give just as well as he got. He wrapped both arms around me and pulled our lower halves together tight before nuzzling into my neck.

“If you’re a good boy we might just be able to pull that off later on.” He whispered against my skin before pulling away and walking off, giving me a quick kiss before he did so.

“Tease.” I muttered loud enough for him to hear as he shifted around boxes and totes to get a better look at the back wall.

I watched him for a few minutes and couldn’t help but think back to this morning before we got ready for the day.

In the haze that comes just before you’re fully awake Billy and I had started to take advantage of each other’s morning hard-ons. After a bit of grinding our hands had just started to travel under the others waist bands. Mine going straight for Billy’s uncut cock while his made for my ass when wakefulness finally hit Billy and he put a stop to our fun.

After that, it was a rush to get dressed, eat, and get the morning chores done so we could come and survey the trash heap. It took us another hour to finish surveying the ground floor. There was a ladder that led up to the second floor but neither of us attempted to go up.

“You know he’ll ask and you know I suck at lying to him.” Billy said as I blocked his path up the ladder.

“Then I’ll rip the damn thing off the wall.” I told him before turning to do just that. But Billy stopped me.

“That ladder is the only thing that isn’t rotted, he’ll know.”

I turned back to the ladder and did my damnedest to tear the thing off wall. It was a few moments of struggling before I conceded defeat.

"Alright. This damn thing is safe but if I fall through the floor and break my neck I'm gonna haunt your old man till the day he dies. And maybe a bit after." I told him before starting up the ladder. I hadn't gotten up two rungs before Billy latched onto my arm.

"You stay down here. I'll go up." He told me and tried to drag me down.

"No way, hillbilly. You've got at least ten pounds on me so if something does happen you got a better chance of carrying me out than I do you." I told him before leaning down to steal a quick kiss before heading up the ladder.

"I don’t weigh that much more than you." Billy called up after me as I pushed the door at the top of the ladder open.

"I bet you do." I yelled back as I pulled myself up and looked around the dark area.

"You're on." Billy called back with a note of challenge.

I couldn't help but laugh as I carefully tested the floor boards before putting all my weight on them.

"What are the stakes, cash?" Billy called up.

“Naah, let’s make it interesting. Looser has to do whatever the winner wants.” I called back, moving carefully around the edge of the dim space; hunching a little to keep from hitting the ceiling.

Billy was quiet for a moment before calling back.


“Good, now pray I don’t fall through these crappy floor boards.” I muttered the last bit to myself, not wanting to worry him.

The floor creaked and groaned with every step I took but it stayed soling under my feet.

“There doesn’t seem to be a lot of damage up here. At least nothing more than you’d expect. Couple holes in the walls and one or two in the roof.” I called down to Billy, scribbling a few notes in my pad.

“Good...can you come down now?” Billy’s voice was level but I could still hear the worry.

“Yeah, on the way.” I hadn’t actually looked over the entire area but given how empty it was I didn’t need to either.

I had to admit that it was a relief to get back on the ground. I’m pretty sure the danger of falling through was pretty minimal but it was still nerve wracking.

“So it’s not bad up there?” Billy gripped my shoulder tight as he spoke, looking relieved.

“Yeah, it wasn’t too bad. A lot better than down here. It’s pretty empty though.” I replied.

“I know. I was never really sure why Dad had another floor built on and then only had a ladder to get up to it. You can’t carry anything up it.” Billy replied with a shrug.

“It seems like a real waste. Maybe we could suggest building a set of stairs, maybe in the corner? I’ve done it before, it’s not that hard.” I suggested, eying the area for a suitable location.

“I dunno if Dad would go for that, but it would be great to make use of the space. You really think the two of us could manage it?” Billy sounded a bit uncertain.

“I don’t see why not. We did great on the barn and the corral. I could knock up a sketch for it in a couple of hours after I got the measurements and if we needed help we could probably drag Walker, Chris and Julian in on it.” I told him as we headed out.

“What about Sam?” Billy asked playfully.

“You’re gonna shove her at me every chance you get, aren't you?” I growled and Billy just laughed.

“I’m not gonna have to shove her at you, she’ll shove her own way in.” Billy replied.

"You know how wrong that sounds right?" I asked and Billy nodded looking a little grossed out.

"Yeah, I didn't think that one through." Billy’s shudder made me laugh and after a sec he joined in.

“I didn’t think so. Anyway, what are we doing with the rest of the day?” I asked as we got into the truck.

“Your guess is as good as mine. The only thing we have left is the afternoon stuff, clean the stalls, got a few bales to put up in the loft, that’s really it.” Billy replied off hand shrugging his shoulders.

“What about going out for a ride, any chance of that?” Billy smiled over at me as I spoke.

“Yeah, we could probably work that in. Assuming that Dad doesn’t come up with something else for us to do.” Billy’s smile just widened, knowing what our ‘rides’ usually led to.

“Then put your foot down so we can get shit done.” I told him and had to grab the oh-shit-handle above me as Billy gunned the gas, shit eating grin in place.


We’d barely pulled into the driveway when Dad cornered us.

“What did you two figure out about the barn?” He asked, nodding the direction we had just come from.

“There is a lot to be done. The framing all seems solid but there are holes all over the walls, the floor of the second floor, and in the roof. The work bench is now just a pile of rot and most of the boxes are tore up or got water damage.” I said, as me and David handed over our notepads.

“You boys manage to get up to the second floor?” Dad flipped through our notes as he spoke.

“Yeah, the ladder is still in good condition, surprisingly enough. There’s not much wrong up there except for some holes in the floor boards. Lots of open space going to waste.” David replied with a small smile.

“Yeah, no way of getting stuff up there unless you want to break your neck.” The sarcasm I would have expected didn’t come.

“Well, I was thinking, if you ever want to use the space I could do up some plans for a basic staircase.” David offered, causing Dad to fix him with a skeptical look.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Until then you two can kill some time working in the basement. There’s some stuff down there that needs to be re-boxed. Toss anything that’s broken and don’t break anything else. Your momma should have everything that you need in there.” Dad told us before walking off to the barn, directing his last sentence at me as he left.

“Well that went better than I thought it would. I figured he’d just laugh at me.” David smiled as we headed up to the house.

“Yeah, he’s been nicer lately. It’s kind of scary.” I’d been trying not to look a gift horse in the mouth where Dad’s recent ‘niceness’ was concerned but I couldn’t help but feel weird about it.

“What’s scary?” Mom asked, popping up out of nowhere as we stepped into the kitchen.

“The condition of the storage barn. I’m surprised the place is still standing.” David lied in an instant. I didn’t know how he knew I wouldn’t want to be honest but I was glad for it. I was shit at lying to my mom.

“Yeah, I figured it would be. I’ve been telling William for ages that he needed to have the place looked at. Especially after that tornado last year. Was there any damage from that?” Mom asked, moving over to the stove.

“There’s a lot of damage, mostly just holes in the walls and roof. Some of it might have been from the twister but I don’t know for sure.” I told her, snagging a couple cookies off the plate on the counter while she wasn’t looking, hiding my hand behind my back. They were still warm so she’d been baking while we were gone.

“You guys had an actual tornado here?” David asked, sounding awestruck.

Mom and I both looked at him for a sec before I snapped out of it and answered.

“Yeah. It touched down just a few miles up the road; passed just over the house though. First one since I’ve been alive.”

“No, it’s not. A small one went right through the field when you were two.” Mom corrected me, like she always did on this topic.

“Yeah, but I can’t remember that one so it doesn’t count.” I replied with a shrug.

“It does, too.” Mom reprimanded. I know she was going for annoyed but we had done this too many times for me to believe it.

“Does not.” I singsonged back at her.

David grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the basement door as she rounded on us; wooden spoon raised to most likely threaten me with.

“Okay, as entertaining as it would be to see you get laid over your mom’s knee we’ve got work to do.” David all but tossed me down the stairs as he spoke. We could hear Mom’s laughter behind us.

“Careful, you’re gonna break the cookies.” I whispered, glancing up at the half open basement door before holding them out.

“Yeah, I was wondering when you were gonna let me have one of those.” David smiled, plucking one of the chocolate chip cookies out of my grip.

“Keep it down, if she finds out we won’t get another one.” I told before tearing into my own.

“Oh god...she can’t find out...these are awesome.” David grumbled around a mouthful of cookie.

"Yeah, she thinks she's slick but I know what her secret ingredient is." I told him, quietly.

"What is it?" David asked curiously.

"I can't say. Family secret after all." I told him, earning an annoyed grumble from him as I headed down the stairs.

"Come on, Billy. You're not supposed to know either. I'll keep it quiet." David begged playfully.

"What’s it worth to you?" I challenged.

"The better question is, Billy boy, what’s it worth to you?" David rumbled in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“A lot. You’ll have to do better.” I felt more than heard David’s chuckle as he pulled me tight to his chest.

The hand on my stomach grasped my shirt and pulled it out of my jeans and slipped under to rest over my navel while he used the other to slide across my chest.

“More?” He asked, lips moving against my neck.

“Pudding...” I gasped, not thinking, as David kissed and laved at my neck.

“Pudding?” David asked, perplexed, as he stopped his ministrations.

“She adds a pack of vanilla pudding to the dough.” I growled, turning to face him and leaning in for a kiss.

“I don’t hear any work being done down there!” Dad’s voice broke the moment, causing David and I to shoot apart.

“Sorry Sir, we’re getting on it now. Just planning it out.” David called back up the stairs, the door was, thankfully, closed.

“Yeah, get... on each other...mean.” Dad mumbled in reply but neither of us could make out all the words so we turned to do our work.

“So what is all this stuff?” David asked as we assembled a few of the flat boxes.

“A little bit of everything. Old holiday decorations, dishes and ceramics mom inherited from some aunt of hers, and probably some old toys and clothes of mine and Seth’s too.” I told him, tearing some duct tape for my box.

“Speaking of baby clothes, looks like were supposed to box up any of those we find on their own.” David held up a small note as he spoke.

‘Pack any baby clothes you find together so we can send them to Seth. Mom,’ I couldn’t help but smile as I read it.

“Alright then, lets get busy. You start down there, I’ll start here and we’ll meet in the middle.” David smiled, pocketing Mom’s note and pushing toward the other end of the room.

Nodding I moved over to my side and started up. Three boxes in and the only thing I had come across were old and faded Christmas decorations and a couple of old tea sets.

Even though I knew Mom would likely freak I was tempted to toss some of the older decorations but there wasn’t really anything wrong with them, so I boxed them back up.

“Hey, Billy, your mom has pictures of you as a kid right?” David asked, distracting me from some cool looking antique beer steins.

“Tons, why?” I answered, searching for a small box to set the beer steins in. I was thinking of trying to talk Mom into letting me have them.

“Any chance that she has any of you in these?” The laughter in David’s voice was enough to make me turn around.

David looked like he was on the verge of a laughing fit and when I saw what he was holding I understood.

“No, I, uh, I don’t think so.” The blood rushed to my face and the look on David’s face told me I was screwed.

“Dude you are so full of it. Do you know where they are? I got to see.” David’s smile would split his face in two if it got any wider.

“No, I don’t. And why would you want to see them anyway? They're just a pair of Batman briefs.” I growled, trying and failing to snatch the small, faded underwear from him.

“Babe, why wouldn’t I. I can just imagine little Billy Templeton running around in his superhero undies. It’s adorable.” David replied. His huge smile morphing into a laugh.

“If you can imagine it then why do you want to see it?” I grumbled, turning so David wouldn’t see me holding in a laugh.

David tossed the briefs into the box behind him and pulled me over to him. He pressed a quick kiss to my cheek before answering.

“Because I want to see the real you. I want to see what you looked like as a short stack. I mean if you’re this cute as an adult I can only guess how adorable you were as a kid.” David answered with a soft smile.

“I guess I could look them up. But you have to swear that you’ll never tell the others about those.” I nodded in the direction of the discarded briefs.

“Sam and Walker got something against little Billy running around in Batman undies?” David asked, smiling.

“I don’t know and I don’t want to find out. Sam has enough embarrassing info on me. She doesn’t need more.” I said, moving back to my side of the room.

“Sounds like I need to have a talk with Sam, then.” David said in stage whisper and a devilish look in his eyes.

“I swear, you do that and you’ll never get laid again.” I told him without turning around.

“That’s as much of a punishment to you as it is to me.” The smile in David’s voice was evident without even seeing it.

“Shut up.” I couldn’t help the small smile that came up as I thought just how true that statement was.

Most of the boxes were in good order and even with going through a few of them for baby clothes it didn’t take us long to finish. Finished with the packing we stacked things up neatly, and after spiriting away a few boxes of baby clothes under the stairs for Mom, we headed upstairs.

“You two all done?” Mom was stirring a pot of something on the stove.

“Yep. We bagged up the broken stuff and re-boxed a few bits. I’d say we probably have a few mice down there; might want to get some traps.” I told her, eying the kitchen for the cookies.

“Good…what about the clothes?” Mom asked without looking up from her pot.

“Tucked away under the stairs.” David answered, glancing around the kitchen too.

“Good. Also, you can both stop looking; they’ve been put away until after dinner.” David looked guilty, as I’m sure I did as well, when she looked up from whatever she was cooking to smile at us.

“Right…well…we should probably go finish the afternoon chores.” I nodded, trying to act innocent.

With that, we headed outside. Just before the screen door swung closed Mom called out to us.

“I also know how to count, you two.” Her voice was light but both of us knew we’d been caught.

Shaking our heads and laughing a little at being caught, after a fashion, with our hands in the cookie jar, we headed over to the barn. The horse’s stalls need cleaned out and there are a few bales that need to be moved up into the loft.

Once inside the cool and slightly muggy interior I turned around and pulled David close by belt loops.

“I didn’t see Dad’s truck around…seeing as we probably won’t get out for that ride maybe we could blow off a little steam?” I smiled as David cocks an eyebrow and looks at me like he can’t believe what I just said.

“Hay loft would probably work,” He replies with a smirk after looking around to barn for a moment, “Let’s toss those bales up first, though. Just in case we need a reason for why we’re both up there.”

David stayed on the ground and tossed the four bales up to me. It only took a few minutes and by the time David was done and climbed the ladder I already had my shirt off.

We barely wasted a second once David’s feet hit the loft floor. We pull each other close, stumbling into the back corner to keep from being seen. David pushed me against the wall, the rough wood rubbing not unpleasantly against my skin in the process, and tore his sweaty shirt over his head.

The back of my head thudded against the wall as David pressed tight against me; hot, sweat slicked torso pressing against mine as he scraped his teeth across my shoulder before kissing and licking at my neck.

“Smell so good, taste so good. Wanna taste every inch of you.” David growled in my ear, his hands fumbling with my jeans.

I couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped at his words or the loud groan when he finally managed to yank my jeans and boxer briefs down enough to free my cock.

“Wait, please…Wanna feel you.” I managed to string together a thought as I scrambled at his jeans.

“Don’t worry hillbilly, I’ll take care of you.” David grabbed my wrists and moved my hands to his shoulders before unfastening his own jeans.

In an instant all space between us seemed to disappear as David pressed full against me again. Sweat and pre-cum mingled as our cocks pressed together between us.

“This' what you’re wanting ain’t it babe; feeling me hot and hard against you, all for you.” David growled against my neck.

“Fuck…yes. Please…more.” I groaned, shamelessly grinding against David.

“Anything baby, anything.” David murmured. He slid a hand between us and grasped both our cocks. The tight, slick grip tugged my foreskin and ripped a whine out of my throat, pushing me close to the edge.

David let out a low groan before sealing our lips together, effectively silencing the gasp I let out as he slid his hand into the back of my underwear to palm my ass. The pace of David’s strokes quickened and I had to break our kiss to gasp for breath.

Taking me by surprise David’s hand slid further between my ass cheeks and two slick fingers pressed firmly against my pucker. The sudden sensation was too much. I came hard between our slick bodies, muffling a loud cry in David’s shoulder and my knees going weak.

I could feel the slick mess between us growing and the way David shuddered and gasped I knew he had come too.

Shaking a bit David move both of his hands to rest at my waist and leaned us both back against the wall, both gasping for breath.

“Well…that was…fucking hot.” David murmured against me neck.

I smiled and shook my head. Before I could say anything a loud shout made my heart stop.

“Where the hell you too at and what’s all the racket about.” I know I died for a second when Dad’s voice broke the stillness around.

All the color drained from David’s face as he pulled away from me. David stooped an grabbed my shirt and tossed it to me. Faster than I’ve ever seen anyone move he had his pants done up and his shirt pulled on.

He gave a quick nod at my shirt before leaning over the railing.

“We’re up here, Sir,” David called down in a voice a lot calmer than I knew he felt, “ Sorry about all the awkward noises; I was making an ass out of myself by telling a few messed up jokes.” I don’t know if David knew how weak his excuse was but I was praying Dad believed it as I pulled my shirt on.

The silence seemed to stretch on for an eternity when it probably only lasted a moment.

“Well that explains the whining and stupid laughing. Billy never has been able to handle a dirty joke. You two need to hurry the hell up and get to the house. Dinner’ll be done soon and I don’t want you stinking up the table.” My shocked into near death brain couldn’t process the tone in Dad’s voice but it didn’t matter…he believed it.

My legs finally gave out on me and I slid down the wall till I was sitting with my legs splayed out in front of me. David stayed leaning over the railing for a moment; probably making sure Dad was leaving to barn, before turning and rushing back to me.

“Fuck, Billy…god babe, I’m sorry.” He whispered as he dropped to his knees beside me.

Straightening up and pulling myself together I reached out and put my hand on the back of his neck. He resisted a bit as I pulled him close but after a second he leaned forward far enough for me to press our foreheads together.

“Don’t be sorry, David. It was my idea and I know I was the louder of the two of us. It’s okay. He believed you; even with that weak ass story.” I smiled as I spoke, hoping to relieve some of the tension between us. It wasn’t David’s fault and I didn’t want him to feel bad.

David smiled after a second and breathed deep.

“That was pretty shitty. I’m just glad it worked. I swear for a second I actually stopped breathing.” David laughed quietly before standing up and pulling me to my feet.

“Lets get inside and get cleaned up. The stalls can wait another day and we can get the horses after dinner.” I told him and David nodded along.

“Yea, good idea. We reek and I’m sticky.” David laughed and seemed to finally relax.

“Quit complaining, I’m just as bad off as you are.” I gave him a slug to the shoulder and headed down the ladder before he could retaliate.

“Ass.” He called as my feet hit the ground.

I waited until he was on the ground before doing it again and taking off for the house, leaving David to cuss and follow me.


I want to thank Rush for her work in editing, without her I would be nowhere. As always, I love to get your thoughts and opinions so feel free to email me at allenarcane88@yahoo.com, drop me a PM, write me a review or visit the discussion forum.

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Hello all. I'm sorry this has taken me so long to get out to you. I've finally managed to get things leveled out at home and thanks to Dropbox I can work on chapters from more than just my computer. With luck I'll produce faster now.
Also i know I put this at the end of every chapter but I want to encourage you all to check out the Discussion forum thread for Indiana Summer. I always post info about new chapters and other updates in my stories threads.
Copyright © 2014 NightOwl88; All Rights Reserved.
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This was the first story I read when I joined GA. I have to say it was and still is one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read. It is a well written, inspiring story of love and friendship. It breaks my heart that it ended.

Mr Templeton; I honestly believe he was screwing that sleeze bag, Candy, that drugged and raped Billy. I honestly would put it past him. Maybe the reason Mr Templeton kept sending Billy to work at the other farm was so that that slut can rape him again; this would be driven by the fact that he might see what is going on between Billy and David. As much as I hate him I enjoy the dynamic he brings, I just wish he was more evil and less aggressive.

The Walker situation is just the best. I love the principle behind his silence. I think I might apply that in my life too, but in regards to certain things.

I love this story and it will also be a great read for me. Especially because of the relationships that exists and how the entire story develops :)

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On 01/10/2015 05:10 AM, Grunge_Ken said:
This was the first story I read when I joined GA. I have to say it was and still is one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read. It is a well written, inspiring story of love and friendship. It breaks my heart that it ended.

Mr Templeton; I honestly believe he was screwing that sleeze bag, Candy, that drugged and raped Billy. I honestly would put it past him. Maybe the reason Mr Templeton kept sending Billy to work at the other farm was so that that slut can rape him again; this would be driven by the fact that he might see what is going on between Billy and David. As much as I hate him I enjoy the dynamic he brings, I just wish he was more evil and less aggressive.

The Walker situation is just the best. I love the principle behind his silence. I think I might apply that in my life too, but in regards to certain things.

I love this story and it will also be a great read for me. Especially because of the relationships that exists and how the entire story develops :)

Hello Ken, good to meet you.


First I want to thank for taking the time to drop me a review. i love to hear from people who enjoy my work.


I want to thank you for your kind words. I do my best with my stories, putting everything into them that I can. I think the fact that you refereed to it as 'inspiring' is one of the highest compliments I've received.

I want to assure you that Indiana Summer has not ended. I have been forced to take a small hiatus due to some family issues. Indiana Summer though, along with the rest of my stories, will continue.


I also wanted to point out, for piece of mind, that Candy didn't actually succeed in raping Billy. She did come quite close. As to her motives, and any involvement of Mr. Templeton, I can't comment. All will be eventually revealed though.


I think a lot of people feel like you do about Mr.Templeton. They hate him but still enjoy what he brings the story. At least that is how I feel about him.


I'm very glad that you have enjoyed the Walker angle, there have been a few people that I have heard form that have found it to be unrealistic.


I hope that you will continue to read and let me know what you think.




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On 12/24/2014 01:46 AM, DirkS said:
Hi Owl. I see there hasn't even been a new review since September! I hope people haven't given up waiting for your next chapter. Writer's block can really suck! I hope you will soon see your way through to give us the next installment. I'm thinking the story will soon be over...but please don't leave us hanging!!!!


Hello DirkS, it's good to hear from you again.


Yes I have to apologize for my lack of chapters. I've been dealing with some issues that have monopolized my time, in addition to my writers block lol.


I promise though that Indiana Summer will continue. I plan to get back to work here before too much longer.




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You and "then/than", y'all got issues. You need to sit down in a room together and figure each other out. Also, commas. All writers need to go through a phase of too much commas and it looks like you haven't done that yet.

About the actual content of the story, first:

Positive reinforcement! Positive reinforcement!

I'm really liking the story and wish it were finished. Even though I feel that hurt/comfort is a cliche that too many authors lean on to develop a deep relaitonship, you make it not feel like a cliche. I also like how David and Billy are being the better people when it comes to Mr. Templeton, rather than being bratty teenagers and perpetuating pointless confrontations, just because Mr. Templeton is (or was?) being unfair and mean to them.

That said, I do have a couple issues with characterization. David baffles me, he is very mature and reasonable, and that doesn't jive at all with his backstory. How can an upstanding kid, as smart and reasonable as him, be the sort of person to do petty criminal stuff and going to juvy? Perhaps it would seem more realistic if we saw more of his character growth in the earlier chapters? Like having pointless confrontations with Mr. Templeton, then realizing that that is stupid? Add in an explicit realization that such petty actions only make the situation worse, and it would be better to suck up to Mr. Templeton, even though lowering your status doesn't feel good? Then you upgrade the story from avoiding a bad trope to actively criticizing it, and educating readers! Anyways, just a thought that got away from me.

I also think the speed at which Billy got over his insecurities was a little unrealistic. That sort of self loathing runs deep. But it's a balancing act between getting over it too quickly, and "getting over" it over and over and over again, and erring on the side of too quick is not nearly as bad.


Anyways, good stuff! I hope to see more!

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Hey there!

As you may notice I'm not an English native speaker, but I really enjoy searching and reading stories on here. ;-)

Your story is another true gem I found!! I fell in love with your characters and your story! It is so beautifully written!

You gave me evenings of joy, tears, expectation, longing and suspense and I really want to thank you for that!!! When reading, every chapter felt like unwrapping a precious chocolate praline with all the feelings that go with it. Altogether so very enjoyable! I hope that maybe there will be some chapters added to this story sometime.

I hope you are well! I wish you all the best! Again thank you so much for this story!

Greetings from Europe! ;-)

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this story is really good i only found it about 2 days ago and im either reading this or sleeping really looking forward to another update, i hope everything is alright and you are able to update soon :2thumbs:

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I love the dynamic between David and Billy - it's been along journey thus far with some chapters urging on their personal and mutual progress. Lots of room for developing David's back story - why he got into so much trouble, how is Dad came up with the Templeton's as a destination, what his relationship with old man Templeton is really about - room for a side story of old man Templeton and Murphy from domestic terrorist to small time criminals to somewhat scary romance - room for dating adventures - snow bound events - Annie Templeton's story of why in a somewhat abusive relationship, who really owns the farm,...
Also, I glad we finally got to the sex, David's not the only tease...
Your proofreader needs a 2% increase in accuracy - minor things that I quickly lose to the flow of the story - proof of the story's power.

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It's a great story, but now it's two years later, after your last update in 2014. Will this story ever be completed? It's a wonderful story of growth and discovery, but so many questions are still unanswered. Will Billy come out to his parents? Will David's dad let him stay at Billy's house? Will Billy's parents accept David as their son-in-law? Will Billy and David move to Seth's farm after high school? Will David ever be allowed to ride Elder? Will Billy's father ever stop being an asshole? What papers is Billy's mother working on? Will the parents stay together?


So many questions with such an involving story. I wish the two young heroes all the happiness in the world, but I would like to know how it ends.

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Hi Owl, wanted to drop you a review for several reasons. I love everything about the story and the characters (David is my favorite:). Your story has inspired me to try to write again. I tried about a year ago but hadn't had alot of inspiration:) All of your story is interesting and intriguing, and coming from me, thats a compliment:) Cause even at my current age people say they think I'm scary smart:) Just voicing a bit here, your replies to reviews are quite repetitive. It may be me being paranoid, but I think it has something to do with your story not being updated in two years. Either that or I have no idea what I'm talking about and am making false accusations. Either way, it was fun :P
Cheers from,
Secret Identity

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Hard to believe it's been three years since this was updated...I love these guys, and hope to see the story finished some day.

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On 17/3/2014 at 1:51 PM, Hermetically Sealed said:

I have a sneaking suspicion that dad isn't as blind as they think.

I agree a 100%

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