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Running with the Pack - 33. Chapter 33

“Have you been able to identify the cause yet?” Jean-Pierre reviewed the report his lieutenant handed him. “Did the prisoners start the fire trying to escape?”

“There was no escape attempt as far as we can tell. We don’t know yet what caused the fire. The report is preliminary, and I still have people working to figure out what happened.” The newly appointed first lieutenant knew his boss hated incomplete information. “Security says the DVR was damaged by a power surge, so we don’t have a complete picture of what was going on. The tech team only recovered a few seconds of video so far. The cameras at both ends of the corridor caught a flash as the flames raced through the space and then nothing. Whatever it was appears to have blown through the hallway outside the cells, and killed any of the men there. We’re not even sure what the fuel source was, but it burned out almost as quick as it started. By the time more guards responded to the alarm, it was out. According to the computer logs, one of the men used the prisoner control system to shock one or more cells just prior to the fire.”

The facilities maintenance chief spoke for the first time. “Our best guess is gas from a line in the adjacent service corridor was leaking, and something sparked it. We’ve checked the line several times since the fire, but can’t detect any evidence of a leak. So, like he said, we just don’t know.” He paused to scratch his head. “Possibly when they tried to stun one of the prisoners, that gave the spark to ignite whatever the fuel source was.”

“When will you know if the facility is safe from additional fires?” Jean-Pierre was annoyed at the silence. “How many of our people were injured or killed? And how many of the prisoners?”

“We lost ten. All our people down in there died. None of the prisoners were harmed.” The lieutenant passed his boss a list of the casualties. “This list is preliminary from a camera in a corridor leading to the cells. It’s all we have unless we manage to verify the men by their DNA. If any records for them exist.”

“Why were there so many down there at that time of night if the cells were secured?” He looked over the list of names before returning his glare to the lieutenant. “Why do I have a feeling that fire saved me from killing them myself? Because I’m dealing with business my standing orders to leave the prisoners alone are ignored? None of those men were on the approved list of guards. Who had the duty watch last night?”

“Johnston did, sir.”

“So how much was he charging, and which cell did they actually go into?”

“I’m not sure what was being charged. I did hear rumors, but not enough to act on. They went into cell ten.”

“Six women? No honor amongst thieves. Which cell did they use the shock system on?”

“Number three, sir. Deputy Jacobs’ cell.”

“His condition?”

“Unconscious on the floor when they found him, but otherwise unharmed.”

“When you find Johnston, bring him to me. Preferably alive, but that’s not a requirement.”

“I understand, sir.”

“I wonder if it isn’t time for a few significant changes around here. Have Deputy Jacobs brought up. I missed talking to him while I was gone. Unlike most of you, he can actually hold a conversation. And make sure you apologize to him for what happened to him and his people while you were in charge”

“Yes, sir.”


The community hall was full as families took their customary seats while friends chatted before the alpha began the weekly meeting. Everyone mourned those lost in the attack, and a single mass memorial for those killed was scheduled for the following day. Families of those kidnapped tried to remain hopeful they might see their loved ones again. Everyone knew Parker Valley would not pay a ransom to the rogues. If demands were made, negotiations could at least buy time for a rescue to be mounted.

Once the general business portion of the meeting concluded, John invited two special guests to join in the remainder of the assembly. The alpha updated everyone on what was known about the attack and on the casualties from the other packs. The leaders from both Ember Moon and Morning Star expressed their deepest thanks for the sacrifice Parker Valley’s warriors made in helping defend its neighbors.

John’s eyes settled on Ethan. He hated putting the young man on the spot, but it had become a necessity. He felt it was a risk sharing the information with the neighboring alphas, but decided it was in their mutual interests to do so. “Rumors have been circulating for some time now, especially after the recent change in one of our council members. Many of you have wondered about what brought on our shift in policy regarding ferals, and the apparent breakthrough in our ability to cure them so they can return to a normal life.”

This caused the other two alphas present to really take notice as they had not heard anything of a cure.

“From the look on the faces of our guests, I see they are unaware of this development. I hope they’ll understand why I chose a cautious approach with regards to this news. I still view this as a matter of security for us, which is why I haven’t directly spoken of this yet. It has reached the point where enough people know at least a portion of the truth, and it can no longer remain in the shadows. I would prefer it be brought into the open here before you all, instead of persistent rumors and half truths circulating. Whatever forces there are to assist with someone finding their destiny, they saw fit to bring Ethan Tucker to us. Prior to his turning, he was already the most powerful being this pack has ever encountered.”

All eyes in the hall focused on the newest Tucker, before attention returned to the alpha.

“This young man we originally believed was human has been gifted with a unique ability that has only shown itself a few times throughout history. This gift allows Ethan to control the very elements of nature. There are many names for those like him who have appeared over time. The more classical name seems to apply most directly to him. Our young brother is an Elemental. Among his gifts is the ability to heal far greater than anything a lycan can do on our own. He is able to correct whatever it is within a feral that prevents their human minds from returning to us.”

There were notable gasps from around the hall, including the visiting alphas, as people processed what they heard.

“When Jonas and Anthony found their way to us, their behavior appeared unprecedented for a feral. Not only did they show they could communicate, but willingly surrendering to our hunters. It was obvious to all who witnessed the event they were trying to reach Ethan.

“The following day, this young man followed his instincts calling to him, telling him he needed to see the two wolves. He visited the medical center, and was able to heal them. We believe a feral can sense Ethan is able to help them, and they seek him out, or others who might lead them to him. At least it’s our theory for the dramatic increase in ferals coming here. Since then, every feral that’s entered our territory has been cured. Except for those killed in the fighting of the recent attack.

“I share this knowledge with my counterparts in Ember Moon and Morning Star in the hopes the safe recovery of ferals can be extended into their packs as well. We will freely share what information we can on the techniques we’ve employed to herd the unpredictable wolves into a safe capture. The only thing I ask of you all is discretion be used regarding this information with all three packs. It is possible at some point, as news of this passes beyond our respective borders, someone will try to take Ethan from us in an attempt to pervert his gifts for their own gain. His life is in our hands, and I for one will protect him as I would all our pack to my last breath.”

Every lunis in the hall stood and moved to stand behind Ethan. Their arms crossed and faces etched in resolute determination they would allow no harm to come to their friend. All the lupus he had healed followed suit as others looked on. One by one, people stood until everyone was on their feet.

John’s eyes scanned the room, seeing his entire pack standing, showing their support and resolve to protect Ethan. “Every one of you, on every day of my life, makes me proud to be your alpha.”

After John dismissed the meeting, he went to speak to his counterparts about the issue he had brought up. His father, Garratt, joined the conversation as an observer and advisor.

“John, are you serious about what you said regarding that boy and a cure for ferals?” Dave Redmond of Ember Moon thought the claim was dubious at best.

Maxx Collins from Morning Star was equally skeptical. “The best doctors in the Council have worked for years trying to find a way to cure them with no luck. I don’t care how many legends I read, the thought someone can control the elements in any form is ludicrous.”

“Gentlemen, Ethan’s ability to help a feral has nothing to do with science. It’s just part of his nature, as it’s ours to shift into wolves. He can draw on the forces of nature as he needs. To us it appears fanciful, but to an open minded human, our abilities would as well. The lunis population we now have living with us, as well as several new lupus, are a result of that cure. I understand your doubt, and you can either take me at my word or not. Ethan is still struggling with his mate being one from our pack that was taken, so I don’t think it fair to ask him to perform parlor tricks as evidence of what he can do.”

Garrett cleared his throat. “John, I understand you not wanting to put the boy on display, but it might help for those who haven’t seen what he can do first hand.”

Dave nodded his agreement. “I respect he’s suffering with the separation from his mate, but if you’re going to lay this on us, there has to be some way of showing this isn’t just BS. You’re a good and trustworthy neighbor, and we have no reason to doubt you, but it all sounds a little farfetched. Come on, John, Elementals?”

John nodded since he knew this was needed. He waved Rafe over. “Would you ask Ethan to join us please?”

Moments later, Rafe returned with his hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “Alphas, I want to respectfully remind all this is my son, and he’s been through a lot lately.”

“And he’s my grandson.” Weylin’s arms crossed as he joined the group. There was a general nod of understanding from all the alphas.

“Perhaps we should go to the courtyard behind my office.” Everyone followed John the short distance to the garden designed around a central fountain. “Ethan, I’m sorry to ask this, but I’d like you to give our guests a little demonstration so they can better understand what I’m telling them is the truth. Whenever you’re ready, and only as much as you feel like doing.”

“Why do I sometimes feel like I’m just a circus act? Have they paid admission to the freak show?”

The Alpha placed his hand on the teen’s shoulder. “I know that’s how it must seem when I ask you to put on these demonstrations for people, but I hope you believe me when I say I only ask when it’s absolutely necessary.”

Ethan nodded and really did understand, though he didn’t like performing for these other two alphas. At least with the pack council it was people he had seen regularly.

“John, this has gone far enough. I’m not going to say bullshit to this, but those old legends are just bedtime stories and nothing more.” Maxx scoffed.

Not happy with someone, especially another alpha implying his own leader was a liar, Ethan made sure no one was next to him. His eyes were slightly brighter than normal, but nowhere near the intensity of when he really put his gifts to work. Just loud enough to be heard, Ethan whispered, “Flame on.” In seconds, his body became enveloped by fire, yet he was unharmed by the flames. He watched the others, and raised his hands slightly. “Well? Good enough?”

All the men stared in disbelief. Several took a step back to escape the heat.

John had never seen him do anything like this before, and looked on in astonishment. Given the boy’s mood, he had to smile at the control the blond had gained. “Ethan, amusing, but not nice. Behave yourself.” The teen snapped his finger, and the flames disappeared as quickly as it started.

“Someone was watching Fantastic Four with Ryan and Zach last night.” Weylin joked to ease the tension.

Ethan knelt beside the fountain, and dipped his finger into the cool water. He let his mind wander to his missing mate, and this time his eyes glowed bright. As he had done many times before, a cloud of mist formed in front of him, coalescing into the shape of a wolf. As the lupus began to run, flames appeared to mix with the ghostly mist animal. No one paid attention to the water in the fountain freezing, until it broke and formed into particles the size of a grain of sand. Behind the ghostly wolf, the ice shards fashioned additional animals, making up the small pack of their friends, with wolves, a tiger, bear, lion, and coyote. The mist eventually dissipated, and the flame took over with the wolf morphing into Aiden’s human form, while the ice animals slowly melted away. Ethan held the image for a few moments before letting the flame burn out. A few tears ran down his cheeks as a light rain fell due to his sadness. Where the tears hit the ground, wild flowers popped up. A gentle breeze blew through the courtyard as his tears continued to flow.

All those present looked on in amazement.

Rafe placed his hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “Come on, Son. You’ve done enough. Let’s get you home.”

Dave stopped them for a moment. “I’m sorry for what you’re going through, but thank you for helping us understand the truth about you.”

Once Ethan left, Maxx spoke up. “You have my support. We’ll work with you as best we can on starting a capture program, or at least let them pass through to your territory. If any cured feral wants to settle in our territory, we’ll do what we can to assist them.”

Dave nodded his agreement. “Same here, my pack will do what it can for any who wish to settle. I wouldn’t have believed if I hadn’t seen it. You have our full support as well.”

“I know neither of you have shown any prejudice in the past towards other species, and I know you don’t have any lunis in your territories like we didn’t. Will your packs have any issue accepting a lunis settling there? I mean nothing by that, but I’m looking out for all parties.” John watched his counterparts carefully.

“I can’t speak for everyone in my pack, but we’ll do our best to make any lunis feel welcome.” Maxx assured. “If someone has a problem with it, they can keep the issue to themselves.”

“Seeing the lunis who have come to your pack, you have my word we won’t turn away any wolf.” Dave promised.

The three leaders and former alpha discussed several other issues. They started laying the ground work for eventually dealing with the rogues once the information Parker Valley had was confirmed. Maxx suggested they contact some of the packs in Quebec and New York who had suffered multiple attacks to build a regional coalition to deal with the problem. Once the strategic portion of their meeting was complete, John took the men on a tour of the housing under construction to help with the new lycan influx. The other alphas met with some of the former ferals, as well as the pack wolves who shared the new building.


Verifying the information provided by Gaelan was ongoing. John had teams pouring over reports of rogue groups that matched what the captive spy described. Even information from Ethan’s dreams of Aiden was considered, and evaluated for any possible intelligence that could be gained. The reported location of the gang was in the middle of a dark zone the Lycan Council recommended any wolf stay clear of. It was on the border of New York State and Quebec. Other species of lycan also stayed clear since most who ventured into the region never returned. For whatever reason, it was not an area the Lycan Council wanted to expend time and resources in cleaning up, and making safe for all shifters. Instead, the Council offered meager support to nearby packs in bolstering their defenses against potential raids as long as council dues were up to date.

Ethan was chomping at the bit to head out, and find his mate. It took the combined efforts of his family and friends to keep him put. John promised him he would be part of the recovery effort. It was never stated, though everyone knew Ethan was their greatest asset and their most powerful weapon in the coming fight. The fact his mate was one of those being held made him and his abilities particularly dangerous.

It took the better part of a week just to negotiate the proper agreements with the different packs needed for the upcoming assault. Working out temporary treaties with some for logistical support and with others for troops. Setting up communications between everyone involved was a day-long project on its own. Building a command structure, let alone deciding who would be in overall charge of the warriors involved almost derailed the entire coalition.

While plans were made with the various packs, Ethan received a crash course in wolf combat. He had been in plenty of fights on the streets; a few against people with a knife or some other weapon, when he had nothing but his speed and agility. Now he had the wolf living in his mind with the added abilities of an alpha to guide him during the fight. His natural instincts made him a formidable foe in any sparring match in his lupus form. When he shifted to his hybrid, he was unbeatable even without using his gifts. Darius and Casey did their best, along with a few of the more advanced warriors. Garrett helped him understand and use his alpha abilities to enhance the lethality of his attacks. Ethan also spent time practicing with his gifts, to make use of them in a fight. He had to be careful not to direct them anywhere near his trainers.

Ethan was set loose in the area used to train the pack warriors. He shifted into his hybrid at the start of the exercise, and went on the attack. Using his experience and his wolf instincts, he also called upon all the elements at his disposal to attack the dummy targets, and defend against those working with him. The results were devastating. He was able to effectively use fog, ice shards, fire, and extreme wind to throw around debris. He surprised everyone by calling on trees and other plants to grab or attack with roots and branches. He even managed to create lightning by combining multiple elements, though that was more by accident than anything. When the practice session was complete, the training course needed rebuilding. People rushed to put out the last of the fires while trying to not slip and fall on fields of ice.


A group of lycan numbering close to four hundred had gathered at staging locations in the countryside surrounding the rogue-controlled town. They patiently waited, many already in their wolf form, for orders to attack. There were warriors from seven packs in addition to Parker Valley. They would be mostly used for containment of the area to prevent escape of any fleeing rogues, and cleanup once the hostages had been rescued. Their ranks formed a wide circle around the town. No matter if in wolf or human body, everyone had a blue cloth wrapped around their left arm or front leg to identify them as a friend. Although Alpha Stockdale was against it, it was finally decided a small group led by Darius would attempt to recover the hostages.

A single SUV drove into the rogue’s stronghold, and headed for a bar. The town looked like any other you might find in the northeast, except like Silver Pines, it was the exclusive home of shape shifters. A neon sign on the front of the building read Underworld in dark blue lettering with a curled lunis paw dripping blood over the last two letters. In front, two dozen motorcycles and several trucks were parked, indicating there was a fair number of customers inside.

Ethan reached out with his senses, and could feel every molecule of water and each plant or tree for a good distance around them. He knew how many people were in the bar, as he felt the blood running through their bodies. He let his friends know just how badly outnumbered they were. When he finally got out of the truck, he scented the air for any trace of Aiden. Hoping his mate was somewhere nearby gave him hope they would soon be together again.

Approaching the door with more determination than anyone in his situation would reasonably do, Ethan’s eyes took on their characteristic glow. His fists clinched tight a few seconds before a blast of tornado strength wind was unleashed. The doors ripped clear of their hinges as they blasted in, flattening anyone in their path. Debris flew through the bar injuring several more patrons.

The small-framed boy casually entered to find the clientele diving for cover and grabbing any nearby weapon. Ethan scented the air again, but the combined smell from all the other shifters made it impossible for him to detect if his mate was near. He stood in the center of the bar with Casey and Trevor at his side in their wolf forms. They were flanked by Cody and Darius with their guns drawn. As he took in the faces of those in the bar, he did not see the man who appeared in so many of his dreams, the one who was always talking to Aiden.

Ethan focused on the people nearest him. “Some of your friends recently gave me an invitation to come here for a visit. They even sent a driver to bring me here. Unfortunately for my driver, he didn’t survive. I thought it only polite I come here to say thank you for the invite.” There had been a somewhat playful tone to his voice. It suddenly dropped and the ominous overtones could not be missed. “Now that I’m here, I want to see Jean-Pierre. I also know my mate’s being held here, and I want him back now, or not one of you will leave here alive. I will kill every person in this town, and level every building if that’s what it takes.”

The scene of this small, boyish lycan making demands would have been considered comical any other time. His eyes glowed an extremely bright and fierce shade of blue as he waited to see who would act first. One person raised the gun in his hand. The pop of Cody’s pistol firing was heard a fraction of a second before the man dropped to the floor, dead from a head shot. From the other side, two wolves charged them only to receive the same treatment from Darius.

The glow in Ethan’s eyes grew more intense as he scanned the room, challenging anyone else to make a move. Fear set in; they had no clue what he was. Amber eyes were well-known to all lycan, though only a quick flash. Eyes glowing blue was something they had never seen or heard of before. “You have ten seconds for someone to speak up before I kill everyone here and move to the next building.”

About half the people decided to rush the five. After all, the intruders were outnumbered six to one. No one got close as their bodies froze solid. Another bullet from Cody’s pistol shattered one of the bodies like a hammer to an ice cube. Ethan’s body morphed, his alpha hybrid standing tall as he scented the air, trying to pick up traces of Aiden’s trail.

The remaining patrons of the bar huddled in a corner unable to escape whatever this creature was. On a stage at the far end of the bar were two cages, each holding someone. Ethan stalked to the end of the room near the cowering group, his eyes zeroed in on the occupant of one cage. His first thought was to kill the one lying in the confined space. A single word came out in the deep, gravelly voice of his wolf. “Michael.” Roots from a nearby tree crashed through the wall beside the cage, passing through the bars and wrapping themselves around his former pack mate, holding him tight.

Growling to the rest in the room, his ears dropped and eyes narrowed as their color changed from blue to red as his anger built. His body erupted into flames that poured off his untouched fur. “You made a deal with the devil when you joined this gang, and harmed those I care about. I’m here to collect what’s mine, and your souls will make a nice trophy. Now, WHERE IS JEAN-PIERRE?”

One of the she-wolves, a cocktail server in the bar, screamed out in terror at the white wolf’s demonic appearance. “Jean-Pierre isn’t here.”

“WHERE IS HE?” Ethan’s booming voice growled as his eyes pulsed with power. The heat from the flames intensified; nearby tables and chairs ignited.

“He had business to attend to in Canada. He left early this morning.” One of the men shouted out, trembling in fear.

No one attempted to pick up a weapon, shift into their animal form, or even move; they had no idea what they were dealing with. The white wolf’s appearance was something out of their worst nightmares, and he stood before them in the fiery flesh.

Ethan made quick work of dealing with them. He formed a wall of ice to trap the surviving rogues in the corner of the bar.

Darius radioed their command staff. “Bar secured. Move unit two in to hold the bar. You can start moving troops into the town. Sweep each building. There are twelve rogues to take into custody behind an ice wall in the bar. White Wolf and group moving to phase two of search and rescue.”

The red eyes returned to their natural blue as Ethan let the flames fade away while extinguishing the fires he started. A few minutes later, the second team arrived to take control while his group searched for the hostages.

The Tucker brothers sniffed around to see if they could find the door leading underground that Gaelan had told them about. Cody shifted into his coyote while Darius transformed into his lion. The white wolf found the hidden door in a storeroom and smashed through it with ease. He picked up the faintest hint of Aiden’s scent as the air rose from below them.

Down a flight of stairs, the small group made their way into a large room configured like a combination office and skybox. There was a desk at one end, a conference table, and theater chairs faced a window overlooking an arena. He saw the chair from his dreams. A chain attached to the floor hung from the chair rung. He knew it was the one that had been attached to the shackles. Aiden’s scent was strong on the chair. Ethan raised his massive, pawed foot, and smashed the chair that had held his mate.

Casey followed his best friend’s scent to another locked door. The white wolf broke through it, leading them down to the arena. Several rows of stadium seating surrounded a caged pit. Through yet another set of doors, they entered a huge space with cages holding more ferals than Ethan could pick out by scent, or count. Both he and Casey held onto Aiden’s trail with Trevor, Darius, and Cody covering them from behind.


Aiden woke to a commotion outside his cell. It was difficult to hear exactly what was happening, but it sounded like people running around yelling. He thought there was the faint sound of an alarm. It was much the same as when the prisoners were attacked. Jean-Pierre had said he might not be able to hold it off indefinitely as the men were getting restless. If their leader could no longer control his men, they were all in great danger. The guards had no issue talking in front of Aiden as they led him around. Several had suggested some might remove their leader, and finally get a turn at the prisoners. They made sure he knew as Jean-Pierre’s favorite, he would bear the brunt of it. The louder things became outside his cell, the more he feared there had been an uprising among the rogue leadership.

His patience ran out, and given what he heard, Aiden felt it was time to act no matter the consequences. For the second time since his captivity started, he shifted into his hybrid form and listened to his wolf guiding him. With all the strength he could manage, he smashed his paws into the door. It held, but the door and wall visibly shook. Again and again he hit the door, ignoring the burning from the traces of silver in it. On the sixth try, the door and a good portion of the concrete wall gave way.

Stepping into the corridor, he swung his left arm, hitting a man running towards him. The body flew back in the direction it had come from. He felt a sharp pain as a knife stabbed his back. He spun around, dragging his claws deep through the midsection of his attacker. His eyes glowed red in rage as he ripped open the door of the nearest cell, freeing its occupants. The prisoners worked to open more cells as Aiden continued to fight. Additional guards entered the corridor, and concentrated their attack on the large wolf. When the prisoners could not open a cell, the black, alpha wolf would rip the door off its hinges. As their numbers grew, some shifted into their wolves to help Aiden in the fight, while others continued to free their fellow prisoners.

Once all their people were free, Aiden pushed forward towards a group of guards. He had no clue if he was going in the right direction, but it was movement away from the cells. His huge alpha wolf filled the passageway protecting any who were behind him, and those at the rear protected their flanks. The more doors he broke through, the fiercer the fighting became. Rogues in both animal and human form fought with claws, firearms, and even axes, trying to stop their advance and escape.

As the red glow of the black wolf’s eyes intensified, his body felt warmer. He continued to slash away and bite at his attackers, ignoring any pain he felt from the random bullet, silver, or other metal that hit him in the fray. The agony caused by the precious metal drove him to fight harder. Aiden swung his right claw at someone in front of him who moved out of reach at the last second. On the back swing, it was not his claws that severed the body, but a sword of fire extending from his paw. Flames covered his shoulders, chest, back, and head, forming armor to block what bullets did come towards him. His fiery appearance terrified all who saw him.

A group of men at the far end of the corridor attempted to setup a barricade to shoot the prisoners as they approached. Throwing his left hand in front of him, the gang’s position burst into flames, incinerating both the rogues and their barricade.


Ethan and the others worked their way into the complex of passages beneath the town. They encountered increasing resistance the further they traveled. Although he had never fought as a wolf beyond his training, his animal instincts took over completely. He slashed out with his dagger-like claws at anyone within reach, taking on shifters in both human and animal shape. The few that got close suffered their fate at his teeth. He grabbed one man who unloaded an entire clip of silver bullets into him at close range. A primal bloodlust took hold, further pushing his human mind to the background. He bit down on the man’s neck, severing the body, which he threw to take out several more attackers. Blood dripped from his claws and maw giving a gruesome appearance to the once pristine white wolf.

One enemy wolf managed to get close to Ethan, and latched onto his left forearm with its jaws. Trevor attacked the wolf, biting down as hard as he could, breaking its neck. On Ethan’s other side, Casey took on a bear and wolf that emerged from a side passage. He raked his claws across the wolf’s face while trying to avoid the bear doing the same to him. Cody ran under the bear and bit hard on its rear leg to distract if from his friend. Thanks to the nimble coyote, Casey was able to go for the bear’s throat while Cody turned his attack on the partially blinded wolf. Behind them, Darius fought just as ferociously. He would pounce on men or animal, dismembering them with teeth or claws. Others faced a hit from his massive paws. The power of his swings left anything he hit as a bloody mess against the wall.

Casey and Trevor took position at the white wolf’s side as they moved forward. The pair took on as many attackers as they could. Ethan grabbed both wolves by the head and shoved them behind him. Seconds later, someone opened fire with a spray of bullets. As the weapon stopped firing, the man dropped it, and ran to escape the pain filled roar. Rage filled the white wolf from the sting of each hit. Ice formed across his chest, shoulders, upper legs, and arms, where some of the attacking wolves had aimed for. In his right hand, a sword of the bluest ice formed, and cut through his nearest enemy like the finest katana ever made. Bullets could be heard impacting the ice which simply reformed stronger each time. Those not in range of his claws or blade were frozen in place only to be cut down when Ethan reached them. Any who turned and ran, he ignored.

Breaking through one final door into a cavernous space, there was a fevered battle taking place. Fighting a cluster of rogues was another group led by a black, alpha wolf in flaming armor. The white wolf let out a deafening roar at seeing his mate under attack. The faction fighting Aiden momentarily turned their attention to the second massive wolf. The sight of his ice armor and blood-dripping sword was just as terrifying.

The black wolf called out, “Give up now, or die.”

A few threw down their arms and laid face down while others quickly took aim at both wolves. The two alphas hit them at the same time with ice and fire. Those who surrendered were untouched, those who did not would have no need of a casket.

With the fighting finished for the moment, Aiden ordered the rogues who surrendered to lead the way out. Ethan wanted to run and jump into his mate’s arms, but his wolf refused to relinquish control. “I want to be with our mate as much as you, but we must see to the others safety first.” There were sporadic clashes on the way out, but for the most part the remaining gang members they encountered had lost the will to fight under the onslaught of both alphas.

Once back inside Underworld, Darius shifted to human, and radioed base camp. “All hostages accounted for, and secure in the bar. Request the vans to evacuate them as soon as possible.”

The troops who had held the bar provided first aid to the wounded.

The ice and flame armor of the two alphas began to dissipate with the battle over. The blood covered white wolf sniffed his mate’s wounds and could pick up the foul scent of silver burning flesh. He placed one paw on the black wolf’s chest and the other on his back. The wounds started to heal from the inside, and slowly pushed the offending metal out. One by one, the bullets embedded in Aiden’s body dropped to the floor as the wounds completely healed. Ethan concentrated on himself next as silver, brass, and lead was pushed from his own body.

Aiden stalked over to Michael’s cage and ripped it open. Reaching in, the roots holding their captive let loose. He tossed the exile across the room to land at the feet of Darius. “Cuff him and keep him under guard. The other one in the cage is supposedly responsible for ordering the attack against us.”

The vans arrived, and were quickly loaded to take all hostages to safety. Aiden and Ethan remained in their hybrid forms as everyone was evacuated. Although their human sides wanted nothing more than to hold each other, the wolf within put their feelings aside for the safety and defense of others. Only after the last pack member had climbed into a van, and it pulled away, did the pair shift. Darius and Casey rushed them out to the waiting SUV with Trevor and Cody providing additional cover. In the relative safety of the moving vehicle, Aiden pulled Ethan to him, holding him tight. Both their eyes were filled with tears. Aiden breathed in deep, taking in the scent of his pup. Even through the blood on both of them, their individual scent brought them peace. In each other’s arms, they were home at last.

Running with the Pack, WolfM, 2012-2016, All Rights Reserved
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Chapter Comments

On 03/26/2016 03:14 PM, lvlrogueone said:

I bow before you. I have waited for this moment for so long. You did not disappoint. I smell the ending coming soon....noooooo!!!!

Thank you lvlrogueone :)

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On 03/27/2016 12:32 PM, LadyDe said:

Fire and Ice!!! Whoop Whoop :D It played in my head like a movie and was so much better than what's on the big screen. BRAVO :worship: That was one of the best chapters ever. Pup to the rescue. :hug:

Thank you for the wonderful compliment, LadyDe.

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On 2/24/2019 at 8:56 PM, Backwoods Boy said:

Having read both versions of this chapter, the change is very noticeable.  Extremely well done, my friend.  :yes:

Thank you as always, Backwoods :)

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On 2/14/2020 at 11:33 AM, Will Hawkins said:

The Greek physician, Galen believed that the four humors, black bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm, or rather an imbalance between them, was the cause of all illness I wonder if water, fire, earth and air are the more modern equivalents of  Galen's 'humors'.and Ethan will become the personification of Galen to the Wolf community?

Thanks you, Will. Ethan is perhaps the most powerful wolf to ever live.

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I hope our two heroes remember to turn off their powers before they embrace, otherwise Niagra Falls, which is located on the border between New York state and Canada and is very much in the location where this epic battle is taking place, will turn to steam (or maybe ice, it has frozen up in years past!). The combination of powers between these two is epic – at least as great as Hiroshima.
Now the question becomes, what is JP going to do….it seems his "business" is a little upset after Aiden and Ethan got fininshed with it, and what will happen to the sniveling little rat who had visions of grandure as far as being the next alpha of the pack was concerned?

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On 7/10/2021 at 2:52 AM, Will Hawkins said:

I hope our two heroes remember to turn off their powers before they embrace, otherwise Niagra Falls, which is located on the border between New York state and Canada and is very much in the location where this epic battle is taking place, will turn to steam (or maybe ice, it has frozen up in years past!). The combination of powers between these two is epic – at least as great as Hiroshima.
Now the question becomes, what is JP going to do….it seems his "business" is a little upset after Aiden and Ethan got fininshed with it, and what will happen to the sniveling little rat who had visions of grandure as far as being the next alpha of the pack was concerned?

I could picture that happening. :)  The rogue compound would have been around 280 miles give or take in a straight line from Niagara, along the flat norther border near Montreal. Still, they need to keep their gifts in check so they don't do more damage than needed. :) 

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18 hours ago, bearbtm said:

I guess the old adage of big things come in small packages rang true for Ethan. What will become of Michael the little..... So glad Ethan and Aiden are back together. Angain Wolf I tipp my hat to you and your excellent writing

Thank you, Bear. Yep, small person, large presence. :)

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This chapter did not disappoint! Awesome writing.  It struck me how this story as well as the Lycan world you have built contains many of the beliefs of Taoism. I am thoroughly entranced by Aiden and Ethan.  I like that they are gaining powers together since they are equals in all respects now.  Michael will face justice and his parents, so Ethan sparing his was OK with me.  I said it once that Michael greatest victims were not Aiden and Ethan, but Michael's parents Jackie and John.  I remember that Jackie made John promise that either she or John would kill Michael.  I think that if that happens, it will give these two the closure they need to go on.  Thanks for this great story. 

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On 4/19/2022 at 6:58 PM, raven1 said:

This chapter did not disappoint! Awesome writing.  It struck me how this story as well as the Lycan world you have built contains many of the beliefs of Taoism. I am thoroughly entranced by Aiden and Ethan.  I like that they are gaining powers together since they are equals in all respects now.  Michael will face justice and his parents, so Ethan sparing his was OK with me.  I said it once that Michael greatest victims were not Aiden and Ethan, but Michael's parents Jackie and John.  I remember that Jackie made John promise that either she or John would kill Michael.  I think that if that happens, it will give these two the closure they need to go on.  Thanks for this great story. 

Thank you, Raven. :hug: I'm not familiar with Taoism, but it now give me something to research. The more time that passes, the more Ethan is able to control his gifts. Aiden, possible just through shear rage and anger is able to make use of what Ethan's given him without completely draining himself. You're right about who Michael's greatest victims are.

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10 hours ago, WolfM said:

Thank you, Raven. :hug: I'm not familiar with Taoism, but it now give me something to research. The more time that passes, the more Ethan is able to control his gifts. Aiden, possible just through shear rage and anger is able to make use of what Ethan's given him without completely draining himself. You're right about who Michael's greatest victims are.

Taoism is an ancient belief from China (about 500 BC I think). Here's the basis tenant from online:

Taoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy and religion that instructs believers on how to exist in harmony with the universe

The important Taoist principles are inaction, simplicity and living in harmony with nature. Taoist philosophical principle rested on a belief in the law of unity of the two opposite forces: yin and yang.

...and by extension black and white, male and female, love and hate etc. It also recognises 5 elements: air, fire, water, wood and iron. (I think that wood and iron represents the different nature of organic and inorganic earth.) Here is the most recognised visual of the religion.



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What a great chapter!

So... We have Michael and that former Lt that initiated the attack. I just can't seem to imagine what their fate will be...

(yes, that was said in the most sarcastic voice I could possibly use)

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12 hours ago, Al Norris said:

What a great chapter!

So... We have Michael and that former Lt that initiated the attack. I just can't seem to imagine what their fate will be...

(yes, that was said in the most sarcastic voice I could possibly use)

Thank you, Al. :) Yeah, I doubt there's going to be any welcome home parties. ;)

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On 2/10/2023 at 7:05 PM, Albert1434 said:

Thanks so much for this unbelievable story and one hell of a chapter!:kiss:

Thank you, Albert. I greatly appreciate your compliments. :hug:

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Absolutely thrilling battle! I loved see Ethan kick some ass and the two of them together..wow.  I’m so glad I found the story and author!

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3 hours ago, Straycat said:

Absolutely thrilling battle! I loved see Ethan kick some ass and the two of them together..wow.  I’m so glad I found the story and author!

Thank you, Straycat. :hug:  Don't piss off the little guy who can burst into flames or turn everything to ice. ;) I'm glad you found this too.

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Hell on earth just as I said Ethan is a force that can't be stopped. And unstoppable force meets a moveable wall what do you think happens. I had to read this chapter twice and woot is the answer!


Edited by Albert1434
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