Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Twist of Fate - 11. Chapter 11
Anyway, here is another chapter. I dont really know what will happen from here. But I'm enjoying it as it unfolds.
Chapter 11
Facing Reality pt 2.
When the police and social workers left, after taking the pictures and getting my statement again. I felt totally drained of everything. I just sat there, staring at a piece of grain on the table. Don’t ask me why, I just am.
They police said that it might take some time to catch whoever did this to me. Gee thanks, like I don’t have enough to worry about. My parents have this look on their face the entire night, like they were disappointed in me. Well fuck them. I didn’t ask for any of this. I asked to be left alone, but did that happen no. I requested my boyfriend to leave me alone. But did he, no! So excuse me for being a little pissed off at the moment. Hence I’m looking at the table. I don’t have to look into anyone’s eyes and see the hurt, pain, and disappointment. I have enough of that running in my own head.
“Aiden?” Jason spoke. He’s the first to speak. Looking up at him, his eyes are puffy and red. Jason looks like a fucking mess.
“Yea?” I ask
“Do you maybe want to get some air?” He asks. Without missing a beat, I get up and walk over to him. He places his hand around my waist and we start to walk out the room.
“Aiden, wait.” I turn around the find my mother standing there with her hand still over her mouth and my dad’s arm around her waist. She trembling, and I cannot do anything to help her, I feel useless. Not needed.
“What, mother?” I didn’t mean for it come out that harsh. Her eyes got big, and she looked surprised, almost hurt. “I’m sorry; it’s just been a long day. I didn’t mean to sound angry.”
“It’s alright Aiden. I… We understand. But we do need to talk about this sooner or later. I… We need to…” She didn’t finish that sentence, like it was caught in her throat. But I knew what she was going to say anyway.
“I know mom. We will. Just not tonight.” I sigh; turning around Jason leads me back through the house and opens the door for me. Stepping out onto the porch, the air sweeps by us in a gentle caress. Inhaling slowly, I smelt the freshness, the moisture, it seemed calming, relaxing, like serenity. How can something that we take for granted every day seem so… Oh, whats the word…
“What are you thinking about?” Jason whispers beside me. I lay my head on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around my side.
“I’m thinking about how we take things for granted. How everything that happens every day we don’t really acknowledge. I know it seems crazy, but when you went through what I did. And then have to tell the people around you, the ones that you love. It makes you realize that life is short. And the experiences that you make, make you who you are. Am I making any sense?”
“I understand perfectly what you’re saying babe…” Did he just say babe? So natural, without thinking…
“I like the way that sounds…” I smiled
“What?” He asks, with a hint of a smile in his voice
I laughed, it felt great to laugh, even for a moment. “Babe.” I simply said
“I do like the way it sounds,” He pauses
“What are you thinking about?” I ask him as I lead him over the steps, and take a seat. I look out in the neighborhood. Courtney’s street looks so calm, with lights lining the road, the houses looking normal, not out of place. Everyone that lives on this street is probably sleeping in their rooms, in their bed. Peacefully dreaming whatever. While the world just continues to turn and move. They don’t know that at this house, right now. Something happened to disturb the peace. They don’t know that the world is a dangerous place… I shouldn’t even know. I’m only sixteen. I should be a careless teen, making mistakes, staying out past curfew, giving my parents hell, being drunk on the weekends, just being a kid. But, that didn’t happen. I knew the rules. The consequences of my actions. I knew it to be true. Just look at what happened only two days ago? Life isn’t fair, I know that now.
“Making sure that you’re alright. I know that you put on a brave front. But I’m not one of them. I know you better than that. I can see that you’re scared. Worried. And I wish that I could have been there for you when they attacked you. I just… I just…” He broke down crying. I turn to the side to where I’m facing him, his head bowed and I’m lost as to what to do…
Taking his chin into my hand, I push up so that he is looking at me. The tears cascade down his cheeks, and he looks at me with very sad eyes. They look lost, maybe even scared as well. I smile at him, and look down at his lips. Looking back up into his eyes, and down at his lips. With my heart beating faster, and my anxiety flaring up. I take the plunge and lightly peck him on the lips. What was supposed to be a quick kiss, turned into me wrapping my arms around his head, and his hand lightly going through my hair. His tongue lightly licks my lips asking for permission. I open my mouth as his tongue darts in… our tongues do battle, I heard myself moan from deep in my throat. As he whimpers. I wanted to be closer, I needed to be in contact with his own body.
Someone clears their throat from a distance, but we don’t stop. The passion that burns in me had me wanting more… I couldn’t get enough. “Aiden…” Court’s voice rang in my ears, but it felt like a dream. Like a whisper…
“Dammit, Aiden.” She smacks my arm
“Ow!” I say as we break the kiss, I whimpered. It hurt to stop. Looking up at Court she has a wishful look on her face.
“Sorry but I don’t think you want your parents finding you like this. They said that they were heading home soon.” She said
“Fine…” I pouted. Looking at Jason he had a smirk onto his perfect lips. Damn the temptation to kiss him again hung strong between us.. His lips were swollen and ruby red. Mine must be in the same condition.
When we heard the screen door open, we all looked towards the door. My parents stood there, right inside the doorway, looking at us. Judging us, evaluating. They would look at Courtney, and then Jason. Before they landed on me with their little beady eyes. Like I am some foreign thing, like they don’t even recognize me anymore. I bowed my head in defeat. This is a going to be a long
“You ready Aiden?” Asked my father. Like he actually cared. Psh.. please.
“I guess.” I looked at Jason with a sad expression, “I’ll miss you.” I lipped to him. While he repeated it back to me. He got up before me and held out his hand. Holding my side, I took the offer and winced in pain. Upon standing I hugged him. Inhaling his sweet musky scent, his scent; old spice sport.
“We will meet you in the car Aiden. Don’t take too long, I have to get up soon for work.” Said my father as he shook both Courtney’s parents hands. “Thank you for calling us.” And then they both walked off to the car.
Turning around, I felt eight pairs of eyes on me. “Nothing like being under a microscope” I thought. “Thank you for calling them. I really appreciate it... And thank you for not being judgmental. I love you Court. I’ll see you possibly at school.” I said to her as we hugged.
“And you mister, I’ll definitely be seeing you there. I need all the support I can get.” I said as I smiled at him. He hugged me and kissed my cheek, knowing that my parents were watching from the car.
A few days have passed since that night I showed up at Courtney’s. When I got to school the next morning, everyone looked at me, but didn’t say anything. There were whispers, hushed tones. As I walk through the halls. All I saw were people looking at me, whispering. And then I saw him, with his expensive clothes. His blonde hair and blue eyes, a smile that you could see light up a room. How did I get so lucky again? Just a few months ago, I would have laughed you out of the room if you have told me that Jason and I were going to be boyfriends, boyfriends. Shaking my head, a
smile grew on my face as I walked the short distance to him.
“What are you smiling about?” He asks, while he leans against my locker. Jason looks fucking hot. How can I be so lucky to have him? Or have him want me? I mean, the popular boy is standing at my locker, wearing a smile.
“You. I’m smiling at you, what are you doing here?” I ask, as I search the halls. Hoping no one is in ear range.
“What? I can’t stand here and wait for you?” He laughs
“Dude, I’m not out and neither are you. We don’t hang out normally. What would people say? You have your popularity to maintain.”
“I don’t give a flying fuck, what others think Aiden. I only care for you. Why is that so hard to understand?” He says in a huff. Losing his smile in the process.
“I didn’t mean to start an argument Jason. We both know how high school is. I just don’t want you to be harassed for hanging around a no body. Especially if the school gets wind of what happened to me this weekend?”
“Do you think that I care if I lose the title Mr. Popular? NO! Why is that so hard for you to understand? I wanted to show you support, to be here for you, like you asked me to be. I’m only trying to help.” He huffs, “You know never mind, I have algebra this morning.” With that he leaves. Making me feel like a piece of shit, questioning his motives. What kind of boyfriend does that? Me apparently…
Sighing I open my locker to bring my books, “Can this day get anymore better?” I ask myself
“Well if you think like that it won’t.” Said Sasha, “And when were you going to tell us that you were back, huh? Are we not your friends anymore Aiden. I mean I guess not considering Jason is in the picture now.” She all but quietly yelled at me. I couldn’t even say anything, my mouth opened several times, but nothing came out. I was caught off guard.
“Sasha it’s not like that, I have been through a lot since Friday. I don’t really want to talk about it. It’s something that I don’t want to talk about.” I said in a sad voice.
“Then explain to me why I haven’t heard from you since Friday of last week Aiden. I thought we weren’t going to keep secrets anymore? I thought… I mean c’mon Aiden…” She turns around and leaves me there. Was coming back to school really what I wanted? At this moment I just need one person. The one person that has been there for me. The one person that knows what I’m going through; has always known what I have been going through.
Taking out my phone, I tapped the messenger app, typing fast; I sent a message to Court, asking if she wanted to get lunch off campus today. I really didn’t want to be around others today. I don’t know why I thought coming back to school was a good idea. My friends want to know what happened to me, and they get pissed off when I tell them that I don’t want to talk about it. Respect a person’s privacy, for crying out loud.
I shove my books back into my locker. Leaning my head on the door, I sighed. I’m not worthless, I’m not a piece of shit, I’m not a loser. Who am I kidding, yes I am… I’m all those things and more. Why couldn’t I be graced with the popularity gene? Why couldn’t I have been the one everyone liked? “FUCK!” I yelled out, bringing a fist down on my locker. I need to get out of here…
Thank you again for reading.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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