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The content presented here is for informational or educational purposes only. These are just the authors' personal opinions and knowledge.
Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are based on the authors' lives and experiences and may be changed to protect personal information. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Cozy Contemplations - 23. Chapter 23 Embrace

The power of touch....

Cozy Contemplations



Chapter 23: Embrace



Don’t speak

Just gather me in

And hold tight


No, don’t speak

Just breathe

As you envelope me


Let me feel

Your heart beat

Against mine


Let me hear

Your breath

In my ear


Let me scent

Your humanity

And your essence


Reach up

And glide your fingers

Through my hair


Cup my skull

As a mother would

Her child


Tell me

With your arms

I matter


Reassure me

With your embrace

That I am not






Thanks for reading. :) 
Copyright © 2017 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.
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The content presented here is for informational or educational purposes only. These are just the authors' personal opinions and knowledge.
Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are based on the authors' lives and experiences and may be changed to protect personal information. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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Garry, I love this so much!  Very touching, I like all your contemplations, but this one touched my heart.
It is very tender. It could be very well the text of one those German lieder by Schubert.

Edited by Job
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The most basic of human needs--touch.  Before any other sensations can form, we are warm and protected in the womb, and the next we have is of a soothing heartbeat.  There is something seriously wrong with a culture that discourages such things to any degree, but more so in those where artificial barriers are instilled...children need such reassurances from both parents, but that is often deemed 'unmanly' for a father and son.

Beyond such disparagement, those wo do mange to show affection are in for accusations of being effeminate, or even harboring carnal desires where those aren't intended at all. 

It's a miracle that families can continue to exist in this era where any expression of caring is seen as potential sex crime.

Thank you, society for seeing evil in any simple act of humanity.  'Love one another as you would yourself'--right, as long as they hold your views, the rest can be lost in the Outer Darkness.  Merely policing speech of any hints of incorrectness doesn't make the world a better place...that can be done only by truly accepting everyone as your brother without reservation.

I say, 'bully' for Gary, for reminding us of our most common link as a species.

:hug::kiss:   :heart:

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How wonderfully you bring the reader into the embrace, how you make us present to the yearning and the beauty. This is sensual, simple and exquisite. 

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12 hours ago, Timothy M. said:

Are you channeling Kellar or Tobyn ? :wub: 

Tough call, I’m going to say both :) 

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23 hours ago, Job said:

Garry, I love this so much!  Very touching, I like all your contemplations, but this one touched my heart.
It is very tender. It could be very well the text of one those German lieder by Schubert.

Thanks, buddy. This was my first poem in quite a while... so glad you liked it... awesome compliment... :hug: 

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23 hours ago, northie said:

So simple, so tender, and beautiful. :hug: Thank you.  :)

Thanks, northie! I like how you describe this poem. :hug: 

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23 hours ago, Timothy M. said:

Are you channeling Kellar or Tobyn ? :wub: 

Since they're both part of me, I'd have to say both... or all three of us :)  Thank you, Tim! :hug: 

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21 hours ago, ColumbusGuy said:

The most basic of human needs--touch.  Before any other sensations can form, we are warm and protected in the womb, and the next we have is of a soothing heartbeat.  There is something seriously wrong with a culture that discourages such things to any degree, but more so in those where artificial barriers are instilled...children need such reassurances from both parents, but that is often deemed 'unmanly' for a father and son.

Beyond such disparagement, those wo do mange to show affection are in for accusations of being effeminate, or even harboring carnal desires where those aren't intended at all. 

It's a miracle that families can continue to exist in this era where any expression of caring is seen as potential sex crime.

Thank you, society for seeing evil in any simple act of humanity.  'Love one another as you would yourself'--right, as long as they hold your views, the rest can be lost in the Outer Darkness.  Merely policing speech of any hints of incorrectness doesn't make the world a better place...that can be done only by truly accepting everyone as your brother without reservation.

I say, 'bully' for Gary, for reminding us of our most common link as a species.

:hug::kiss:   :heart:

Society certainly has changed, hasn't it? There are more and more pitfalls in relationships, family or otherwise, yet the one thing that hasn't changed is our need for simple human contact. We need the closeness, and the reassurance and support that gives us. Thanks buddy, for seeing to the heart of things they way you do. Gary xoxoxo :hug: 

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19 hours ago, LitLover said:

Simply beautiful, Gary.  Sometimes that simple touch is all you need. :hug: 

Thank you, Lit!  Yes, and it is a need. :)  :hug: 

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19 hours ago, Parker Owens said:

How wonderfully you bring the reader into the embrace, how you make us present to the yearning and the beauty. This is sensual, simple and exquisite. 

Thank you so much, Parker. I was pushing poetry away for a while... but that can only work for so long. :)  I'm glad you liked this offering. :hug: 

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19 hours ago, Defiance19 said:

This is beautiful Gary.. I was half expecting to feel arms around me. 

Such a nice thing to hear, Def, that this gave you that. Thank you so much. :hug: 

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10 hours ago, Bucket1 said:

Tough call, I’m going to say both :) 

Yup, I'd have to say both. :)  Thanks, buddy! :hug: 

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