Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Widderkin - 41. Chapter 41
Chapter 41.
Ranevargar's foot shifted slightly and Rhys adjusted his shoulder to keep him steady while he made the physical contact with Maurice that was essential to complete the return of his lost memories.
A quick glance at Woorawa showed him staring upwards through the green glow to where Ranevargar's hands were resting just below Maurice’s golden eyes. They’d used this same tactic for Kieran but the appearance of the glow and the sense of joy spilling from Maurice was making this yet another incredible experience. A shared experience too, because Kieran, in his not-K voice, had called for the group physical contact he liked for special situations, and everyone was gathered close in the space between Maurice’s mighty legs. What was Woorawa thinking? The glance had showed the usual half smile that made you feel like smiling along with him. Gods! So different to the intense concentration of a short while ago when the mystery of his chant had stilled the three Fetches directing fear and submission at them and held them motionless long enough to dispel with a super charged Spook rope.
Kieran's hand tightened on his shoulder. It felt good but quickly relaxed. Did it mean something? Probably, but it was hard to tell while Ranevargar was controlling him. Well, he'd be himself again when Maurice started flying. How long was this contact going to last? It must look weird to all those elves gathered in the courtyard. Kieran's grip tightened again.
Amazing! The awareness of all the unbelievable things Ranevargar had had him doing was overridden at the moment when Ranevargar's hands make contact with Maurice and the flood of joyous communion between Realm Lord and construct filled their minds. Information poured both ways and, linked in this uniquely complete way, Kieran watched the already unfathomable complexity of Ranevargar's mind blossom and expand in new ways.
With an understanding that the ultimate trust he’d given was being returned, Kieran watched memories and lost abilities return and refresh in Ranevargar's mind. Unbelievable memories - there was the method for creating a new Maurice. - there was strange knowledge of the interaction between the Outer Realm boundaries and the Chaos they held at bay - and, yes, there was the knowledge of portal construction – and there was a memory of Ranevargar monitoring and directing Nexus energy? ... The High King’s prerogative ... How far back did these memories extend?
"Later, Kieran. Maurice and I are finished our exchange and it is time to move. I will relinquish control when we are airborne and Maynor is separated from the resources of his Castle and Court."
The green glow disappeared, Ranevargar dropped, quite nimbly, to the ground, and Kieran listened to himself take charge again.
"Lord Ranevargar, the High King has made summons for a High Council and I ask for your company as sponsor and friend."
"That will be both honour and pleasure, Kieran. Will I travel with you or with my Guardian?"
"Your Guardian has striven mightily for your release, and bearing you to the High Castle would be a well-deserved honour."
Ranevargar nodded and moved towards Krol.
"Woorawa, instruct Lord Maynor and his attendant in the use of a Guardian harness and helmet then return to the Dragon."
Woorawa gave a startled look then beckoned to Maynor and ran to Kron and Kan.
Kieran pointed to Maurice with a gesture of authority and called the full channel of power he would need for this difficult take off from the confines of a courtyard. A great nimbus of blue glow surrounded Maurice’s head then flowed like a river of light to cover both wings while the real power was taken and readied for use.
"Lead the way, Rhys. These Castle elves and any others watching will see that in the Realms the five companions are riders and friends of the Dragon. We will awe them with the spectacle of his takeoff."
Rhys gave Kieran a look of recognition that he knew it was really Ranevargar speaking, then turned to give the nearby scaly leg a few friendly whacks.
"Give them all something to remember, Maurice. A short burst of the eye treatment should do it."
Maurice’s head lowered and a message must have passed because Rhys's face lit up with one of his cheeky grins. He turned again, pointed, and twelve Power Masters and the triads behind them dropped involuntarily to their knees as the eyes of the Dragon engulfed their will. Three more hand gestures subjected the onlookers from the three remaining Court sides to the same gaze before Rhys's blithe wave of dismissal released them all.
"Thanks, Maurice."
Maurice’s head inclined in acknowledgement.
The climb up Maurice’s back through the shimmering blue glow was a brief, surreal impression in the minds of the Court watchers, overridden completely when unseen power lifted him high enough above the Castle ramparts to allow unhindered wing beats.
As if in response to his wishes, vision of the Castle below filled Tan's mind as Dragon eyes watched Krol and the other two Guardians launch from the courtyard and pour strength into the task of gaining height and then positioning themselves slightly behind. Fifty other Guardians shifted their watchful circling to a double V of convoy flying.
"My friends, we fly to a meeting of the High Court. I will continue to act through Kieran till I am certain of Lord Maynor's full compliance."
"Is Kieran all right?"
"Yes, Rhys. He will be himself soon but I need his strength to monitor a number of things first. He should be with you in a matter of minutes."
"Why is Maynor coming with our protection?"
"He comes to face the High King, Tan, but the protection is necessary for Kieran's well-being. Maynor has a hold over his unshielded mind which we need to guard against."
"Yes, Mr B. Together Kieran and I are formidable. As you know, he has abilities that are beyond me but my contact with Maurice is returning my own unique abilities and combined we are, as I said, formidable."
"Have you recovered the knowledge about portals?"
"I have, Tan, and as soon as we are clear of all this complication Kieran will be able to master the necessary techniques. The news is not all good, however. The conflict between Maynor and the High King has seriously damaged the underlying portal structure and delay is inevitable while it is repaired."
"You are trying to be gentle with us, Ranevargar. How lengthy is the delay?"
"I can't make a definitive response, Mr B, as there are many factors for consideration, but the delay could well be significant ... Lord Maynor is seeking to covertly manipulate Kron's mind. Excuse me. Kieran will be with you shortly."
Except for the gift of vision through Maurice's eyes, Ranevargar's presence went, and Tan fought to contain his disappointment.
Significant? Surely that must mean a long time? No! Don't dwell on it. Wait and see what Kieran had to say. He'd work something out.
The wait went on and on, with the only input the passing view of the Realm below.
Maurice’s occasional head twist checked on the Griffins behind, with Krol and Ranevargar at the apex of the formation and Kron and Kan flanking.
All the riders’ faces were hidden behind the protective helmets but Maynor was very distinctive with the finery of his red leathers. What did Ranevargar mean by a hold? Surely Kieran's shields would keep him safe? And Woorawa's mysterious chant was strong enough to hold three Fetches? How had Ranevargar known that?
And what about this High King they were flying to meet? Tan remembered Ranevargar describing him as the most powerful elf in all of Faerie. If he wasn't angry he might be able to help with the portal ... It might be a good idea if Kieran and Ranevargar joined up again to face him.
Whoo! The world suddenly rotated, the view went crazy, steadied to show the ground below rushing towards them, then changed to clear sky. A wash of pleasure was a message that Maurice was revelling in his flying.
"Yo everyone! Maurice is just venting for a bit."
Tan joined the excited, fourfold mental shout.
"Yep! It's me, while Ranevargar gets himself together. He’s taking control again before we get to the High Castle so they don't argue with us."
"Gets himself together?"
"Yes, Mr B, we’ve had so much stuff to watch he hasn't had a proper chance since his physical contact with Maurice."
"You sound like you're all right, Kieran, but it was pretty weird when Ranevargar was controlling you, like you were a different person."
"It was weird for me too, Rhys, but it was a good weird and it sure worked. I can hardly believe some of what we did."
"Some? Don't you mean all? The only thing that looked like it was you was the blue glow when Maurice powered up for flying again."
"One of the biggest things was when we made Maynor kneel, Woorawa, and that was all me. Ranevargar hasn't got a clue how I can directly take over a Realm Stone, and it was me protecting Rhys when Maynor threw all that Ruby energy at him."
"When you made me glow blue and Woorawa collected all those rubies? I didn't feel a thing."
"Maynor was desperate by then, Rhys, but Ranevargar knew he wouldn't give up without trying something so he got me to reinforce everyone's shields."
"What did Ranevargar mean about Maynor having a hold over you?"
"I don't know. I only learnt about it when he answered your question, Tan, so it was a shock to me too. We’re having a planning time once we cross the High King’s Boundary and I’m sure I’ll find out then."
"Another Boundary? The Opal is sure working overtime."
"It never stops. The energy channel from the Nexus place is permanent, Woorawa, and I am not used to that yet, but I won't need the Opal for this Boundary because the High King will open it for us."
"Are you sure? Bringing a dragon and fifty Griffins through will need an awful lot of power, and I thought he had none left."
"I don't know, Mr B. We gave him back his Nexus power so that probably covers it."
"You should have kept it in case he tries something else against us."
"It's needed to help the Realms keep working properly, Rhys. Ranevargar didn't even think of keeping it."
"Right! Well, the Opal’s probably better anyway. What’s going to happen with the High King?"
"We told him to summon his High Council so I guess they’ll decide what to do about Maynor's challenge."
"Ha! Is that all? What about the kidnapping and all the other stuff they've done to us? Are they going to keep doing that?"
"They wouldn't dare! We've got Ranevargar and Maurice and all these Guardians backing us and I’ll throw a zillion tons of Opal energy at them if they even look like trying."
Kieran's determination and conviction was so strong Mr B got goosebumps.
"Yay! Way to go, Kieran! Make them all kneel like Maynor did."
Rhys's suggestion built a mental image which morphed Keiran’s determination into the first feeling of amusement in quite a while.
"The ruler of Faerie and all his Realm Lords getting their knees dirty? Doubts, Rhys!"
"One look from Maurice and they’d be on their stomachs, not just their knees ... And then they can say why they’re after us."
"Ranevargar already knows a lot but we haven't had a chance to talk about it."
"He knows?"
"Maynor must have told him things while he was still a prisoner, Mr B, which is a bit curious."
"It's even more curious that he’s kept it to himself. Hasn't he shared everything else that's happened?"
"I can't believe how much he’s shared, Mr B. When we’re a double mind I can see every single thing he’s thinking."
"Double mind?"
"That's the main way I see it, Tan. He can use everything I know as well as everything he knows, and even put them together for things neither of us can do."
"That doesn't sound right, like getting something for nothing"
"I knew how to soak up the energy from the Rubies, Tan, and Ranevargar can't do that, but there’s no way I could take instant control of thirteen Power Master minds. The double mind put all that together in one smooth action."
"I see ... I think I see."
Woorawa pushed in.
"Soaking up energy instead of calling it, Kieran? You’ve never talked about that before."
"That's because I forgot I could do it. Ranevargar knew from watching my memories of how I fought off the big mental attack at home and he got me to do it again."
Kieran laughed.
"And you can't make me practise it because it only works when someone’s attacking with lots of energy."
"Yeah! I'll talk to Maurice and Ranevargar then. They can attack you."
"That is a great idea, Woorawa. It is an excellent skill which I would like to learn."
"Maurice! You’ve been listening?"
"Of course, Woorawa. The Maker is incommunicado while he re-establishes what was lost. Kieran would have to provide the energy for any practice because I have none to spare myself, but it would be a valuable exercise for all of us."
"Hey! Will your eye thing work against this Council we’re meeting?"
"I'm sure it will, Rhys, but we must be very careful to follow the Maker's lead in the coming situation. We deal with the High Council of all Faerie, not simply one rebel Realm Lord. He has dealt with powerful personalities for many centuries and he has the knowledge and skills to negotiate outcomes which will benefit all ... Yes, all, Rhys, including our own group. The goodwill and assistance of the High Council could well be vital to our endeavours."
"What if they try to take Rhys again? They were all part of it, Maurice."
Dragon amusement washed through everyone.
"My reaction as his protector, let alone any redress from the Maker/Kieran merge, would be burnt into their memories for ever, Tan. A meeting of the High Council will, however, be free of any such petty conniving."
"Do you think Maynor will end up in prison?"
"Never, Rhys. That is not the Elven way."
"Yes it is! Ranevargar was treated much worse than just prison. His body was paralysed and his mind was trapped by that helmet. Maynor should get a taste of his own treatment."
"My own reaction would be to take his mind in thrall till he willingly undertook re-education, but Maker/Kieran placed him under their protection ... Look ahead. The High Realm Boundary Wall is visible."
Since everyone was seeing with Maurice's vision the looking was already happening but interpretation was independent.
"Yes, Rhys. I think it is just a signifier for the High King ... Like Kieran's blue."
Woorawa laughed.
"Kieran's blue wouldn't work very well for a Wall. It's the same colour as the sky."
"It would for dawn and dusk. It’d be totally specco then."
Mr B interrupted.
"I'm more interested in whether the colour uses much power. It might mean the High King hasn't got enough energy to try something. What do you think, Kieran?"
"I don't know anything about the Boundaries except how to get through them, Mr B ... Do you know, Maurice?"
"Not without accessing and studying the Maker’s knowledge. Don't be concerned about the High King, Mr B. The Maker is confident that nothing untoward will happen."
Kieran was surprised.
"Are you talking to him, Maurice? My link shows his mind’s working at about a thousand miles an hour."
"No, Kieran. He passed a tentative plan of action while we were in communion. We will hear from him soon though, as the Boundary crossing is now only minutes away."
"How long from the crossing to the High Castle?"
"I'm not sure, Tan. The High Realm is new territory for me, but my understanding of its relative size means that even at this slow speed we will be there soon."
"Slow? ... Are the Griffins struggling to keep up?"
"No, Rhys, but I am constantly monitoring Krol because, although the food brought by his companions has helped, his strength is not recovered."
"What? ... Is he all right? Kieran, we should have boosted him back at Maynor's Castle. Get him to land on Maurice’s back again."
Kieran, as concerned as Rhys for Krol’s well-being, reached to check.
"He’s flying at about two thirds effort, Rhys, and he's proud as anything to be carrying Ranevargar and leading all the other Griffins. He’s coping so he’d be mad as a snake if we change that and Ranevargar’s helping him somehow ... It's like Maurice’s power takeoffs ... But I don't know how Ranevargar’s doing it."
"He told us about that back at the Groves, Kieran."
"I know, and Maurice does it with his takeoffs, but that's built in. Ranevargar’s applying it to Krol from externally."
"Gods! The wall is clearer. Purple makes it look amazing."
That focused everyone's attention on the looming boundary.
"It's different, Kieran. Are you or Maurice screening out all the normal effects?"
A clear voice supplied the answer.
"Very different, Mr B. It is structured without the disturbing effects of a natural boundary."
"Ranevargar! Is your brain unjumbled yet?"
"Never, Rhys. By the time I sort out one problem three more have taken its place, but I am much recovered thank you."
"What about your body? We can give you another health boost when we land. Your legs were pretty wonky."
"Wonky ... I see. Yes, they were, but riding Krol is a wonderful stimulation for both my mind and my body."
"Great! ... Are you going to tell us about any dramas before you go all weird again with Kieran?"
"I will be working with Kieran for an exceedingly dramatic presence, Rhys, but apart from facing ten Fetches there should be nothing threatening."
"... Ten!"
Kieran was as startled as everyone till he checked.
"Ranevargar’s learning about stirring, Rhys. The Fetches won't be after us ... They’re kind of ceremonial guards for the High King ... How do you know that, Ranevargar?"
"I made brief contact to confirm the Boundary is ready for our passage, Kieran, and to inform the High King that for Maurice's inclusion the Council meeting should convene in the great Courtyard."
"I will be included, Maker?"
"Of course, Maurice, as advisor to Kieran and as the sole and primary Guardian of a reawakened Realm."
"Wow! Neat, Maurice! They’ll sure listen when you’ve got things to say."
"Indeed they will, Rhys, but at this meeting Kieran's voice will speak for us all."
"Like at Maynor's Castle?"
"Yes, Tan, but with even more authority. The Realms must see that his position cannot be questioned."
Mr B voiced the thought in everyone's mind.
"More than with Maynor?"
"Yes... But the Boundary looms and Kieran and I must make ready."
Ranevargar's voice went silent and Rhys understood that Kieran was now embarked on a joint experience with Ranevargar that was even more important than the rescue at Maynor's Castle.
The view swivelled to the rear and showed all the Griffins bunching into a tight group and moving close. Krol was so close he’d only have to manoeuver a couple of metres and he’d be able to take the piggyback hold. Oh boy! The close piercing gaze of fifty Griffins sure was an awesome sight.
"Don't worry, Rhys. I will protect you if the boundary sends them into a frenzy."
What? ... Was he serious? No, it was more stirring.
"Hey! You’re watching my thoughts!"
"Of course, Rhys, as you all agreed. I am your backup while Kieran and Ranevargar are otherwise occupied."
Rhys didn't answer for a moment because Maurice’s convoy check finished and he turned his attention to the fast approaching boundary.
"Is that Wall for real?"
"Definitely, Rhys. We are about to pass through it.
"I mean it's ... it's beautiful."
Ranevargar did something which tightened their mind link so much that Kieran lost his general link with Rhys and the others. No, not quite. It was still there but suppressed.
"Yes, Kieran. Your shields protect us from any outside intrusion but you might need privacy for the heavy decisions ahead of you."
"How heavy? I don't like the sound of that."
"I can see no way for you to leave the Realms in the near future. The great Realm wide portal system has been so drained of power that it's very structure has degraded to the point of collapse."
"The Opal can put the power back."
"Yes, Kieran. It can return the power and optimise the process, but I am afraid the repair itself is a time-consuming growth process which could take several years."
"Years! ... That's way too long."
"Very much so, especially for Tan and Woorawa, when you take account of the different time rates."
"Time rates?"
"A day in Faerie equates to more than four in the human world."
"What? We've been away for ... over a month? That’s unbelievable. Ranevargar, that’s eight or nine home years before the portal’s ready. We’ll have to find another way."
"I don't know of any. Kieran, I now have the details of how you came to be in the human world."
"... The way you say that means I really am an elf. Is the High King my father?"
"He believed he was paving the way for his Heir."
"Me? High King? ... That’s crazy!"
The qualification registered.
"Why do you say believed?"
"Widderkin are not accepted at any level in Courts of the Realm and you were being conditioned to have a proper outlook."
"My own father would do that to me? It’s not conditioning. It’s brainwashing and that's ... barbaric."
"Don't judge too harshly or too hastily, Kieran. The strictures of our underlying culture are powerful indeed."
"I do judge. It's cruel and unforgivable."
"Far too hasty, Kieran, since you willingly agreed to the conditioning yourself."
"No I didn't ... … … That doesn't feel right, Ranevargar, are you sure?"
"I can assure you it is and you will see for yourself when I show you the information I have drawn from Maynor."
"... I didn't have Rhys then."
"No, you had someone else. Someone who meant as much to you as Rhys does."
"?? ... They couldn't."
"Of course they could."
"Well, it still doesn't feel right. Who was it?"
"His name is Pethron."
"Of course. He hasn't been disposed of."
Ranevargar's ‘is’ rang in Kieran's mind with a strong presence.
"He’s still involved somehow?"
"Very much so, Kieran. For the Realm, and for your brightest prospects, he agreed to lose you."
"I wouldn't have agreed. You’ll have to show me before I can accept it’s true."
"It happened, Kieran, but you are right. You wouldn't have agreed, so why do you think you did?"
"I wouldn't but I did? It's mind tricks again isn't it?"
"The most devious and adroit strategy of mind manipulation I have ever encountered."
"That means Maynor ... Maynor worked on my mind so I agreed?... That doesn't make sense either. If I became eligible that would make it harder for him to be High King."
"Your conditioning was a ploy to gain mastery of Nexus energy, a very successful ploy."
"Ye gods! I was just a pawn for his power game?"
"As the game turns I would describe you as a knight rather than a pawn. Along with the High King, the Lore Master and Lady Narello, Maynor manipulated every major player in the Realms."
"Why this roundabout way of telling me?"
"How does the knight piece stand in your judgement, Kieran?"
"Um! ... Right! I see! ... I can't judge the High King and not myself when he was tricked as much as I was, don't you?"
Relief, and then satisfaction, played across Ranevargar's mind, along with a sense of a new respect.
"Yes, Kieran, and, I hope, acceptance. My primary concern is that alienation will hurt both you and your father. Beyond that is the need for harmony and cooperation while the Realms recover."
"I can accept how the High King acted, Ranevargar, especially if I agreed to it, but it's weird too, because my memories tell me I don't even have a father. Do you think I’ll remember him when we meet?"
"Not a chance. Lord Maynor worked on your mind for months, crafting and reinforcing your current persona with exceptional brilliance. He holds your elven memories in much the same way you held mine."
"... I don't like that."
"Neither do I. It is one of the reasons we have him under our protection, and before he returns to his Realm we must do something about it."
"Well, mostly me, but it will be best if he believes it is you."
"Are we going to call on the Opal much?"
"You anticipate me. Yes, we need you to appear unassailable again, and a demonstration of that mysterious new channel would be particularly valuable."
"No worries. What are you going to do with it? That’s an awful lot of energy."
"It will be most impressive, Kieran."
"Will I call ... What was that?"
"We passed the High Realm Boundary. We must merge. Watch and take full note of every word and action made by the High King and the three Realm Lords."
"Three? There are only Uirebon and Maynor."
"With our aid, Lady Narello could well make a surprise appearance."
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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