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Widderkin - 43. Chapter 43
Chapter 43.
Uirebon's quiet consideration before offering Kieran his support surprised Aglaron and pleased Ranevargar.
"My Lord, I sense that within this deep privacy there is a strong expectation to speak openly. Keryth is clearly more than qualified for the title of High Lord and does have my support.
I have serious reservations though.
I perceive him as your son, the elf we sent to the human world, but the Dragon was larger than the Castle itself, the same Dragon now watching in the Courtyard. With such mastery Keryth could well be presenting in the form designed to touch your heart. He demonstrates abilities unknown or rare to the Realms and wields power as if it were a toy. And how can he proclaim himself a Realm Lord? That is a Stewardship granted only by the High King. The unknowns are seemingly endless."
Wariness rose in Aglaron's mind and he gave Kieran/Keryth regard, both physically and mentally.
"Are you Keryth? Uirebon expresses real concerns."
"Lord Uirebon, your station as Lore Master and advisor to the High King is truly deserved.
Yes, father, I am Keryth. More accurately I am Kieran, with a recent understanding of my origin as Keryth. Information drawn from the Lord Maynor's mind shows both how and why this came to be.
I don't claim to be a Realm Lord. I AM a Realm Lord. Almost of its own volition my Opal aligned itself with the Nexus and restored order to the Lost Realm. Lord Ranevargar conjectures that my Opal is one of the six original Realm Stones, a Realm Stone that was lost when its holder left the Realms.
For your own certainty, Uirebon, I invite you to observe how my Opal connects me."
Uirebon studied the structure now revealed with increasing interest. Yes, Keryth was incontrovertibly a Realm Lord, there was the pattern, much like his own, linking Lord to Stone and to Realm. But also with a strange relegation of control ... The Dragon, under Keryth's authority, was actively managing the basic functions of the Realm ... And other functions?
The patterns passed from view and Uirebon refocused his attention.
"The Dragon is a wonder, Keryth, but much of what it can do is new to me."
"As it is for me, Uirebon. At the Central Grove there will be time for extensive discussion.
And, father, I have no proper understanding of the abilities I have unaccountably developed. It is clear that my Opal is the primary cause but how that can be is a mystery. According to Lord Ranevargar a Realm Stone will augment existing skills and abilities, not provide completely new ones."
"You don't understand your own abilities?"
"How can I? I have the human perception and understanding that the things I do are the fantasies of entertainment and storytelling. I discuss with my companions whether this is even real or part of an extraordinary dream."
"What of the power you wield? That is no dream."
"It’s unlikely nature could be regarded as strengthening the idea that this is all a dream."
Aglaron gave a curious look.
"I don't accept that I could be the figment of someone's imagination."
"The power is also an enigma. Until I awoke Maurice I thought it was all part of my Opal but now there are three distinct sources. My Opal energy, energy from the Nexus, and another exceedingly powerful flow which, while it comes through the Opal, has a strange sense of otherness. Lord Ranevargar says it is new to the Realms and suggests that Lord Uirebon, in particular, might be able to find some explanation ... Maurice will require power to leave the courtyard so join and watch while I help him."
Aglaron and Uirebon had watched and marvelled at these power flows as outsiders and from afar. Joining with Keryth and experiencing the call itself and the answering torrent of energy was astonishing.
In the Courtyard a reservoir of energy formed above the Dragon then dwindled as it was seized and stored. When the call finished Aglaron was too amazed to respond and Uirebon had so many questions he hardly knew where to start. He glanced at Lord Ranevargar standing so quiet and reserved beside Keryth.
"I have no explanation but I agree with Lord Ranevargar. There is a feeling of otherness, but how can you control so much power?"
"I don't know. I nearly lost it the first time. Ranevargar says it is a natural ability but my Opal must be involved."
"Lost it?"
"A term for panic, Uirebon. The volume and strength was overwhelming, but we will explore all this and more at the Central Grove. Time defeats us.
... Father, I must insist, regardless of my own inclination, that Lord Maynor keeps full independence of mind and skill. I give surety against any unlawful challenge and suggest you draw on his extraordinary capability with heavy demands for assistance and restitution."
"I plan to pass his Realm Stone to a new Realm Ruler."
"That was my first thought but I now agree with Lord Ranevargar that that path would not be in the interests of the Realms, and most unwise. After yourself there is no elf in Faerie with so much capability and drive. Use it."
Uirebon expressed his disagreement.
"Maynor's abilities are pale shadows against the light of your own, Keryth."
"I have my own path to decide, Uirebon."
In the courtyard Lord Maynor looked toward them with obvious purpose.
"... Our private talk must end. Maynor informs me that Lady Narello is waiting. Father, a proper meeting with my companions must wait till you reach the Central Grove. The press of events has given me no opportunity to clear the strong animosity they all hold."
Aglaron wanted a different approach.
"I should face them myself, Keryth. I know almost nothing of your doings after you broke Maynor's hold and disappeared. Surely you can delay your departure?"
"I cannot. I need time with my friends, with Ranevargar, with Maurice, and time to set the foundations for my Realm. Lord Ranevargar will help me smooth the way for a congenial and far more memorable meeting at his Grove."
There was no time for a reply. The special shield dissolved along with the sense of openness and inclusion, leaving Aglaron and Uirebon with a curious anticipation as to what Keryth meant by memorable.
"Amazing, my Lord. Despite his direct and personal manner he remains unreadable."
"Yes, Uirebon, though I have a sense he is driven in ways he keeps to himself ... Lord Maynor looks distracted."
Uirebon turned his attention from Keryth, who was partially supporting Ranevargar while they rejoined their companions, to watch Maynor repeatedly turn his head between the Dragon, the Warrior and the tall elf Lord who was Lady Narello's permanent representative to the High Court.
"More than distracted, My Lord. I would say apprehensive. I think the Dragon's attention is unsettling him."
"Yes, but Lady Narello's consul is ... Oh!"
The consul shimmered strangely, blurred then morphed disconcertingly from his tall male form to Lady Narello's shorter and very female presence.
Uirebon, probing without success for the normal traces of a projection, watched her rapid survey and quick recovery while two hands grasped the chair in front of her as if testing its reality. A storm of indignation gathered and, after pausing at the presence of the Dragon, turned on the High King.
"What manner of summons is this, Aglaron? You call a High Council without warning then demean me by asking my arch rival to facilitate my presence … And what of my Consul? Is he subsumed in some manner?" "
She touched her face and then the robe she was wearing.
"This is not the link I expected. Explain yourself."
Aglaron was about to answer when Keryth murmured something and a laugh took the attention of everyone in the courtyard, the same laugh that had sounded once already.
"Wow! She's really feisty. Is this the other Realm Ruler, Kieran?"
Lady Narello's features suffused with colour as she turned toward the food tables.
Oh my! Aglaron braced for the reaction.
"Is that a human who makes mockery?"
Lady Narello's imperious frown added intention to her rising voice.
"If you don't call due account for happenings in this Court than I will."
Her arm raised in gesture.
"Desist, Narello!"
The strength of Aglaron's command rocked Lady Narello with shock.
"Theatrics have no place here today. The Warrior has my respect and protection in every corner of every Realm. Leave him be or the demeaning you pretend could well be exacted beyond expectation."
Lady Narello recovered somewhat.
"I am a Realm Ruler, High King, and above any real demeaning."
"So you might believe, but the Warrior has other protections. Face the Dragon and make the same threat."
More recovered, Lady Narello disdained to even look at Maurice.
"You project an image of a mythical creature to impress us with your own ceremonial splendour, while saying there is no place for theatrics ?"
A further laugh interrupted whatever else she was about to say.
"The Witch from the West! Melt her, Maurice. She thinks you’re an illusion."
Lady Narello turned her full gaze to study the source of such blatant ridicule ... Curious clothing, a watchful manner cloaked by a carefree pose, hidden strength and a sense of connection with those beside him. A light mental probe rebounded from a strangely disturbing shield.
… Caution! Caution! Caution!
Ignore the challenge and acknowledge the unknown.
With a reversal of manner she gave a minimal nod of acknowledgement then addressed the High King.
"Why does this strangely clad youth who challenges me so curiously have your protection, and why are he and his companions here?"
Aglaron, distinctly aware that the Dragon had been on the verge of taking some action, showed his instant approval.
"Wisely considered, Lady Narello. The Warrior is companion to the Lord of the now restored Lost Realm, friend and master of the Dragon, holder of a Stone of power, and the instrument of intervention to Lord Maynor's unlawful Challenge. Observe the Dragon's eyes if you need to test it's reality."
Aglaron watched Lady Narello's disbelief grow with each revelation to complete denial, temper with doubt because of his authority, then resolve to intent.
"Lady Narello, beware!"
Confident eyes lifted to regard the golden pools of instantly disconcerting awareness. Lifted, then unaccountably lost all volition and locked in place ... Beautiful! Oh so beautiful! A wash of calm and wonderful peace replaced any concern for power and position with a rapture of adoration.
"Maurice, that's enough!"
As the words penetrated, the ocean of calm vanished. Lady Narello lowered the arms reaching for beautiful oblivion with shocked awareness as identity returned. The High King spoke truly. Never again would she willingly gaze into those eyes, but right now the imperative was to acknowledge her release.
The Warrior was smiling with satisfaction. It would be wise to revise her manner toward him. That thought was lost with surprise at the speaker next to him ... Her first thought was that High King Aglaron presented himself in youthful guise. The likeness was powerful but, no, there were subtle differences. Shaking the lingering effects of those dreadful eyes she considered the High King’s startling revelations. Well, he was certainly the High King’s son, though out of place with that drab clothing, and the Dragon enchantment had ceased at his word. Repressing every hint of haughtiness she expressed her thanks with a courteous bow of acknowledgement.
The bow was returned with understanding and confidence, unsettling, even jarring, from one so young.
"Beware the eyes of my Dragon, Lady Narello. He protects my friends and my Realm with a puissance new to Faerie. Open your mind so we can speak privately."
"Open?" ... Power flared instinctively to strengthen her shield walls.
"I am a Realm Ruler. That is not proper."
"Very well."
A puzzling structure overlaid her barriers and a clear communication sounded.
"We have privacy while your deeper thoughts are still your own.
Lady Narello, you are ignorant."
Shocked that shields strengthened by her Stone of Power meant nothing, Lady Narello sensed this was no derogation, just a clear statement of fact. Well, that was immediately evident, but the implication was all encompassing rather than immediate.
"In some ways we are all ignorant. You have my full attention ... Rather, you demand my full attention."
"Yes I do, for a time and for your own enlightenment. Lord Maynor has been manipulating your mind for centuries."
"... No!"
"Every decision made in that period has been to Lord Maynor's advantage."
This simply wasn't credible, especially coming from a youth barely finished his basic training if her scant knowledge of Aglaron’s son served correctly, but the certainty was too powerful to ignore.
"Would you prefer to hear it from Maynor, or will I show you directly."
Thoughts churned with confusion and alarm.
"Show me directly? … With such an ability you could substitute any manipulations with your own."
"I'm not interested. I have serious matters to attend."
The matter-of-fact dismissal of a working capability to change the inner workings of a Realm Ruler’s mind as minor was so startling to Lady Narello that she now accepted the High King’s every claim, and indicated the need to see anything being offered.
The young elf nodded his approval and touched the gemstone now glowing softly at his chest.
"Follow my path to the deeper levels of your mind, Lady Narello, and watch while I highlight the subtle network imposed on the processes you employ for decision-making. I don't have the key to clear it yet but Lord Maynor will do that when the Council finishes."
Lady Narello watched gentle tendrils probe deeper and deeper, till they accessed a level new to her, then steadily reveal a complicated set of structures entangled all round with a red hued network.
"See, Lady Narello, this is a work of great mastery, nurtured with great care for a long time."
"All that mesh of red subverts my decisions? Leeching me of independent thought? ... Destroy it. It is demeaning beyond any acceptance."
"See how close it twines? If I destroy it now there will be damage to your own processes. The safe manner of release is keyed to Lord Maynor's mind. All will be well if you wait."
"Waiting leaves me open to influence while we are in Council."
"I have warned him against using any such influence. He heeds me."
"He may appear to heed you, but if the High King decides through this Council to diminish him he will, by his nature, resist. He controls great reserves of power."
"Lady Narello, he heeds me. The power you ceded him is gone.
"I face censure from this Council then?"
"The High King understands your actions well. He himself learnt just now that, along with Lord Uirebon, his own decisions have also been manipulated."
Hearing that the High King was unlikely to hold her responsible for actions initiated by Maynor brought a resurgence of Lady Narello's normal confidence.
"The High King? And he learnt this from you?"
"To his great surprise, Lady Narello, along with knowledge of certain other events which I would like to share with you."
Everyone is waiting for us. Listen carefully."
The companions watched Kieran glide smoothly from beside them, through midair, to settle where Ranevargar was dismounting from Krol.
"Sheba! When did he learn that?"
Woorawa laughed at Rhys's expression.
"You really will need that kryptonite now."
"I don't think so, Woorawa. It’ll be Ranevargar remembering stuff to make Kieran more impressive. Back at the Central Grove he said it took a great deal of training and lots of energy."
Tan added his bit.
"Profligate amounts, I remember him saying. It's probably in his mind from helping Krol."
"Hey, yeah! But come on, they’re moving toward those tables ... Look at all the food."
"Look at the High King you mean, Rhys, and what about all those Spooks?"
"Forget the Spooks, Woorawa. They’re just a show, remember, and they’re out in the open, so Maurice can easily fry them if they try anything."
"Fry? I think I'd like that."
Rhys made no reply. He was too interested in watching Kieran and Ranevargar meet with the High King.
"Look at that outfit! It's even more specco than Maynor's ... What does that mean? Kieran just said refreshment?"
Woorawa laughed at him.
"He doesn't mean food, Rhys, and just as well too. I’m busting after all that travel without a break."
Kieran and Ranevargar joined them for the break but, apart from telling them to eat and drink while they had the chance, didn't say anything. With a sudden realisation that they'd eaten nothing since their morning breakfast, Rhys eagerly led Woorawa back to the tables where he recognised about half the food types.
"Fresh raman, delicious."
Eating paused while a weird layer of energy did something overhead, then resumed after Kieran/Ranevargar spoke to Maynor and moved back to the High King and the other Realm Lord.
Rhys, sampling a golden fruit of some kind watched, from the corner of his eye, the changing expressions on the High King’s intent face.
"They’re doing their mind talk stuff. Look at Kieran. He seems more natural than he was at Maynor's Castle."
"That's for sure. Hey, the High King’s staring at you. I wonder what he just found out?"
The High King was ultimately responsible for everything, so, putting on a rough look, Rhys did his own staring. The response was a nod and an almost surprised look.
Woorawa laughed.
"Your tough guy act’s not working."
"Yeah! And it's Ranevargar's fault. I bet he’s telling stories."
Tan poured himself a drink from a dark red pitcher.
"Ranevargar’s different since he met Maurice. If he wasn't so friendly he’d be scary."
"Be cautious with what you say aloud, everyone. The Maker wants to keep all the focus on Kieran and away from himself, and very perceptive minds are noting every word and action."
"Don't talk about him at all you mean?"
"That in itself would be noted and discussed at great length, Tan. Talk about him but without reference to his abilities. Emphasising his friendship would be a good course."
"What’s going on with Maynor? He keeps looking at you."
"He has a powerful and tricky mind, Rhys, and I have just been cautioning him."
"And the High King was staring at me. Do you know what that was about?"
"Not at all. The Maker thinks it better if the Realms don't learn that all their rulers have been manipulated and deceived for so long. Kieran has built one of his astonishing shields to keep their four minds private and they will be in deep communication for a while."
Wondering what Maurice meant about manipulation, Rhys looked to the four figures again. Yes, Kieran's eyes were open but with the familiar far away look of deep concentration. And the other three all had their eyes closed.
"Look at them, Woorawa. It's like one of Kieran's deep powwows with Ranevargar except there are four of them."
Mr B answered.
"He’s doing what he has to, Rhys. He’ll be back with us as soon as he can."
"I know. That Buddha look often means something’s going to happen though."
"Yes, Kieran. I am ready."
Four friends shared a startled look at Maurice’s answer to an unheard question. Accompanied by a deep rumble of sound, Maurice’s wings spread in display as a cloud of the strange white energy covered his head and spread wide before steadily dissolving away. Unnerved onlookers cowered momentarily till the wings retracted and the Dragon returned to watchfulness.
"Maurice. Are you getting ready to fly again?"
"Not yet, Rhys. I sensed that the High King and Uirebon were riding Kieran/Ranevargar's surface mind to observe the mystery energy."
Rhys poured his own drink. Yum! It was like the honey tasting drink Manon had given them. He kept an eye on the four Buddhas though, and a few minutes later felt a thrill of anticipation when they abruptly changed to ordinary awareness. Yes, Kieran and Ranevargar were coming.
"Kieran/Ranevargar! Is everything working out okay?"
"Indeed it is, Rhys. Help me with a boost please, but disguise it as a welcoming touch. Kieran is eager to speak with you all but so much is happening we will have to wait till we leave. More drama is about to unfold."
"At least we’re all together again."
"Yay, Kieran! Share some of this honey drink with Ranevargar. He looks a bit weary."
Rhys gave Kieran a joyful welcome hug with one arm and with the other, reached to take Ranevargar's hand and guide him close to the pitcher. The not-so-mini boost zapped between them, then Ranevargar lifted the goblet to his lips.
"My thanks, Rhys. My body is still recovering from its confinement.
"Well done. That is welcome indeed. Now give all your attention to Kieran."
Kieran pointed to a tall elf standing behind one of the vacant seats at the official table. His expression blanked with concentration and the elf started to change.
Rhys's thoughts that Ranevargar still looked strained after the energy boost were lost with the strangeness of the tall elf shrinking in size and morphing into a beautiful and very regal looking lady elf. Kieran was concentrating so Rhys murmured to Woorawa instead.
"Wow! She can't be real but she sure looks aggro."
"It's the Lady Realm Ruler I think ... Yes, look, there’s a gemstone glowing orange on her finger."
After a glance that clearly dismissed them as unimportant she started giving the High King a hard time.
"Stir her, Rhys, I want her focused on me."
Kieran/Ranevargar’s silent mental request was easy, and all it needed was a loud laugh. Whoo! That worked well, but what did her pointing arm mean? The look on her face suggested he wouldn’t like it. Well, a cheeky hand sign would really make her wonder.
It worked too but whatever she was about to try was interrupted by a command from the High King. Rhys jolted with the force of it, even though it wasn't for him.
"Desist, Narello! … The Warrior has my respect and protection in every corner of every Realm."
What the hell! Rhys stared, completely startled by the unexpectedness of the statement. Protection? Respect? ... Not fair. How could he keep giving him dirty looks after that? ... What had Kieran/Ranevargar been telling him?
He glanced wonderingly at Kieran/Ranevargar then forgot that when the High King told Lady Narello that Maurice was not an elaborate projection and challenged her to face him. She didn't think he was real? … She didn't.
She turned, stared directly at Maurice, lost every bit of forcefulness and relaxed with a dopey kind of look. Oh my! She was completely out of it.
"Maurice, that’s enough!"
Kieran’s strong call ended the eyehold and with her will and force returned, she focused every bit of attention on them. Rhys saw her intense concentration and nudged Woorawa's arm.
"Look at that. It’s Buddha time again. We could yell in her face and she wouldn't even notice."
The nudge was returned.
"Kieran too. He must be telling her all the stuff she needs to know."
"Well done, Rhys. You helped Kieran change your group from a distraction to her strongest priority."
"Do you know what’s happening now?"
"They are behind a privacy shield like the one used with the High King and Lord Uirebon, Rhys, so like you, I have to wait. My best guess would be exactly as Woorawa says."
"Too much waiting ... Did this lady really think you’re just a projection?"
"She did, Rhys, and I also thought it rather curious. Her decision was automatic, as if projection was a normal expectation. It may be that the High King is proficient in the art and makes projections a feature of these high occasions."
"Ranevargar’s pretty good at them. He made a giant Griffin out of campfire flame to thank Woorawa for his ceremony on the first night after we met him."
"More than good, Rhys. With the return of his abilities he is now a master. It wasn't apparent to you but every denizen here saw me as larger than the Castle itself, a feat of projection beyond my own abilities."
"You can do projections?"
A touch of amusement came with Maurice's reply.
"You thought the elements you experienced with Kieran's challenge were real? Of course you didn't."
"That was unreal. The dirt crushing me was too much and my feelings took no notice of what my brain was telling me."
"I have a suggestion you might like to act on, Rhys. Krol's hunger has been temporarily assuaged but not his thirst, and a good drink would help him cope with the flight to the Maker’s Grove."
Rhys was shocked and this time it was a loud yell sounding through the courtyard rather than his distinctive laugh.
"Water! We need five buckets of water."
The hosts who had conducted them inside when they first arrived responded to the urgency in his voice and ran, actually ran, to comply.
The friends, except for Kieran/Ranevargar, jolted in startlement.
"For Krol, Woorawa. We haven't looked after him properly. He should have had a drink back at Maynor's Castle and he’s got to fly all the way to Ranevargar’s Central Grove as soon as this meeting’s over. "
"That's where we’re going next?"
"According to Maurice."
Maurice answered to all of them.
"That is my understanding at the moment, unless some outcome causes a change ... Rhys, Krol's needs aren't as critical as you think."
"Yes they are. Ranevargar was helping him on the way here ... That was quick."
The hosts, not even knowing what the water was for, arrived in a rush with extra buckets and Rhys redirected them.
"Woorawa and Tan, will you give Krol the water? Mr B and I will stay to support Kieran while his brain’s not here."
The whole Courtyard was now treated to the spectacle of Krol being tended by Woorawa, Tan, and seven hosts with water buckets.
Lord Uirebon watched with the High King.
"The Warrior is direct in his manner, my Lord. The ceremony of a High Council meeting is not a primary concern for him."
"Refreshingly direct, Uirebon, and it is interesting that he holds the Guardian with such high regard. But look at his manner with my son. The bond is clearly as strong as it was with Pethron. Our meddling will be very confronting for Keryth."
"Yes, Uirebon. That is how Keryth regards it, and, with the luxury of hindsight and Maynor as a focus for blame, so must we."
"My Lord, you should turn your mind to Maynor. Keryth's request that he keep full independence of mind limits how the Council might treat him."
"Very limiting indeed but we will hear Keryth's specific proposals in Council before deciding anything."
"If he retains his Realm stone a future Challenge is inevitable."
"And that is a great concern, given his willingness to ignore proper convention, but with a valid Challenge I am confident he cannot match me ... Not for a long time."
Aglaron turned to Uirebon with a puzzled look.
"The prospect of another Challenge you mean?"
"No! No! All the happenings we find ourselves in, the mystery of the situation and the changes ahead for the Realms. There is so much to consider and instead we have more to challenge us... Look at Lady Narello. Her force and independence is completely distracted by whatever Keryth is telling her."
"As it was with us, Uirebon and, I think, with the same privacy shields ... I am unnerved that I gave Maynor more than his fair share of free energy. It is clear confirmation of the manipulation I still find hard to accept."
Lady Narello turned toward them and with full courtesy made a formal bow. Keryth did the same and after a glance at the Dragon, Lord Maynor followed suit. Lord Uirebon, drawing into himself, mustered all the dignity of a Realm Lord for his own bow.
"The High Council convenes."
Rhys, watching the High King and Uirebon approach, grabbed Kieran's arm protectively when a volume encompassing the official table began to glow with a translucent sheen of a deep and vibrant purple.
"Sheba! What's this? Are you all right, Kieran?"
"Completely, Rhys. My talk with Lady Narello went well and the meeting begins. The glow is just the High King’s show to impress everyone watching. Hold Ranevargar's arm as well as mine so he can get a boost. The next little while will be hard work but after that we’ll be out of here and we can talk."
Rhys moved to Kieran's other side.
"Is this you talking, Kieran? It's getting hard to tell."
"Not quite, Rhys. Kieran is coming through partially while I gather myself for this last effort ... It is time to take our seats at the Council table."
Kieran and Ranevargar moved and sat next to each other and when Woorawa and Tan arrived in a rush the four companions stood ranged behind them. Maurice’s great bulk moved just enough to position his head directly above. The High King took his place in the elaborate ceremonial chair just opposite, with Lord Uirebon on his right hand side, and Lady Narello, then Lord Maynor, on his left.
"It looks like us against them, Maurice. Is there some reason it's organised like this?"
"The Maker sits with Kieran to present him to all the established Realm Rulers and propose his recognition as one of them. It is a formality because without it he technically has no voice in the Council."
"The High King has already accepted him, so he will be heard anyway, but Lord Maynor is going to protest."
"After everything that’s happened to him? He's crazy!"
"No, Rhys, he is very clever. While he sits at the Council table he has complete independence of mind and protection from interference of any kind."
"Ha! He breaks all the rules himself then hides behind them ... You’re not sitting at the table. You can go into his mind and stop him making any stupid protests."
"I could, but I won't, Rhys. The act of sitting at the table signifies Kieran's agreement and if I do anything contrary it will reflect badly on him and, worse still, make it look as if he doesn't fully control me."
Rhys twisted to look up at the daunting head above.
"Does he really control you, Maurice, or is part of it because he woke you up and you’re friendly because of that?"
"Both, Rhys. The Maker designed the challenge specifically so that he and he alone would ultimately be able to harness my powers and the extensive abilities I have been imbued with, so the trust the Maker has placed with Kieran is extraordinary, especially with the strange power he commands."
"What's strange about it? Isn't all the energy the same, except he's got more than anyone else?"
"No, not at all. There are very clear differences, which I understand quite well, between energy from the Nexus and the energy he normally calls with his Opal. The pure white energy has qualities I don't understand."
"Gods! Everything’s complicated."
"Indeed! Especially when you consider Kieran can also influence Chaos energy and the forbidden energy of the life force."
"Chaos energy? He's never said anything about that."
"I watched him counter elements of it which are inherent to all the Realm boundaries."
"The red protection thing? He doesn't know how he does that."
"More talk later when we have time for proper attention."
And indeed, the purple glow was now limning Aglaron.
"This Council is called to consider our response to the illegal Challenge for the High Throne and all its ruinous consequences."
Maynor leapt to his feet.
"My Lord, your claim of illegality has no foundation and prejudges any proper finding. My Challenge broke no laws because, apart from convention, there are none."
All attention turned to the Lore Master, who carefully considered before giving his answer.
"I believe Lord Maynor is technically correct, my Lord."
Aglaron scoffed at this.
"A formal declaration of the rules of Challenge would be subject to the whim of any individual holding your office. With convention, any contention is bound by the expectation of every Court in the Realms. Convention takes far more profound precedence."
Aglaron gestured at Maynor's seat.
"This High Council is called to consider the unconventional Challenge for the High Throne and all its ruinous consequences.
Lord Ranevargar, your presence is a rare occurrence and the Court gives you full welcome. I understand you have an urgent proposal for us."
Rhys watched Ranevargar rise slowly to his feet and, when Kieran stood to support him, rushed to hold his other arm.
"Well done, Rhys! My apparent tiredness is a striking contrast with Kieran’s youth and strength."
"You sneaky old codger! I thought it was real."
Ranevargar had started speaking aloud now, but a hint of amusement whisked through Rhys's mind.
"I greatfully accept your welcome, High King. I propose that this Council should formally recognise Kieran as High Lord. The Realm that was lost is now recovered. That which was dead is returned to life."
Rhys couldn't believe it when Maynor leapt to his feet again.
"My Lord, I object. Convention demands you choose an accepted Lord of the High Realm, not a youth with no knowledge or experience with the management of a Realm."
The High King’s open laugh cleared Rhys's renewed anger at Maynor's arrogance.
"Maynor, your call for convention may seem clever but in this situation is nothing short of ridiculous. All at this table save Lady Narello witnessed your own submission to knowledge and authority beyond your own. The title is nothing more than recognition for the wondrous change to the Nexus and the renewal of a Realm."
Aglaron's voice rose to address every being present and watching, and Rhys was completely startled by the accompanying, impossibly familiar, gesture.
"Know that from now and henceforth all of Faerie recognises Kieran, sponsored by Lord Ranevargar, as High Lord and Ruler of the newly restored Realm."
Rhys didn't even hear. All his attention was on the face of the regal elf just across the table. Take off that silver crown of office, bypass the distraction of magnificent vestments, and the features and manner held disturbing elements.
The High King gave a smile and nod of invitation to speak and Rhys's mind stopped and went into overdrive at the same time.
Not believing, he looked at Kieran. No he couldn't be interrupted at the moment and, with his mind practically screaming for understanding, Rhys made a silent call.
"Maurice I must be going crazy. The King looks like Kieran and he just smiled and moved like him. Is he projecting an image to confuse us or something? ... It's creepy."
"The gesture had the same effect on all your companions, Rhys, and their minds, like yours, are searching for an explanation. There is no projection that I can detect and I daren't distract Kieran or the Maker ... Wait!"
"Lord of all Faerie and fellow Realm Rulers, the mantle of Stewardship was, without warning, given to me and I formally thank you for your recognition.
I also thank Lord Ranevargar for his sponsorship and kind support. His debilitating treatment since the Challenge presses the need for a speedy return to the tranquillity and healing calm of his Central Grove.
My Lord, before this Council makes any decision there is background information I must make clear ... Grant me leave to address Lord Maynor."
Aglaron's startlement, shared by everyone around the table, passed instantly.
"Of course."
Kieran, Kieran/Ranevargar really, augmented his aspect of authority and turned to a very wary Maynor.
"Lord Maynor, you will stand while I speak."
This was high drama and Rhys watched Maynor's reluctance to accede to this direct challenge give way to wary acceptance.
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