Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Rising in the Shadows - 1. Chapter 1: Faithful Friends
Parking his white Chevrolet Silverado in the tiny parking lot, David Triggs turned the key and opened the driver side door. After a great breakfast at his Alpha's house, he was itching for some coffee and to see his new girlfriend.
Stacy was a very different kind of girl for Dave. He never dated a human before, not that it had ever crossed his mind. Initially, he thought it would be easier to just try to find a suitable woman of his own species. But after multiple attempts with various shapeshifters within his pack, he found they were very needy. They demanded constant accompaniment of various meanings of the term. And he just wasn't ready to dive in like that. He wanted something lasting and meaningful, compared to the spontaneous and animalistic desires of the local pack members.
But this human chick. She was different. She shared similar interests with Dave, and they both wanted to take their time in a relationship. It all started with a cup of coffee with the word 'hunk' on it.
Dave wasn't afraid of testing the waters with the human. He did his fair share of informing humans of the supernatural world that secretly surrounded them. But he was careful not to reveal the harrowing facts until the time was right. It felt terrible to him, keeping Stacy in the dark, but he would know when the time was right. So for now, she was unaware of who he really was. To her, Dave was just the grocery department manager at the Greenthumb Grocery. To him, he was the Beta to the Owensville County Pack.
Walking into the coffee shop, he was bombarded by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and assorted danishes. He grew accustomed to the smell as this was his new addiction. Recently quitting cigarettes cold turkey provided lingering cravings for coffee at all hours of the day. When he wasn't brewing a pot at home, he frequently visited Beansies. It's where he became attracted to the perky blonde. Stacy was always so full of energy and positivity, whether she was clocked in as a barista, or clocked out as a regular person. The attitude was welcome to the Beta. He was accustomed to constant stress and negativity at his jobs. The grocery store had needy customers that found joy in creating a frackas, and his duties to his pack intensified over the last month.
But the latter didn't bother Dave as he recollected all the insanity that came when his Alpha found his mate. Lucky bastard. Just up and finds him on a lucky day. In my store, no less. Dave had hired a scrawny nerd on a whim, as the kid was looking for work. Not a week later, and Dave's Alpha falls for him in a heartbeat. Chuckling at the thought, he brought his head up and laid eyes on his girl. "Hey, Stace!"
The blonde cashier looked over as she handed a customer their due change and grinned from ear to ear. "Hey, hunk! Be with ya in a sec." Turning her attention back to her customer, she gave a cheery smile. "There's your change, I'll shout for ya when your order's ready." The middle-aged man walked away and Dave took the opportunity to step towards the counter. "You look like you could use a cup."
"Sure can. Been busy?"
With a huff, Stacy let her customer service face take a backseat. "You have no idea! It's been stupid busy! We aren't normally like this."
Smirking, Dave laid on his cool guy attitude and let a deep chortle escape his lips. "Looks like it. Came by to ask you a question."
"Sure, what's up?"
"So, it came to my attention that we have some mutual friends. They're going on a trip this weekend, but how would you feel about a double date in the future?"
Bobbing her head and causing her ponytail to bounce, Stacy tried to figure out who the mystery couple could be. "I'm down, but I'd like to know who I'm going on a date with."
With a smug grin, he leaned in on the counter and got a little closer to his girlfriend. "With me, of course."
She snickered and playfully tapped on Dave's hand that rested on the counter. "Well, I know that! But who is the other couple?"
"Well, they come in here every now and then."
"And...turns out I'm not the only one to have gotten a 'hunk' cup."
Stacy's face grew bright pink and covered her nose and mouth in a prayer-like clasp. "Oh, Gods! You know I just do that to get tips, right?"
Dave bent his head down and broke out in laughter. "I know that. Gotta get that money. But, one of the guys is my best friend, and the other is a friend of yours."
Stacy calmed herself down and thought for a moment. A friend of his...and a friend of mine. I don't know many of his friends, except that Mason guy. But he's only walked in with… The blonde clasped her face once more as she remembered that day from nearly a month ago. "Vin?" A grin and a nod came from her boyfriend, and she squealed, causing every one of the staff to turn their heads. "Vin hooked that giant lumberjack dude? I'm so proud of him!"
With another round of laughter, Dave nodded again. "Well, it's debatable of who nabbed who, but yeah, they've been a thing for weeks now. And Mace is a farmer, not a lumberjack."
"Farmer, lumberjack, same thing. They play in the dirt and make money from it.” As she rolled her eyes, Dave couldn’t help but laugh harder at Stacy’s logic. “But yeah! I’m down! It’s been forever since I hung out with Vin! What’s he been up to?”
“Well, he’s my assistant now at Greenthumb.” This earned a flatlined brow from Stacy. “What’s up? Did I say something?”
“Oh. No, you didn’t. But Vin got taken off night shift?” With a nod from her man, she grew playfully irritated at her favorite customer. “Oh, that little nerd! He’s been on dayshift and we could have been hanging out this entire time? I’m gonna give him a talkin’ to when I see him next.”
Oh! She can be a little spitfire! This is new. Well...nice knowing ya, Vinnie! “Stace, it’s all good. He’s been pretty preoccupied lately.” Dave looked into Stacy’s eyes and when she raised a single eyebrow. He mimicked her brow raise with one of his own, causing both of them to share a snickering laugh. “I’ll hit up Mace and make the plans. They have a big trip to New York this coming week, so it’ll be a while.”
Stacy’s eyes sparkled as New York was mentioned. “Oh, Gods! I’ve always wanted to go to New York! If I would have gotten notice, I would have suggested for us to tag along.”
Dave offered a smile, but his mind fizzled like a glass of cola. Won’t happen. Sorry, Stace, that’s a shifter trip, and I don’t think you’re ready to learn about us just yet. I should probably make up some excuse for why we couldn’t have gone. “That would have been nice, but I think it would have been pretty boring. Mace is going for an agriculture convention, and he’s representing his farm’s management system.”
His girlfriend raised her eyebrow once again. “And Vin’s going…?”
Giving a snort from his nose and a toothy grin. “For company’s sake.” Stacy let out a giggle as she heard her friend would be getting some hot man action. “But we can plan a trip with those two, if you’d like. I got some vacation time saved up that needs to be spent.”
Looking deep into Dave’s brown eyes, she knew taking a trip with him would mean another step in their relationship. After a moment's thought, she nodded. It'll be fun! Dave's really fun to be around, and hanging out with Vin and his new man is gonna be a blast! "So, we looking at two weeks? Three? I'll need to let my manager know."
"Let me get with Mace. His schedule isn't as flexible as ours." Sharing a smile, Stacy put in her boyfriend's usual order of a large black coffee with sugar and an apple cinnamon scone. Being handed his debit card, she quickly slid it on her kiosk and gave it back. "So...when's your next break?"
Arriving back at his mate's ranch-style home, Vincent Bolton hopped out of the monster sized black Toyota Tundra, ready to take the next step in his life. With two more doors opening and closing, he looked behind him to find Yakob. The mysterious monk, turned teacher, followed with his near-silent demeanor and disarming smile. And to his left was the love of his life. Mason Wilson. Local farmer and Alpha of the county pack.
The tall and stunning 6' 3" man brushed his spiky brown hair through his giant man hands and stepped around to latch on to Vincent's smaller and gentler hand. He stared deep into those hazel eyes that he learned to covet so very much. "Ready to get started on your new lessons, pup?"
Vincent nodded. His mind was still in a whirlwind from the events at the diner. I can't believe I beat Tierney in an eye-locking challenge!
Yes. Good win. Strong win. Being appreciated by his wolf's gruff and rigid mindset, the slightly timid shifter basked in his victory. "Yakob, did you want a tour of the house?"
With a slightly larger smile, the monk nodded. "That would be lovely." As the trio stepped toward the three bedroom and two bath abode, Yakob was pleased with the residence. "This is a very humble home, Alpha Wilson. I've had the pleasure of being welcomed into several homes of Alpha leaders. None of them feel as welcoming as this one."
Mason gave a hearty smile at the monk. "Thank you, Yakob. I get what you're saying. Been to a couple myself, and they're always uptight and hoity-toity. I need my house to be a home." He fished his key out and unlocked the front door. Mason and Vincent led Yakob throughout the spacious home, showcasing the living room with well-varnished oak flooring and the kitchen's modern touch. He also gave verbal directions for the restroom should it be needed.
Vincent grew anxious and ambitious, yearning for his training to begin. "So, Yakob. When can we start?"
"Soon. But I wish to learn what you are able to accomplish first." Vincent nodded and the two sat on one of the two brown faux leather couches. "What are you capable of doing with your shadow magic, young mage?"
Vincent, along with being a newly turned lycan shifter, was a fairly experienced mage. And he was no ordinary one. Most mages in the world were gifted with one, possibly two affinities, a class of magic. Vincent was gifted with three. The affinity of frost, clairvoyancy, and shadow. His shadow affinity was one that was only spoken of in rumor and gossip. Evil rumor and gossip! But Vincent carried it with pride and a heart of gold. And now that he had found a teacher of the same mental attitude, he was given an opportunity to master the art.
"Well, I can walk and run. I just learned how to move in the daylight through tiny shadows in the grass and gravel. And I can make some weapons and walls."
The monk was very impressed with his pupil's somewhat adept knowledge. And he found all this out on his own. Most excellent. "And you did all of this without learning energy manipulation?"
The younger mage nodded. He had just learned of manipulation from the get-together at the diner from Yakob and the other Alphas from New York. The concept never came to Vincent's attention, but from what was understood and shown, it was a vital skill to learn. "Yep, and I'm ready to learn it!"
"Very impulsive, Vincent." Frowning at the choice of words used by his new friend, the shifter downed his head. "Not that it is negative, but it can prove discouraging. There are things I wish to observe before we dive in. May we go outside? I need to see you channel your energy." After Vincent agreed, the three headed for the back door with Mason leading the way.
Stepping onto the wooden porch, Yakob scouted the area. Wide and open space. A few trees to provide shade. A more than qualified space. Yakob took the lead as he aimed for the center of the yard, away from any trees and shadows. "Alright. Stand here, and focus your energy onto your whole body for one minute."
Vincent followed the direction and stood. He looked down to his own shadow and manifested his anger, causing his shadow underneath him to grow blacker. Yakob gazed at the mage and the shadow beneath. Oh. He is more inexperienced than I anticipated. "Please halt." Confused at the sudden request, Vincent let his emotions cool down. "You are channeling your anger, correct?"
"Yes. Is...isn't that what you're supposed to do?"
The monk raised his hand out horizontally, wiggling his pinky and thumb. "You can, but that type of energy creates waste. Anger is used more for ferocious confrontations, a swift means to an end. There is a much more comforting and lasting way to control the shadows under and around you."
What? The news of using his energy improperly stunned Vincent. "There's...another way?"
"Yes. It is more difficult, but it proves to be worth mastering. We shall work on this first. Sit, and meditate, young mage, for you must clear your emotions. Wipe your mind clean of all passion and anger."
Mason furrowed his brow, and somehow, Yakob turned at the Alpha. "Is there a problem, Mason?"
Scratching the back of his head in wonder as the monk sensed his concern, the shifter spoke. "That might be hard for him right now. He just turned into a shifter, and his wolf's emotions are hypersensitive, and will be for weeks to come."
"Ah, yes. I understand how that could be an issue. Regardless, he must try before we can proceed. I will not have a student who can't control his own emotions." Vincent furrowed his brow, making a determined face towards the monk. He’s really serious about this being some tough training. It can’t be much more different than meditating. Just...need to clear my mind.
Me too. I help.
Yeah, need you to focus on this, bud. We don’t want to lose our teacher. Vincent innately took a cross-legged seat on the grass and closed his eyes. He let the air fall silent, and devoid himself of everything in his mind, and his wolf followed suit. His face relaxed. As everything fell from his mind, his heightened hearing picked up noises Vincent had not heard since he last meditated. The ever present breeze passing, tree leaves rustling against each other, and the paced heartbeat pounding within his own chest. ‘Kay...now collect that...and form it into energy. Feeling the essence of magical power from the collective nothingness, Vincent let out a small breath and opened his eyes. He felt nothing. No emotion. No anger, no happiness, and no sadness. His mind existed.
Yakob watched the mage and felt that neutrality had been achieved. But...his other mind is struggling. He took a step forward. “Vincent. Your mind is clear. But your wolf’s is not.”
Vincent nodded. He felt that his wolf was still restless. Hey, bud. You good?
Yes! Mind clear.
I don’t think so. You’re still pretty excited. Hang on, I think I have an idea. “Yakob.” The monk directed his attention towards the mage’s face as he heard his student speak softly. “Could you talk to my wolf? He might need some advice from you and Mason on learning how to calm down.”
Both Mason and Yakob bobbed their head, and Vincent pulled his mind away. You should talk to them. They can probably explain why you’re still jittery.
I not jittery. I calm.
You are calm, but you’re focused. You’re trying too hard. Let’s switch for a bit and see if they can help.
Okay. His wolf’s mind drifted forward and claimed control. Flashing his frosty blue irises, Vincent darted his attention towards the monk. “You monk. Ya...Yakob?”
Yakob had never seen such a thing. He...he can switch personalities? So that confirms it. When he shifted his teeth back at the diner...that was no fluke. He is an Alpha. Very interesting. But that just makes this training so much more difficult. “Yes. And you are Vincent’s wolf? I take it you are an Alpha wolf, like Mason and Tierney?”
Grinning widely and showing some of his human teeth, Vincent nodded. “Yes. I am Alpha. Vincent say you and mate help me. Help me calm. How do?”
“Well, I’m afraid that is going to be the difficult part. As Mason said, you are a new wolf. You are learning much of this world and all that inhabits it. With that, you are finely tuned into your surroundings and emotions.”
With his head cocking to the side, Vincent grew confused. “So...you no help?”
“I did not say that. But it will take an incredible amount of discipline and strength for you to master your emotions, young wolf. I believe I need to update my training manual for this particular scenario. Normally, this is the first and most important step. But you require time, and life experience. Uh...Mason?” The taller Alpha raised his head as his name was called. “How long would you say it would take for a newly born Alpha wolf to fully develop and recognize the world around him?”
Well, fuck! That’s a loaded question. Yakob chuckled with his hand covering his mouth, and Mason flatlined his brow, remembering the monk’s magical prowess. Right...shadow and telepathy affinities. Mind reader. “Vinnie’s been a very special case. His wolf developed that morning after I turned him from our bonding. That normally takes several days. If he’s progressing at a three timed pace compared to other born Alpha wolves, that speeds up the process. I’d say a normal Alpha shifter becomes fully developed in about nine months, give or take.”
Vincent widened his eyes, almost not able to accept that answer. Nine month! No! Too long! Want learn!
Easy, bud! Remember what Mace said? We’re progressing three times that rate. So that cuts it down to three months.
Still. Too long. “And I wholeheartedly agree, young wolf.” Blinking, Vincent drew his gaze back onto his instructor. “We simply do not have that time in order to be ready for your trip to New York.”
Vincent gritted his teeth in excitement. Less than an hour ago, he had won his visual challenge with the current Alpha from the New York State Pack, Alpha Tierney Scott. Tierney was a family friend of Mason’s father, and quickly became a personal friend of his own. Several weeks ago, Tierney asked Vincent over a video conference for a friendly spar, wanting to see what it was like to face a shadow mage.
But with Vincent becoming a shifter, and adopting his second mind and animal instincts, a rivalry was created. With a looming vacation to New York for the destined sparring match, Vincent felt the urge to win. “So...what do now?”
Letting out a deep sigh, Yakob resigned to a strategy he stood against. “We will work backwards. You are the only student that I have allowed to do this, but I want you to work with your anger.”
Hearing the retracing of his teacher’s statements, this only raised more questions for Vincent. “You say anger bad and waste energy. Why do work with anger?”
“Because we lack the current tools, and it is the only tool you possess. Until we acquire the better tool, we must work with what we have.” The seated wolf understood the words of wisdom and nodded. “Now, rise. I will let your two minds decide who I shall be teaching. From what I understand, the other mind will know as well once it is taught, correct?"
"Yes. I learn, human learn. I switch to human. He understand better than I do." Closing his eyes, Vincent's wolf let his human mind take the wheel. Opening his hazel eyes, the mage stood from his seat. "So where do we go from here?"
With their bags packed and ready to go, the shifters from New York prepared themselves to head home. Tierney Scott tossed his back pack's strap over his shoulder and gave his friend a stare. "It was good to see you again, Lei. I'm sure I'll be seeing you again."
Leidolf Wilson grinned and latched on to the hand of his old war buddy. “You’re welcome here anytime, Ty.” The middle-aged Alphas gave themselves an embrace. Tierney then turned to his friend’s mate and lifted her hand.
“Elaine, as always, it was an honor to be hosted by you in your lovely home.” He gently kissed her forefingers and gave a tip of the head.
Elaine Wislon smiled. “It’s always nice to have company. You all take very good care on your flight. And please, when my sons come to New York, don’t embarrass Vincent too much.” Learning of Vincent and Tierney’s upcoming spar, she was both curious and concerned for her student’s well being. He certainly has gotten better with his frost affinity, but he is nowhere near ready to take on Tierney. Recalling the earlier spar between Vincent and Mason, she was not surprised at the shadow mage’s loss. Ty will certainly mop the floor with the boy.
“No promises can be made. Vincent has gotten stronger since the last time I was here. And between you and Yakob teaching him, I’m sure he will give me a run for my money.”
Lei and Elaine looked at each other, and they looked back at Tierney. “Who’s Yakob?”
Tierney smirked. “A monk from the Appalachian Mountains in Vermont. I’ve met him a time or two, but he was traveling in the area. And as it turns out, he found a new student to teach.” Keeping his cheesy grin, Elaine’s face ran cold while Lei remained confused. “Lei...Vincent has a new teacher...for one of his affinities.”
The thought took Lei a little more time than it called for, but he finally wrapped his mind around the sentence. “Oh! Wait...Vin found a clairvoyance teacher?”
Elaine threw her head back, wondering how her mate was the Pack Alpha for so long. “Honey...his other affinity.”
Gazing at his mate, Lei grinned as he finally understood. Running his hand over his big handlebar mustache, he turned to Tierney with a more serious face. “Ah! Another shadow mage? At the risk of sounding crude, is this man to be trusted, Ty?”
“Yes. He’s a peaceful monk, and is a brilliant mage. Just be careful around him. He can read minds with his telepathy affinity.”
Elaine’s thin brown brows furrowed. Very interesting combination of magic. Shadows to sneak, and telepathy to obtain information. Not very strong in a fight, but his prowess as a scout would be unheard of. The sound of footsteps caused her to break her concentration.
The remaining members of the New York Pack began to come down the stairs with their bags hanging off their shoulders. Dirk Wescott, the Pack Enforcer, clomped down the wooden staircase with a backpack hanging over each shoulder. The big ursus shifter carried himself stoically with his jet-black goatee and cleanly shaven head. Bowing his head to the Alpha household and to his Pack Alpha, Dirk stopped in front of Tierney. “Want me to take your bag to the car, Alpha Scott?”
Tierney nodded. “That’d be great, and that’s Tierney to you, my Delta. Or...should I say...pupil?” The nickname caused Elaine to swivel her head between Tierney and Dirk.
Lifting her hand to her mouth, she began to ponder. “Ty...what do you mean by that?”
“Oh, I can’t say it’s nothing. But Yakob noticed something with Dirk at the diner. I’m just teasing the poor bear.”
Dirk snorted and took the bag from Tierney. “Miss Elaine. I know the Alpha means well, but he’s just making fun. The monk found some energy within me. He said if I meditate enough...well...I’ll become a mage a lot sooner than intended.”
An audible gasp came from the household couple. Elaine clasped her hand onto her mouth, but swiftly took the bear’s free hand. She searched within Dirk’s heartbeat and found what the monk spoke of. Amazing! That’s...just amazing! It’s like a tiny flicker of energy. He’s...he’s going to be a fire mage! “Oh, Dirk! I am just so excited for you!” She darted her eyes to Tierney and playfully slapped him on the shoulder. “You better teach him proper, Ty! Don’t make me come to New York and steal your student.”
Tierney and Lei laughed together, but the New York Alpha gave a gentle smile to the Mated Alpha. “While I don’t doubt your ability to teach, Elaine, but aren’t you a frost mage?”
She brushed her long brown hair out of her face, showing the fire mage that she was not intimidated. “Ty, have you ever had a student before?” A low hanging frown made its presence on the Alpha’s face. “Then you know, as a frost affinity master, I know how fire magic is manifested. I’m not afraid to teach my rival affinity. Besides, you wouldn’t want word to get out that a Yale graduate taught a fire mage to your Harvard buddies, would ya?”
Crossing his arms, he knew when he had been beat. She’s got me on teaching experience. But, I don’t think it would be too difficult. “No, I sure don’t. That’s why Dirk’s training under me. We start meditating tonight as soon as we get back to the city.” Dirk grinned in excitement for his new bonding with his Alpha.
Elaine was about to fire off a new round of rivalry-filled comments, but more footsteps came from the staircase. Kaplan Alvey, the Pack Beta and attorney, treaded carefully to avoid making too much noise as a guest. He carried a singular rolling suitcase in his skinny and pale hand. As he landed at the foot of the stairs, he brushed his medium-length black hair out of the way and bared his neck to the people around him. “We just about ready?”
“Oh, Mister Alvey? What seems to be the rush?” A deep and suave voice echoed from the staircase corridor as heavier footsteps sounded through the house. Cyrus Vonder, the up and coming Alpha for the New York State Pack, descended the stairs in an elegant fashion, and let loose a signature giggle. He tried to cover it with a chocolate-toned hand, but as always, his laughter permeated the room he stood in. “Kaplan, you don’t wish to be rude to our hosts.” The taller Alpha turned to Lei and Elaine, and gently shook their hands. “It was a true pleasure to stay with you, and...Mister Wilson, please do keep your eyes open for some incoming mail. I’ll be sending you a bottle of my favorite scotch, as a repayment for letting me...assist...in emptying your liquor cabinet.”
Lei couldn’t help but let a boisterous laugh loose. That bear sure likes a drink! And he is a very knowledgeable Alpha, at that! He will make a fine Alpha for the NYSP when Ty retires. “I’ll be looking for it! And I needed an excuse to restock the cabinet. You are also welcome here anytime, Alpha Vonder.”
“Oh, not you, too. No need for titles, Mister Wilson. Cyrus will do just fine.”
“And that’s Lei to you.” The two shifters shared a firm shake, cementing a new friendship. “I’m still having a hard time believing you’re a panda ursus!”
A wild and unkempt giggle left the bear’s lips. “Oh, come now. It isn’t that crazy, is it?”
Kaplan let a small chuckle out at the conversation. “Sure surprised me when I met you.”
Cyrus curled a smug grin across his lips and placed an arm around the smaller Beta wolf. “Oh? I’m glad I can surprise you, little pup.” Kaplan was pulled into Cyrus and the wolf basked in the warmth of the big bear. But the warmth didn’t last long as he felt several pairs of eyes on him.
Lei, and Elaine’s eyes were wide open and staring at the newfound couple. Cyrus gleefully scanned the couple’s reactions. I think I’m starting to like my new relationship with the Beta. These faces are so much fun to watch. “Pardon me, Lei and Miss Elaine. I may have forgotten to mention that Kaplan is my boyfriend.”
The mustached Alpha could only blink. At least until Elaine gave him nudge on the leg, prompting him to speak. “That’s...uh...interesting. An Alpha and Beta coupling, huh?”
“Yes. It is odd, but my panda likes to be in Kaplan’s presence.” Tierney and Dirk couldn’t help but smirk at their fellow council member.
Lei darted his eyes at his friend and his Enforcer. “You two knew about this?”
Bursting out, Tierney held his sides from his uncontrolled laughter. “Yeah! I was wondering when they were going to be more open about it, though. I approve of it, as long as they don’t go strutting around like a power couple.” Cyrus kept a giggle behind his lips and saw that his boyfriend was growing ten shades of red.
“We aren’t mates, if that’s what you’re going at, Tierney. My panda requires a very long relationship before we even think about moving on to that particular step. I am glad that I have the approval of dating your Beta.”
Elaine chirped a laugh of her own and moved her arm around Lei’s waistline. “Oh, leave them be, my mate. They’ll figure out their path. I’m happy for the both of you.” Both Cyrus and Kaplan gave the lady a nod and enjoyed their embrace. “But don’t let us hold you up. Your flight is going to be taking off soon and I wouldn’t want to be blamed for you missing it.”
The New Yorkers agreed, gave their good-byes, and made their way to the rental car. With all the bags stowed away in the trunk, Kaplan fished out the keys and set the GPS on his phone to the local airport. Filling the cabin with tales of their adventures in the Kentucky pack, Cyrus and Kaplan gave each other a subtle grin. Before departing the diner, Vincent had confided in Cyrus on a secret detail leading up to the shadow mage’s duel with the Alpha in the back seat. So, Vincent intends to use his newly acquired hybrid form in his spar as a surprise weapon against Tierney. That...will be the most interesting factor in this fight. The panda told Kaplan as they packed their bags, and the Beta swore himself to secrecy.
But the previous evening was still on Cyrus’ mind. The fact that the new wolf was mentally strong enough to break the barrier, holding the animal’s instincts at bay is just incredible. Then within a fifteen minute timespan, he was able to masterfully control the beast inside. It’s unheard of! Cyrus had been around the world, fixing different pack issues under the command of the Executive Lycan Council, among other shifter-established governments. But the events from the previous night still rattled his mind. And then, there’s that mysterious mark on the wolf’s leg. He visualized the slight distinction in Vincent’s fur: a white band that encompassed itself around the leg of the young shifter. He has power. But does he realize it?
After checking in with airport security and the flight desk, the crew boarded their flight and prepared for take off. Tierney and Dirk sat next to each other and began speaking of how fire affinity magic works. A few rows in front of them sat Kaplan and Cyrus. The panda bear couldn’t help but overhear the Alpha giving all sorts of advice to the bear. He will make a fine teacher. Despite what Elaine may think, Tierney is more than capable. Dirk will be a proper sponge since he’s one of the finest Enforcers I’ve seen. It almost makes me envious that he will accompany Tierney to Kentucky for the Alpha’s retirement. When they were boarding the flight, Dirk had noticed the onboard federal marshal and found he was a lycan shifter. Within a few sentences, the bear discovered there were a couple bodies to look out for, but their crimes didn’t warrant any real concern for the flight. Yes...a marvelous Enforcer. He could be a rather key player on any police force, and Mason should be proud to receive such a shifter in his pack.
Kaplan noticed his boyfriend in deep thought and placed a hand on top of the bear’s paw. “Are you alright, Cyrus?”
“More than alright.” Giving his little wolf a disarming smile, the thoughts flew away from his mind. “This has been a wonderful little getaway! For both the Owensville pack and our little one between us four. Did you have a good time?”
“Yeah. I needed a break from the cases and the pack. And it helped speed things along for us, as well.”
A curious stare came from Cyrus. “Speed things along? Do you want us to go further in our relationship?”
Kaplan bobbed his head from side to side, debating his answer. “Yes and no. I’m perfectly happy with the pace we’re going at. You’re my first boyfriend, and I just don’t want to mess things up between you and your panda.”
“Don’t you worry about him. If he wants something, he’ll let both of us know. Like how he wants you to rest your head on my shoulder.” Giving a wink to the small wolf, Cyrus lifted his arm and placed it above Kaplan’s head, resting his hand on the far shoulder. Kaplan quickly found solace in the bear’s embrace and began to drift off to sleep. Keeping a few giggles in his chest, the Alpha found the wolf to be in his personal protection.
The flight attendants passed by as they coordinated their signature take-off speech, and the plane prepared for take-off.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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