Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Be Rad - 13. Chapter 13
July 14, 1980
This morning I woke up in a terrific mood, with my body totally wrapped up and intertwined with Robbie's. Last night had been fun, a lot of fun, but we hadn't pushed the envelope beyond what we'd already done. He didn't really seem to want to, and I was happy just being with him and enjoying him. I contrasted that to Jake, whom I couldn't wait to fuck, or even to Lark, where I'd been anxious to do anything physical that he would enjoy. With Robbie just the intimacy, the grinding, the rubbing, and the contact was enough.
“Morning,” I said, nuzzling his neck.
He smiled at me. His smile made me giddy. Damn I was falling hard for this guy. “Morning.” I reached down and grabbed his hard dick and started stroking. He reached down and grabbed mine, and we stroked each other to a morning orgasm. Then it was off to the shower. I was kind of hoping he'd shower with me, but he pointedly avoided it. I was determined not to let that bother me.
We had spent the past two days just getting to know each other better. Our days were spent exploring The Bay Area and our nights were spent exploring each other. His kissing technique was now bordering on excellent. I chuckled when I thought about that. I had trained him well.
Yesterday we had explored the back roads of Marin County. The Ferrari just ate up the climbing and twisting roads along the coasts. Robbie was awestruck by the giant redwoods in Muir Woods. I told him about Yosemite, and how cool it was to hike there. And just south of there, in Sequoia/King's Canyon National Park, there were redwoods way bigger than the ones at Muir Woods. It is amazing to show cool things to people you really like.
A quick shower, quick because I didn't do my usual jack-off extravaganza, I met up with Robbie again in the kitchen, which was absolutely chaotic with party preparation. It was so busy Tonto had been run out of her normal place at the table. But all I could see was Robbie. He looked great in the clothes Claire bought him.
“You look great. Claire dresses you well,” I teased.
“Fine. Alright. I admit it. You were right. She's totally in charge of my wardrobe.” Anna gave us enough food to get us to leave the kitchen, and we wandered around the house, watching them set up for the party. The caterers were frantic, as was my mother, although I didn't know why. Everything seemed to be in order. I spotted JP in his study, trying to avoid the hubbub, and trying to avoid having to work, so I dragged Robbie in to see him.
“Where's Stef?” I asked.
“Still in bed,” JP groused. “It is his milieu.” I chuckled. Robbie looked at me with a question on his face. I guess he hadn't been raised around people who used words like “milieu.”
“Dr. Crampton, can I ask you a question?” Robbie said. I was kind of surprised.
“Sure Robbie. My door is always open to you.”
“Well, I came out here for a visit, but there are a lot of things that are happening that make it seem like I'll be staying here awhile.”
“Don't you like it here? Has Brad been treating you badly?” he asked, and I knew he was teasing.
“No, Brad's been great, really great.” And then he blushed. God he was cute. “I really like it here. It's like paradise, only real. I just feel like other people are making decisions about my life, and I'm not a kid anymore.” He paused for a bit. “You must think I sound totally ungrateful, you open your doors to me and treat me like a member of the family, and here I am questioning that...”
JP stopped him. Robbie was doing that same kind of thing he did near the Golden Gate where he just started babbling. “You are absolutely right Robbie. Let's talk about it. Do you want to talk alone?” That was a clear reference to me.
“I've got things to do anyway,” I said, jumping up. Robbie grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the couch and sat me next to him, quite forcefully as a matter of fact. “Or I could stay,” I said, joking.
“I'd like Brad to be here,” he said, and JP nodded.
“You know your father and I are good friends, right? We have been for years. It wasn't always that way though. Frank was a real asshole in high school, but I watched him evolve into a really great guy. There was a time when your Uncle Jeff was basically being beaten up by your grandfather and your uncles, and Frank was the one who jumped in and defended him.”
“I didn't know that,” Robbie said. I didn't see where this was going, and I doubted that he did either.
“We've been good friends since then. You know by now that I'm gay,” he said, waiting for Robbie to nod, “but I want you to know that your father and I have not involved sexually.” I noticed something extraordinary. I knew that was a blatant lie, that JP had had a sexual relationship with Frank, so I knew he was lying to Robbie. What was interesting was how his eyes twitched to the right when he said it. I'd made a habit of studying his facial expressions for meaning, since he was so reserved. The slight quiver of the lower lip when he was upset, this twitch to the right when he was lying, not to mention the way he slightly lowered his left eyelid when he was really pissed off. Fascinating. I tried to get back into the conversation.
“Anyway, after your incident earlier this year, he'd been talking about sending you to a private school. You're a good student, a good athlete, and you have a lot of potential. I think your father is worried that if you stay in Claremont, among those assholes that are your cousins...” I noticed the left eye blink... “that you'll have a horrible senior year and it will affect your grades.”
“I've tried to put that behind me,” he said with a gulp.
“What happened?” I asked. Robbie turned to me with a look of horror. He clearly didn't want to talk about it.
“Robbie can tell you when he is ready, and not before, alright?” he said to me, and I nodded. “It wasn't your fault Robbie, and that's the point.” His words weren't registering with Robbie. He got back on track. “Anyway, I offered to let you come out here and finish high school with us. The thought was that you'd be surrounded by a good group of guys. I'm a very lucky man to have such amazing children. I know they'd help you out, and be there for you if you need them. In fact, I see Claire's already started working on your wardrobe.” That made me chuckle, and Robbie did that “snaugh” thing that he and Billy do. Extraordinary. JP's lower lip just quivered a little bit.
“And what happens if I don't want to stay here?” he asked. I looked at him, almost outraged. Why wouldn't he want to be here with me? But I felt his hand grab and squeeze mine, his way of saying that he was just exploring his options.
“If that happens, there will be no hard feelings from any of us.” That comment was clearly aimed at me. “I've agreed to help your father get you into a good private school.”
“It's a little irritating that no one told me about this,” he said.
“Well, that's Bradley's fault.”
“My fault?” I gasped.
JP smiled. “Frank had planned to have this talk with you before you came to visit at the end of the month, but Brad kind of short-circuited that plan when he whisked you away a bit prematurely.”
Robbie nodded. “I feel bad though, like I'm mooching off of you. Plane flights, clothes, a car... it's a lot and I don't know how to pay you back.”
“Do I look like I'm hurting for money?” he asked, and that got a smile from both of us. “We have been lucky, Isidore and I. Money is not a problem. And if it were, I could always get some from Stefan. He's as rich as God.” We all laughed at that. “Let me show you something.” He got up and went to a desk and brought out a photo album. We split apart and he sat between us.
He flipped through some pages and stopped at a picture of a very handsome man that looked like Ace. “This is Andre. He was my first real love. He's also Ace's father. You can see the resemblance. I loved him so much, and he tried to return my love to the best of his abilities, even though he wasn't gay. But he died in Vietnam before Ace was even born.” A tear rolled down his face and I put my arm around him to let him know that I was there, and that I loved him.
He flipped ahead and there were pictures of Jeff. “I fell in love with Jeff even before Andre was killed, and he returned my love 100%. Here he is in his football uniform, and here's a picture of us goofing around after a game at Northwestern. There's Stefan,” he said, pointing at Stef, who was making faces like an idiot, of course. “He hasn't changed a bit.” There were lots of pictures of Jeff, many of them with JP. They looked so happy together.
Then he turned the page and there was a series of pictures that were completely different. They were obviously pictures of Jeff, but he looked horrible. Long, dirty hair, yellow teeth, crazed eyes, he looked like a vampire. “Jeff got involved in drugs. It was a problem during the late 1960's. It's still with us today, or course, but back then we weren't as smart about them. This picture was taken when he was arrested for the third time. They found Heroin, LSD and PCP in his bloodstream.” The next page showed a picture of Jeff, seeming to be his old self, standing with Stef. And at the bottom of the page was a picture of his funeral, with Frank acting as one of the pallbearers. “I lost him to drugs,” JP said. He was really crying now, and the two of us embraced him from either side.
I watched him as he regained control. I understood what Stefan said to me at the Crampton’s now. This is exactly how I must have looked as I slowly compartmentalized things in front of him. “I'm sorry that I lost control there.”
“You can be human sometimes dad,” I said. He smiled at me.
“I told you this so you'll understand why you owe me nothing Robbie. I tried so hard to save your uncle, to be a loyal partner to him. I thought I had done everything that I could, and when he died of a heroin overdose, I actually felt relief, both for him and for me. But he has haunted me these past years. I keep asking myself if I could have done more to help him. If I could have been more understanding or supportive, and if that would have made the difference?” The tears were back again. This was obviously an open wound for him.
He grappled and got his control back. “I can't do anything for him. But I can do something for his nephew. I can make sure that another talented young man, one that looks remarkably like his uncle, has a better chance and can avoid some of the suffering that his extended family would visit on him. What I do for you I do for Jeff, and to a lesser degree for Frank. So you owe me nothing Robbie.” He got up and carefully put the album away.
He turned back to us and Robbie went up and gave him a big hug. JP wasn't big on hugs from people he didn't know, but he surrendered to Robbie completely. He actually sobbed on Robbie's shoulder, while Robbie stroked his back. I wonder if he knew it was Robbie hugging him, or if he thought it was Jeff. I'd probably never know. They finally broke their embrace and I gave him a hug too, a much quicker one.
We left the study and headed back to Robbie's room. I followed him in and he held me tightly. “Do you mind if I spend a little time by myself?” he asked.
I smiled at him. “Of course not. Everyone needs their space. Come find me when you're ready.” He smiled back at me and leaned down to give me a gentle, wonderful kiss. Man, he was a fast learner.
I went back to my room and started painting. I thought about how happy I was that Robbie was here, and let my feelings flow. I totally immersed myself in the effort, so much that I didn't notice the knock on my door, or that it opened, or that Robbie walked in and stood behind me. It wasn't until I felt his mouth on my neck that I realized he was here. I jumped up to the ceiling. Well, not literally, but he did scare the shit out of me.
“Fuck! You scared the shit out of me!” I said, trying to catch my breath. He pushed me back onto my bed and planted his mouth on mine. He started grinding against me and I melted. I totally wrapped myself around him and responded to his moves, working myself up into another great orgasm.
“Well now you've messed up my clothes. Wanna take a shower?” I asked.
“No time. I'm gonna go change though. See you in a few.” And he was gone. That was a little strange. I put away my paint and cleaned up my tray. Then I headed to the shower to wash off the cum. I was pivoting under the shower, enjoying the hot water, when the shower door opened. I smiled, expecting Robbie to be there, having changed his mind. I turned around to find myself staring at Jake.
“Hey Brad,” he said. He turned around seductively and aimed his ass at me. “Come on. Fuck me. I'm so horny. I want you so bad.”
My cock rose quickly. The damn thing had a mind of its own. I said nothing but jumped out and ran dripping through my room to the door and double locked it, then back to the bathroom where I closed and locked the door, then back into the shower. I knew this was wrong. I knew I liked Robbie. But he seemed to have some hang-ups about sex, and even if he didn't, there was Jake's juicy ass in front of me. I ran my hand up his crack.
“Jake, I really shouldn't do this. I've kind of gotten involved with someone,” I told him. I wasn't very sincere. I probed his hole with my soapy finger as I said this.
“I don't care. We're just friends. Now come on Brad. Fuck me,” he said, almost frantically. I couldn't stop myself. I guided my dick to his hole and pushed in. I heard him gasp. “Oh God that feels good. That's what I wanted. Your huge cock in my ass. Come on Brad, spear me with that thing.”
His words turned me into an animal and I started to slam into him. I was crazed, literally slamming into him over and over again. And since I'd just cum, I had amazing stamina and endurance. I pulled Jake to me and squeezed his nipples hard, making him squeal, and I leaned over and bit his neck, not enough to draw blood, but enough to make him feel a little pain. That did it. He almost shrieked as he blew his load all over the shower wall. He came forever, but I still went on.
It was as if I blamed him for seducing me so I was determined to fuck him until he was raw. I kept on pounding until I felt my balls rise and then I filled his ass. When I was finally done, and spent, I collapsed against the wall and just sighed.
“God Brad, that was fucking incredible,” he said. “That was amazing.”
“Thanks Jake. It was fun, but it can't happen again. I'm really trying to work on this new relationship.”
He pouted for a minute, and then smiled. “I'll make you a deal. This stays between us. No one knows. But when I get really really horny, and I need to be satisfied like no one else but you can do, promise me you'll still fuck me. Please?”
He was so cute, so irresistible. “Maybe,” I said, and he smiled, knowing that he'd won. At least for now. We got dried off and dressed, and then I opened my door and peeked out. The coast was clear so I motioned Jake out and he scurried down the hall. Then I crossed the hall and knocked to see if Robbie was ready. He was sitting on his bed and gave me a huge smile when I walked in. I felt like total shit.
On the one hand, we had no formal commitment. I hadn't promised to be with just him, or vice versa. We hadn't even classified our relationship at all. But I knew that in the world of high school, we were a couple, and I knew that if he found out about Jake he would really be hurting. He got a worried look on his face as he read my angst. I quickly buried it and headed over to him.
“We should head out there,” he said.
“Alright. The goal here is to have fun though, OK. Just enjoy yourself.” We headed to the party which had already started. Robbie saw Billy and headed off to see him. Jake immediately replaced him at my side.
He leaned up to me and whispered into my ear. “Your jiz is leaking out of my ass. God you made me feel so fucking good.” I giggled.
I whispered back. “Behave yourself.”
“So Robbie is the guy, isn't he?” Jake asked.
I couldn't lie to him. It wouldn't do any good anyway. “Yeah. I don't know what it is, but there's this amazing connection between us.”
“I know,” he said sadly. I felt bad, bad because I'd hurt him and I knew it. “At least I still get a little piece of you once in a while.”
“Maybe,” I said firmly, and he grinned and scampered off. I wondered what kind of nightmare I'd just gotten myself into.
I saw Stefan talking with some people and there at his side was Greg. I hurried over to them and gave him a big hug. “Hey, I didn't know you were here! It's great to see you!”
“It's great to see you too,” he said. “I heard you got a new car and a new boyfriend.”
“Yeah, it's been a pretty good week. You wanna see it?” I asked.
“Better wait until a little later. I'm busy being a good husband.” We both laughed at that.
Then, off in the distance, I spotted someone that I didn't expect to see here in a million years. And that's because he wasn't welcome. Doug. I strode over to him purposefully, determined to throw his sorry ass out of my house. He saw me coming and I noticed his facial expression change, one of resolve.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” I demanded.
“I came as a guest.”
“Well, you're leaving. Now.” He didn't move. “Do you want me to get security?”
“I came here to see you.” He had a sad look on his face.
“You came here to see me? After you threatened to ruin my life? After you totally jilted me in LA? We have nothing to talk about.”
“You're right. I was a total douche bag. I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me, you don't have to like me, but at least you know that I feel bad for treating you like shit.” I looked into his eyes, those blue eyes, and I could tell he was sincere. I felt my resolve and my anger fade away. Damn.
Part of me wanted to just kick him out. But the other part of me wanted to know what happened to him, why he totally changed on me. Curiosity won in the end. “Why did you leave me like that?” I asked.
I noticed a slight smile in his expression. He knew that if I was asking him questions I probably wasn't going to hate him forever. “I was scared.”
“Scared? I thought we were friends. Friends having fun,” I added, lowering my voice.
“Yeah, but it was a little more than that for you, wasn't it?” he asked, switching to his fluent French. I'd almost forgotten about that, his ability to speak French, and I was usually a sucker for someone who spoke French, but his words ripped right into my psyche. He was basically accusing me of trying to turn him gay.
That pissed me off. “For me? And not for you? Is that how you play this out in your mind? I'm the fucking faggot seducing you?” I was loudly whispering at him, clearly furious. I struggled to control myself, and looked around to make sure no one else could hear. Even if they could, there was only a slim chance they'd understand my pissed-off French.
“Yeah, for you. For you it was a relationship, for me it was just two friends having fun.”
“Look Doug, you think what you want. You enjoy your time in the land of serious denial. In the mean time, I don't buy this bullshit. And you being here is just pissing me off.”
“This isn't going the way I planned,” he said sadly.
“Oh yeah? How did you plan that it would go? You'd call me a fag, tell me you aren't, and then we'd sneak off and suck each other's dicks again and everything would be OK?” I guess I was a little loud because he looked around nervously.
He shrugged and shot me that deadly grin. “Well yeah, something like that.”
I stared at him and then started laughing. I wasn't expecting that from him: honesty. “Not happening. You must really be horny.”
He laughed with me. “Yeah. Pretty much. But I really am sorry about the way I acted.”
“Alright, I can live with that. As of this moment, I will no longer try and destroy your life.”
“It's pretty much ruined anyway, so go ahead,” he said glumly.
“Well, call me sometime and maybe we can grab lunch and you can tell me your sob story. I'm not promising I won't laugh though,” I said callously.
He nodded. “You want me to leave?”
“Yeah. I do. I appreciate you coming here and making an effort, but you still make me uncomfortable. And since this is my house and my parents' party, that trumps me hurting your feelings.”
“Alright. Later,” he said, and walked off. I felt a presence next to me and turned to see Robbie.
“You OK? That looked a little intense.”
I got really nervous. “Did I make a scene?”
He smiled. “No, you didn't. I've just been staring at you.”
I grinned back at him. “Sweet talker.”
“So who was that guy?” he asked.
“I'll make you a deal. You tell me about the shit my dad was referring to in his office, and I'll tell you about my past.”
He looked really really uncomfortable. He almost panicked. “It's hard for me to talk about, to think about.”
“I understand,” I said, putting my arm around his shoulder in what was a loving gesture, but would look like just two pals to the rest of the world. “I hope that someday, though, you can trust me enough to tell me.”
“It's not about not trusting you...” he said
I raised my eyebrow, questioning that statement. “Regardless, this really isn't the place to have that talk is it?”
He smiled and relaxed. “No it's not.” He looked around the room and saw a big guy walk in carrying a bunch of wine bottles. “Who's that?”
“You gonna dump me for the next hunk like that who comes along?”
“No,” he said nervously. I just laughed.
“That's Roger. He used to date Stef years back, and now they're partners in the wine business. I was going to take you down to see the winery, but not if you're going to spend the whole time lusting after the guy who owns the place.”
Robbie just smiled and shook his head. I saw Roger head over and say hi to Stef and Greg. They seemed to have a good relationship. I dragged Robbie over to meet him.
“Hey Roger,” I said.
“Well Brad. How come you never stop by and say hi?”
“Because he knows you will try to sleep with him,” Stef threw in playfully.
“Like I said, how come you never stop by and say hi?” Stefan slapped his shoulder.
I giggled like a girl. “This is Robbie Hayes. Robbie, this is Roger Burton.”
Robbie shook his hand nervously. “On second thought, both of you should come down and say hi,” Roger said flirting.
“We may just do that,” Robbie said, flirting right back and shocking the shit out of me.
I saw my father standing by the door, temporarily alone, and I had a brainstorm. “Roger, you should say hello to my Dad. He'd want to know that you're here.” He looked at me, a little puzzled, but allowed me to lead him off. I looked back and saw Stef shake his head in amusement.
We strolled up to JP. He looked deep in thought, or at least that was my impression, until I looked across the room and saw Sam talking to a really attractive woman. Sam was bisexual, and had cheated on JP with women before. I paused for a minute and looked at him, feeling my heart go out to him. His guard was down and his eyes gave away all of his pain and sadness.
“What's the matter with him?” Roger asked me quietly.
I was about to play it off like nothing was going on, but Roger was too shrewd to buy that. “He broke up with Sam. He's trying to be strong, but I know it's killing him, seeing Sam there with that woman.”
Roger got a devious grin. “Well, maybe he just needs some company.” He strolled up to JP with a new purpose.
“Hey JP. I brought a few bottles of wine up. I put them on the bar over there.”
JP's shields went up as if by magic, but that didn't fool either of us. “Thanks Roger. That was really thoughtful of you.”
“I'm wondering if you'd be willing to try a glass of my latest Merlot?” Roger asked. JP hesitated, glancing over at Sam. “I'd really like your opinion.”
JP smiled, his dazzling flirtatious smile. “I'd like that,” he said. Roger put his hulking arms around both of us and guided us over to the bar and pulled out one of the bottles he'd brought. He poured a glass for each of us. It was really good.
“That's a fabulous wine,” JP said.
“Thanks,” Roger said, with a shy blush. “You haven't been down to the winery lately. I've made a lot of changes. You should come down and visit.”
“Maybe I will,” JP said.
“How about tomorrow?” Roger asked.
I saw JP start to stall so I jumped in to seal the deal. “That would be perfect Dad. We were going to go to the coast tomorrow. Lark can drive Robbie over, and I can take you to the winery and show you how cool my new car is.”
“Then it's settled,” Roger said. “I'll see you guys around 11am?”
“Sounds good,” I responded. With that, Roger sauntered off. God he was a hunk. He had a big, strong body that came from doing lots of manual labor, but it was his cute little ass that we couldn't stop staring at as he left.
“So you just set me up on a date,” JP said to me with mock severity.
“I did. And I have pretty good taste too, wouldn't you say?”
He smiled at me. “That you do.” He headed off to mingle with the guests while I wandered back to Stefan and Greg.
“What did you just do Bradley?” Stefan asked.
“I just set JP up on a date with Roger. I'm dropping him off at the winery tomorrow morning on my way to the beach.”
Stefan just started cracking up. “Well done. Well done. If anyone can bring him out of his post-Sam malaise, it's Roger.”
“Why?” asked Robbie naively.
“Because Roger is an amazing lover. You should try him out some time.” We all gasped and gaped at Stefan and he just roared with laughter. “I was teasing you. About trying him out, not about him being a great lover.”
“Wait a minute,” said Greg, always the practical one. “If you're dropping him off on your way to the beach, how is he going to get home?”
I chuckled “I guess he'll have to be extra nice so Roger will give him a ride home.”
I made the rounds, socializing. All of our friends came, so we set up a party area around the pool for the younger crowd. That was where the fun really was. Before I headed down there, I made a point to find Sam.
“Hey there,” I said, and shocked him by giving him a big hug.
“Hey Brad. It's good to see you.” He seemed sad, just like JP.
“It's good to see you too. I heard you got a place? Mind if I stop by and see it?”
He smiled, a big grin. “I'd like that a lot.” I hugged him again and, deciding that I'd done my duty for the day, I headed down to the pool.
Everyone was having a blast, as should be. Ace was there acting as the host, and a better party host never lived. He was great. I wandered around the pool and headed to the dressing rooms to change. It was a co-ed party so we had separate rooms and everyone had to wear suits (at least until it got later.) I went into the room designated for the men and heard a noise in one of the rooms. It sounded like moaning. I got an evil grin and gently opened the door. What I saw wiped the grin right off my face. There was Robbie, with his dick buried in Jake's ass.
He saw me and looked terrified, but that was nothing compared to the look on Jake's face. Robbie pulled out and reached out to stop me. That actually was a pretty nice gesture on his part. It would be tough as hell to leave Jake's ass.
“Finish up what you started Robbie,” I told him firmly. “We'll talk about it later, OK?” Then I shut the door and tried to leave before the moaning resumed.
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