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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Cernunnos - 53. Chapter 53

“Are you prepared?”

Cyn checked his bag once more. Folders, notebook, texts, and pencils. Zipping it up, he hoisted it over his shoulder. He sighed and nodded. “Yes, mother. I’m ready for school.”

Ivey looked him over and snorted with an expressionless face. “Remember, your change is coming soon. If you feel your head itching, you need to leave and get out of sight.” Turning, her long, brown hair followed. She handed him a paper sack from the counter. “An apple and some roasted squash.”

He took it, already thinking about the sweet fruit inside. Feeling the contents, he knew the strange water spout in the cafeteria would contain his drink for the meal. Slipping his feet into the worn loafers, he winced as his toes were crammed together. Mother said we shouldn’t get another pair this close to the change. Sighing, he recalled his teachings about the incoming transformation. It hurts the first time, but gets easier over time.

Ready for the day, the fourteen year-old exited the small house and started walking towards the end of the laneway. Feeling the dry breeze through his hair, he smiled. To him, school was always fun. The smiles and laughs were contagious. He didn’t understand half of the topics mentioned as he passed by the humans, but to see their happiness was enough.

The hard truth came crashing down. It won’t last long, and we can’t stay. Mother sensed my change coming and told the man at the office we’re moving out. Despite the looming concept of abandoning humanity, he remained optimistic. Walking in the woods is nice. Soon, I’ll be a buck and traveling, eating nuts and berries as I please!

He fidgeted as he heard the incoming engine. The yellow vehicle! The cernunnos grinned with glee! Riding it was one of his favorite activities. As the bus halted, he jogged to the other side and stepped up.

“Good morning, John!”

“Hi, Miss Loretta,” whispered Cyn. He flashed a smile and swiftly claimed his typical seat in the middle. Cyn knew the lady was nice, but obeyed the long-instilled rule from his mother. Be still and skirt. Don’t be noticeable.

The bus slowly accelerated, instantly putting a smile to his face. He scooted to the window and watched the other houses pass by. Every time the vehicle stopped to pick up more passengers, Cyn made sure to duck his head and avoid detection.

After riding the long road, the small school in the bigger city came into view. Following the other humans, he gripped the pack’s straps and assimilated. Cyn knew and followed the typical schedule well. Need to get to the locker. Putting in the combination, he put away the contents of his backpack and retrieved the supplies for the first several classes.

As the hallways filled, Cyn became nervous. He did his best to traverse from class to class as quickly as possible to avoid the masses. Entering the first room of the day, he was greeted by one of the adults; so-called teachers. She’s wise, but I smell her breath when she gets close. The room filled over the next several minutes.

He flinched as the shrill alarm went off, signalling the beginning of the class period.

The teacher took a swig from a ceramic mug, seething under her breath momentarily. “Alright, roll call. Abernathy!”

Keeping his head still, Cyn paid attention to his right.



To the left, near the door.


He bit his lip.


Cyn raised his hand and whispered, “Here.”

As the teacher called out names, the cernunnos followed along, correctly pinpointing where each call-out would come from. When the last name was responded to, the lady asked for them to open their books and follow along with the studies.

Class after class, he repeated the same process. After his fourth learning period, the bell rang. After fourth is lunchtime. He smiled and hugged the hallway walls leading to his locker. Several times throughout the morning, he thought of the apple in the sack and how juicy it would be. With his belongings stowed away, Cyn grabbed the paper bag and maneuvered his way to the large room with long tables.

“Sup, John!”

Cyn swallowed and swiveled to see Tucker, one of the more persistent humans. “H-hi, Tucker.”

The blond boy grinned. “Wanna sit with me and Chris? We noticed you’ve been keepin’ to yourself for a while. Thought you could use the company.”

His instincts conflicted. He knew his mother wouldn’t advocate for such behavior. She told me to stay away, but… she also told me to do what they do. They all sit together, so should I? Going with his gut, he nodded.

“R-really? Alright then, c’mon! Gotta get there before the lines get too long!”

Cyn followed the red-flannel clad teenager and was shocked at his evasiveness through the hall. He’s fast! Trying to study the human, he kept finding himself falling behind the grouped people in his way. After the third cluster, Cyn understood. He finds the opening! Repeating Tucker’s movements, Cyn grinned as he caught up.

Together, they made it to the cafeteria and the human got in line for the provided meals. “Go ahead and grab that table in the corner! Chris’ll be there in a bit with his lunch.”

Understanding the assignment, he passed the wafting smells from the kitchen. More meat. Smells like the round beef patties with the brown stuff. Cyn sat at the designated table and opened his lunch. During his debate of which to eat first, another bag plopped on the surface. He looked up to see Chris.

Wearing one of the weird shirts with a number on the front and tiny holes across the fabric, the bulky teenager sat. Feeling the weight shift at the table, Cyn shivered from the human’s pheromones. He’s… he’s a strong one! A leader?

“You’re John, right? Tuck said something about bringin’ you over.”

Shakily, Cyn nooded. “Y-yes. He said to sit here.”

Chris raised an eyebrow and set an elbow on the table. “Dude, you’re shaking like a leaf! You scared of me or something?”

The cernunnos slowly nodded again.

“Relax, man! No one’s gonna bother you while I’m here. Open your lunch.”

Cyn carefully watched Chris reveal his food, displaying everything out. He smiled as the jock brought out an apple. Mirroring the action, Cyn took out his apple and halved squash. He took a bite of the green vegetable, but stopped as he saw Chris’ bewildered face. “Are… are you going to eat?”

Chris pointed at the squash. “Is that your lunch? Like… is that all of it?”

“I don’t eat much.”

“Shit, you don’t have a sandwich or anything?”

Cyn shook his head. “I don’t eat meat.”

As the larger teen gawked, Tucker set his plastic tray down. “What’s with that face?”

“This guy’s a vegetarian! No wonder he’s all skin and bones!”

Tucker scoffed and stabbed at the goopy brown on his plate. “You need to pay more attention around ya, man! Just ignore him, John. You enjoy your lunch, all right?”

Looking between the two humans, Cyn couldn’t help but smile. They’re okay. Tucker’s nice, and I don’t feel any thing against my instincts. He took another bite and scratched an itch on his temple. I’m not certain about Chris. He seems nice, but he’s loud.

With his squash half eaten, he decided to enjoy his apple. Before he could take a bite, he sat still. His head was still itchy. He dug with his fingernails, only to find the irritation more infuriating. Is… is this—

“You good?” asked Chris. “You got lice or something?”

Tucker swatted at the larger bicep. “Dude, that was rude!”

Cyn quickly ignored the two. He was certain as the sensation grew across his scalp. He needed to leave. He needed to escape. Darting his gaze to the door, he cursed himself. I need to get out, but school is still in session. He whispered, “Need to go to the bathroom.”

Leaving his seat and food, he walked towards the exit and looked both ways. His mother told him to prepare a plan in case this scenario came. He jogged down the hall, but stopped as he heard adults talking. They’re around the corner! Backtracking, Cyn remembered the other door near the big room with wooden floors. That one doesn’t have the writing that makes noise. I can use that one.

But that puts me away from the trees! Biting his cheek, he went for it. Trotting as silently as he could, he examined the room before entering. No one here. Go!

He opened the door and was relieved to hear no loud noises. Seeing the passing cars, Cyn hugged the wall and sped to the corner of the building.

“Hey! John Brown!”

Cyn pivoted and saw an adult human poking his head out of one of the classroom windows. “Get back inside!”

His heart plummeted as his instincts spiked. Run! For the first time, he disobeyed a teacher and completed the turn around the building. Spotting the treeline, Cyn ran as fast as he could. The itching on his head was palpable, but he pushed it down. Can’t do the change here! Need to get away!

Peeking over his shoulder, he saw no one. Nevertheless, he sprinted. His toes cried for a release, but the cernunnos knew he didn’t have time to take off his shoes. Running past the treeline, he heard his mother’s words in his head. Keep going. Don’t let them see you.

He continued for several minutes before stopping. The itch spread to his back and chest. I… I need to take them off! Breathing heavily, he managed to take off his shirt and shoes. Cyn got himself under control and followed the list of steps his mother gave him. I can start the change when the itch becomes prickly and covers my body. Until then, I need to wait.

Not confident he created enough distance between him and the school, Cyn scooped up his clothes and walked. The grass beneath his feet was cool from the trees’ shade. Smelling the air, he welcomed the oak and foliage.

After ten minutes, he was ready. The prickling sensation made him grit his teeth and grunt. Dropping his clothes and shedding his socks and shorts, he took a deep breath. Okay… feel the earth. Picture the shape of a buck—

An intense pressure formed in his skull, forcing Cyn to his knees. He gasped as gripping his hair resulted in it falling out. Staring at his fists, he screamed as pain erupted throughout his fingers. Hurts! It hurts! Breathing was a struggle as his hands turned into hooves. He fell to side as his back widened and legs lengthened.

He cried. Every part of his body was in agony! Cyn clenched his eyes and tried to wait out the pain. The contact with the overgrown grass and fallen leaves consoled him.

Laying still, he lost track of time. Minutes felt like hours, and if an hour had passed, Cyn knew nothing of it. His muscles throbbed. Opening his eyes, he looked down.

His legs weren’t human anymore. They were long and covered in a thin layer of honey-brown fur, connected to the hooves he saw before. Craning his neck, he saw his feet had mirrored his hands. Did… I did it?

Standing took some time. After several falls, Cyn managed to stay up and take a few steps. He paced himself, not wanting to expend any unnecessary energy. I’m so tired! My body still feels like it’s on fire. Recognizing the route his human self had taken, he found his way to the main highway and walked along the treeline towards Arthur City.

His stomach rumbled, reminding Cyn of his forgotten lunch. I didn’t even get to eat the apple. Along the way, he nibbled on some grass, finding it to be satisfying for the time being.

Hours passed and he managed to find his way to the rural town. He circled it and located his home. I see Mother in the kitchen! Plodding through the backyard, Cyn noticed Ivey’s head lifting through the window.

She came outside with a slight smile and ran a hand along his side. “Were you seen?”

Cyn snorted an affirmative answer.

“Then let’s go. Time to teach you how to be a proper buck.”

Copyright © 2021 astone2292; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Interesting chapter. I hope Cyn does meet Tucker or Chris one day, to find out the impact of his disappearance. Did people search for him? How did Tucker and Chris — but especially Tucker — deal with John’s weird disappearing act? That had to be unsettling as hell. Wonder if they think John is dead …

It’s another impact of being raised mostly sequestered from humans, and another reason former prey shifters should integrate more into society. However, they mustn’t lose their life-saving instincts. 

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2 hours ago, Geemeedee said:

Interesting chapter. I hope Cyn does meet Tucker or Chris one day, to find out the impact of his disappearance. Did people search for him? How did Tucker and Chris — but especially Tucker — deal with John’s weird disappearing act? That had to be unsettling as hell. Wonder if they think John is dead …

It’s another impact of being raised mostly sequestered from humans, and another reason former prey shifters should integrate more into society. However, they mustn’t lose their life-saving instincts. 

I'm sure there were searches. A missing teen is no joke, but I'm afraid they weren't looking for a deer...

Thanks so much for commenting! I loved seeing the notifications from your reactions as you started this story. Glad you're all caught up!

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