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    John Henry
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  • 2,869 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is meant for mature audiences.  Reader discretion is advised.

Thicker Than Water - 64. Chapter 64

What the fuck are you two doing?!” Diego practically shouted as he looked at his eldest child making out with his business partner's son.

Both boys looked at Diego, frozen in fear, yet still holding onto each other.

Oh my God,” Kenny choked out before he took off running in the rain.

Fuck,” Diego exclaimed. “You two better get your story straight before I get back!” With that Diego took off after Kenny.

Bryan started to cry again and collapsed into Steve's chair. “What's fucking wrong with me?”

Nothing's wrong with you,” James said, quietly, as he sat on the coffee table across from Bryan. “This is all my fault, not yours.”

Damn fucking right this is your fault!” Bryan shouted in a self-righteous rage. “Was this your plan all along? Did you know Kenny was coming over?!”

What?” James said, wide-eyed. “No. No! I didn't, I swear! Bryan, I was just messing around. That's all.”

What did you really say to Kenny last night? Because, whatever it was, really upset him, and I doubt it was anything nice about me.”

Desperately, James stammered and said, “Bryan, please calm down. I'll show you my texts, all of them. They were only nice things about you, and how you and Kenny were meant to be together, I swear to God, Dude.” James pulled out his phone and started scrambling for the messages he had sent Kenny. “See! Right here, all of it. Please, believe me. I had no idea he was coming!”

Then why did you kiss me?!” Bryan said, seething with grief and rage.

I don't know,” James said. He was so overwhelmed that he started to tear up. “It just...I don't know....”

Tell me the truth: Are you really straight?”

Yeah, I am,” James replied firmly.

So you were just queer-bating me then, right?”

Fuck you,” James said, his empathy sliding into indignation. “We might be close to the same age, but I was born and raised in a family of mostly queer people, while you got dropped off in one, you whiny ass, piece of shit. How fucking dare you accuse me of 'teasing' you! I get you're upset and looking to lash out, but I'm not going to take shit from you for what we both did. In case you forgot, you wanted to kiss me the second time, which by the way, was the time we got caught, so go fuck yourself, Bryan. I'm done.”

Bryan stood quietly, as James put his shoes on. By the time James was done, Diego had returned with Kenny, who was still crying.

Excuse me,” James said, trying to side-step Diego. “I'm going home.”

No, you're not,” Diego said, as he blocked the door. “I want answers.”

Get them from your kid, then,” James said defiantly. “He seems to know everything, anyway; isn't that right, Bryan?”

Bryan's breathing grew rapidly and he felt like he was going to pass out. He watched as Kenny dropped himself on the couch, unable to look at Bryan, while his dad and James continued to argue at the door. Everything grew dark, and the last thing Bryan remembered was Kenny yelling his name.

*     *     *

Good morning.”

Bryan slowly opened his eyes and saw a youngish man sitting in a chair next to him. “Where am I?”

Washington General,” the man said.

What happened? Why am I here?”

That's what we're trying to find out. I'm Dr. Jacobs. What do you remember before waking up?”

There was a fight. I don't really member much about it. How long have I been here?”

Ten years,” Dr. Jacobs said with a heavy sigh.

Ten years!” Bryan nearly shouted.

Dr. Jacobs chuckled and said, “No. I'm just kidding. You've been here for about 20 minutes.” He looked at the monitors attached to Bryan and said, “Well, your vitals look strong, so I'd say you had a fainting episode.” He made some notes, while Bryan tried to calm down. “Have you ever been diagnosed with any kind of anxiety disorder?”

No,” Bryan said, trying to get his heart to stop pounding in his chest.

Have you been under a lot of stress lately, especially emotional stress?”

You could say that,” Bryan grumbled. He went over some of the more important stressful moments in his life since the start of the school year, such as Calvin, Donna's death and his relationship with Kenny.

Wow,” Dr. Jacobs said, “that sounds like a lot for a kid your age to handle.”

I'm not really a kid. I'm almost 15.”

Well, that's relative, so try not to take offense. I'm almost old enough to be your dad, but I'll keep all that in mind. I'm waiting on some test results and we need to get you an MRI, but at this point, I think you just had a panic attack and fainted. According to your dad, you're supposed to be seeing a psychologist, correct?”

Yeah, but I don't know when that will start.”

This Friday at 2pm will be our first appointment, that is until we can find someone to take you on more permanently. Does that sound good to you?”

You mean I get to leave school an hour early on Fridays? Hell yeah, it does.”

I figured as much,” Dr. Jacobs said, with another chuckle. “Just try to relax while you're here. I'm going to talk to your dad, make arrangements and get these tests over with, so we can rule out anything more serious.”

After a few minutes, Diego came into the room looking a bit pale. “How are you feeling, Chico?”

I'm okay,” Bryan said, unable to look his father in the eyes. “I'm sorry I'm such a screw up.”

Diego kissed Bryan's forehead and said, “You're not a screw up. You're a teenage boy that's made some very bad, adult level mistakes. Hopefully, you can learn to not repeat them.”

Did Kenny and James go home?”

No. They're in the lobby waiting to see how you're doing. They're both freaking out.”

Dad...does Kenny hate me?”

I don't think he's happy with you, but no, Chico, I don't think he's mad at you. Want me to go get him?”

Yes,” Bryan said in a small, child-like voice.

Diego left and Kenny came in on his own. Neither could look at each other, but Kenny sat down in the chair next to the bed. Both boys sat in silence for several long minutes.

What did the doctor say?” Kenny asked, breaking the silence.

Panic attack, but I still need more tests just to be sure. Kenny...I'm really, really, really sorry for everything.” Bryan's voice cracked and he finally looked at his ex-boyfriend, looking for any positive sign...but he didn't see any.

Kenny wiped his eyes and said, “It isn't just you. Everything with my mom and living with Billy and Trevor...it's just too much right now; plus...I don't think I'm ready to have a boyfriend right now. I love you, Bryan. When you fell, I freaked out, and all I wanted was for you to be okay....”


...But, I also knew that I wasn't worried because you were my boyfriend. I was worried because I saw my best friend collapse.”

Does that mean we can go back to being best friends again?” Bryan's heart raced and the heart monitor betrayed his anxiety.

I...I don't know.... James told me about the kiss. He said he kissed you just before your dad and I walked in. I asked him why he did it, and he said he wanted to see what it was like to kiss a guy. He said he didn't ask first, either.”

Oh,” was all Bryan could bring himself to say. He wanted to tell Kenny everything, but he knew if he did, he'd risk losing Kenny again. So, Bryan settled for James's narrative, knowing he "owed his cousin.”

Why are straight guys like that?” Kenny said, indignantly. “Why do they just assume other people are okay with them being all gross and grabby like that?”

I don't know. It all just happened so fast.”

Was...was he at least, you know, good?” Kenny asked, making eye contact with Bryan for the first time.

“I guess, but you're way better than him,” Bryan said, hoping it would strengthen the moment, but deep down, he knew that was also a lie.

Kenny gave a weak smile. “Thanks. I had a good partner to practice with.” He tentatively reached out and grabbed Bryan's hand. Bryan turned his hand over and squeezed Kenny's soft hand, not ever wanting to let go.

*     *     *

It was a couple of hours before Bryan was allowed to leave. All of his test results came back negative, so Dr. Jacob's just told Bryan to get some rest and gave him some instructions on stress management techniques to use before their next appointment.

James insisted on pushing Bryan in the wheelchair, which Bryan was forced to use per hospital policy. Diego had to tell the twin to slow down several times, as James tried to run through the halls and parking lot.

Here we go,” James said, insisting on lifting Bryan into Diego's truck.

Thanks,” Bryan whispered.

Sure. That's what cousins are for, right”

No, I mean with Kenny--”

--I know,” James said, as he buckled Bryan into the backseat. James then closed the door and got into the front with Diego, forcing Kenny to sit in the back with Bryan.

Sorry, again, Mr. Padilla,” James said as they got to his house. “I promise to keep my tongue out of your son's mouth from now on.”

Diego closed his eyes and said, “Thank you, James, but maybe you should keep the rest of you to yourself, as well.”

I make no promises, Sir. I can't help that people are into me.” Before anyone could say anything, James was out of the truck and closed the door. He waved goodbye as the others pulled out of the driveway.

Are you two hungry?” Diego asked as they made their way towards Kenny's.

I'm starved,” Bryan said. He and James never got around to ordering a pizza before the make-out session.

I'm good, Mr. Padilla,” Kenny said. “If you don't mind, I'd just like to go home now.”

Bryan's heart fell. He wanted to spend more time with Kenny. “Are you sure?” He asked, trying not to sound desperate.

Yeah, sorry,” Kenny said. “I'm just not hungry, and I have a ton of homework to do. Maybe you can text me later or something?”

Bryan's heart sank again. “I can't. I don't have my phone anymore.”

I'm sure we can work something out,” Diego said from the front seat.

Kenny and Bryan hugged briefly before Kenny got out of the truck and went into his new home. Bryan got in the front seat and grabbed his dad's hand for strength.

*     *     *

By the time Bryan and Diego got home, Steve and Caleb were there. Steve hugged Bryan and asked how things went. “Fine,” was all Bryan could say.

Diego gave a very brief summary of what happened, though he left out the part about the kiss, since Caleb was still in the room. The four sat around the table eating dinner when Steve asked how court went.

Oh fuck!” Diego said, causing Caleb to jokingly admonish his dad for his language.

Diego went over everything that had happened in court, especially the inheritance and trust fund.

So, I'm going to be a millionaire?” Caleb asked, excitedly.

No,” Bryan said, “We're going to be millionaires.”

Nobody is going to be a millionaire,” Diego said, annoyed. “First off, they have to have custody of only one of you, so Bryan you're out, since they're not trying to take you anymore. Second, Caleb, they actually have to win this case to get you. Third, I have no doubt that there's a provision that will stop their kid from ever getting the money. According to Billy, the law firm only gets paid from the trust once there's a suitable heir, and he's certain they'll take their legal fees right off the top once there is one, which won't leave a lot left over. On top of that, because you're still a minor, the money goes from the lawyers to Calvin and Ashley, who would likely blow it on themselves. By the time you'd turn 18, the money would be long gone.”

That sucks,” Caleb said, pouting. “I want a new bike.”

We can get a new bike this summer,” Steve said. “Speaking of this summer, your dad and I have set a date for the wedding.”

Really? When?” Bryan asked.

Diego replied, “The Friday after school gets out.”

That's rather specific.”

That's because we're all going to Mexico for our honeymoon. Your grandmother will be coming up for the wedding, then we'll be taking her back and spending about a month there.”

A month in Mexico during the summer?” Bryan started to complain. “It'll be really hot and gross.”

You love visiting Abuela.”

“Yeah, I do, but Durango is so hot during the summer, especially after it rains.”

That just means you'll have a nice tan when we come back,” Steve said. “I'm sure I'm going to blister and burn.”

You'll be fine,” Diego said. “We need to work on your Spanish, though. A month is a long time not knowing what people are calling you to your face.”

Steve smiled. “Why should I have to learn Spanish? As a white American, it's the world's responsibility to learn and speak English. White privilege is supposed to extend to all nations, after all.” Everyone just rolled their eyes, as Steve laughed at his own joke.

Anyway,” Diego said, “we also have something we'd like to ask the two of you. We want you to be a part of the wedding--”

--Is Caleb going to be the flower girl?” Bryan interjected.

Shut up,” Caleb said, punching Bryan's arm.

Enough,” Diego said, “this is serious. Bryan, would you be my best man?”

Before Bryan could say a word, Steve asked, “Caleb, would you be mine, as well?”

Both boys were confused. They'd heard the term used on TV and in movies, but they didn't really know what it meant. After some clarification from the dads, Bryan and Caleb agreed. “So,” Bryan said, with a devious smile, “I can get strippers for the bachelor party?”

No,” Diego said. “You're not old enough, and we don't need a bachelor party.”

Not even a small one?” Steve asked, hopefully.

Fine, but no strippers!”

Fine. No strippers,” Bryan said. But he never said anything about exotic dancers, Bryan thought, wondering how much ass he'd have to kiss to get Luis to arrange it.

So, is the custody thing over with now?” Caleb asked.

Not yet. Billy and the other lawyer still have to make closing speeches, then the judge has to rule on the case.”

What if he says I have to live with Calvin and Ashley?”

Well, after Bethany's testimony today, I'd be surprised if Calvin and Ashley stay married much longer.”

Do you think Billy put Bethany up to catfishing Calvin?” Steve asked.

He denied it when I asked, so yeah, he probably did but no proof to get him in trouble.”

Steve chuckled and said, “Sounds like Billy.”

*     *     *

After the boys went to bed, Diego and Steve laid in their bed discussing the case and the kiss.

Wow,” Steve said. “James kissed Bryan. I never would've guessed. He stopped letting his dads kiss him when he was really little. I wonder what it was all about."

No idea. He was very sincere in the hospital about it being a mistake and all his fault, but then was a snarky, little shit about it when I dropped him off.”

Now that sounds like James. Are you going to tell his parents?”

No. I think he's learned his lesson. I'm more concerned about Kenny and Bryan. Kenny was a mess until he and Bryan talked in the hospital. I think they'll work things out, but...there's a lot more baggage between them.”

Poor kids. As long as they can be friends, they'll work it out. I'm more concerned about the judge and the case, to be honest. That judge hasn't been very reliable or consistent.”

I know. Billy built a very strong case, but there's still something fishy about the judge and Calvin's lawyer.”

Do you think he's been bought?”

I don't know. If he was, he might not be now after the fines Clarke kept racking up. This is just all kinds of fucked up.”

They laid next to each other in silence for a while. Then Steve asked, “Do you think our plan will work if Calvin does win?”

Maybe. It'll be difficult but at this point, I don't see what other choice we have.”

We'd be on the run for the rest of our lives.”

Yeah, but even if we win the appeals, Calvin could just take off with Caleb, and we'd never see him again.”

Steve kissed Diego and said, “Kidnapping it is, then.”

Nearing the end is difficult, but we're getting a lot closer. Thank you for reading this story and helping process. Please Recommend, Review, React, Comment and Reply. It all helps.
Copyright © 2023 John Henry; All Rights Reserved.
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Thank you for reading this story.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

49 minutes ago, Philippe said:

Why order a stress test when other methods will work? Quackery? Of course ER doctors don’t get much rest nor do they get much opportunity for levity; either way, poor judgment for treating a kid already needing psychiatric care. 

Hmmm, perhaps scientific methods are truly safer and more reliable! Haha

Some people's sense of humor is off kilter, for want of a better phrase.  Personally, I wrote it to imply that Jacobs knew Bryan had an anxiety attack and nothing else, so he used a poorly timed joke to invoke anxiety to see what happens.

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2 hours ago, Lee Wilson said:

Sounds like the real story is sadder than this fictionalized account. I feel bad for you, but hope you’re dealing with it as well as possible.

It is much sadder, and I left out those details on purpose.  If he ever sees this and wants to create problems, I could reveal those facts and ruin his life for good.

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4 hours ago, drsawzall said:

I can't see Diego and family losing this case, not with Billy behind the wheel...we may go off the pavement a bit but that's ok...

Judge Crustypants has much to answer for throughout this trial, quite frankly he is guilty of judicial misconduct for starters, as noted above, the only way the asswaffle and the tailpipe win is if Judge Crustypants was bought off. I would hazzard a guess if that were the case, Billy would come to the bottom of it...

There's an old saying, 'Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself"....The asswaffle has self-immolated too many times to count throughout the trial to even have a scintilla of a chance of winning...but then again...this is John Henry's world...

Anyone want to lay odds on the asswaffle and the tailpipe sleeping in the same bed right now...room...house...town...county...state??

Any takers???

As to financial matters, there still is the matter of putting the screws to the school district and I am sooo looking forward to that!!!

David Rose Comedy GIF by Schitt's Creek

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58 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

I don't see Diego and family losing this case, Billy has been a great lawyer, even with his unusual ways.

Brian having a panic attack, when Kenny saw the kiss, may have saved there friendship.

Season 2 Drinking GIF by Schitt's Creek

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