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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Life's Unexpected Surprises - 36. Chapter 11.3 - Elijah - Ripple Effect

Breston has a chat with his step mother and Elijah spends time nerding with a new friend. What is the truth behind Elijah's adoption?

Check out Scott Helmen, who's songs are the titles for chapter 11!



It had been a couple of days since I had gotten told about Elijah. Dad told me all about how he was adopted and how I wasn't allowed to tell him. It's been bugging the shit out of me every time I think about it.


Elijah and I were just getting home, and it was on my mind. He apparently had some news to share once we got home. Wouldn't even tell me what it was, wanted to share it with everyone.


“Seriously, what is your news?” I badgered him.


He shook his head. “We're literally outside the house; you can wait.” I just rolled my eyes and walked up the driveway. Dad and Elijah's mom both had a day off today. Once we went inside Elijah yelled out. “GUESS WHAT!?”


“What?” I sarcastically asked.


“I'm gonna go hang out with a new friend tomorrow!” Elijah got a new friend... cool?


“Who's your new friend?” Elizabeth, Elijah's mom, asked.


Elijah spoke as he took off his shoes. “Simon, we met him at Antoine's shop a few weeks back.”


Oh, that guy! “He's the one dating Evie right?” Elijah nodded. “How did you manage to get to hang with him? He's two years older than you.”


“We talked to each other at the beginning of lunch. He wanted to talk Blades with me, but there wasn't much time.”


“What about Quinn? He should be coming here tomorrow.” He would be coming over today, but he had a bit of a freak out at school. So his dad wanted to be close to him.


“Simon said Quinn could come, and I sent Quinn a text. He's down to hang out with Simon.” Elijah was still all smiles about the whole thing.


His mom was a little more serious. “What did he actually say?”


Elijah took out his phone and read the message. “Quinn said, 'I guess... if he doesn't mind.' See he doesn't mind!”

I grabbed his phone. “'But I would rather not' he continued in the next text.”


“Hey, give me my phone back!” Elijah's bottom lip came out into a pout.


Dad's voice came booming through the house. “Phone, back.” I immediately gave Elijah his phone back. “Elijah, tell whole truths, not half-truths.”


“Yes, sir,” Elijah replied. “He asked if Breston would be interested in hanging out with him.”


Dad looked over to me. “I don't mind, Quinn is cool.”


“Settled then!” Elijah returned to his excited self. I just shook my head as we made our way through the house.



The night remained fairly quiet until bedtime. Elizabeth came up just as I was getting ready for bed. “Hey Breston... can we talk?”


“About Elijah?” She sighed and nodded. “Sure, why haven't you told him?”


“It's been my decision not to tell him; there's a lot more to understand than just 'he's adopted.' Elijah is the biological son of one of my good friends from high school. She married a man, whose wife had gone missing and was found dead a year after.


“When she got pregnant his behaviour changed. She went missing too, and we looked everywhere for her. We found her just a couple days before her due date, but he was already born. Both Elijah and his mother were hospitalized, but his mother didn't make it.


“It turns out his father had kidnapped his first wife, and when she didn't have a baby boy she was killed. Charged with the death of his first wife, his daughter, and my friend, he got three life sentences and is currently serving them.


“I don't want Elijah to know he is the son of a murderer. I don't want him trying to find his father, or thinking that he will become like him. For his safety, I haven't told him anything about it.” She was fighting back the tears, failing more often than not. “So please Breston, Elijah doesn't need to go through that.”


I just nodded. “Okay. I won't tell him.”


“Thank you Breston.” She gave me a little hug. “Sorry if you get a bad sleep tonight, I know I just loaded a lot onto you.”


“It should be fine.” With a kiss, she left the room.


No wonder she hasn't said anything... I wouldn't want to know those things. Elijah is definitely the kid to go search for his father and meet him. It's better if he doesn't know, as much as I want to tell him.





“So Elijah, since we last talked about blades, is Kiari still your favorite?” It had been a couple of weeks since that time at Antoine's shop, and new Blades had been officially released. “I gotta say Silka was pretty badass.”


Silka was a character who had his body stolen. He fought and gained his body back from the evil Zorc with the help of Rasoul. Rasoul hosted Silka's soul for a time and got really strong. It looks like there's lots of sexual tension between Silka and Rasoul too. So it would be cool to have a gay relationship in Blades.


“Silka and his new scythe are cool, but Kiari still has so much mystery.” Silka's scythe had two blades, and he stole it from Zorc. It could cut away the energy of attacks. “My favorite still goes to Kiari.”


Simon laughed. “I'm not surprised. Roselle has been dead for a few years now, and only Akire has come close to being my favorite.” Akire was the Prism Dragoon, meaning she was gifted the power of a Light/Water Dragon. Her Flail can extend its chain to great lengths. She's also a bad guy.


“She was cool, but Kiari is the superior Dragoon. He got a spin-off after all.” Simon and I were getting along great the entire walk back to his place. We kept talking about Blade until we got into his father's library. “Wow...” I stared in awe at all the manga in front of me.


“Dad's got everything! From Fairy Tale to Naruto, Deathnote to Pandora Hearts. Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach, even One Piece.” There was so many manga I didn't even know where to start reading.


I stood there in awe. “Ahh, this is where you two went.” An older man's voice came from the door. “Good afternoon Elijah, I'm Simon's father. You can call me Mr. Foster.”


“Nice to meet you, Mr. Foster. Your collection is amazing; my brother Breston would love this.” I walked over to the Blade collection that he had. He had every physical release of the series. “This is so cool; I love Blades.”


“Simon made mention of that. I'm glad you enjoy the collection. I can see why my son keeps talking about you.” I looked over to Simon who had a crimson face. “Guess I shouldn't have said that, should I have.”


“Dad, you can leave now!” Simon pointed towards the door. His dad let out a chuckle before leaving us. “Sorry about that, you just really caught my interest when we met in the store that time because of how much you liked Blades. You seemed like a great friend to talk to about all that stuff.”


It was my turn to blush. “Ya I agree.” Mine was a little more than just a friend crush. I wanted to see him naked. “We're both pretty big nerds on the topic of this kind of stuff. We can discuss a lot of stuff together.”


“Definitely.” Simon smiled before leading me up to his room. We spent the afternoon just hanging out as friends. I spent most of the time hiding my boner from being seen. We even ended up doing some boring homework.


I learned a few things about him. That he was an only child. That his mom was out of town regularly for work. She operated one of the old folks home in town. Simon wanted to be an artist growing up but is not the best at drawing.


Time went by so quickly while I was there. Breston was sure to come with mom when she came to pick me up. He took a quick look through the library and was in awe. We had to drag him away from it.


“We have to hang out Simon!” Breston grinned from year to ear.


Simon laughed. “At my house of course, right?”


“Where else!?” Mom and I shook our heads. “Anyways we gotta go, see ya!”


Simon offered us a wave as we made our way out. He's a really cool guy, and if it wasn't for Evie being his boyfriend, I might have made a move. Another time hopefully.

Chapter End.

Chapter 11's order is: So please be patient for chapter 11.2
1 - Regal's POV Part 1
2 - Hunter's POV Part 1
3 - Hunter's POV Part 2
4 - Elijah's POV Part 1
5 - Regal's POV Part 2
6 - Elijah's POV Part 2
7 - Tax's POV
Copyright © 2017 kuragari129; All Rights Reserved.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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