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Writing Prompts #280 & #281



Prompt Me  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite part about the "Prompt Me" feature?

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Here we are again, another Friday. Where has this year gone? Well, looking at the calendar it is now late November, and the Americans are heading toward Thanksgiving. (Sorry, the Canadians have already had theirs and I don't mean to slight them, but I am horrible keeping up with everyone's holidays.) However, no matter where you might be it's getting close to the holidays and time with family. With that in mind you might have a reason to be thankful, for the close-knit ties, or maybe for not being with yours. :gikkle: Anyway on to the prompts.


Prompt 280 – Creative
Tag – Giving Thanks
The holidays have rolled around again and you are back once more with your family. What are the things you give thanks for?


Prompt 281 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following words in a story – turkey leg, cranberries, crushed flower, torn coat, and a football.


Now because I decided to focus on longer stories that had begun as prompts I now have two weeks worth of prompts to choose from. There were some really wild stories that people should take a moment to read, but I do like to try and show new talent now and then. So this week's prompt comes to you from Daemok. She has woven together a new and interesting world. Have a peek. It was based off prompt 278 where the first line was - “Please, I can explain.”

"Please, I can explain." Six Fingers raises his hands to put a shield between himself and the Night Watch.


The Night Watch Officer, supported by the presence of an armed comrade by the interrogation room door, eyes the males' appendages wearily. True to the thief's name, there is an extra digit on each hand. That alone confirms the identity of the burglar before him... among other things.


Officer Thorin sucks in a breath, "So it's true." Dark orbs glare at the offending male with his back to the wall, wrists chained together. "You're a half breed to one of them."


A frown twists over Six Fingers' face as he swallows down the sour racist comment. His usually easy-going demeanor hardens into a grim expression, green eyes glittering angrily.


'If by them you mean The Fae, who despise my existence as much as you do, then yes.' He thinks in a rage. Yet Six Fingers keeps his mouth shut. It's a crime to steal. It's an offense to the Gods to be a half breed.


"I don't have a clue what you mean... sir."
With a snarl the officer slams a large fist into the thief's shoulder, effectively pinning the smaller male to the wall. The broad shouldered man leans forward to growl at the other, "Don't patronize me."


Six Fingers works his jaw, ready to retort, when a combined smell of honey, oil leather and something indescribable reaches his nose. A heat twists deep below the thief’s belly and he blinks in confusion. The quick-witted words fall uselessly from his lips and he lamely responds, "Er... sorry sir."


Nodding his approval, Officer Thorin moves back an inch. "Good now 'please do explain'. Why would the good Duchess of Melody Capital be in such a flustered predicament?"


"Uh," Six Fingers berates himself inside for feeling a smidge of irritation that the man put distance between them. He couldn't think of a single time in his life where such strong currents forced his mind blank. What was it about the Night Watch Officer that put a flutter in his stomach? "Umm."


The officer’s eyes narrow "Let me jog your memory."


The fist at Six Fingers' shoulder unfurls and clamps down painfully, pressing a thumb in the crease of his collarbone. Sudden pain shoots through his nerve endings, being swept up with a startling wave of pleasure. With a surprised choke the thief tries to block out the daunting sensation.


"The Duchess has reported to the Captain of the Guard that a thief has stolen her wedding band." Officer Thorin continues, "She says he slipped into her room during the night and snatched the ring off her nightstand. All she can remember about the wiry bastard is that he has six fingers on each hand."


A chortle rises in Six Fingers' throat. The whole ordeal is hilarious to him. "Is that what she said? How very predictable."


"Indeed," The officer snarls, "Especially when we found you pawning off said ring in the slum district of Melody, so predictable for your sort."


"Is that a jab at my profession sir?


"I'm going to jab more than your profession if you don't start co-operating."


The officer had clearly meant it as a different sort of threat, but Six Fingers' face flushes a crimson red as he picks up on the innuendo. With a visible swallow he tests the waters of his situation. "Why?"


Teeth flashing, Officer Thorin leans back in. "Why, what?" He seethes dangerously.


Six Fingers stands his ground under another squeeze to his shoulder. "Why co-operate when you already know you have the suspect? You were able to identify me and the ring I was going to pawn off. Why are we talking about this? Why not just toss me in the dungeons now and rectify justice?"


So what else happens between Six Fingers and Officer Thorin? Don't you want to know? Of course you do, so go read it here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37944-prompt-278-creative/


Don't forget our other prompts which can be found here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37945-prompt-279-creative/ - Really, read Mann's story at your risk. :gikkle:


And then those tales of prompt 276 - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37908-prompt-276-creative/ - There are some sweet romantic tales.


So there are plenty of new stories to read that came out of the prompts. Hopefully one of this week's will appeal to you and get you writing. Remember to always link your work if you post it on your own page. So my fellow GA members, please remember to write, read, and respond to these and other works on the site. 'Til next time, enjoy.


- Wayne

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Recommended Comments

Gratz, Daemok on being featured. Great start on getting in on the prompts. :)


Thanks for the shout out, Wayne! You must be at least this tall to ride my story. LOL

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  • Site Administrator

LOL Mann! I'm that tall, I'm that tall!


Great job Daemok and you can certainly keep that story going.


Thanks for all your hard work on the prompts each week Wayne!

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Not fair making me chose one of the three options in the poll. I like all three but voted for the best choice IMO.


Welcome to prompting Daemok!

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Not fair making me chose one of the three options in the poll. I like all three but voted for the best choice IMO.


Welcome to prompting Daemok!

I know what you mean, Kitt.  Sometimes the comments get wild and crazy and lots of fun:P

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this one time at prompt camp, I stuck a pen up .......




























to page seven of my notebook. 

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