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Author Interview: Nephylim

Renee Stevens


Our featured story this month for the August Signature Background is "The Game" by Nephylim. If you haven't already downloaded your background, the month is only half over and you still have plenty of time! We started out Signature Week with a great review that Jo Ann did, and now it's time to hear from the author herself. Hopefully you enjoy this interview that Cia did with Nephylim.

Interview: Nephylim on "

The Game"


Do you eat your fruits and vegetables?


Absolutely!!! I LOVE fruits and vegetables. There’s not much from the fruit and veg shelf I won’t eat. For many years I was vegetarian, and I still only occasionally eat meat, so fruit and veg are my forte.


My favourite fruit is watermelon, and my favourite veg are carrots and swedes mashed.


Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point?


Totally don’t see the point.


Chocolate or Vanilla?


In everything but sex it’s vanilla all the way. I LOVE the taste and smell of vanilla and I have vanilla candles burning right now.


Do your characters try to make like bunnies and create ever more convoluted plots for you? Or do you have to coax them out of your characters?


I never have to tease storylines out of my characters. They throw them at me from every direction constantly. Even when I’m not writing their story.


Name one entity you feel supported you in your writing endeavors outside of family members.


Gay Authors. I came to the site by absolute chance years ago when I was very tentatively beginning to explore the possibility of sharing my stories with others. I was scared stiff and even more scared when I put my first posts on the forum. Somehow, it was like touching a lighted paper to a firework and my world literally exploded. Suddenly people were reading my stories and commenting. They were taking to my characters like the real people they are in my head, and not only that they were talking to me, sharing all kinds of things.


I’m not the most…er…vanilla person. I have more kinks than brain cells, but I was absolutely accepted for who and what I am and that gave me more confidence than anything else in my life – confidence to write, to share my writing and to be myself.


Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?


Not in the writing process itself. Writing has always been my therapy, my stress release, my salvation. Recently, I’ve been struggling a lot. I’ve moved house and it’s taken a lot out of me and for the first time in my life I’m finding it hard to write. It’s not like writers block because I have plenty to say. It’s purely the energy levels. I’m really struggling to write this interview. I just want to close down the computer and sleep. Maybe that’s what I should do until I catch up with my energy. I’m just a very driven person and find it hard to rest when there are things to do.


Do you have any writing rituals?


None at all. I sit down wherever I am and write. If I’m not at my laptop I write longhand and type it in later. I write with whatever pen comes first to my hand on the tatty reporter’s notebook I have in my bag all the time.


How many books/stories have you written? Which is your favorite?


Dozens. I have about 40 on
and six or seven published books/anthologies. I’ve also written a twelve book series with Steph Danielson which is in the process of being posted on


I find it really hard to choose my favourite story, but I can say that by far and away my favourite character is Silver. Silver appears in the Enigma books. There are five books altogether of which two are available on
. They have been taken out of publication for a short while to be properly edited and overhauled. When they come back they will bring book III with them.


Silver is amazing and I’m totally in love with him.


Did the characters or the plot for The Game come to you first?


The characters always come first. Daniel started telling me his story in the bathroom. The face in the mirror was mine at the time – yeah, I’ve had a colourful past as far as my hair at least is concerned.


It took me a while before I realized what was going on. I had no idea it was all part of a game until Daniel suddenly informed me he was actually someone else altogether.


If The Game was made into a movie, who do you picture playing the main character’s part?


Robert Sheehan


What was your favorite part of The Game?


The end. I had absolutely no idea what was coming. I was as much in the dark as everyone else playing The Game. Not even Daniel knew what he had to do until it happened. It was a real shock. I actually cried my eyes out for a while.


Can you share a little of your current work with us?


My next release will be ‘Project X’ with Wayward Ink. This story actually made its debut on
in Premium section some years ago. A good friend, Andrew Q Gordon, who now works with Wayward Ink suggested I submit and put in more than a good word for me, for which I am forever grateful. So far, at least, it appears that working with Wayward Ink is going to be an immensely pleasurable experience. I’m having the best time with everyone. The cover of Project X is a real piece of art and I’m so excited about its release at the end of the month.


As soon as I have the final cover image I’ll give you all a little peep.


What are your future projects?


I have my second book with Featherweight Publishing – Memories of Forgotten Love – coming out in the next couple of months. This is a young adult work about a boy called Noah, who wakes after being in a coma for six months with no memory of anything at all from before that moment he woke.


Gradually, with the help of the people who tell him they’re his family and friends, especially Luke, who was probably his best friend, Noah gradually comes back to life – until a chance change of doctors accidentally reveals a huge secret – everyone thinks Noah’s injury was no accident, but the result of a failed suicide attempt.


Right from the start, the idea of suicide doesn’t sit right with Noah. He admits to having no memory of who he was but he’s damn sure the person he is would never do anything like that and can’t see any reason why things would have been so different then.


Luke isn’t being much help because not only does he believe that Noah tried to kill himself, he’s convinced it was Luke’s fault.


Gradually, as his friendship with Luke falls apart for no reason Noah can see, and his confusion about just about everything in his life deepens, Noah’s memories of ‘the accident’ return bringing with them a sickening revelation. Noah didn’t fall. Nor did he jump. Noah was pushed.


I also have a story in an anthology Stranded coming out with Wayward Ink in mid October.


And finally, my favorite question: What are you wearing (and no fibbing!)?


I bet your hoping for leather and chains huh? Unfortunately, I find it difficult to get comfortable to type in those things and I tend to slob when I’m in front of a screen. At the moment (5pm and sat in front of the laptop and TV in my new house, surrounded by purring and grumbling animals) I’m wearing my pyjamas. Black cotton trousers and a pink and grey striped sleeveless t-shirt. I have no makeup, my hair’s a mess and I have chipped black nail varnish on my nails. All in all, not a pretty picture.
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Swedes mashed


*hides* scared-smiley-emoticon.gif    ;)


I like to read author interviews. I don't think I read any of Nephylims stories, it's about time that I do that now :)

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  • Site Administrator

I've loved all of Nephylim's stories I've read so far.  My favorite are the two Enigma stories (I didn't realize that there were more!).  I look forward to reading book III when it's available. :)

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